Nine Paths of Asura-Original...

By MtAlternity

472K 32.6K 241

One day, when a young boy, Lineir, is scavenging alone in the abandoned Old City he angers a horde of undead... More

Chapter 1: Lineir
Chapter 2- A Nobody Becomes a Somebody But Nobody Knows Him
Chapter 3- Without A Means to Avoid An End
Chapter 4- The Deadzone
Chapter 5- Redline
Chapter 6- True Power
Chapter 7-So Valuable You Can't Sell
Chapter 9- The Nine Paths And Perfect Harmony
Chapter 10- Sheer Willpower
Chapter 11-Pillarfall and Unexpected Chance
Chapter 12- The Bone Scythes Appear
Chapter 13 - Parting, Promise, and The Path
Chapter 14- Coincidence
Chapter 15- Unspeakable Element
Chapter 16-Burning_____
Chapter 17- Everyday Choices
Chapter 18-Don't Know Why She Never Came
Chapter 19-Devastation
Chapter 20-Fishing For Carp
Chapter 21-Catching a Shark
Chapter 22- Survive
Chapter 23-The Cracking of the Second Pillar
Chapter 24-Final Heart
Chapter 25-The Unbound One
Chapter 26- Strange Noises
Chapter 27- Talon
Chapter 28- The Beast Inside
Chapter 29- A Way In
Chapter 30 No Longer So Soft...
Chapter 31- Trial By Night
Chapter 32- Noble
Chapter 33- The Real Winner
Chapter 34- The First Path
Chapter 35- Slow Walk
Chapter 36- First Walk of Madness
Chapter 37-Second Walk Of Madness-Acceleration
Chapter 38- Reaper
Chapter 39-The Waiting Game
Chapter 39 Continued- Appearance
Chapter 40 - Ascending the Pillar
Chapter 41- Cheating!
Chapter 42- Daring to Play With Lightning
Chapter 43- The Raging Storm Comes
Chapter 44-Learning to Walk
Chapter 45 - Strange Happenings
Chapter 46 - The Sect's Predicament
Chapter 47- Heavenly Grind
Chapter 48 - Cultivation Confusion
Chapter 49 Pt 2- The True Reasoning of the Greater Sects
Chapter 50-Time of Need
Chapter 51- Continental Drift
Chapter 52- Death Jungle
Chapter 53- Rumble In The Jungle
Chapter 54-Field of 100 Steps
Chapter 55- The Skeletal Shaman
Chapter 56- City by the Sea
Chapter 57-Slumbering City
Chapter 58- Caged City!
Chapter 59- The_________
Ch. 60- The Phoenix and Tortoise
Chapter 61- Ancestral Fusion
Chapter 62- Lord Light
Chapter 63- Homecoming
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 64- Whisper on the Wind
Chapter 65- Mei's First Sect Rule
Chapter 66- Danger in the Stone Sky!
Chapter 67-And So the Stone Sky Falls
Chapter 68 - The Nine Doors
Chapter 69- The 1001st Chosen Cup of Heaven
Chapter 70- Young Master Please!
Chapter 71- Shady Youth
Chapter 72- A Touch of Death
Chapter 73-The Hanged Man (pt1)
Chapter 74 - The Sightless Plains
Chapter 75-The Hanged Man Pt.2
Chapter 76 - Blatant Intervention
Chapter 77-Breakthrough!
Chapter 78- The Hanged Man pt.3
Chapter 79 - The True Use of Madness Rain
Chapter 80-The Hanged Man Pt.4
Chapter 81 - The Hanged Man Pt.5
Chapter 82 - The Hanged Man Pt.6
Chapter 83- The Hanged Man Pt.7
Chapter 84- The Hanged Man Pt.8 All Against One
Chapter 85-The Hanged Man Pt.9-One Against All
Chapter 86- Legacy
Chapter 87- Burning Wish Pt.2
Chapter 88- Blade of The Mourning End
Chapter 89- Returning to the Necropolis
Chapter 90-The Divine Ruby Rose
Chapter 91-Erasing The Mark
Chapter 92-The Fate of The White Horizon Sect
Chapter 93-Infiltrating the White Horizon Sect
Chapter 94-A Standard Scheme
Chapter 95-A Dark Star is Born
Chapter 96-A Reminisce On The Beach
Chapter 97-The Tyrannical Tablet
Chapter 98-A Terrible Mistake
Chapter 99-The Bladelord's Domain
Chapter 100-The Heavens and Hells Pt.1
Chapter 101-In Control
Chapter 102-The Jump
Chapter 103-The Hellhole
Chapter 104-Mission Accomplished
Chapter 105-Trapped
Chapter 106-To See Higher Skies
Chapter 107-Unexpected Aid
Chapter 108-Humanity's Heroes
Chapter 109-Snow and Screams
Chapter 110-Wake
Chapter 111-Wake Pt.2
Chapter 112-Star Stream Lake
Chapter 113-Star Stream Lake Pt.2
Chapter 114-Star Stream Lake Pt.3
Chapter 115-Star Stream Lake Pt.4
Chapter 116-Star Stream Lake Pt.5
Chapter 117-Star Stream Lake Pt.6
Chapter 118-Star Stream Lake Pt.7
Chapter 119-Star Stream Lake Pt.8
Chapter 120-Star Stream Lake Pt.9:Behind the Curtain
Chapter 121-Star Stream Lake Pt.10:No Way Back
Chapter 122-Snow Stream Lake Pt.11:Surfacing
Chapter 123-Star Stream Lake Pt.12:The First Trial
Chapter 124-Star Stream Lake Pt.13:The Second Trial
Chapter 125 Star Stream Lake Pt.14:Breaking Free!
Chapter 126-Star Stream Lake Pt.15:Finale
Chapter 127-Punching the Heavens!
Chapter 128-Assault On Snowfall Citadel
Chapter 129-Whose Hunting Who?
Chapter 130-The Race to Star Stream Lake
Chapter 131-Is He Really Divine Realm?
Chapter 132-From Light Comes Darkness
Chapter 133-Taking the Citadel
Chapter 134-Saving the Wei Girls!
Chapter 135-Opening Hostilities
Chapter 136-Reverse Edge
Chapter 138-Returning to the Monastery
Chapter 137-Sacrifice
Chapter 139-The Monastery Altar
Chapter 140-Confrontation
Chapter 141-Claw Against Claw
Chapter 142-The Snow God
Chapter 143-The Snow God and His Empress
Book Two Finale: Chapter 144-The Narrow Road For Friends and Enemies
Chapter 145- The Boiling Pot is Filled
Chapter 146-The Nithos Region
Chapter 147-Entering the City
Chapter 148-Death Qi Formation
Chapter 148-Ere the Ramparts
Chapter 149-Nightwatch
Chapter 150-Fire Kindling
Chapter 151-Treacherous Eyes
Chapter 152-Cursed Blessing
Chapter 153-The Nethertwister
Chapter 154-The Storm Coming
Chapter 155-_____________
Chapter 156-Arguments On All Sides
Chapter 157-Play No More
Chapter 158-Slaying Giants
Chapter 159 - I Need That
Chapter 160-To Die With Someone
Chapter 161-Water Spills Over
Chapter 162-Don't Cry So Hard Child
Chapter 163-Into Fire and Flame
Chapter 164-Entering the Hells
Chapter 165-Ten Incense Sticks of Time
Chapter 166-Do It!
Chapter 167-Trump Cards Revealed
Chapter 168-The First Lesson Between Master and Disciple!!
Chapter 169-His Unreliable Master
Chapter 170-Summer Fades to Fall
Chapterr 171-Darkness
Chapter 172-The Superpowers Appear
Chapter 173-Madness and Meeting
Chapter 174-Amalgate
Chapter 175-A Living Calamity
Chapter 176-The Throne
Chapter 177-What a Cute_____
Chapter 178-The Rainlands
Chapter 179-The Midnight Gate
Chapter 180-Beyond the Gate
Chapter 181-Claiming the Hematoma Technique
Chapter 182-The Black Heart
Chapter 183-No Turning Back
Chapter 184-A Strange Turn
Chapter 185-The Midnight Pond
Chapter 186-Memories of Lord Midnight
Chapter 187-Meeting Xiao Gui
Chapter 188-A True Madman
Chapter 189-Schemes
Chapter 190-Brightsoul City
Chapter 191-Destroying the Square
Chapter 192-The Midnight Armor
Chapter 193-Meeting Again
Chapter 194-The Young Master
Chapter 195-Fragmentation
Chapter 196-Honorbound
Nine Path's of Asura Part 2 Link

Chapter 8- Burning Wish Pt.1

4.2K 266 0
By MtAlternity

Like a shot, Lineir was running before the words finished echoing in his head. He wasn't completely sure, but he felt significantly faster than he used to be, perhaps this had something to do with the mysterious Qi the voice kept speaking of. Either way, he was nowhere near the god-surpassing speed that his body had displayed while he was possessed. His best guess was that he was maybe 30% faster than before, and while the White Horizon Sect's experts flying towards him could avoid obstacles on the ground, they honestly were not that fast in the air. They would definitely catch him eventually in a straight race, but he could get out of sight and hide before they got to the Deadzone. Thinking fast, Lineir ducked into the mass of broken tombstones and crushed buildings which were everywhere in the Deadzone.

"Kiddo, a place like this won't do! When the pain hits you, your body will face incomparable suffering! Will you have the willpower to hold yourself in check and not make a single sound? I doubt it. Go find the pit where you met me. There should still be a pool of that undead blood there. I'll make sure that you can breath underneath, though you'll have to find a way to keep your body from floating back up to the surface while you're unconscious. It might be gross but it's your only shot!" The mysterious voice urged him desperately.

Several White Horizon Sect members were getting a little too close for comfort and Lineir had to make his choice! He dropped into a building on his left. The voice was angered by his refusal to listen to its advice,

"What are you doing? That pool of blood is the only place you will be able to scream your head off in without being noticed! You can't think you can hide in this building forever? Soon enough they'll find you!"

Lineir however didn't even bother answering. Soon enough, the voices of the sect drifted by.

"Where is this kid? He was quite fast. Must be only a little bit further ahead. Keep searching! We definitely need to find out the reason for that eruption of energy earlier. Surely he discovered some sort of treasure here which would help us regain our status, maybe we could even rejoin with the great sects again!" The voices quickly passed over Lineir's position.

"You've got guts kid. I'll admit, you might achieve mediocrity as a man one day. If the Qi in your veins had finished circling your Second Heart before they passed over, you definitely would have been discovered. But it is true that I forgot...your speed is inferior to those wimpy cultivators as a mortal. You probably wouldn't have made it to the pool in time. It was a good gamble to let them pass by. Hurry and go before they realize their mistake and double back!"

Smiling, Lineir made his way to the pool filled with black liquid and stood beside it for a second. There was nothing to weigh himself down. His body would float back up in the dense liquid. After a moment though, Lineir calmly assessed his situation and grinned.

"Make sure I can breath!"

Then he jogged back from the edge.

"What are you doing? I told you, you need to find something to counterbalance your weight first! Do you want the sects to find you floating *** up and spank you?"

With a great huff, he began running,

"No time for that, just make sure I can breath. By the way, I have to admit, you really are more than just a regular immortal sword, you're quite heavy!"

"At this time, you can still crack jokes huh? Never mind that, are you suggesting I'm fat!" An outraged voice thundered through his mind. Lineir smirked,

"No, among swords I quite like your thinness, aesthetically I think you have a great look! But Great One, you forget, you yourself would make a great weight!"

Lineir lunged into air. As he came down into the center of the filthy black pool, he stabbed himself in the fleshy part of his left calf, where there were no vital parts. Bogged down by the sword he sunk as a stone would into the lake and waited for the pain the sword promised.

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