Chained In Red (BoyXBoy, Vamp...

By Aramyst87

90.1K 4.2K 590

"Alvin! Kenny!" I called out, hearing more footsteps move from one place to another. Some idiot was moving ar... More

1| Emergency
2| Attack
3| Capture
4| Cadell
5| Blood
6| Deal
7| Midnight Chills
8| Jealous Hunger
9| Defend Me
10| Keep Me Warm
11| Clean
12| Bedtime
13| You Hurt Him
14| I Will Kill You
15| You're to Blame
16| My Heartbreaker
17| Killing Me
18| Kiss me?
19| Just Like You
20| Sleep With Me
21| Just a Taste
22| Liar-Liar
23| I Hate You
24| I'll Defend You
25| Fear of Him
26| White Fanged Monster
28| He's Coming For Me
29| Bleeding Out For You
30| Where Are You?
31| Captured By The Past
32| Runaway From Home
33| Deadly Like a Loaded Gun
34| Smile for Me, and I'll Go
35| Welcome to the Team
36| Play Time
A/N 2

27| Don't Tattle On Me

1.4K 66 5
By Aramyst87

Cadell's POV

"Damien. What did the vampire look like??" I demanded, leaning forward as much as I possibly could through the bars of my cage. He sat on the other side, arms wrapped tightly around himself as he stared at me with a dull, blank expression. He looked so empty yet terrified all churned into one expression.

"Damien. Fucking answer me! Please! I need to know what-" He cut me off completely with a surprised loud shout.

"I don't fucking know shit! Okay?? I only saw the eyes!!" He shouted, scared and confused tears welling in the corners of his eyes. I flinched and reached forward for him, he gently grasped my hand in his grip, slowly tightening it. I let him, if it made him feel any better, then I'll do it for him.

"Shh... Shh it's alright..." I comforted him, letting him squeeze my hand tighter in his own grip. I twitched slightly from the pain, but I had worse before. "Listen, Damien. I want you to do something for me, okay? I want you to go to your manager, explain to him everything."


"Yes! Tell him everything! Tell him that we're dating! Tell him that I killed those people, tell him Rayne is part of my group, tell him I can defend this place! They have to trust me Damien! We don't have a lot of time left, please! They have to let me go! I can promise that I won't hurt anyone ever again! I-I..." I blurted out hundreds of words, I couldn't hear them myself, so I inwardly prayed they formed some kind of sentence.

"I got it, tell him everything." He responded, leaning close to me to kiss me on the forehead. I blushed, but not a lot. My face felt like it caught on fire when he leaned down to gently press his lips against mine. I let myself press into the gentle kiss, I could tell it made him feel a bit more secure about the situation. It made me feel better too.

He pulled away, and I felt cold and hollow once again, but ignored it. He stood up, leaving the room after a few moments. I sighed and gripped my head. Please, please believe that I can be useful to you... You have to trust me... I just... I want Damien to be safe...

I closed my eyes, focusing on the different sounds that surrounded me, things I couldn't see at the moment. I'm in a cage, a cold one. A big one. There's thirty old cages in this room currently, now head to the door. The door is unlocked, surprisingly. Walk down the hallway, door number three on the left- there's an unlocked window in that room. They need to check that. Go upstairs to-

I let my nose take effect, sniffing the air like a dog. It was kind of weird to see, but it was a trick us vampires had. We didn't really use it often. I smelled blood- a female's blood, about twenty-four years of age before dying. I can smell one of Rayne's members scent all over her, it brings back too many memories.


Suddenly I grabbed at my head, tears forming in my eyes and clouding my vision so I could barely see. I cried out as a large sharp pain hit me in the head.

~ Flashback ~

"Ray..." I whimpered, hugging close to the wall as he only stared at me blankly, very slowly letting his tongue glide against his lips. My eyes widened when I could see the sharp white fangs glistening inside his mouth, fear wracking every nerve in my body.

"Y-You're scaring me... Stop it Ray! Be serious, please!" He started walking forward towards me, completely ignoring my pleas and begging. He stopped when our faces were inches apart, his body taller than mine as he caged me against the wall. Both his arms on other side of my head, a small smirk resting on his face.

"My sweet, sweet, Cadell. How tender you look~" I whimpered at his words as his fingers slowly stroked my cheek. I closed my eyes tightly, not wanting to look into those bright red eyes of his. "Don't worry, it won't hurt forever sweetheart~ I just want a taste..."

And he leaned forward, even against my grip trying to push him away. His body overpowered my small frame and he pressed against me, fangs sinking into my neck. I felt paralyzed, still conscious yet I didn't move, didn't fight back. As soon as I felt his cold tongue against my neck, I felt dizzy, I felt light headed.

And I passed out.


"Cadell, how are you feeling?" Rayne asked, sitting in his chair at the desk at the far side of my room. I laid on my plain bed, refusing to even touch my pillows or blankets that were offered to me. I refused to let my fingers stray away from the two small closed holes on my neck, in fear that he would make a move and bite me again if I tried to let my guard down.

I shouldn't be overreacting... he didn't try to rape me, he didn't try to talk me into fucking with him, he didn't try to kill me- I think. It's all over now, he won't do it again... right?

"You make a very beautiful vampire, amore." He smiled softly, one of his fangs peeking out from his mouth when his jaw stretched. I shivered at his words, not ever wanting to hear that word again. I hated everything, I wanted it all to end, I became the monster I feared so badly.


"Where the fuck did he go?!" Rayne shouted angrily, hands clenching into fists at his sides as he clenched his teeth with anger and rage. Two other vampires stood in the doorway, startled expressions on their faces.

"H-He must've escaped from-"

"FUCK! Find him! NOW." Rayne demanded aggressively. The two vampires gulped and nodded quickly before scurrying out the door. I was far from the hideout by then, refusing to let my legs take a break from running.

Please, don't ever make me go back there.

~ Flashback End ~

"Cadell, please don't cry..." Damien gently wiped away a stray tear from my wet face. I opened my eyes up to see his softly smiling face, that certain smile reminded me of his. Rayne's smile. But I didn't feel afraid of him, surprisingly. It's Damien, not Rayne. You're safe with him, he'll protect you...

"Damien...?" I whimpered. He smiled wider at the mention of name, at the sound of my small pained voice.

"He said he'll trust you, for now."

(A/N: Hope you guys liked it, it's pretty late here right now. About 11:35PM right now XD I got school tomorrow too, YAY. AND a math test. *cries* Anyways, considering I'm half asleep, hopefully the past and the chapter turned out alright. I won't know till morning. XD Love you guys xoxo!! ❤️ Also, enjoy the song above ^ I don't know why, I just felt like it suited this chapter as I wrote it. Enjoy. :)


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