Nine Paths of Asura-Original...

By MtAlternity

472K 32.6K 241

One day, when a young boy, Lineir, is scavenging alone in the abandoned Old City he angers a horde of undead... More

Chapter 1: Lineir
Chapter 2- A Nobody Becomes a Somebody But Nobody Knows Him
Chapter 3- Without A Means to Avoid An End
Chapter 4- The Deadzone
Chapter 5- Redline
Chapter 6- True Power
Chapter 7-So Valuable You Can't Sell
Chapter 8- Burning Wish Pt.1
Chapter 9- The Nine Paths And Perfect Harmony
Chapter 10- Sheer Willpower
Chapter 12- The Bone Scythes Appear
Chapter 13 - Parting, Promise, and The Path
Chapter 14- Coincidence
Chapter 15- Unspeakable Element
Chapter 16-Burning_____
Chapter 17- Everyday Choices
Chapter 18-Don't Know Why She Never Came
Chapter 19-Devastation
Chapter 20-Fishing For Carp
Chapter 21-Catching a Shark
Chapter 22- Survive
Chapter 23-The Cracking of the Second Pillar
Chapter 24-Final Heart
Chapter 25-The Unbound One
Chapter 26- Strange Noises
Chapter 27- Talon
Chapter 28- The Beast Inside
Chapter 29- A Way In
Chapter 30 No Longer So Soft...
Chapter 31- Trial By Night
Chapter 32- Noble
Chapter 33- The Real Winner
Chapter 34- The First Path
Chapter 35- Slow Walk
Chapter 36- First Walk of Madness
Chapter 37-Second Walk Of Madness-Acceleration
Chapter 38- Reaper
Chapter 39-The Waiting Game
Chapter 39 Continued- Appearance
Chapter 40 - Ascending the Pillar
Chapter 41- Cheating!
Chapter 42- Daring to Play With Lightning
Chapter 43- The Raging Storm Comes
Chapter 44-Learning to Walk
Chapter 45 - Strange Happenings
Chapter 46 - The Sect's Predicament
Chapter 47- Heavenly Grind
Chapter 48 - Cultivation Confusion
Chapter 49 Pt 2- The True Reasoning of the Greater Sects
Chapter 50-Time of Need
Chapter 51- Continental Drift
Chapter 52- Death Jungle
Chapter 53- Rumble In The Jungle
Chapter 54-Field of 100 Steps
Chapter 55- The Skeletal Shaman
Chapter 56- City by the Sea
Chapter 57-Slumbering City
Chapter 58- Caged City!
Chapter 59- The_________
Ch. 60- The Phoenix and Tortoise
Chapter 61- Ancestral Fusion
Chapter 62- Lord Light
Chapter 63- Homecoming
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 64- Whisper on the Wind
Chapter 65- Mei's First Sect Rule
Chapter 66- Danger in the Stone Sky!
Chapter 67-And So the Stone Sky Falls
Chapter 68 - The Nine Doors
Chapter 69- The 1001st Chosen Cup of Heaven
Chapter 70- Young Master Please!
Chapter 71- Shady Youth
Chapter 72- A Touch of Death
Chapter 73-The Hanged Man (pt1)
Chapter 74 - The Sightless Plains
Chapter 75-The Hanged Man Pt.2
Chapter 76 - Blatant Intervention
Chapter 77-Breakthrough!
Chapter 78- The Hanged Man pt.3
Chapter 79 - The True Use of Madness Rain
Chapter 80-The Hanged Man Pt.4
Chapter 81 - The Hanged Man Pt.5
Chapter 82 - The Hanged Man Pt.6
Chapter 83- The Hanged Man Pt.7
Chapter 84- The Hanged Man Pt.8 All Against One
Chapter 85-The Hanged Man Pt.9-One Against All
Chapter 86- Legacy
Chapter 87- Burning Wish Pt.2
Chapter 88- Blade of The Mourning End
Chapter 89- Returning to the Necropolis
Chapter 90-The Divine Ruby Rose
Chapter 91-Erasing The Mark
Chapter 92-The Fate of The White Horizon Sect
Chapter 93-Infiltrating the White Horizon Sect
Chapter 94-A Standard Scheme
Chapter 95-A Dark Star is Born
Chapter 96-A Reminisce On The Beach
Chapter 97-The Tyrannical Tablet
Chapter 98-A Terrible Mistake
Chapter 99-The Bladelord's Domain
Chapter 100-The Heavens and Hells Pt.1
Chapter 101-In Control
Chapter 102-The Jump
Chapter 103-The Hellhole
Chapter 104-Mission Accomplished
Chapter 105-Trapped
Chapter 106-To See Higher Skies
Chapter 107-Unexpected Aid
Chapter 108-Humanity's Heroes
Chapter 109-Snow and Screams
Chapter 110-Wake
Chapter 111-Wake Pt.2
Chapter 112-Star Stream Lake
Chapter 113-Star Stream Lake Pt.2
Chapter 114-Star Stream Lake Pt.3
Chapter 115-Star Stream Lake Pt.4
Chapter 116-Star Stream Lake Pt.5
Chapter 117-Star Stream Lake Pt.6
Chapter 118-Star Stream Lake Pt.7
Chapter 119-Star Stream Lake Pt.8
Chapter 120-Star Stream Lake Pt.9:Behind the Curtain
Chapter 121-Star Stream Lake Pt.10:No Way Back
Chapter 122-Snow Stream Lake Pt.11:Surfacing
Chapter 123-Star Stream Lake Pt.12:The First Trial
Chapter 124-Star Stream Lake Pt.13:The Second Trial
Chapter 125 Star Stream Lake Pt.14:Breaking Free!
Chapter 126-Star Stream Lake Pt.15:Finale
Chapter 127-Punching the Heavens!
Chapter 128-Assault On Snowfall Citadel
Chapter 129-Whose Hunting Who?
Chapter 130-The Race to Star Stream Lake
Chapter 131-Is He Really Divine Realm?
Chapter 132-From Light Comes Darkness
Chapter 133-Taking the Citadel
Chapter 134-Saving the Wei Girls!
Chapter 135-Opening Hostilities
Chapter 136-Reverse Edge
Chapter 138-Returning to the Monastery
Chapter 137-Sacrifice
Chapter 139-The Monastery Altar
Chapter 140-Confrontation
Chapter 141-Claw Against Claw
Chapter 142-The Snow God
Chapter 143-The Snow God and His Empress
Book Two Finale: Chapter 144-The Narrow Road For Friends and Enemies
Chapter 145- The Boiling Pot is Filled
Chapter 146-The Nithos Region
Chapter 147-Entering the City
Chapter 148-Death Qi Formation
Chapter 148-Ere the Ramparts
Chapter 149-Nightwatch
Chapter 150-Fire Kindling
Chapter 151-Treacherous Eyes
Chapter 152-Cursed Blessing
Chapter 153-The Nethertwister
Chapter 154-The Storm Coming
Chapter 155-_____________
Chapter 156-Arguments On All Sides
Chapter 157-Play No More
Chapter 158-Slaying Giants
Chapter 159 - I Need That
Chapter 160-To Die With Someone
Chapter 161-Water Spills Over
Chapter 162-Don't Cry So Hard Child
Chapter 163-Into Fire and Flame
Chapter 164-Entering the Hells
Chapter 165-Ten Incense Sticks of Time
Chapter 166-Do It!
Chapter 167-Trump Cards Revealed
Chapter 168-The First Lesson Between Master and Disciple!!
Chapter 169-His Unreliable Master
Chapter 170-Summer Fades to Fall
Chapterr 171-Darkness
Chapter 172-The Superpowers Appear
Chapter 173-Madness and Meeting
Chapter 174-Amalgate
Chapter 175-A Living Calamity
Chapter 176-The Throne
Chapter 177-What a Cute_____
Chapter 178-The Rainlands
Chapter 179-The Midnight Gate
Chapter 180-Beyond the Gate
Chapter 181-Claiming the Hematoma Technique
Chapter 182-The Black Heart
Chapter 183-No Turning Back
Chapter 184-A Strange Turn
Chapter 185-The Midnight Pond
Chapter 186-Memories of Lord Midnight
Chapter 187-Meeting Xiao Gui
Chapter 188-A True Madman
Chapter 189-Schemes
Chapter 190-Brightsoul City
Chapter 191-Destroying the Square
Chapter 192-The Midnight Armor
Chapter 193-Meeting Again
Chapter 194-The Young Master
Chapter 195-Fragmentation
Chapter 196-Honorbound
Nine Path's of Asura Part 2 Link

Chapter 11-Pillarfall and Unexpected Chance

4.7K 266 1
By MtAlternity

In a room hidden inside the wall of a sheer cliff, there hung above the clouds, a screen made of white mist. On it were fantastic portrayals of events in a city, a town, and all manner of life. The ocean, the desert, and even the moon flashed by, perhaps a good portion of the world would be shown in due time. However, then the screen crackled-out. The all-seeing magic dispersed, as the misty screen's center was stabbed by cold metal.

A black sword penetrated a maid's silken chemise and opened a hole in her heart, thrusting her body through the rapidly fading screen of mist. The stunning vistas were shattered by her passage. Soon, the room was plunged from vibrant life, into darkness. As the woman died, she painfully smiled, enjoying the thought that her death was always part of the plan.

"You know the Mistress will never let you go! Not after what you've done here!" With a weak moan, she slid down. On the floor, she stared feebly at the ceiling, the smile fading. Her life was all but spent.

A white-robed man took back his sword from her chest and laughed without a hint of real mirth. Crimson stains slowly dyed the front of his shirt red with spreading blood.

"Let me go? As if I care about her punishment! When I'm done with this world, there won't be anyone left who can hold a hand higher than mine! The Mistress of Fate has always taught that she controlled everything, but tell me, after all these years, why is it that you lie here dying, and I stand here delivering your eulogy? Why is it that the lands, which you oversaw, are free of your cursed influence now? Man need not be born in chains at all. All that needs to your END! I will not be stopped by Gods, nor Goddesses, and certainly not by men or women. I will show you all what the true order looks like, and it is in no way so random as to allow the Mistress of Fate to have free rein over creation! It has been done before, and I mean to do it again. Man will be set on the proper path!"

"If we were to cut our ties...perhaps we would be immortal..."

It was hard to understand what the woman was saying. Perhaps the man didn't even catch all she was saying...

"You wish to follow in his footsteps, but you don't even know the beginning of his intent. You will see, when you meet the Mistress, remember what I told you and remember that I am laughing in the next life. You remember the words of The Unbound One. But do you remember how his dream ended? The destruction of an eons old age and the loss of millions of souls." She managed to choke out a few last words with her dying breaths.

Then her smile faded into the stiff mask of death.

The man tried to retort to her words but it was too late to have the last word. She was already dead.

"I'm sorry. But so long as the Heavens do not fall, nobody will see past the clouds in the sky. Nobody that is, except dreamers. This is my dream! As for Madraeyal... Madraeyal is not dead."

The man walked out. Whether he truly had regrets or not, there was no one to say. As he walked out, the cavern nestled inside the cliff, began to collapse. Towering spires and age old architecture fell indiscriminately. The entire cliff shook. Then the tip of the bluff crumbled off and left nothing but broken dreams.

While there was no one left in the room by this time, the screen of mist which had been shattered when the maid was tossed through it, displayed one last broken image. Somewhere, between the cracks in the shattered mist, a small province was shown, and in this province miraculous things were happening. An old man with kind hands stumbled upon a crying child clutching the bloody hands of its dead parents. Perhaps the old man took the child in. The screen flashed mercilessly onward without showing. A bright-eyed youth entered the service of an army, perhaps he was successful. A princess was locked in her castle, perhaps she escaped. Some man found true love, perhaps he was successful in keeping it. Each scene comes faster than the last, and the screen expends itself by the end, unable to show more as the rocks pile down. In reality, the cliff upon which this cave was contained, was a pillar holding up the Heavens. Now that it's master was dead, it could sustain itself no longer an crumbled to pieces. Yet despite such a catastrophe happening high above the skies, nobody living below noticed. It was like an invisible barrier blocked all the mortal's sight and hid the destruction of the Heavens.

Lineir was definitely dead. Even those who had achieved immortality, and did not age, would hardly consider a sword to the heart a trivial injury. That being said, where was Buddha? He should be free of suffering and desire, ready to reach enlightenment. Instead, there was the incomparably perfect owner of the sword's voice in front of him. She stared at him blankly within his innermost mind.

"So if I'm dead, does that mean you're Buddha? If I had known Buddha was so beautiful, I would have killed myself long ago," Lineir mumbled incoherently.

"Who's your Buddha? I'm to be addressed as Master, or Great One! Also, what ARE you doing here! You should definitely be dead!"


So this wasn't the doing of the sword.

How was he still here?

"Well, I'm sure the reaper will come to claim your soul soon anyway and drag it to hell, so I suppose you might as well know my name, maybe it'll gain you some favor with the demon gods. I'm called Fung-Mei by those who are worthy."

"Excellent, Mei-Mei. My name is called Lineir and I'll be in your care." The face of an angel frowned at the casual nickname he gave her on the spot. After a moment though, she smiled unexpectedly.

"Call me whatever you want. The reaper's coming for you. Look, you're definitely dead." An image was projected in front of his mental form.

"I never would have believed he'd actually have the guts to kill himself just to spite us. What did we ever do to him? Does anyone even know his name?"

The image showed Lineir's body from above. He was crumpled on the ground and white-robed figures were prodding him with their swords. One searched him looking for the black sword which had vanished after carving a hole in his heart.

"Looks like he was telling the truth. There's nothing on his body, not even a penny, let alone any treasures! That sword is gone. We've wasted our time here. Throw his body into that pool of undead filth. That way he can peacefully rest with the trash, where he belongs. He wanted to hide from us? Well he can stay there forever. We tell the Great Sects nothing understand? If they know what happened here, they'll come back and overturn our city stone by stone. We need to find out what happened before then. There is always something to gain from miraculous events such as this, but only if we discover the truth first!" With that, Lineir's body was unceremoniously tossed back into the pool of black liquid, and the members of the White Horizon Sect flew off into the city for the night.

"Wow! Look at the size of the hole in your chest! Impressive, you really put your all into it! How you're still here is beyond me. Maybe you're a ghost in the sword with me now!" The beauty in front of him seemed rather happy at the thought. Despite how she feigned an aloof atmosphere, she must have been quite lonely inside the sword after all these years. Lineir didn't believe her, though.

"Something's definitely wrong here! I can't be dead...ahh jeez look at that black liquid getting inside my heart. That's definitely going to be infected."

"I'm telling you, you're dead. Nobody short of the Celestial level could survive what you just went through. Look, even the White Horizon Sect thinks you're dead. Just accept that you're stuck here in the sword with me and we can wait until somebody worthy comes along just like you did. Should only take a few decades."

Lineir panicked when he heard that,

"I can't be dead! What will happen to my sister! For that matter, there were so many things I wanted to do in life! Once I sold you, I was going to be rich, and live happily ever after!" Naturally the boy was not able to accept that he was dead, despite the evidence in front of him. The two began bickering, though to be honest, Lineir had given up hope inside. His body was definitely dead and not only was his heart not beating, it might not even be there anymore at all. After falling upon the black blade, it had probably been completely destroyed by his suicidal actions. There wasn't much else to do in this strange mental space, but argue. It distracted him from being dead. Unbeknownst to both of the two spirits, however, the image Mei had summoned to display the outside world was still projecting, and something very interesting was happening on it. If they had been watching, they would have seen undead blood slowly seeping into Lineir's crushed heart. When it slithered inside, it began to take solid form. Strand after strand of liquid weaved around inside of the crumpled body, and soon took a shape. This shape was something the two would recognize if they saw it, but they were too busy bickering to notice. It was the exact same shape as the undead heart they had destroyed! A small miniature version had formed in Lineir's chest cavity and after it congealed, the cavity slowly closed, a black scab covering the cut.

As they were arguing, suddenly Lineir's mental form winked out and the beauty was left alone.

"Hey, where'd you go? Did the reaper finally take you?"

Lineir opened his eyes and stared around. He was surrounded by black liquid and yet he didn't feel particularly bad. As a matter of fact, for a dead man, he felt pretty amazing! He immediately reached down and grabbed his chest looking for the hole. With shock, he found a black scab where the wound had been and gasped. Or tried to, there was no air in his lungs. Flipping himself upright, he took a huge breath of air, floating on top of the blood pool. A few short strokes and he found himself climbing out of the filthy pit for the third time in two days.

"Mei, what the hell is going on! I was dead! Yet now I'm here...and this..." He pointed at the hole in his chest. Now it was just a dark black patch.

"I don't know either, kiddo! this is a first even for me. I've seen a lot of things, but I was sure you were dead." Lineir continued to feel his chest, and then froze.

"I don't have a pulse! What is going on! Could I be...undead?"

"That's impossible! You had no heart! There's no way you would rise as the undead no matter how much death Qi is! Those old bastards dare to chase me this far!?" Mei was currently fused inside Lineir's blood. She found it a simple matter to see what was going on in his heart.

"HAHAHAHAHA, those old bastards really overestimated themselves this time! This shouldn't be possible, but apparently it is. The undead heart we slew before was created by those old bastards who chased me through the Heavens. I thought I destroyed them, but who would have thought that some of the undead filth actually still retained a free will! When your freshly dead body was flung into the pool, their residual energies must have entered you and set upon building a new heart! However, this heart is not beating because it's of an undead nature. If this continues, your mind will die and you will become a mindless undead just like any other.

Fortunately, I am with you. I'm skilled in the arts of manipulating darkness. It should be a simple matter for me to gain control of this thing from within you. This'll only take a moment." A second later Lineir felt a huge pain in his chest as if an electrical current was running through him, and a second later, a mighty thump sounded in his chest, so loud he could actually hear it. Then again, and again, until it gradually became inaudible.

"Got it on the first try! I'm just too good, I'm not even a healer and I brought somebody back from the dead...!" Mei celebrated restarting his heart.

"So does this mean I'll be okay?" Lineir asked.

Mei took a moment before answering excitedly,

"Better than ok! There's no way your body would have survived without a working heart for so long if I hadn't already worked on it and used so many forbidden techniques. However, since I managed to take control of this new heart, I am now part of it! I can even manipulate your heart, look!" Lineir staggered as suddenly his new heartbeat faltered and missed a step.


"Sorry, my mistake! But the point is that your new heart is quite durable. There's an unusual amount of death Qi in it. Given time, I might even find a way to harness this energy...but for now, just know that you have been given a second chance at life. Don't waste it this time! Remember, the White Horizon Sect absolutely cannot know that you're alive! They won't be fooled again."

Lineir sighed.

His life just kept getting more and more difficult. But then he smiled.

"You're forgetting something Mei-Mei, my gambit worked again. They actually thought I died when I stabbed myself. have to admit, your disciple has promise, Mei-Mei."


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