Black Hell | Naruto FanFiction

By Gold_Roses_of_Winter

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Growing up hated and tortured by everyone in Konoha, Naruto met the Kyuubi once he blacked out from another b... More

[Black Hell] Prologue: Welcome to My Life
[Black Hell] Chapter One: The Ninja Academy
[Black Hell] Chapter Two: Graduation
[Black Hell] Chapter Three: An Awkward Lunch
[Black Hell] Chapter Four: Teams
[Black Hell] Chapter Five: Introductions
[Black Hell] Chapter Six: Bell Test
[Black Hell] Chapter Seven: Teamwork
[Black Hell] Chapter Nine: C-Rank Mission
[Black Hell] Chapter Ten: Demon Brothers
[Black Hell] Chapter Eleven: Demon of the Mist
[Black Hell] Chapter Twelve: Reality Check
[Black Hell] Chapter Thirteen: Truth
Author's Note
Another Author's Note:
[Black Hell] Chapter Fourteen: Mystery
[Black Hell] Chapter Fifteen: Captured

[Black Hell] Chapter Eight: D-Rank Missions

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By Gold_Roses_of_Winter

Meanwhile, Kushina and Kakashi were having the time of their lives. At least, they didn't have to explain the whole explanation behind the test.

"No," Naruto, Kakashi, and Kushina sweatdropped.

Naruto sighed, "There's a thing called teamwork,"


"Dove, Point B," Mishi whispered.

"Emo, Point C," Sasuke grunted at his nickname.

"Blossom, Point E! Sasuke-kun, you're so cool~!" the pink-haired fangirl squealed, causing everyone to sweatdrop.

"Huh? What? Oh, Fox, Point G," said Kato.

"Kato, you need to be alert at all times. No one knows when or where the enemy will attack. Redhead, Point F," Kushina had a hint of strictness in her tone.

"Scarecrow, Point H," said Kakashi. "Naruto, what about you?"

"Secretive, Point A. I got the target. Mission completed," Naruto announced, caressing Tora's fur, and earned a satisfied 'meow' in return.

Everyone jumped from their positions and landed on the clearing, where Naruto was currently in. The brown cat purred against his chest, making Sakura squeal at how the blond was so cute with a cat.

"Okay, mission 'Catch Tora' completed," Kushina announced. "Let's head towards the Hokage's office to request for another mission,"

Nearly everyone sighed and groaned in frustration. D-Rank missions are boring, yes, and utterly lame. They are called chores—not damn missions—which civilians were too lazy to do.

As they plodded in towards the Hokage's office, numerous civilians were giving them strange looks. They skillfully ignored it and continued. As they reached the office, Kato didn't feel like doing the serious and appropriate thing, and kicked the door open.

"Dad!" Kato and Mishi chirped happily. Iruka got a tick mark on, seeing the door burst open—which literally made him jump to the ceiling.

"Team 7, reporting," Kakashi lazily said. "Mission success, another D-Rank, please, sensei,"

"Of course," Minato scanned the papers, reading it aloud one by one. "There's weeding, taking trash out of a river, walking dogs, and repainting an old house. Which one do you want?"

"All of them," After a brief discussion, the six decided in agreement, or rather, the four decided in agreement (Naruto could care less about the mission, Sakura was busy swooning over the raven-haired lad, and the said raven-haired lad kept brooding too much to actually listen).

"Alright, let's go,"



"Ugh. This is gotta be the most lame mission ever!" Sakura groaned. "Right, Sasuke-kun?" she said, all the while battering her eyelashes as a way to seduce the raven-haired lad.

Sasuke grunted, tired of her fangirling. Sakura then squealed at his response, repeating the 'Sasuke-kun, you're so cooooollll~' speech.

"Done," Kato sighed in relief. His working place was stripped bare; the weeds pulled out. "I finished first, right mom?"

"I did!" Mishi retorted. "I finished two seconds earlier than you!"

"Pffft. I finished ten seconds earlier than you!" Kato yelled. "I finished first, sorry sis!"

"I did!"

"Did not!


"Did not—"

"Actually," Kushina interrupted. "I was the first one to finish!" she announced.

"You didn't even help us!" her children, excluding Naruto, yelled in unison. "That's cheating!"

"Hehe," An evil glint shone on Kushina's eyes as she stared at them in a predator-like way. The two which received the stare shivered and gave up.

That goes our teamwork. . . Kakashi and Naruto thought simultaneously, sighing.

[Taking Trash Out of A River]

"Kushina-sensei, Kakashi-sensei," Sakura called the two jōnins (Kushina became a jōnin after she retired from the ANBU, much like Kakashi). "May I ask why are we taking rubbish out of a river?"

"It's your mission, Sakura," Kakashi gave her a closed-eyed smile. "Now, no time for chitchat. Start!"

"These aren't missions, they're chores!" Kato yelled in frustration. "I want a C-Rank Mission after the other two missions!"

"As much as I like to agree with you, Kato-san," Naruto interrupted before the other blond could actually rant on and on. "A genin team needs to complete thirty D-Rank Missions before they are allowed a C-Rank, or when their senseis agree that we are ready. However, Lady Kushina and Hatake-san don't think we are ready,"

"I'll die before we can even accomplish thirty missions!" Mishi sighed and shook her head at her brother's antics.

"Yes, yes, we get it now, Kato-kun," said Kushina. "Now start your mission or we'll be here after nightfall,"

[Walking Dogs]

"I want the biggest one!" Kato whined. "Can I have the biggest one, mom?"

"No," Kushina replied flatly.

'Ooh~ He wants the biggest one, eh? Kit, summon me. Naruto, summon me~!' Kurama laughed in an insane way.

'Oh, you're awake? I thought you're going on a hibernation period,' said Naruto in a mocking tone. 'Do you seriously want the Council after our heads?'

'. . .no.'

"Ahh! Help!" Kato yelled as he was dragged by the dog towards the mine. Kushina and Mishi ran after him, cursing the fact that Kato was too stubborn for his own good. Kakashi and Naruto sighed, something they've been doing too much recently. Sasuke grunted, thinking 'Loser.' whilst Sakura swooned over the lad.

[Repainting an Old House]

"This is harder than I had originally thought," Kato complained. "The mission—nope, chore said to 'repaint' not 'rebuild', ugh. . ."

"Consider it as your training," Kushina chirped happily, not even bothering to help the genins as they worked. Kakashi giggled, blushing in a pervert-like way as he flipped a page of his Icha Icha.

Typical perverts.

Or was it typical Kakashi?

Oh well. And speaking of perverts. . .

"Kakashi-kun, keep the book or I'll burn it," Kushina said in a sickening sweet tone, accompanied by a smile that matched her voice perfectly. Kakashi kept the book, in fear of the redhead.

"Naruto, what're you doing?" Mishi's voice snapped them out of their senseis out of their own conversations.

"Shadow Clone Technique!" At the yell, ten Shadow Clones popped up, each a perfect copy of Naruto. The said blond then ordered them to do his work, making Mishi and Kato twitch.

"Shadow Clone Technique!" Mishi and Kato yelled, each producing ten copies of themselves. The clones worked together, finishing the work in less than an hour.

"There goes their training. . ." Kushina pouted. "Alright, let's ask another mission,"

"It better be a C-Rank one!" Kato grumbled.

'What a dysfunctional team,' Naruto thought.

"Oh, for Kami's sake, shut up!" Mishi yelled, finally losing her cool.

Sasuke grunted, making Sakura squeal and give her speech again. Kakashi giggled perversely at his Icha Icha, making Kushina give him a threat.

'What a dysfunctional team, indeed,'

* * * * *
Sorry for the wait!

It seems like I lost my inspiration to right these days :'(

At least I got that back now :)

Next chapter is the start of the Wave Arc. I'm making Kato act like Naruto in the anime, Sakura more fangirl-like than usual, and Sasuke more quiet :)

I'll probably either send another update after two days after or tomorrow. :/

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