Just The Girl (under editing)

By 123rawrXD

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This is the story of Rosie Harper, a 17 year old who's moved to a new town with her family. She's a shy, nerd... More

Just The Girl
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six - Flirtatious Friends
Chapter Seven - Just Another Day At High School
Chapter Eight - Close Calls
Chapter Nine - Josh's Smile
Chapter Ten - Hockey Lessons
Chapter Eleven - Tears and Music
Chapter Twelve - Dress Shopping
Chapter Thirteen - Wedding Bells
Chapter Fourteen - Important Announcements
Chapter Fifteen - His Intoxication
Chapter Sixteen - Go And Ruin Everything
Chapter Seventeen - When I Look At You
Chapter Eighteen - Sing Me A Love Song
Chapter Nineteen - Mood Swings
Chapter Twenty - Bloody Monday
Chapter Twenty One - Head Over Heals
Chapter Twenty Two - Meet The Parents
Chapter Twenty Three - Whoops
Chapter Twenty Four - The Old Josh
Chapter Twenty Five - The New Home Ec Teacher
Chapter Twenty Six - Birthday Shopping
Chapter Twenty Seven - A Party Gone Wrong
Chapter Twenty Eight - Boys Will Be Boys
Chapter Twenty Nine - The Return Of The Closet Whore
Chapter Thirty - Anger, Rage and Some More Anger
Chapter Thirty One - Crashing The Mall
Chapter Thirty Two - A Chat With The Counsellor
Chapter Thirty Three - Our Unconventional First Date
Chapter Thirty Four - Embarrassment
Chapter Thirty Five - Slumber Party
Chapter Thirty Six - Josh, It's Sasha
Chapter Thirty Seven - A Nightmare Come True?
Chapter Thirty Eight - Rock Bottom
Chapter Thirty Nine - Beep Beep
Chapter Forty - More than Chocolate Cake?
Chapter Forty One - The Big Game
Chapter Forty Three - A Visiter
Chapter Forty For - Sorry For Party Rock'n
Chapter Forty Five - Happy New Years
Chapter Forty Six - Stacey's Mom
Chapter Forty Seven - When The Truth Comes Out
Chapter Forty Eight - Love, Hate & Heartbreak
Chapter Forty Nine - Moving On
Chapter Fifty - Family Reunion?
Chapter Fifty One - Let's Make Cookies
Chapter Fifty Two - He needs you, We need you
Chapter Fifty Three - Home
Chapter Fifty Four - Back to Normal
Chapter Fifty Five - Bye
Chapter Fifty Five - I need you
Chapter Fifty Six - Changes
Chapter Fifty Seven - Yes
Chapter Fifty Eight - Nothing but Love
Chapter Fifty Nine - Funeral
Chapter Sixty - Prologue

Chapter Forty Two - Jingle Bells

2.9K 36 4
By 123rawrXD

''Hey beautiful.'' I whispered, kissing Rosie's forehead. She was fast asleep in my arms, but it was Christmas for Christ sakes, CHRISTMAS! She had to wake up!

I shook her gently when kissing her didn't work, and she began to stir slightly, groaning softly. Her pinkish red hair was sprawled out around her shoulders, covering parts of her face so I brushed it out of the way as I leaned over her to watch her wake up.

Her eyes opened slowly, and she took a second to focus them, before she smiled sleepily up at me, and closed them again, snuggling back into my chest.

''Sleep.'' she mumbled, her voice husky and thick with sleep.

''Rosie, it's Christmas! Wake up!'' I exclaimed, laughing softly.

''What?!'' she asked, sitting up, her eyes a little wide.

Did she forget it was Christmas?

I smiled down at her, not giving her any warning before I pressed my lips to hers and kissed her softly.

I could feel her lips turning up into a smile against mine, and for once I felt completely at peace. Not only did I have my baby sister back in time for Christmas, but I also had the most amazing girl in the world to share it with. I wasn't ever letting her go.

''Merry Christmas.'' she whispered against my lips, her soft skin brushing against mine.

I smiled and kissed her again.

Yeah, two things I couldn't seem to stop doing lately.

Smiling, and kissing Rosie.

The cold nipped at my bare arms, making me shiver and forget about Christmas momentarily to snuggle back under the covers with Rosie. She giggled and let me nuzzle her neck with my cold nose, wrapping her short arms around my neck and holding me there.

She was wearing a pair of my boxers, with one of my shirts on, and my big hoodie over the top. Yeah, it hasn't stopped snowing lately so it's absolutely freezing now.

I on the other hand, being the responsible mother fucker I am, slept in nothing but a pair of light sweat pants.

So I was fucking cold.

''Josh, it's Christmas! Wake up!'' Rosie laughed, copying my words from earlier. I rolled my eyes and held her tighter, persistently refusing to get up now.

Her fingers wound their way into my hair, tangling in as she ran them through it gently, and my face ended up in her boobs.

Yep, this is the life.

Face in Rosie's boobs, with her magic fingers running through my hair.

I. Am. Never. Getting. Up.

The bedroom door burst open though, and Sasha stumbled her way in, doing her best to run with her crutches.

''Sasha be careful!'' I shouted, jumping up to help her before she fell or something. There was this massive little grin on her face though the whole time, so I couldn't stay mad at her for too long. I just didn't want her to hurt herself.

I picked her up and set her in between Rosie and I, where she got comfortable under the covers and wrapped her arms around me, snuggling her face into my chest.

I smiled down at her, kissing her forehead gently as Rosie stroked her hair.

''Merry Christmas Sasha!'' Rosie told her, grinning excitedly.

Sasha pulled away from me to grin back, hugging Rosie once with her still broken and in a cast arm, before snuggling back into me.

I looked at the clock on the night stand.

It was six AM.

I laughed and shook my head. How come every other day of the year I absolutely refuse to wake up this early, but on Christmas I'm the first one awake? I guess I'm just a big kid at heart.

Rosie's parents were going to spend the day with us today. Mom had invited them over because she thought it would be nice for us to spend the day together, and either Rosie or I would have ended up spending the whole day at the other one's house anyway, so it just worked out better this way with joining our families.

I wasn't sure what time they'd be over at yet, but it wouldn't be for a while.

''Josh, do you think Santa's been here?!'' Sasha exclaimed, her bright blue eyes sparkling eagerly.

I smirked.

''It depends, have you been good?'' I teased. She crossed her arms over her chest and puffed out her cheeks.

''I'm always good.'' she insisted, looking to Rosie for reassurance.

Rosie nodded her head.

''Of course he's been here Sasha.'' she laughed, hugging the blankets closer to her for warmth.

Sasha seemed perfectly warm enough in her onsie, sandwiched between both Rosie and my body.

''Are you hungry?'' I asked Sasha, making to get out of bed, even though I kinda just wanted to stay in a little longer.

She nodded her head eagerly, as well as Rosie, to whom I rolled my eyes and informed her that it wasn't her I asked.

I was only joking though, and she playfully pouted and jutted out her bottom lip.

''Does Rosie not get breakfast?'' Sasha asked, actually believing that I wasn't going to make Rosie anything to eat.

''Nope.'' I shook my head. ''Rosie's been a bad...bad girl.'' I told her, smirking at Rosie who blushed strongly at the double meaning in there that a four year old was never going to understand.

''Really?!'' Sasha exclaimed, looking at Rosie with a horrified look on her innocent little baby face.

Rosie giggled and shook her head, laying back down again and closing her eyes.

I pulled a hoodie over my head and left the two of them in bed, going to get Mom up before I attempted to make breakfast.

Emphasise on the attempted.

I knocked her door before stepping in, surprised to see she was sitting up in her bed, her hair in a messy bun on the top of her head as she smiled down at a big book in her hands.

Her head popped up to see me as I stepped in, and I smiled at her on my way over to see what she was looking at.

She made room for me to sit on the edge of her bed, and I gave her a kiss on the side of her head as I took the book she was holding out to me into my hands and looked down at it.

I smiled sadly as I ran my fingers over the pages, it was the scrapbook she had made, of all my baby pictures, Sasha's baby pictures, and Dad.

He was in so many of them, holding us, playing with us. There was one of the day I had a flashback about, we were both grinning happily with our woolly hats and scarves, and gloves, our ice skates on as we both held our hockey sticks in the air for the photo.

We looked so happy then, like nothing would ever bring us down.

''He would be so proud of you, you know.'' she told me, putting her arm around my shoulder affectionately. ''You've been so strong, and just look at you and Rosie – I've never seen anyone so in love since your Father an I when we were young.''

I smiled back at her, my eyes dropping again to the book. I hadn't looked at it in so long, I hadn't seen any photos of him at all in so long. It was surreal, the pictures I had of him in my head were slowly fading, but the photos in front of me reinforced them. He was just like how I remembered him.

But that's all he was now, a memory.

I closed over the book, setting it down beside me and let Mom pull me in for a hug. I lay my head on her shoulder and closed my eyes.

''I'm so sorry Mom.'' I whispered.

''What for sweetheart?'' she asked quietly, pulling back to cup my face and look me in the eye.

''Being a dick.'' I laughed, shaking my head. I can't believe how I had treated my Mom just because I needed someone to lash out at all those times. She was just as sad as I was, she had lost him too. I felt terrible, for some reason it took falling in love to see that I had been wrong to act out the way I did, and I needed to stop pushing people away from me.

I needed to stop blocking out my grievance over Dad. I had never grieved like everyone else did, it was all pent up, for all these years, and I was going to have to find a way to let it out, to get closure, to move on.

Not today though, it was Christmas, and today had to be great. It was going to be the best Christmas since Dad died, nothing else mattered apart from having a really good Christmas for once.

The door creaked again, and Sasha's little head popped in, with Rosie's above hers as she made sure she didn't fall. Mom and I were still hugging, making Rosie look at us apologetically like she had interrupted something, while Sasha seemed to want in on it and hobbled over to us.

Rosie must have left again because when I looked back up for her she was gone, so I let Sasha up onto the bed, and stayed with them for a little while. It was nice like this, finally feeling like a family again. When Mom decided it was time to get up, I left them together and went to find Rosie.

She wasn't in my room any more so I made my way downstairs to the kitchen, where Rosie had started to make breakfast since I had kinda forgotten about it.

I placed my hands on her skinny little waist and pulled her into my chest from behind, making her back press against my chest as I leant over at the same time as she turned her head up and kissed me gently on the lips. She smiled up at me, her eyes twinkling with happiness and contentment, only mirroring mine perfectly as I turned her around to hug her again.

''Love you.'' I mumbled into her hair.

''Love you too.'' she giggled, gripping the back of my hoodie to pull me closer. She was still only in my boxers and hoodie, and I was still in my pyjamas too, but I was hungry and it was Christmas, we could get dressed later.

Eventually breakfast was ready and the four of us sat down, all in our pyjamas, and ate happily. Everything was too perfect for words, and I was so happy. I knew everything was going to be fine, with everyone. Mom and I seemed to be getting closer again, Sasha was getting better, and Rosie was just Rosie – her perfect self.

When the doorbell rang, and we realised Rosie's parents were here, and none of us had gotten dressed yet, everyone jumped up at the same time, but one of us had to answer the door, so Rosie said she'd get it while the rest of us got dressed, so I narrowly avoided tripping over Oreo as he finally decided to make an appearance and lifted Sasha up to get her dressed.

Mom didn't have time cause she had to do her make up and shit, so I let her get on with it and took care of Sasha. Sasha needed a lot more assistance than normal because of her broken bones, but I didn't mind at all, not in the slightest. I wasn't even planning on going back to school after Christmas when it started back, until Sasha was back too. Someone had to be at home to look after her and make sure she was all right, seeing as she'd be home 24/7 now.

Once Sasha was dressed I told her I'd bring her down in a second, and ran to my room to get dressed quickly. I pulled on a red V-neck sweater, since it was Christmas, that hugged my abs, over a clean pair of grey sweats, converse, and gelled my hair up roughly.

I picked Sasha up again and we went downstairs, and I smiled at Hannah and Aiden as I set Sasha down by the Christmas tree Mom had spent so long perfecting. The whole house smelt like Christmas lately, there was mistletoe everywhere that I was eagerly taking advantage of – kissing Rosie every single time she forgot and stood under some of it.

''Hi Josh, Merry Christmas!'' Hannah greeted. Aiden smiled at me in a friendly way as I said hi back, and Rosie said she was just running up to get dressed. Mom wasn't back yet, so it was just the three of us, with Sasha.

Rosie's parents of course wanted to know all about how Sasha was doing, making sure she was okay, so Sasha answered what she could, while I answered the more complex questions for her. Hannah was so much like her daughter, in her personality, but Rosie looked more like her Dad. They had the same eyes.

Surprisingly, Aiden had completely accepted me, ever since the morning after Rosie and I....well yeah. He was actually pretty cool when he wasn't threatening my family jewels.

Sasha was bouncing up and down with excitement while we made small talk, waiting for either Rosie or my Mom to come back and save me from this awkwardness.

I wasn't great at talking to people...not the best conversationalist – as you can tell.

Mom was down first, her make up on, dressed nicely for Christmas. She did the basic greetings, making sure that Hannah and Aiden didn't want any breakfast, but they had already eaten at home, so it was all good as she took over the conversation and I turned on the TV, Sasha crawling in to sit in my lap as I sat cross legged on the floor.

It was adorable to watch her watch TV. Her eyes would get big during the intense scenes, and she would get completely enthralled by the screen. She was watching 101 Dalmatians, which was apparently Hannah and Aiden's favourite Christmas movie since they were little, when Rosie came back down.

Her hair was tidier than earlier, it was pretty messy earlier from both having slept on it, and I had been running my fingers through it, but now it was sitting in her typical little curls that I found beautiful on her. She wore a pair of black skinny jeans (my favourite - they always made her ass look edible), and a red long sleeved T-shirt, that actually matched mine perfectly.

Mom told Sasha she could start opening her presents from 'Santa', so she crawled out of my lap again, eagerly beginning to tare open the red and green rapping paper that Mom and I had spent so long putting on for her. Mom and I always, no matter what, split Sasha's Santa presents, she would buy some and I would buy some, and then we'd help each other wrap them, along with the individual presents we got her. Then there were the presents we got each other, and all the presents she got for our other family members.

The sky outside the window was completely white as thick flakes of soft snow fell delicately from it, piling up on the ground. It was actually pretty cool to just sit and watch it fall, it was almost hypnotising.

Even though there were perfectly good seats, Rosie joined me on the floor, sitting between my legs and wrapping her arms around me, as I did the same to her, kissing her temple lovingly, smiling at the light blush she wore on her pale cheeks.

Oreo joined us at some stage, sitting in Mom's lap while we all watched Sasha as she unwrapped all of her Santa presents. We would give her the presents from ourselves once she was done, they were always better so we knew she would like them saved till last anyway.

Nothing could have been more perfect than having Rosie in my arms, watching Sasha excitedly play with her new toys, with our parents happily chatting behind us. It was over whelming.

''Do you want your present yet?'' I whispered in Rosie's ear, since she was sitting with her back to my chest.

She looked up at me, smiling shyly as she nodded her head, blushing. I smiled back and pulled one of them out of my back pocket, grabbing the other that was right beside me under the tree. I handed them both to her, and she stayed in my arms as she placed them in her lap and shook them to decided which to open first.

Her eyebrows scrunched together adorably as she squeezed the first one, it was squishy and didn't make any noise, and it was relatively big, but not too big. I honestly thought it was pretty obvious what it was, but apparently not. The other once however, was a flat, rectangle, box shaped, and it rattled.

I thought that was pretty obvious too, but she had no idea.

I rolled my eyes and held out the squishy one to open first. It wasn't her real gift, I just got it for her cause it was cute.

She bit her lip as she smiled and ripped away the wrapping paper, revealing a soft, fluffy pink teddy bear with the name 'Rosie' stitched onto it's tummy. She loved teddies, and the colour pink...so....yeah.

She giggled down at it, hugging it to her chest as she leaned forward and kissed my cheek.

''Thank you!'' she exclaimed. Wow, she liked it more than I thought she would.

''Oh, let me see!'' Hannah said, holding out her hands. Rosie handed her the teddy, and she took it, looking at it adoringly before giving me this look, that instantly made me embarrassed. She gave me the 'aww, how sweet are you?' look.

I smiled sheepishly and let rosie open the next one. This was the one I was worried about. I mean, it was the first time I ever bought any one anything like this, ya know? I just hoped she would like it, cause it was the only other thing I got her – it was her main present because of what it actually was.

She tucked her finger into the corner of the wrapping paper, before sliding it forward and ripping it open. She seemed to be piecing it together the more she saw the clues, and when she pulled the lid of the box, her eyes widened as she looked down at it.

Everyone was watching her now, this was going to be fucking embarrassing if she didn't like it...

Please like it...

She ran her fingers delicately over the metal chain, before she looked up slowly at me, and I watched her hesitantly. A small smile was on her lips, and she set it down carefully beside her, before literally pouncing on me and crashing her lips to mine.

I would have sighed in relief, had I not been so busy kissing her back and tangling my fingers into her hair. I could feel her grinning against my lips, only making me grin back, happily kissing her until Aiden cleared his throat, making Rosie pull back sheepishly.

She lifted the box again, and carefully, as if it would break at any second, pulled out the silver charm bracelet.

It was just plan silver, but there was one charm on it, a silver heart, with a pink diamond in the middle. And yes, the diamond was real – just ask my credit card. I helped her put it on, before she sat and admired it on her slim wrist, just looking down at it, and then at me, and then at it, with so much love in her eyes it actually hurt.

Okay, I take it she liked it then.

''Thank you so much Josh.'' she whispered, pecking my lips again.

I smiled and dug my hand into my pocket again, producing a small string pulled bag, that fitted into the palm of my hand, and held it out for her. She looked at me curiously, before taking it and opening it, to see the contents.

She gasped, emptying the contents onto the palm of her small hand, and she shook her head at me.


I cut her off with a kiss, knowing she was going to tell me it was too much. I had gotten her a few extra charms as well, one was a simple rose charm, and another was an 'R' with a pink diamond on it too.

I didn't even care how much it cost, I loved her and she deserved it.

Hannah and Mom were almost crying, making both Rosie and I roll our eyes. Aiden just looked at me in approval, smiling and nodding. I smiled back, completely embarrassed that everyone had to see that. At least their reactions weren't too bad though.

Oreo meowed loudly, jumping off of Moms lap and trotting over to me. He rubbed his head against my chest and crawled onto my lap, getting me covered in cat hairs as he got himself comfortable and curled into a ball, while I scratched his ears and back. He purred appreciatively, giving me the cat equivalent of a smile, before closing his eyes.

Other presents were exchanged, nothing exciting, and everyone was pretty cosy by the fire. We had eaten lunch by then and everyone was stuffed, curled up on the sofas or in me and Rosie's case, the floor.

''Guys, this one's for you.'' Mom said, holding out a big square, flat box to Rosie and I. Rosie and I exchanged a look, and Rosie leant forward to take it from My Mom.

She read the tag on it, smiling as she held it out for me to read too.

Rosie & Josh

Love, Craig, Zack and Liam


Rosie pulled the ribbon, that was tied perfectly, off of the box, before slowly lifting the lid.

They must have just left this here sometime, because I didn't even realise it was there. They hadn't told us.

Rosie squeaked, her face turning bright red as she literally threw the box at me, slamming the lid shut.

In confusion, I lifted it up, thinking that Rosie looked adorable all flustered, but not having the slightest clue wh-


I'm gonna fucking kill them.

I sighed, smiling slightly down at the ridiculous present in my hand.


Fucking typical.

Yeah, cause Rosie and I really needed sexy lace lingerie, condoms, a vibrator, and a video recorder.

Cue face palm.

''What is it?!'' Sasha asked, excitedly, trying to look into the box. I pulled it away from her, holding out my other hand to stop her from seeing.

Yeah, cause that's exactly what a four year old needs to see.

''Nothing Sash.'' I told her, shaking my head. I couldn't keep the grin from my face though. Those guys were relentless.

''What is it?'' Mom, Hannah and Aiden all asked at the same time. Rosie was still blushing profusely, unable to meet my eyes. I smirked and handed it up to them, watching as all their faces contorted from shock, to disgust, to disbelief, to amusement.

Aiden chuckled. ''Well, at least they're creative.'' he shrugged.

''Daddy!'' Rosie exclaimed, pace palming in embarrassment.

Mom and Hannah giggled, shaking their heads at the ridiculous things in the box.

Grinning, I shook my head and took my phone out of my pocket and texted all of the guys.

I fucking hate you retards – Josh

They all replied with stupid little faces, sticking their tongues out.

I chuckled and showed Rosie, only making her blush even more. She put the lid back on the box and put it to the side, glaring at it in disgust. I smiled at her adoringly. She was still so innocent.

No matter how far we come, she'd still be Rosie Harper.

Rosie grabbed my hand then, pulling me up from the floor as she blushed a little and pulled me out of the room. I let her pull me, not actually having the slightest problem. If this had of been last year, I would have gone ape on anyone who thought they could tell me what to do, or control me, but Rosie had so much power over me, it was pathetic, and I would never complain. I just smirked and let her pull me into the kitchen.

She stopped by the breakfast bar, putting her back against it with her hands behind her, gripping the edge. She opened her mouth to speak, but I cut her off by pressing my lips to hers, hard. I didn't even care that every one else was in the other room as I forcefully slipped my tongue past her moist pink lips and kissed her like there was no tomorrow.

Gripping her skinny waist with both my hands, I picked her up and set her back down again onto the counter, stepping in between her legs, and not once breaking the kiss. I pulled her body close to mine, as she wrapped her arms around my neck and tangled her fingers into the hair at the nape of my neck.

It went from loving to lustful in a matter of seconds and I moaned in the back of my throat, a predatory growl escaping my lips as I pushed her back again so that she was almost laying on the counter top. Is it just me, or did it just get hot in here?

I loved how Rosie just let me make out with her whenever I felt like now. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to use or take advantage of her, its just that I can't keep my hands off of her, and I'm eternally grateful that she has lost a little bit of her innocence, not a lot, just enough to let me do the likes of this.

I bit down on her bottom lip, sucking it into my mouth as I squeezed her to my body. Shit, I was so about to strip her off and fuck her on the kitchen counter!

She pulled me so that I was leaning over her as she laid on the counter, my hand trailing slowly up her side, and she probably knew exactly where it was headed but she didn't complain.

Her shirt had ridden up now, so one hand was on her bare waist while the other cupped her breast, squeezing gently as she moaned against my lips and pulled on my hair. Fuck, how did this even happen!? I was only kissing her one minute, and the next....well, this!

Her hands went from my hair, trailing down over the shirt on my back. I was getting harder and harder the further her hands went down. Lower, lower....oh god she's killing me here!

Just as her fingers started to slip into the back of my jeans...


Rosie gasped and shoved me off, sitting up too quickly and knocking her forehead off of mine as I pulled myself reluctantly off of her too, cringing when I realised who just saw us.

I quickly pulled Rosie off the counter and put her in front of me...covering my er...well...you know.

''D-Daddy-'' Rosie tried, but Aiden cut her off.

''You guys are like animals! Can you not keep your hands off each other for one afternoon?'' he laughed.

''Y-you're not...?''

''No, honey I'm not mad,'' he laughed, lifting the wine from the fridge, and a few glasses, ''I would just rather not watch my baby girl being fucked on a kitchen table...'' he trailed off, raising his eyebrow at me.

I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly.


He shook his head.

''Just hurry up, your Mom wants to give you your present.'' Aiden told me, shaking his head again in amusement. I knew for a fact he could tell why I was holding Rosie in a vice like grip in front of me...

The awkward moment when you get caught with a boner by your girlfriend's Dad....

He chuckled as he left the kitchen again, mumbling something about how we were animals. I was just glad he wasn't freaking out on me.

I grinned sheepishly as Rosie, turning her around in my arms so that she was facing me, and rubbed my nose against hers.

She giggled, pressing her lips to mine softly, just for a peck, before pulling back, a big smile on her plump pink lips.

''I wanna give you your present.'' she told me, excitement glistening in her beautiful bright blue eyes.

''You got me a present?''

''Duh, it is Christmas, Josh!'' she laughed, pulling herself out of my arms to go over and get whatever it was.

She didn't have to get me anything, I was just content with her being here, as long as she stayed in my arms...which right now, she wasn't.

I watched her, awed by her beauty as she grabbed a big square thing and handed it to me, a shy grin on her face.

I looked down at it, it was wrapped in red paper, with a gold ribbon perfectly tied around it.

Looking back up at her, I smirked at the little blush tainting her cheeks, and turned around to set it on the kitchen counter while I opened it.

I ripped open the paper, disregarding it as I looked down at a big book in my hands, decorated in a really cool way with hearts and pink stuff on it, but at the same time, it was pretty emo with the black edges and barbed wire effect.

In a way, it was perfectly me and Rosie.

My eyebrows scrunched together as I pulled back the first page, but my eyes met one of the most awesome pictures ever, and I instantly understood.

Rosie made a scrapbook.

The first picture, was Rosie and I, we were both smiling at the camera, surprisingly. I mean it's me, when do I ever pose for pictures? I couldn't remember exactly when it was taken, but I remember Zack snapping it on his phone. Rosie was blushing, and I was smirking. It was perfect.

The next page was of us on our first date, it was when I shot Rosie in the ass and she chased me, and in the end I lifted her up and we ended up making out again.

There were a few other random ones, nothing important, a few with the guys, a few with Sasha. Each page was decorated beautifully though, Rosie obviously put a lot of work into them. I laughed as I reached a page, where there were various pictures of Zack, Craig and Liam, dressed in the stupidest clothes I had ever seen.

It must have been the time they went to the mall, while I was at the principle's.

Then there were more of just Rosie and I. She looked so beautiful in all of them, she always did. She was smiling in all of them, I was smiling in most of them. It was unreal how happy Rosie made me, and seeing it on paper just made it even clearer.

''JOSH!'' Mom yelled from the living room.

I sighed, looking up from the book, to see Rosie biting her lip, as if she wasn't sure I liked her present.

Was she fucking kidding me?

I loved it.

''Cutie I love it.'' I grinned, kissing her lips again softly. She smiled, blushing yet again, as I hugged her quickly and took her hand in mine, the scrap book in my other and followed my Mom's voice to see what she wanted.

I left the book in a really safe place, away from Sasha's reach or anything, no offence to her, but she tends to have sticky fingers.

''Yeah?'' I asked, sitting back down in front of Mom and Oreo. Rosie joined me, and her parents sat near by too, Sasha was crawling around on the floor, playing with a few of her new toys. She still had so many to open, but there was only so much she could do at once, having a broken arm and leg.

Mom started handing me presents, so I laughed and started opening them. She got me all kinds of stuff, like clothes and that, and she got me a camera which was pretty cool.

I mean I never asked for one, I never asked for anything in fact, but yeah.

''Josh.'' Sasha called, tugging on my sleeve.

''Yeah Sash?'' I asked, wrapping my arm around her. She giggled and gave me a hug, before pulling back to talk.

''Can we go outside?''

I groaned.

''It's cold Sash.''

''Please?'' she begged, pouting and widening her bright blue eyes.


Rosie's P.O.V

Josh seemed extremely reluctant to go outside, but with both Sasha and I teaming up on him and giving him puppy dog eyes, eventually he agreed.

So the three of us got hopped up in our hats and scarves and coats, Sasha and I really excited while Josh was just grumbling about the cold as he trailed behind us. Claire gave Sasha a kiss on the forehead as we walked out past her and my parents, on our way to the garden.

The normally green grass was covered in a think blanket of snow, and small flakes still fell from the white sky. Every surface had a fluffy white cover, and it was just waiting for us to go and play in it.

Yes, I am that much of a child that I couldn't wait to play in the snow.

Josh's fingers found their way into mine, and he held me tightly. He was shivering. I had learnt over the long period of time that I had known Josh, that he hated both the hot and the cold. He preferred the temporariness to be neutral, so I understood why he wasn't best pleased with being dragged out into the snow.

I giggled and pushed him off, but kept his hand in mine as I walked after Sasha who was on her way over to make a snow angel. I smiled down at her, she was adorable, a big grin on her face as she giggled and spread her arms and legs open and closed repeatedly, until she was sure she had made the perfect angel.

When she was done, Josh had to pull her up so as she didn't destroy the prints she had left in the once perfect snow.

''Rosie! You make one!'' Sasha exclaimed, tugging my hand. I grinned and laid down beside hers, making one of my own. Josh cracked a smile at that, so I figured we were getting somewhere.

He pulled me to my feet, shaking his head at my childishness, and smiled down at the two angels now beside each other, one considerably larger than the other.

''I don't know what you're laughing at.'' I told him, ''It's your turn now.''

''No.'' he said, shaking his head, he was smirking though, so it was okay.

''Josh!'' both Sasha and I whined, ''Please make one!''

''No!'' he laughed, stepping back as Sasha and I stepped toward him.

''Josh...'' Sasha drawled out, pouting her bottom lip and widening her eyes.

Josh face palmed.


And that's how we ended up with two perfect snow angels, and a messy one bigger than the others, all in a perfect row. Josh didn't put any enthusiasm or effort into his angel, so it wasn't the best, but at least he did it.

''Can we go in now?'' Josh whined.

''No!'' Sasha and I exclaimed. Even though we were both freezing now, we didn't want to go in yet, it was too much fun being in the snow!

Josh groaned.



He sighed.

I grinned at him, turning back around to see what Sasha wanted to do.

Just as I was opening my mouth to speak, something cold and wet hit my back, and soaked through my coat, sending uncontrollable shivers down my freezing wet spine.

Sasha giggled as I slowly turned around, to find Josh, the most adorably innocent smile on his face ever.

Oh no he didn't.

The smile fell from his face as he noticed the pure determination on mine, and he was a smart boy – he ran.

''JOSH!'' I yelled, chasing after him, throwing snowballs at him from every which direction. I missed him every time though, my aim wasn't too great. We were both laughing now though, and he slowed down just cause he knew I couldn't keep up. He was sweet like that.

When I caught up to him, he even let me hit him with the snowball. Just once though, because as soon as that icy ball hit his chest, I was flipped over onto the ground, freezing snow beneath me, Josh's body heat above me.

I screamed, and kicked, and squirmed, but Josh held me down, laughing his ass off I might add.

''Josh let me go!'' I complained, unable to fight the massive smile that forced its way onto my face.

Sasha was finding the whole scenario hilarious, giggling away as Josh pinned me, his arms wrapping around me in a loving embrace as his lips found mine.

So we kissed, on the ground, in the snow, and it was perfect.

A sudden bright light and clicking sound startled me, and I looked up in time to see Claire, Mom and Daddy all standing there, smiling like fools as Mom and Claire snapped photos on their phones and cameras.

Oh god.

How embarrassing.

I giggled and Josh let me up, pulling me to my feet, and into his chest. I smiled into his chest and wrapped my arms around him, rolling my eyes at Mom and Claire who were almost crying again. They always thought we were so adorable together.

They were giving us that look. And all I could do was smile. I was so happy, and even though this was the first Christmas away from all the rest of my family, it was still one of the best, because I was spending it with Josh, and Josh was happy, because Sasha was okay.

Everything was falling back into place.

When we eventually went back in, and everyone had warmed up by the fire, we sat as a family and ate our Christmas dinner and cake, and it was all so beautiful. Oreo was with us the whole time too, because now he was a part of our family as well. All of us together were forming an unconventional little family and it was great.

It was perfect.

Josh was still using every opportunity he could to kiss me. I could tell he was loving the mistletoe being hung in every room.

Everyone was happily chatting away, and there were smiles on every face. I couldn't stop grinning as I saw my future flash before my eyes. Maybe Josh would get bored of me one day, but I hoped with all my heart that he never would, because I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.

After helping Mom and Claire with the dishes in the kitchen, I skipped back into the family room, to find Josh playing with his new camera. I smiled and sat down beside him, laying my head on his shoulder. He smiled down at me and kissed my forehead before going back to what he was doing.

I grabbed the two Santa hats sitting beside us, and slipped one onto his head, giggling at his expression, before putting the other on my own.

Claire got Sasha ready for bed, and then her and both my parents went to sit together, sip wine and chat in the kitchen, leaving Josh and I alone, cuddled up by the fire.

''Say cheese.'' Josh told me, holding out the camera. I rolled my eyes playfully and made a pose so he could take a picture, and then he took some of both of us together. It was a lot of fun, just messing around with Josh, everything casual and relaxed, we hadn't really been able to do this in such a long while.

And there was always the guys or our parents or Sasha with us, never just us alone, as a couple. So this was perfect.

I was cuddled into Josh's chest when Mom, Daddy and Claire made their way back into the sitting room. It wasn't very late yet, only about nine o'clock, and to be honest I wasn't even very tired at all.

They sat down and continued their chat, as Josh's lips found the side of my head, in a soft, loving kiss. I smiled, tilting my head up to look at him. He smiled back and kissed my lips, making me giggle. The kiss was a little deep considering our parents were sitting right beside us though...

Discretely, Josh's hand trailed down from my waist and onto my leg, moving in a little close for comfort as his tongue slipped past my lips. I completely forgot myself in his kiss and let him do what he wanted to me.

But the laughter of my parents after something Claire had said brought me out of my Josh trance and I pushed him away, breathing heavily.

''I'm really tired...I think I'm going to go to bed.'' I announced to the adults, giving Josh a pointed look as I jumped to my feet and walked from the room.

''Yeah...T-tired...Bed...S-sleep...'' Josh stuttered, following after me eagerly.

Smooth Josh, real smooth.

I gave him a dirty look, rolling my eyes at him, as I grabbed his hand, giggling a little at how bad we were being and dragged him into his room. He hastily shut and locked the door behind us, and I didn't even see it coming until he threw me onto the bed, and I bounced a little before he came down on top of me and things got serious again.

My top was ripped from my body and thrown on the floor, and my jeans were torn from my legs, as Josh kissed me like there was no tomorrow. I shyly went to pull off his shirt, but he got impatient and pulled it off himself, before going straight back to kissing me again.

His lips quickly found my neck, peppering light kisses all the way down from my jaw to my collar bone.

I sighed as his teeth grazed my soft skin, and his lips began to suck gently. Josh always had a way of making me forget my own name. Regardless of the situation, if his lips were touching me in any way, I was jelly in his hands.

His lips and teeth began to get a little bit rougher and I gasped as he bit down harder, sighing in pleasure as his tongue ran over that area strait after to sooth it. He began sucking again as his fingers trailed over my bra playfully. I couldn't contain the little moan that escaped as he began massaging my breasts through the bra.

When he was finished with my neck he moved up again to kiss my lips, desperately rubbing our tongues together as he slipped his hands behind my back to unhook and pull off my bra.

I wasn't shy about it any more, I loved and trusted Josh with all my heart and I knew he would never judge me or anything. I knew he loved me too.

My bra hit the floor and his eyes trailed down from my face, and I must say he looked like a kid in a candy store, making me blush and giggle at his longing expression.

He smiled down at me once more, before once again rocking my world.

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