Saintwood: College Days✔️(Wat...

بواسطة angel48183

136K 5.3K 1.1K

Matthew Jones, the son of Alex and Ryan Jones, is attending college with his twin sister Elizabeth along with... المزيد

Growing up, maybe
Scarlett Monroe
To Pursue or Not Pursue, that is the question?
First 'Date' or disaster?
Let's try this again, shall we?
I want you as mine
Homecoming craziness
Crazy Ex's and All That Jazz
Scarlett meet the Hellions
Double, double, toil, and trouble - a Halloween with the double troubles
Meet the brothers
Winter Formal
A New Year, A New promise
Freaking crazy-ass Ex's
They're called fanatics for a reason
Midterms, ex's and fanatics, great
My crazy Valentine
Just shoot me now
Planning and plotting, what could go wrong?
Things got a bit complicated
The fanatic is back at it again
Punk, ass, bitch!
Oh, great! Look who returned?
Some things never change, and never will
What do we do now?
Fight or flight?
Spring break fun
Family visit
Oh, brother!
Whose birthday is it? Who's on first? Who's on second?
Birthday craziness
Look who's engaged?
What the hell was that?
Damn, son, we did it!
The first year down, let's go home
Look who we brought with us?
Houston, we have a problem

Home for Christmas

3.6K 138 48
بواسطة angel48183

The first semester finished, and it was now Christmas break. We were all headed home for Christmas break, and I wanted Scarlett to come with us. I needed to ask her.

We were hanging out in my room, doing what most couples do. Okay, we were making out, but who can resist soft lips like hers. I pulled back and looked at Scarlett.

"What? You're looking at me like I'm your next meal," she said, giving me a look.

"I wanted to ask you something, and I'm not sure how you will react to it," I said cautiously.

She sat up and took my hands, looking me in the eyes and said, "Yes, a thousand times, yes. I will marry you."

"What? No, not that," I exclaimed as she giggled.

"Well, we know you're not ready for marriage, so I know where I stand," she grinned. I gave her a look, and she tried to act serious, "Okay, hit me with your best shot."

I sighed and then started again, "How would you?"

She cut me off, "How can we?"

"What?" I asked with confusion.

"Well, we haven't reached that level in our relationship yet, so how would I be able to have a baby?" She said, gesturing to me.

"Never mind," I said, getting up.

She grabbed my hand and looked up at me, "Okay, I'm sorry. Go ahead."

I sat back down, "Okay," giving her a look not to interrupt me, and she made a button gesture with her fingers. "I would like you to come home with me for Christmas."

"Okay," she shrugged.

"Really?" I asked, surprised.

"As long as I can bring my brothers," she said, getting up from the bed and walking out of the room.

"What?" I asked as I chased after her.

We went back and forth all the way downstairs about her brothers coming with us.

"Aw, look, first lover's quarrel," Elijah grinned.

"What are you two arguing about now?" Junior asked, looking away from the TV.

"I asked Scar to come home with us for Christmas," I said.

"And what's so bad about that?" Asked Drew.

"She wants to bring her brothers," I sighed.

"Oh," said Elijah.

"Matt, I have never spent Christmas without them. Plus, my parents will not be home this year," she said to me.

"What's the big deal, Matt? I think it'll be fun," Liz said.

"What? Are you serious?" Asked Drew.

"Why not?" Liz questioned.

"I could think of a few," Drew said, which led them both to argue.

"See, what you started," I said to Scarlett.

"Me? You're the one that wants me to come home with you!" She yelled back, which led us to argue.

"Ah, hell, here we go," said Elijah, which caused the four of us to argue with him, and Davina added her two cents.

While the six of us argued back and forth, Junior left the room and made a call. He returned a few minutes later and used two fingers to whistle to get our attention.

"Now that I have your attention. I made a call, and Uncle Ryan and Aunt Alex are fine with the quints joining us. They will plan if they need a place to stay at each of our houses. So, now can everyone stop arguing?"

We all nodded in agreement.

"Good, now let's get packed. We have a long trip ahead of us," Junior told us.

I took Scarlett back to her dorm so she could pack a bag and stay at the house tonight. She also called her brothers, and they were more than happy to go back home and spend Christmas with us. I could see this would be a fun trip.

The next morning we all made the trek back home, and after we arrived, happy parents and siblings greeted us. The best was when we introduced her brothers to our family.

The adults stood there, looking at all five of them. I don't know if it shocked or amazed them.

"Who's who?" Asked Frazier.

They went in order and introduced themselves.

"I'm Leo, the fabulous gay one," Leo said.

"I'm Xavier, the funny one," Xavier joked.

"I'm Zane, the good-looking one," Zane mentioned, winking.

"I'm Frisco, the smart one," Frisco announced.

"And I'm Angelo, the tough one," Angelo added, shrugging.

"Interesting," Dad said.

"Don't mind my brothers. I think my parents dropped them on their heads as babies," Scarlett whispered to them.

"Sort of like Frazier," Jordan smirked.

"I was not! How many times do I have to tell you that?" Frazier huffed.

"It doesn't matter; I still say they dropped you on your head," Jordan shrugged.

"You both are idiots. Now pipe down," Ryan barked, causing the quints to jump.

Well, well, well, this was the first time they met the fearsome three. That should be interesting.

Since we were all limited on space, Leo stayed with us while Zane and Xavier stayed with Frazier. Frisco and Angelo stayed with Jordan. Scarlett stayed with us but had to bunk with Liz.

It would be an enjoyable Christmas break.

With all of us home for Christmas, we had a bit of fun. I felt someone jump on me and whisper in my ear, "Matty, do you want to build a snowman?"

"Scarlett, it's six in the morning," I mumbled.

"But the cold never bothered me, anyway," she giggled.

"Why are you quoting Frozen?" I questioned.

"Let it go, Matt," she sassed me.

"I'll give you let it go," I said, grabbing her and tickling her.

"Okay, okay, I give," she squealed. I gave her a quick kiss and laid back down in my bed.

"What time is it, anyway?"

"Well, it's not six in the morning. It's eight, and I came to get you for breakfast," Scarlett said as I scrambled out of bed, pushing her out of bed and running downstairs. She sat up and blew a piece of hair off her forehead.

She got up and walked out of the room.

"Morning, sunshine," Drew smirked.

"Well, it was until Matt ran over the top of me," Scarlett huffed.

"What did you say to him?" Drew asked.

"I said that I came to get him for breakfast. Why?" Scarlett asked, confused.

"Scar, I think it's time I explain the importance of bacon in this household," he said, draping his arm around her shoulder as they both walked down to breakfast.

After breakfast, everyone geared up for a snowball fight. Something we started as kids and kept as a tradition every Christmas break. It was every man for themselves with it, and if you got hit, you were out until one left standing.

The best offense was defense, and let me tell you, you better be quick, or it doomed you. The girls usually were the first ones out; then the guys went at each other. The only thing was, this year, I wasn't expecting to be out early thanks to Scarlett. Man, she's quick. She stayed in longer than I expected, and Mom made sure we had hot cocoa once we were out.

Elijah walked up covered in snow, "Man, your girl is ruthless."

"I know. Scar pelted me twenty times," I commented, drinking my hot cocoa.

"Where the hell did she learn to throw like that? I thought she was going to take my damn head off," Drew said, brushing off snow.

"I have no idea," I said to him.

One by one, everyone came back to the house until it was down to her and Junior. She even took out her brothers.

"Matt, all I can say is good luck with her, you will need it," said Xavier, patting my shoulder.

"Where did she learn to throw like that?" I asked him.

"Thank Angelo. He's the one that taught her," Xavier shrugged.

I stood there, waiting for those two to either call a truce or take the other one out. As the day grew colder, so did my balls. Damn, it was cold, and I had to piss like a racehorse. Ah, screw it. They can freeze their asses off alone because the dam was about to burst. I quickly made my way to the bathroom. Ah, relief.

I don't care what anyone says. When you got to go, you got to go.

I went back outside only to find Scarlett running towards me. It looked like a scene out of those romantic movies where the guy holds out his arms, and the girl jumps into them. Yeah, this wasn't it. I held out my arms, and she ran past me, yelling, "Out of my way, people! I need the bathroom!"

Junior walked up, laughing loudly.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"I made the sound of running water and talking about anything that dealt with water, then shoved snow down her back," Junior chuckled.

"Junior, that was a low blow, man," I smirked.

"Yeah, but it worked. Come on, I need some hot cocoa," he said, trying to warm himself.

We did different things leading up to Christmas. Decorating, gift buying, watching Holliday movies, and making cookies. Making cookies is always a treat when we're all together. The kitchen ends up with an explosion of cookie dough and frosting all over, and it usually starts with between Dad and Mom.

I can't complain, though. It's memories like this that I cherished over the years. I hope, at some point, I can make the same memories with Scarlett. That reminds me, I needed to go shopping so who did I take with me? Drew and Leo. I know you're wondering why? Well, I needed their help with her gift.

"I like that one," Drew pointed on the glass case.

"But that one is much better," said Leo, pointing to something else.

"How about that one?" I asked them.

They looked at each other, then at me, "No."

"What's wrong with it?" I questioned.

"Dude, do you love this girl?" Drew asked me.

"Yes," I answered.

"Then it has to mean something special from you to her," he said.

"I agree with Drew," Leo added.

"Fine," I grumbled.

I looked through all the items as the girl at the jewelry counter stood there, waiting patiently. I couldn't decide, and these two weren't helping with them bickering over which one they liked better.

Finally, the girl said something, "Do you mind if I make a suggestion?"

"No, by all means. If I left it up to these two, we'd be here all night long," I said to her.

She reached into the case and pulled it out, holding it up, "How about this one? It has everything you're looking for."

She handed it to me, and I looked at it. They nodded in agreement, "I'll take it. Can you do me one favor, though?" I asked her.

I explained to her how I wanted it wrapped, and a big smile grew upon her lips, "Your girlfriend must have a fantastic sense of humor."

"Oh, trust me, she does," I replied.

"Give me ten minutes, and I'll wrap it for you," she said, taking it to the back.

"Seriously, Matt? She will kill you," Drew said, looking at the big wrapped box I was carrying.

"Good. That's what Scar gets for pelting me with a snowball," I smirked.

"Oh, she will love it," Leo exclaimed.

"You're sure your brothers are okay with this?" I asked him.

"For the millionth time, yes, Matt, plus they can't wait to see her face," he squealed.

We got back just in time for the festivities for Christmas Eve. Everyone was at the house, and I walked in with the guys and put Scarlett's gift under the tree. We would open gifts after dinner.

Dad and Frazier outdid themselves with dinner. It was amazing. We all eventually made our way into the living room and exchanged gifts. I was sitting with Scarlett as we unwrapped gifts from family, and they opened their gifts. Afterward, Scarlett got up and picked up a present from underneath the tree and handed it to me.

"You know you're a tough person to shop for," she said to me.

"That's what they tell me," I said as I unwrapped the gift and found a copy of To Kill A Mockingbird, and the inside had Harper Lee's autograph.

I looked at her, "How? She passed away a few years ago."

"I talked to your mom, and she had an autograph copy from her that she received years ago. I asked to buy it, but she told me to give it to you," she smiled.

I looked at Mom, "But this was your copy."

"That I had got years ago. When you read the story, you loved it. I wrote the family, and she sent me a copy for you when you were older," Mom told me.

I gave Scarlett and Mom a hug and kiss, "I love you both. Thank you."

I went into the kitchen to get a drink, and when I came back, I overheard Scarlett and her brothers talking.

"Aren't you a little upset?" Zane asked.

"Why should it upset me?" She asked them.

"Come on, Scar. We saw the disappointment on your face when you received nothing from Matt," Xavier said.

"Listen, guys, if he wanted to give me something he would have not because he had to. Christmas is about the people you love and not what they buy you. I'm glad he wanted me to come home with him," Scarlett explained.

"Did you think he wouldn't ask you?" Frisco asked.

"I didn't want to assume. Do you know how long it took me to get Matt's attention? Such a tough nut to crack that boy is," she said, putting up her hand.

"But," Angelo said.

"But nothing. I'm happy to be here with Matt. Is that so hard to believe? That maybe I want to be with Matt because of him and not what he can buy me," Scarlett informed her brothers.

I stepped out from around the kitchen, and they all looked at me, shocked, and she said, "Matt."

I didn't let her finish when I grabbed her hand and dragged her away from them.

"Matt, I swear, I'm good with no gift. I'm sorry about my brothers. Please don't kick me out!" Scarlett begged.

Everyone was staring at us as I dragged her behind me. She begged me not to toss her out of the house.

"What's going on?" Liz asked.

"Just wait," Drew said as he stood next to Leo.

I dragged her over to the tree as she continued to ramble on, "I swear I'm not like those girls that are with you because of money. I am not like that. Please don't break up with me!"

As I reached for her present that I hid, I stopped and looked at her. Her smile disappeared, and she was crying. She realized everyone was staring at her outburst, including me, then turned and ran out of the room.

"Okay, I may not be an expert on love, but isn't that what you don't do when you are about to receive a gift?" Elijah asked, causing everyone to look at him. "Just saying."

I ran after her and saw the kitchen door open and ran out of the house. She had a lead on me, and I ran after her, yelling her name, "Scarlett! Wait!"

I finally reached her and grabbed her arm to stop her. She was sobbing. I grabbed both arms and looked at her, "I'm not breaking up with you!"

She sniffled, "What?"

"I'm not breaking up with you! What would make you think that I was?" I said firmly.

"I figured you heard what my brothers were saying," she shrugged.

"Yeah, but I heard what you also said. I know you're not with me for those reasons. You're nothing like those other girls. You're not," I said to her, making her giggle between sniffles.

"Man, you two are fast," Drew said as he ran up to us carrying a present. "Here, you forgot something." He handed me the present as everyone made their way to us.

I handed her a present, "Merry Christmas, Scar."

She took the present and opened it to find another gift and another and another until she got to a small gift-wrapped box. She tore off the paper and revealed a small black velvet box. I took it from her hands and got down on one knee.

I opened the box to reveal a ring, "Scarlett Monroe, this is a promise ring. With this ring, I promise to love you unconditionally, no matter how crazy you can be. I promise to be there for you. I promise that one day when the time is right to replace it with an engagement ring. Do you accept my promise ring?"

"Do you promise to never break up with me?" She asked me.

"Well, yeah," I said to her.

"Yes, Matthew Jones, I will accept your promise ring," she squealed.

I stood up, wrapping my arms around her, swinging her around. I set her down and kissed her, then placed the ring on her finger.

"Nice job with the present, putting it in other boxes," she grinned.

"I knew you would get it. Drew and Leo didn't," I said, pointing to Drew and Leo. "But you did."

"Oh, how you know me so well," she grinned.

"I thought I did until you thought I was breaking up with you," I smirked.

"Eh, dramatic effect," she shrugged.

"Are you two idiots done being sappy? Because if so, I would like to go back inside. I'm freezing my ass off out here," Jordan said through chattering teeth.

"What ass? You have no ass," Frazier retorted.

"I'll give you no ass. You won't have one once I finish with you," Jordan said, chasing after Frazier.

"My brothers are idiots," Dad said, shaking his head.

"Yes, they are, but we love them anyway," Mom said.

We all went back to the house-what a Christmas. We continued our celebration, not realizing someone stood off in the distance, and all you could see was the bright orange end of a cigarette as they watched us.

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