Slave Bet | n.s [COMPLETED] #...

By keepingupwidnarry

229K 8.9K 2K

Frenemies Niall and Harry find themselves in a weird bet and neither of them is willing to back out ! A Narr... More

! Slave Bet !
Character Ask !
End Note


3.5K 163 71
By keepingupwidnarry

Next day Niall finds himself walking in the school for his classes, practically running to it. He slept through his alarm somehow and got up with almost twenty minutes till his first class. He has never gotten late in his whole life and he is not starting now. He sends a text quickly to Liam asking him about his whereabouts ; he has not seen the boy since last night .

Liam had bunked at his house last night , where Liam anyways lives , it has been like that since ages so it didn't really made any difference , only changed when he started dating Zayn . But yeah, they had a movies marathon and a long one to one talk. With Liam going on and on about Zayn and Niall pouring out his frustration about Harry.

Liam being the good and actually concerned friend that he is tried to calm Niall down and straight away went towards Niall's feelings for Harry ,much to the blonde's dismay.

Niall is not able to stop thinking about his last encounter with Harry. It is the only thing playing in his mind , keeping him jumbled and nervous than ever. He has no idea what the jock is going to do next only trying to guess for him to be prepare.

But was he ever prepare for Harry ? Never .

He is so torned between avoiding the boy and wanting to meet him, be near him. He has been receiving all kinds of dirty and flirty messages from the boy , he will admit they affected . The red in his cheeks hasn't even gone yet . But till now Harry hasn't shown himself , physically wooing him .

The word Harry quoted himself with.

Niall chuckles shaking his head as he remembers Harry's words : wooing him. He wants to see Harry trying to flirt with him , "woo" him or whatever thing he is going to do , he is very much looking forward to it but other part of him is scared as fuck..

No guy has ever shown a tinch of interest him  Only talking to him when they want to pass a subject or complete their homework. So the most popular jock , the one that he "hates" is going around him is quite intimidating and he just doesn't know if Harry's playing with him.

An ultimate revenge

He shakes his head rounding up the corridor to his class shushing his doubts down. He doesn't want to be negative about this , not when he is getting Harry's attention and believe it or not he is pretty excited himself. To see what Harry is in store for him.

He enters into the class taking a seat far near the window. Thankfully he doesn't have his first class with Niall .

He still has no idea what his feelings for Harry lie at . I mean he is well aware of his jealousy when someone goes so much as close to Harry , he will never lie about the way he just went off on Ally - the girl did pissed him and he admits he was not able to listen to her saying ' Harry is hers' and he just went off .

He will not lie and say he doesn't feel anything for the boy because he does , that much is clear for him. He started caring for him long ago and liked him when Harry took care of him after everything that happened to him. He also admits he missed the stupid boy once he left but he knew he had too. He was scared of himself , as he felt something -  a lot of something when they kissed and he was scared of the fact that he wanted to do it again and again. So moving out seemed like the bet option there is. 

But he doesn't know he depth of his feelings or the kind of feeling he has for the boy or if he even has any.


Niall huffs striding straight to Luke at the canteen. Its been days since he last saw the boy and now that he is here and alone Niall takes this as his opportunity and sits himself next to boy. Luke doesn't even look up as he is heads down into his book. Its rare to see Luke with a book but is even rarer to see Harry with one , Niall thinks.

"Do you have any idea where Harry might be?" he asks after contemplating whether to ask or not . All he receives is a shake of head and he huffs peeling his orange he got for himself.

"Was he there at the practice ?" he asks wanting to know the jock's whereabouts , he didn't want to but he was getting worried. He has not seen the guy since yesterday and he doesn't know what to think about that. Apart of him wants to feel relieved that he didn't have an encounter with the boy but a part of him wants to desperately know where the hell is he ?!

wasn't he going to woo me ?

He checked his phone blush creeping unknowingly at their text last night , in which Harry was complementing him in every which way.

He sighs as Luke shakes his head yet again.

"What about the others ?"

Again a nod and he thinks this is he only thing he is going to get out of this guy for today.

He dumps his container after finishing up his food and heads to the library only to be blocked by none other than .

"Hey princess " Harry whispers smirk plastered on his face making Niall blush unexpectedly .

He was not expecting this.

"what the hell Helen ?! Move out of he way , I have a class to be at " trying to be strict and exasperated  but he has to keep up his part although internally  he was dancing .

"Why in such a hurry , the bell hasn't even rung yet"

"Why the hell were you not in the class?!" Niall chooses to ask instead trying to be intimidating , most irritated but coming off as curious.

Harry took steps towards him closing his personal space and before Niall knows his has his arm propped on the wall beside the blonde boy in the fucking school corridor.

"Missed me so much princess ?" Harry smirks leaning into him .

"Just answer the question Styles !" Niall says exasperated eyeing the bulge of Harry's arm.

God did he workout !

"Got up late and ran into Dean"  Harry answers with a pink slip clearly stating his upcoming detention .

"Okay , now move I gotta go" Niall says slipping from below Harry's outstretched arm.

"where to ??!" Harry asks laughing lightly as he watches the blonde skips away and laughs loudly as Niall turns him shouting "Not your buisness "


Niall is running his hand on the stem of the book searching for the one he wants when he is been pulled away and slammed onto the rack behind him.

Before he can yell or so much as react lips are been placed on his ear and a voice speaks sensually 

"It is my fucking business "

Niall  pushes him away  seriously exasperated at the boy

"what the hell are you doing ?! Its a library !"

Harry balantly ignores him and repeats himself , confidence oozing off him "whatever you do is my business -"only to be cut by Niall who shrieks .

"I am not your slave if you haven't got it already" Niall tries to sass only to gulp as Harry calmly replies ,

"and I dont want you to be "

Niall composes himself quickly and smirks slightly crossing his arms on his chest. He goes to say

"Then my business is -" only to be cut off by Harry "my business"

Harry pushes him again moving closer to the boy, with his hand tracing the blonde's arm and smirks at the shiver that runs through Niall's arm.

"Tell me Niall , I am yours , right ?"

"not this again " Niall sighs not even trying to hide his blush he knows is creeping up his checks , instead starts " Harry just let me be , I am late and I have to prepare for this test in thirty minutes-" he rants for what seems like hours only to be stopped by Harry .

Only not the way Niall wants as
Harry has his lips pressed on Niall's lips forcefully which he loosens up a bit pressing his lips .

Niall feels all breathe has left his lings as he shakily puts his hand on the jock's shoulder , eyes closed as he feels butterflies swarming in his belly.

He sighs a little as Harry pulls away only to take in his bottom lip between his slowly sucking on it before leaving it with a pop.

Niall watches dazed  as Harry slips his hand from the blonde's back gliding down his side on to his hips and squeezes it a bit before leaving .

Niall's eyes shoot up as Harry speaks , staring straight at him , eyes lazed with determination and something Niall doesn't understand. He feels himself loose his breathe as the brunette says

"I am not going to give up until I get what I want"

with that he leaves the boy rushing out not before a wink and cheekiest grin Niall has ever seen.

What the hell does he wants ? 



Niall is sassy and a little affected

Harry is trying to be sexy and to woo Niall

And all is right in the world .

Can I just say , I am missing Narry a lot !! Because shit ! I am :((((

Anywho !!!

After a lot of thinking and contemplating and plotting and planning I thought why not give this story a chance ? Make it a full fledge Novel worthy , Narry Book . Hopefully a one which is loved by all book !!

Yesssss , if you're guessing I am extending the book , stretching it like an elastic . HELL YEAH .

NO , actually I thought and when I was writing this chapter I realised I am just rushing into finishing this one. This is not the point of writing Narry book , I don't want to rush my work just for he sake of finishing it .


Thoughts on chapter ?

What do you guys want to happen next in the story ?







Stay safe doodlebugs

Ri x

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