The Dreamer and the Hunter...

By LAC1940

27.5K 780 203

'True beauty is found within...' I absolutely LOVE Beauty and the Beast! It is such a beautiful story with su... More

The Dreamer and the Hunter
Father and Daughter
"I Want Adventure in the Great Wide Somewhere!"
"There Must Be More Than This Provincial Life!"
The Town Hero
Dinner Guest
Be Our Guest
Evening Tradition
Ahead of Her Time
"For Once it Might Be Grand, to Have Someone Understand..."
"Just Watch I'm Going to Make Belle My Wife!"
"His 'Little Wife' - UGH!"
Dismissed, rejected...
Close Call
A Change of Tactics
A Friend in the Village
"So I'm Making Plans to Woo and Marry Belle"
The Risk Involved
An Act of Kindness
A Friendly Suggestion
Just a Little Change, Small to Say the Least...
Just Rumours?
A Compromise
A Hunting We Will Go!
Barely Even Friends...
Another Adventure
Bittersweet and Strange
Too Dangerous
Before He Was A Hero
My What A Guy
Something More
This Provincial Life
Agathe's Story
Suddenly Serious
Elene and Marie
What Are Friends For?
The Returning Hero and the New Girl In Town
Reflections and An Invitation
The Fair
Glittering in Gold
And When the Moment Is Just Right...
Belle of the Ball
The Last Dance
There May Be Something There That Wasn't There Before
Finally Learned To Love
A Threat to Us All!
It's Hero Time
"New and a Bit Alarming. Who'd Have Ever Thought That This Could Be?"
Kill the Beast!
Finding You Can Change, Learning You Were Wrong
A Day to Remember
Happy Honeymoon
Old and New Memories
"Picture It: A Rustic Cabin, My Latest Kill Roasting Over the Fire..."
"...Adorable Children Running Around"
Happily Ever After
The End and Thank You!

Raging Fire, Pouring Rain

246 10 7
By LAC1940

As if to mirror how she felt in the aftermath of their fight, thick, dark clouds rolled in over the village and a heavy rain shower poured down.

Belle, despite the rain, was out front of the cottage, chopping wood. She matched her chopping with the crashes of thunder, swinging the axe in anger.

When at last she came inside, covered in mud and dripping wet, her father, who was still unaware of the happenings between his daughter and the Captain, chuckled. In fact, he still thought things were going rather well between them. "If only my invention would work, then you wouldn't have to trouble yourself with chopping the wood."

"It's alright Papa, I really don't mind," she mumbled.

Now despite thinking all was still well between Belle and Gaston, Maurice had noticed something was different about his daughter, but he knew Belle, and knew she was trying to hide it. He thought better than to pry and instead wait and let her tell him when she was ready.

It turned out that he was right, something was wrong, very wrong, for moments later Belle couldn't hold it in any longer. She broke down crying, falling to the floor on her knees.

This startled Maurice. He hadn't been expecting this. He rushed to her side. "My dear, whatever is the matter?"

"Oh Papa," she sobbed, her whole body shaking violently. "I feel so used. And foolish. How could I have been so stupid?!" She cursed herself for it. This was Gaston, what had she expected? The worst part was that she thought he really had changed for the better, but it was all just an act. And suddenly, all of the happy moments spent together over the last months were gone, just like that.

There was much more to this story, Maurice guessed, and rubbed her back. "Here, how about you get all dried off and changed, and then you can tell me all about it, alright?"

She agreed. Once she was all dried off and changed they sat together on the couch with some tea and Belle told him everything, starting with the proposal when he was away. She had hoped to prevent that from happening again, but instead she had just allowed it to happen all over again.

Maurice was shocked by her tale, to say the least, and found himself growing rather upset with the Captain. After how hospitable they had been towards him he thinks he can just sweep in while he, Maurice, is away and marry his daughter, all without his blessing. But he contained this newfound frustration for Belle's sake, not wanting to make her more upset than she already was.

There was a pause, broken by her cry of "this is all my fault," and her bursting into tears again.

"No," Maurice said, rubbing her back again. "You were only trying to do the right thing, give him another chance."

But was it really the right thing? she wondered. Had it really been the right thing to do? As it turned out she had only given Gaston the wrong idea, just as she had feared.

"I was the one who suggested it," her father said.

"Oh Papa, you have no fault in this," she assured him, taking his hand.

"Why didn't you tell me before?"

"I wanted to, but I also just wanted to forget all about it."

He nodded. "I understand."

They sat quietly for a while. When he went up to bed, she stayed behind, thinking. She thought again of her books, the happy ending, happily ever after. But then again, she realized, not every fairy tale had a happy ending.


While Belle reflected with the rain, Gaston reflected before the fire. While Belle was consumed by sadness, he settled with rage.

He sat before the fire in his great chair, drink in hand, eyes never leaving the flames, they reflecting off of his dark glare. No one dared to bother him while he was in this state - they could tell that he wished to be alone.

He was surprised to realize during his time of reflection that he had had everything he wanted with Belle, and more. Who would have ever thought he'd have been so happy with her different ways, but he wouldn't have it any other way. Of course he only realized it too late.

This pain was unfamiliar to them both. Neither had ever suffered from a broken heart before.

(There they are, both looking rather sad :( they miss each other!

So I am going away and may not be able to update, just thought I would let you all know in advance if there are any delays! Thanks so much, bye for now!)

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