Chances are....

By CandidKeeks

231K 7.2K 991

In this story we'll be following the lives of Justine Halloway and Bradley Jameston. Justine, a suburban brow... More

1. Meet Justine
2. Meet Bradley
3. Saying Hello
4. Bad News
5. He's hot
6. As Always
7. Nothing new to me
8. Not so bad
9. Go hard or go home
10. What are the odds?
11. If you don't mind...
12. Pool party...??
13. I'm an idiot
14. Trust me will ya?
15. Firsts for everything
16. Bittersweet Farewell
18. Emotional Meadows
19. But wait there's more
20. Well that was....eventful.
21. Can I kidnap your stuffed monkey?
22. Moving In
23. Mini Golfing?
24. What do YOU want?
25. Mind Games
26. Talk to him.
27. Fuck you
28. Too fancy
29. Resolved Issues?
30. Something Changed
31. Monster

17. Home Sweet Home

6.1K 250 16
By CandidKeeks


I pulled into my driveway at exactly 3:45, and I didn't even hit the mailbox this time! I honked twice, popped the trunk, and walked into the house. Where's my little shithead of a brother.

"Oh Benjiiii, aren't you gunna help me carry my things in?!" I yelled hoping my dad would hear me.

"Benji, son, go and get your sister's things." I heard my mom from the kitchen.

"Mommyyyy!" i ran to her as she emerged from the kitchen.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here to say goodbye," she chuckled huging me, "duty calls."

"Why do I have to do EVERYTHING?!" Benji cam stomping down the stairs.

"Oh stop being a whiny brat!" My dad teased as he walked into the den to hug me, "Your phone is on your bed, don't drop this one into a pool kiddo, now if you'll excuse me, the game is only in the second half." he turned and dissappeared back into the family room.

"I'll be upstairs if you need me mom!" I shouted as I bolted up to my room. I stopped at the top of the stairs and noticed Tink was sitting right outside of my door. "Oh I missed you boy!" he barked and lept up onto my leg as I opened my bedroom door.

"Justine! I hate you! Why do you have so much stuff?! And I'm not locking your car!" Benji shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

"Stop your whining!" I heard my dad yell back.

"You tell him dad!" I laughed and shut my door glancing towards my bed, which Tink had rudely jumped onto. "Why must you claim my bed as your own?" I ruffled his fur and reached for the package with my beautiful new phone in it.


So the lady at the dry cleaner's claimed I never brought my Giorgio Armani blazer to her. Welp, there goes $2,400. I almost called the police but I have more important things to do.

I walked out of the building only to be bombarded with cameras.

"What the hell?!" I shielded my face wth my freshly cleaned attire and headed straight for my car.

"Mr. Jameston! Sir!"

I quickly slid into my car and drove off, dialing my dad's number in the process.

"I really don't have time right now son." What a complete asshole way to answer your phone.

"Dad, why the hell am I being followed?"

"It's all due to a business deal I'm making. It'll blow over. Alright, I need to go, I have a meeting in less than 15 minutes."

"No! How do they know where I am? I'm not okay with my privacy being invaded dad, you know that."

"It'll blow over give it a few months and it'll be like it never happened. I'll see you when you get home son...." And with that the line went dead.

"What the fuck?!!" I slammed my hand into the dash and pulled into some random parking lot. I sat for about 15 minutes before I got a much needed phone call.

"Hey hey hey!" I could just hear the smile in her voice.

"Hey what's up? I see you finally got your phone. I've been waiting on this call."

"Oh have you? Well, my dad's taking the family to dinner tonight so I may be able to pencil you in tomor-.....Tink! Put that down!"

"Yeah right, like you actually need to pencil me in and who's Tink?" I glanced out the rearview mirror and watched as a woman and her daughter walked hand in hand across the busy street.

"Tink is my dog. You on your way back now right?"

"Yeah I'm actually in the parking lot of-" I squinted at the sign on the builing ahead of me. "Target....I think."

"Why are you in a parking lot?"

"Long story, well not long, just weird. I'll tell you about it when I get back to good ol' Pennsylvania alright?"

"Then maybe we can go for tofu?"

"Uh, yeah no. That's definitley not going to-"

"Oh c'mon! It isn't 'that' bad."

"Yes, yes it is, and it makes my stomach do weird things."

"Whatever, we're still going," She laughed. "I'm gonna go shower and then off to family dinner. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow indeed. I'll talk to you later Justine."

"Ok byeeeeeee" she laughed before hanging up and I pulled out of the space I was in.

I drove for about three and a half hours before I pulled into my driveway. All I could think about on the drive here was spending the day with Justine tomorrow. I grabbed my bag from the back seat and fixed my hair before going inside.

"Sweetheart! You're home!" My mom rushed over to me showering me in kisses.

"I missed you too mom, where's dad?" I looked past her towards the kitchen.

"He's in his office, been there all day." she nodded toward the entrance to his office suite.

I kissed her cheek one last time before heading off towards his office. I made sure to knock twice and then a third time before walking in.

"Hey son, how was your trip?"

"Dad, you and I both know that, that's not what I'm here to talk about."

"And what exactly is it you want to talk about."

I chuckled, "Why the hell was I being followed dad? That has never happened before. Ever."

"Like I said before, this will all blow over, there's nothing to be worried about."

"Nothing to be worried about?! I finally find someone I'm ginuinely interested in and I'm being followe-"


"What?! No it's definitey NOT Stacey!"

"What's wrong with Stace-"

"What's right with Stacey!?" I stood up to leave.

"Look, son, it'll blow over. Don't worry your mother about any of this."

"Yeah, sure." I short worded him and walked out.

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