Milk boy // Yoonmin

By JiminieIsLuv

110K 5.9K 1.7K

"That's a lot of milk" In which a closed off and poor Jimin gets his life turned upside down after meeting t... More

Min Yoongi
A Cold February Night
Knight In Shining Armor
Fine Dine
The Painting
Work Life
Good Talks
Overthinking Or Not?
The Confession
The Dream
First and Last
The Morning After
True Colours
Weekend Fun
Strawberry Date
The Hug
The Business Deal
Old Thoughts
9 Hours
!Thank you!

Milk boy

4.8K 238 49
By JiminieIsLuv

"You have got to be kidding me," Jimin mumbled to himself frustrated as he stared into the empty fridge. He was currently standing in his kitchen, none of his lights turned on, the only thing to ignite the kitchen being the light from the fridge. He had made the horrible discovery that he, once again, was out of milk. He ran a hand through his hair, still in disbelief. Where did all his milk go? He let out a defeated sigh as he closed the fridge door. He had made it almost two weeks and now he was out of milk once again. It made sense however, he had only reckoned that a week would pass before he needed to restock, but he had been extremely careful not to be too heavy-handed, seeing he was scared to go to the shop again. He didn't want to run into the stranger that had sought him out. Min Yoongi. And in his attempt, he had made the milk last longer than expected.Also, it wasn't as if Jimin didn't want other, more expensive, and luxurious foods, but his bank account simply didn't allow that. He was already struggling to pay his rent, seeing he didn't have a job and relied heavily on cash benefits and unemployment benefits from the government. Jimin glanced over at all the unopened envelopes stacked on his nightstand. Open them? No thanks, he knew that the letters had been stacking up for a reason. He had not paid rent for months now, but he had hoped that ignoring the problem would make it go away. It did not, and so he felt a responsibility to open them. There could, after all, be something important written in there. Jimin made his way to the nightstand, his breath hastening as he reached for the most recent letter. With shaky hands he tried opening it, it was a bit of a struggle, and he could feel his heart pounding away in his chest when he finally got the letter opened. As he read through the letter, his eyes scanning each word as quickly as possible, felt the panic rise in his whole body and a stinging sensation in his eyes.Dear Mr. Park,You have failed to pay rent for the last three months.Hence, we are most unfortunate to announce that you can no longer live in this establishment. You will be given 7 days, starting today 10/2-22, to move out. No negotiations.I hope you understand and do not cause any form of trouble.Sincerely,Your Landlord.Jimin felt everything around him freeze as he tried to process what he had just read. Reading it over and over again, he finally looked at the date. Today was the 16th, meaning he had to be out by tomorrow. Fuck. The stinging feeling in his eyes developed into tears, and he didn't even try holding them back as they ran down across his cheeks. Reality had struck him, he had nowhere to go, no friends, no family. It was inevitable, he was going to be homeless, and God knows he wasn't built for a life on the streets. An hour went by, with just Jimin sitting on his bed, letter in hand, crying his eyes out. But he knew that crying wouldn't get him a new place, and it certainly wouldn't make his problems go away. Sniffling some of the snot back up into his nose and wiping his eyes and cheeks with his sleeve, he decided that he might as well just go buy some milk and enjoy his last meal before living on the streets. That's when a quick and unpleasant thought struck him. 'But do I even wanna keep living?' Too tired to even go down that dark path, he stood up and made his way to his door. Once again putting on his green jacket, which was almost as old and dirty as his shoes. Jimin walked down the dark streets feeling at ease, strangely enough. The only thing that lit up the street was the dim street light, which wasn't that bright, making Jimin feel safe and anonymous. Now he was just another body walking, no one could see him, judge him--he was unknown. Walking at night didn't scare him, which was weird considering he was scared of everything. Before he could finish his train of thoughts, he realised that he had reached the shop--one hour till closing--not taking any chances he walked in, heading straight to the back as always, picking up the milk. This time he only needed one. Not wasting any time, he walked towards the counter where he spotted a familiar lean, dark-haired figure, already there. The figure was buying... lollipops?Still not wanting to waste any time, Jimin found himself creeping up behind him, standing in line while keeping his head low."Thanks!" The man smiled, and his voice filled the shop with light. It made Jimin feel that strange bubbly feeling in his chest again, could it be a twisted kind of happiness, that he was feeling? Was this man's aura really strong enough to have an actual effect on Jimin?The man turned around, almost bumping into Jimin but catching himself just in time. He stared at Jimin, excitement in his eyes."Milk Boy! Long time no see!~" The man, now known as Min Yoongi, said with a smile. Jimin found himself unable to respond to such enthusiasm. And his body took over, leaving his brain behind."Hi... Thief" Jimin had made a fool out of himself. 'Nice, real nice' Jimin scolded myself internally. Why was he always being rude towards this man who had done nothing to deserve it? Jimin's cheeks flushed from embarrassment, and he dared not look back into the other man's eyes again. "Ah, I'm sorry I kept your change, here you go," Yoongi suddenly spoke, pulling some money out of the pocket of his jacket. Feeling guilty for having even brought it up, Jimin quickly clarified. "No thanks, I didn't mean it, I'm sorry... I'll just- you know" Jimin answered while awkwardly slipping past the other man. However, Yoongi's eyes followed Jimin as he moved past him. Jimin thought he heard Yoongi mumble something, it sounded like the word 'cute', but Jimin knew he was being delusional. Pushing the thought back, he paid for his milk still feeling the eyes of Yoongi burn into his back, making Jimin start to sweat a little--he was feeling insecure with this sudden attention he was getting from the other man."Thanks" Jimin quickly spoke, as he proceeded to ignore Yoongi. Wanting to wrap this up, Jimin walked past Yoongi to get out of the store, not paying him any mind. "Wait!" It was Yoongi again, but Jimin kept ignoring him, feeling overwhelmed by the many things that had happened in the past 2 hours. Jimin started to walk faster, this time he was not gonna let the other man catch up to him. ----------Once again, Jimin had reached his apartment--soon to be ex apartment. He found his way inside, chest filled with dread. He made his way to the kitchen, and for old times sake, he found a bowl, filled it with cereal, poured the newly bought milk, grabbed a spoon, and started scooping one spoonful after the other into his mouth. This brought comfort, this brought a distraction--As always, cereal saves the day.

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