The Football Star 》 Louis Tom...

By karmickween

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Louis Tomlinson , captain of the Doncaster Rovers has been famous for scoring for his Team many times and to... More

Chapter 1: "Lyra's Pov"
Chapter 2: "I Quit!"
Chapter 3: "Lyra's Birthday"
Chapter 4: "About to go.."
Chapter 5: "Meet and Greet"
Chapter 6: "hanging at the house"
Chapter 7: "OTW to Louis' House"
Chapter 8 : "Louis' House"
Chapter 9: "Early Practice"
Chapter 10: "Ashton?"
Chapter 11: Lyra meets Brent
Chapter 12: Liam Babysits
Chapter 13 : Snooping!?
Chapter 14: Louis Cares
Chapter 15: Lyra meets Uni
Chapter 16: Lyra & Ashton
Chapter 17: Louis' Game
Chapter 18: Uni's Plan
Chapter 19: Lyra's Dress
Chapter 20: Brent's Wedding
Chapter 21: Skype with Beck
Chapter 22: Louis' Siblings
Chapter 23: Lyra meets Niall
Chapter 24: Where's Louis
Chapter 25: Drunk Louis...
Chapter 26: 'one more Game'
Chapter 27: Will he?
Chapter 28: Feelings
Chapter 29: Championships
Chapter 30: Prove it
Chapter 31: meeting Zayn
Chapter 32: Date
Chapter 33 : Just Visiting
Chapter 34: Louis' Pancakes
Chapter 35: Meet Gigi
Chapter 36: Make it Official
Chapter 37: Charity Match
Chapter 38: Horrible News
Chapter 39: That's a Promise
Chapter 40: Another day Without Louis
Chapter 41: the Pap Walk
Chapter 42: Moving out
Chapter 43: Nowhere to be found
Chapter 44: Lyra's been Papped
Chapter 45: Louis' Hunt
Chapter 46: Leo's number
Chapter 48: Bonding Time
Chapter 49: Hospital Bed
Chapter 50: Going to London
Chapter 51: Stubborn Lyra
Chapter 53: His Last Game
Chapter 54: The Bucket List
Chapter 55 : Swimming with Dolphins
Chapter 56: Riding the Waves
Chapter 57 : Trouble on the way
Chapter 58 : Leaving So Soon
Chapter 59: Serious Complains
Chapter 60: Failed to Convince
Chapter 61 : The Release Date
Chapter 62: The End?

Chapter 47: Reunited

119 2 0
By karmickween

"Come on Harry! we're gonna be late!" I yelled for the 3rd time

"we're not gonna be late Louis , we're going to arrived there at night remember? and what are you wearing?"

"What? whats wrong with it?" I asked him and twirled around , to let him see it

"A tux? really?" He looked at me like and cringes

"Well what do you want me to wear?"

"I dont know , something Casual? and put on a hat for godsake Lou , your hair is a mess" I rolled his eyes at him as I was about to go to my room

"Like yours isnt" I laughed and changed my clothes ... and wear a hat like Harry told me to

"Now thats much better" Harry smiled , after that we got some of our things packed and told the lads where we're going ...

"I'll call Drake to get the plane ready" I told Harry and called Drake but Harry said I should go and get Lyra's jersey first , When I got back Harry was already the one talking to Drake

"Hey Drake its Harry , yeah long time no chat ... could you get the plane ready? , yeah lou's private plane .... To california ... I'm not kidding drake .... okay thanks" Harry gave me my phone back before he said that we're all set , we're actually thinking of taking a little vacation with Lyra in cali before coming back here ... I just hope she doesnt leaves the hotel

"Harry can I borrow your phone?"
"Yeah sure" once I have Harry's phone , I quickly texted Leo

To: Leo
Hey Leo , its Louis , Can you make sure that Lyra doesnt leave the Hotel? We're actually going

From: Leo
no problem , she really doesnt leave the hotel , she's just talking to her old friends and Flare mostly

To: Leo
oh okay.. But where does she usually hangs?

From: Leo
she usually stays and brings her guitar at the rooftop , only she goes up there and enjoys the view

To: Leo
oh okay thanks!

"okay were ready! Lets get going Harry" I told Harry before going inside of his car and we went to the Airport where my private plane is at.

"You've got to remind me to buy myself a private plane too!" Harry said making me giggled

A few minutes later we arrived at the airport and went to where my private plane was , we left his car to Drake and we got on my plane with my favorite pilot , Anthony

"How you doing anthony?" We fist bumped and I can actually see that the plane even got loads of foods

"Now we're talking" I smiled as I gathered all of the things that I wanted to eat before Harry could follow me

"Oh and now might be the time to let you know the truth"

"What truth?"
"Ask Lyra why did she really leave"
"umm okay.."

"Louis! Hey wake up!!!" I didnt notice that I fell asleep during the whole ride , I'm even surrounded by snacks that are totally empty

"we're here Louis!" Harry smiled and looked at the window!

"It actually has been a long time since I've come back here..." I smiled again
as I looked at the view that has always took my breath away , This place at night just really is stunning

once we landed I paid Anthony as a tip even though he didnt want any ... we then took a taxi and went to the place where Lyra is ....

"Well here we are... " Harry said as we were slowly getting our bags put of the Taxi

"This is Fancy as fuck" I giggled before we could go inside

"I'll get us a room , you go and get her" Harry said before he could take my bags but I'm still holding her jersey and took the elevator to the rooftop , but unfortunately there wasnt a button for the rooftop so 7th floor it is...

while The elevator doors was just about to close I got a text from Harry ....

From: Harry
Hey sorry if I disturb 'SOMETHING' I'm going to that old house we bought here

To: Harry
I thought we were going to stay at the Hotel?

From: Harry
They said it was already full so I had no other choice but our old house , I even told them I'll pay them extra and they say "I'm sorry even if you're Harry Styles we couldnt do that"

To: Harry
Sad......okay I'll meet up with you there oh and thanks for everything mate!

From: Harry
No problem

it was actually weird since I was the only one inside of the elevator... once I was at the 7th floor I saw a sign that says to the rooftop pointing to the left so I ran there and took the stairs , before slowly opening the door , I saw a Light shining from the corner but It took me minutes to wait to take my hat off.

I thought she wasnt there but then I heard her voice

"I dont know Flare... It looks real Didnt you saw the pictures? and the articles? he's with Uni now... " She walks to wear the light was. So she was talking about me , she was wearing a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt on ... while she has her hood on , oh how I miss her sweet voice ... how I miss cuddling with her , How I miss the spark when we kiss ....

"So ... mind telling me why is a football star alone at the rooftop?" I spoke making her to turned to me , she was speechless , she was surprised

"I'll call you back" I ended the call With Flare , At first I couldnt see who it was but when I put the light towards the person I could not believe What I was seeing .... Louis was standing infront of me , he has grown out his hair a little bit but why would he go here and How did he even find me?

"Isn't that A Little too bright?" I heard him giggled but I dodge his question

"What are you doing here? Why aren't you with Uni?" I asked before I could frown , I wanted him to know what he has done to me ever since I saw those pictures of him with Uni being so 'SWEET'

"I'm here for you , the Coach isnt that good without his Rookie , Actually he's horrible without her. And I could never choose Uni over you...." he walked closer to me as I wanted to move away from him but I couldnt move , he pushed my hood down then stroke my cheek with his thumb before tears starts streaming down my face

"Dont cry Love , I hate seeing you cry" He hugs me tight then kissed my forehead after , I really miss how he treats me

"I miss you" I hugged him back ...

"I miss you too.." He tighten his hug but then he pulls away unexpectedly

"mind telling me the real reason , why did you leave?" He asked me as he was looking straight into my eyes and wipes my tears away

I paused for a moment , thinking if I should tell him the truth or should I just sneak in a lie.

"Tell me the truth Lyra , I wont get mad I promise" He brushed away some Hair that was on my face ... before I could tell him the whole thing

"I over heard some men talking about me when your agent called you. They said that I was bad news , that I was bad for your image , that because of me .... People will think you're a cheater since they dont know how we met. That I was going to ruin your career and ruin your life as well. I just couldnt let that happened" my tears couldnt stop falling

"Oh my little baby..." He left me confused , before he could lift my chin up and kissed me on my lips , That spark when I first kissed him ..... I felt it again.

"you dont have to run away from them , I dont care about what they think. What they know about you is not True , they're just jumping into conclusions without even thinking of a Hypothesis..." Wait a fucking second ...

"Since when did you became Liam?" I joked making him laugh at me before he could pull me closer to him

"ha ha , very funny where did you get that? From Harry?" He then made me sit on his lap as he starts cuddling me

"What I'm trying to say is , You're the best thing that has ever happened to me , Do not let anybody get to your head—well except me" I then looked at him in a weird way and giggled

"so what now?" I asked him as we were still cuddling ,

"I dont know , Want to come home with me?" When those words left his mouth , I already wanted to say yes , But what about Leo? He'll kill me

"I cant Lou , I cant leave without Leo knowing , He'll be furious" I told him , but he ended up laughing

"Oh trust me , he already knows"
"Okay" after a few minutes or so , his face became serious... unlike before

"theres gonna be a game next month..... be my Rookie again?" He asked me and showed me my old Jersey

"Please? I miss playing with you..." He smiled in a cute way before I could Get the jersey from him , and took my Sweatshirt off and Put the Jersey on

"I'll be your Rookie if you'll be my Hedgehog" Once I said that I start putting the Sweatshirt on again , but he didnt want to approve

"No way..."
"Oh come on , please... please" I used my eyes at him and cuddle with him after

"Please baby?" I smiled knowing this was actually the first time I have ever called him baby... and he was even smiling like an idiot .....

"Silence means yes!" I told him before he could cuddle with me more.

we then stargazed and just cuddled through the night at the rooftop .... but all of that stopped when Harry texted him

"Harry texted you.... should I open it?" I asked him 

"Yeah sure , you can talk to him as well" I nodded , I agreed because I havent talked to him in a while now

From: Harry
Hey where are you? its getting late!

To: Harry
Hi to you too! - lyra :))

From: Harry
Heyyy!! could you ask Louis if he's planning on coming home with you tonight or tomorrow

To: Harry

"Harry wants to know if you're coming home tonight or tomorrow"

"tomorrow ... with you" He kissed my cheek making me smile a little bit before texting Harry again

To: Harry
he said tomorrow

From: Harry
okay , take care of him , and let him take care of you!! take care!

To: Harry
okay and thanks!

I saw Louis yawning , so I guess its time to sleep

"Lets call it a day" I got up and tried to pull him up as well but he did not want to

"Already? but we just reunited again!" He whined making me roll my eyes before trying to pull him but I actually failed

"Please baby? I'm really tired" I told him and it made him smile ...

"okay , oh and just so you know , It doesn't mean if you call me baby , I'll do whatever you want" He says before he put his arm around me as we left the rooftop and went inside the elevator ....

"What floor are you on by the way?"
"6th floor"

"Oh , quick question—can they hear us while we're banging?" Once I heard him I slapped his arm

"You dirty little hedgehog! what have you done to my louis?" I giggled as I acted like he was a completely different person

"He's still in , He's just trapped inside—but you can help him escape by kissing my lips ...... please" he used that pouty face

"No" I said before the doors opened and we walked to our hotel room hand in hand ...

"Pretty please?" he kept on yanking my arm gently but I landed on my bed with him following me , but he just wont stop bothering me

"Tomorrow morning"  "WHAT! No fair!" He nearly yelled as My eyes were about to close

"Goodnight Louis" "But—" he tried to cut me off .... but I know a way to make him sleep

"Goodnight baby" "Goodnight Love"
I knew it would worked ha!. A smile was on my face before I could feel Louis starts cuddling with me that made me fall asleep

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