Maybe I Like Her [Interracial...

By icytsm

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Clark Gonzales; white, jock, all-around nice guy, 17, dating the school pretty-girl, straight-A student. Bren... More

Maybe I Like Her
Ch. 1
Ch. 4
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 26
Ch. 37 {Epilogue}


14.6K 472 110
By icytsm


"You sure you want to light one after school man?" my old friend Zach asked me. Me, Scotty, him, and a few others used to smoke together until I chose to stop because I felt school was more important.

"I wouldn't call you if I didn't." I replied as he drove off while I walked onto the school premise.

Ever since we 'broke up' about three days ago, I haven't had Brenda off my mind. I do miss her but I said what I said and can't take it back. 

I walked to my first period and took my seat. I vowed to myself to just focus on school. I don't want to lose any scholarships in my future from football and I damn straight wanted to get into a good college that provides 4 years to me. 

"Clark may I see you at my desk for a moment?" Mr. Sodayum asked, more of saying. I got up right as the late bell rang for anyone running late and stood by his desk for him to speak.

"Your grade has dropped dramatically low, why?"

"What do you mean dramatically?" I asked annoyed.

"You were my highest grade and suddenly your third from lowest out of all my classes. You have an D all of a sudden."

"Look man I just have too much shit to deal with I-"

"Language Mister Gonzales, or that'll be a referral."

"I just have too much to deal with other then your class at the moment no offense."

He just looked at me and shook his head. "Take your seat please."

Kylie walked in and took her seat while I walked back to mine in front of Brenda's. She paid no attention to me and had no expression; how are we gonna be apart from each other. I love her.



"He didn't even speak to you on it?" Nicole asked as we sat at a small lunch table.

"I told you no. I don't even care anymore, I tried to make it work but he overreacts too easy. I really don't know what's going on with him all of a sudden. But oh well, we're done." I said stabbing my fork in my salad, noticing a teardrop on the piece I was going to eat. 

Nicole handed me a tissue from her purse and I covered my eyes with it, soaking all my tears. I moved it to discover Scotty and Jerry walking by our table.

"How you doing gorgeous?" Scotty said earning a look from Jerry. I can't bear to look at Jerry for a good 10 seconds without my memory. And don't even get me started with Scotty.

"Do you guys need something?" Nicole answered for me.

"Actually, you got what I need." he winked to her causing her to roll her hazel eyes. "But on the real I heard about you and my old friend Clark splitting. I'm here in case you need some comfort."

"I'd rather not end up pregnant at 17 with a std so no thank you." I smiled. He laughed at me.

"I also want you to know he's supposed to go smoke afterschool in case you try to get him back."

"He doesn't smoke." I tried telling myself.

"You really don't know shit about Clark or his past for that matter. I got the guy he's smoking with's number in case you try to go see him later."

I thought to myself what to do.

"Get his number, we'll smack some sense into him before he can even speak." Nicole told me.

"I don't want to beg for Clark back because he said what he had to, and I'm not gonna follow him."

"Clark won't even see you once he's stoned, ya'll meet me in the lot and we can see him tonight." Scotty said as Jerry stayed quiet.

"I really don't think this is a good idea, I'm not gonna get caught while you guys do drugs or anything am I?" I asked concerned.

"Nahh girl I got you guys. But keep your mouth closed about this aight?" he said. We nodded.



I watched as she talked with two people I can't stand. Is she really stooping that low? I mean I'm trying to get over her as quick as possible but it's not working and it looks like she's trying to get back at me.

As lunch ended, Perry and I walked to next period and got our day over with. We didn't have practice today so I could smoke for hours to get everything off my mind.



"Are you sure he won't ask anything about our names or shit?" Nicole reassured.

"No girl, calm down." he said.

It was only us three and he told us about everything they could be smoking. 'Nutmeg', weed, and even meth so we had to be extra careful. Clark is doing it, I will not stand for him to. I still care enough to bring his ass out of there. We walked in and there were flashy lights and the most disgusting scents in the air, mostly weed but any drug you heard of was probably being smoked in this guy's house.

"WHERE WOULD HE BE?" I said loudly since there was music blasting out of nowhere.

"YA'LL JUST FOLLOW ME. STAY CLOSE." he said leading us past a living room where there were teens high off their ass. I grabbed Nicole's wrist making sure I didn't leave her in this mini drug lab while we went up the stairs. 

It somewhat aired out upstairs but I bet my parents would wonder what the smell was on me if they got home before me. There were only three doors but Scotty must've knew this place like the back of his hand and led us to the second one. There were about 5 people sitting around a hookah machine and Clark happened to be one of them. But it was like pot inside the machine instead of the what ever goes in there.

Everyone was laughing especially Clark and I could tell they were high. I coughed from the amount of smoke in the air and stepped out.

"The third room is free and empty if you go in there." Scotty said.

I'm really wondering why Scotty is helping me with all this. Because if he's trying to get in my pants, it's far from happening, and Nicole isn't as vulnerable and kind as me. She'll break his dick.

"Can we wait in the car?" Nicole coughed asking Scotty who nodded and left me to deal with Clark. I took a breath of the freshest air I could inhale and went in the room grabbing Clark while he was high and leading him into the room. I wasn't gonna do anything, especially if he wouldn't remember in the morning but I will make him regret smoking. 

As I closed the door my mom texted that her and my dad were both working late and that there was food in the fridge like always. I sat Clark down and he just laughed his ass off.

"Is that my baby. Girl I love you." he said pulling my arm and trying to get me to kiss him.

"Shut up Clark! I came to stop you from fucking up your life, snap out of it." I slapped him hard and he just held his cheek and fell back against the bed yelling 'Oww' repeatedly.

"Did you take something else why are you so lethargic?!" I asked more to myself. I pulled him up and pulled his arm over my shoulder trying my best for us to walk downstairs and out the door. 

Nicole was passed out in the passenger seat and Scotty was on his phone. I told him to drive me to my house, giving him directions, and asked how to de-high him.

"Splash some water on him first because he's pretty high right now then just let him sleep it off, he might be sleep for a while but wake him occasionally. Make sure he eats too. And what do I do with her?" he asked pulling into my front yard.

"Drop her off at home please. Thanks so much by the way Scotty, I don't know how I would've been able to do this. You're a less shitty person." I said. I got out with a dozing Clark. I really miss him and it's only been a few days.

We got in the house after five minutes of holding him and finding my house keys in my bag. I was gonna set him on the couch because it was the most convenient but it wasn't comfortable so being the strong woman I was, I carried him up to the guest bedroom and laid his ass down on the bed and pecked his lips. Is this really how breakups feel? I closed the door and went to my room to try and get some sleep for school tomorrow, debating on whether or not I'll go.



I woke up with a killer headache. Where am I and what happened. I was under a blanket and it was still a bit dark outside. I looked at the clock on the dresser and it read 6:11 AM. 


I slowly got up while my stomach growled uncontrollably even though my legs felt heavy. I opened the bedroom door having and smelt chocolate and bacon. I'm in Brenda's house. 

What happened last night and when did I get out of my clothes? I was in my briefs and was two seconds from peeing my pants. I walked as fast as I could to the closest bathroom and used it, walking downstairs quietly.

I walked out to see Brenda in her pajamas.

"Brenda?" I asked as she flipped some food she was cooking. She kind of jumped and looked at me.

"Umm hey." she replied.

"Why am I here?"

"You're here at my house because you were high off your ass and I care enough not to let you get hurt." she replied turning the stove off. "Hungry?"

I nodded and she took out some plates.

"Why did you do this for me?"

"Because I love you and want you to be safe okay? Now eat." she said putting bacon, a chocolate chip pancake, and toast in front of me.



Why is Scotty being sincere all of a sudden? Did Nicole make it home? 

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