Aomine: What's not to Love?

By Alybigsis

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Sayuri Kobayashi is a pretty girl with a shy sweet disposition and a realistic look on high school life a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 42

917 22 2
By Alybigsis

Sayuri's instincts were definitely correct. Aomine and Momoi's competitive side came out and it was a long game of cards. Momoi had the upper hand though, she was very observant and clever, able to read Aomine thoroughly. Sayuri's did her best to stay in game, but she lacked the competitive nature of the other members of the game. So she wasn't as fired up as everyone else. Aomine and Momoi shot insult after insult to each other. Sayuri could really see how close they were, and how long they had known each other. 

Sayuri added fervently to the conversation despite her lack of so called 'enthusiasm' at the game. She mostly picked on who ever was available adding a clever tease. Well, to everyone except Haruki, she left him alone, often being sweeter when it came to him. She had a gentle side when it came to him. She always smiled and gave him encouragement. Maybe it was his own gentle personality and she was being reactionary, but he was so kind and nice she naturally warmed up to him. 

Luckily Aomine didn't seem to notice her sweet behavior when it came to him. If he did and complained, she'd tell him if he wanted to be treated that way he'd better improve his behavior. He was still a jerk, and a perv. Some times she wondered why she didn't just break up with him. 

As the game came closer to the end. Sayuri noticed something the more competitive pair did not. While they fought over cards and practically growled at one another. Haruki, who had been rather quiet, was slowly winning. The clever boy had what seemed to have a perfect poker face, and occasionally spoke, but only to fuel the other twos competition.

How clever? It seemed he would win, As he orchestrated their disaster from the shadows, he noticed Sayuri's gaze and shot her a quick smile as he lifted his finger to his lips pressing his pointer finger against them, silently confirming his actions. She gave a slight giggle and smiled back copying his actions to confirm her own secrecy.

As Sayuri copied his actions, Aomine glanced at her suspiciously. She gave him a smile as well an tilted her head as if asking what was wrong.  He frowned and turned back to his cards to continue his war with Momoi.

After all was said and done Momoi was complaining. "No way, I got to caught up in Aomine, I didn't even notice Haruki." She whined.  Aomine seemed annoyed as well. He'd lost and now Sayuri was sitting between Haruki and Momoi, as Haruki had won. "I didn't realize you were so sneaky." Momoi sent him a quick suspicious glare.

Haruki rubbed the back of his neck with an almost embarrassed smile. "I was just lucky." He said his innocent aura appearing again. "Well, as I won the game, I get to pick the next game."  He added with a cheery smile. Once again he made it difficult to tell if he was innocent or devious.

"So what do you want to play?" Sayuri asked holding the deck of cards they had been using before, she shifted them back and forth as she shuffled them. Haruki leaned back with his arms holding him up his head tilted up towards the ceiling. "Hmm." He gave a pause as he thought. Something about the small smirk on his lips told Sayuri this 'other game' he was picking was the plan from the beginning.  

"How about we play the king game." Haruki gave his idea with renewed innocence. Sayuri tensed at those words. She had guessed it'd be something on those lines. Aomine had had been rather grumpy after his lose glanced at Haruki with renewed interest. This new game would open up new ways to achieve his goal. Despite his hatred and dislike for Haruki he had to admit, he loved this idea.

It was a good thing she had shied away form teasing Aomine after his lose, or all of this would have been a hundred times worse. As she thanked god for not following her previous instincts Momoi voiced a complaint to the idea. "Do we have anything to play that?" She was correct they didn't have any chopsticks on hand. "I have some pencils I brought with me." Sayuri stood up from her spot on the bed and moved to the nightstand. She opened the drawer and shifted through the stationary she had brought along. 

"Its summer vacation, and you brought stationary?" Haruki asked. He sounded more curious then confused. "I like having things to write with on hand." She said wondering if it really was that strange. Haruki smiled at her slight pout in her voice as if trying to defend herself. "You really are funny Sayuri." He commented. She only pouted more at his words. 

Aomine didn't seem to like the sudden change in the atmosphere as they talked. He shifted in his spot and lifted one of his long legs to push Haruki of the bed. It was sudden but he managed to protect himself as he fell at least. Momoi, who usually scolded Aomine stayed silent, though annoyance was shown on her face. She seemed to have decided to let Aomine get away with it, as Haruki was being a little friendly with Sayuri.

In order to quench Aomine's anger and keep him from taking it out on Haruki anymore, Sayuri decided to sit beside him for now. She moved back to the bed with four pencils and a black marker. She colored the tip on on and left numbers on all the others. placing them in her hand with her palm covering the bottoms she shifted them in her hand. "Alright, everyone, pick one." She held them out holding it out to Aomine first. 

He reached out and grabbed one, she moved along leaning out in front of him on all fours to reach Momoi on the other side of the bed. Maybe she should have just walked around the bed to her as now Aomine was checking out her backside with renewed interest. She tried to ignore and a little self conscious turned for a moment to make sure she was covered by her robe correctly. 

She somehow felt worried he'd get bold and touch her behind or something. Luckily for her, he wasn't that stupid. She passed one to Haruki and the group turned their pencils over to check what roles they had. "Yeah, I'm king." Momoi said happily as she held out her pencil. "Now, let's see." She gave a look around the room as if trying to guess everyone's number. "Three has to give the king a hug." She said. she was obviously hoping Sayuri was three. "Three is me." Haruki giggled as he moved closer to Momoi. Their hug was rather quick both laughing. 

afterward everyone handed their pencils to Momoi, who had taken over ruling the game, maybe due to her experience managing teams. She handed them out again and a new king was chosen. "I got the king." Haruki smiled and held out his pencil. He gave his order rather quickly. "Number two has to confess as to who they love." 

Sayuri was a little startled. He wasn't planning all this just so he could ask that question was he? Luckily she wasn't two. "I'm two." Momoi cheered almost excited to answer. Both Sayuri and Aomine rolled their eyes. They knew all about who Momoi loved, she could never shut up about it.

"I love Tetsu, he's my boyfriend and soon to be husband." She kept it short and simple this time luckily. Haruki showed no sign of disappointment as to who he randomly chose and gave the pencil back ready to move on.

"Alright, who is it this time?" Sayuri asked looking around at everyone. Aomine held his stick out with a smirk. Great. She sighed, giving up as to what ever he had planned. Well, she had a chance he would pick some else, as he had to guess her number. He would be doomed if he picked a bold command and picked the wrong person, the last thing he wanted was to have to kiss Haruki. Seeing the odds she felt confident it wouldn't go as planned, or at least not be anything too bold.

"Number three has to confess who they love." Aomine gave a simple command. Sayuri was a little shocked it wasn't something vaguely pervert. He was going to copy Haruki's rule. "You guys are targeting me." Sayuri pouted folding her arms across her chest. "Come on, I'm king fess up." Aomine teased taking his pencil and poking her check with the eraser end. "Well, I'm number one, so I move one." She growled and held out her pencil. She was clearly number one. "Well, if you boys really are willing to listen." Momoi held out her pencil showing her number three as she started of about Tetsu again. 

At least Momoi punished them for her by giving a rather long confession to love. Sayuri found it weird she knew so may details about a person she'd never met. They repeated the game again and Sayuri checked her pencil. She wasn't king again. So far everyone has had a turn. Aomine held out his pencil again. "Number one, confess." He said simply looking to Sayuri again. "Wrong again, Daiki I'm two." She said with an intentional attitude as she held out her pencil.

"Looks like it's my turn." Haruki held out his pencil. "I'm in love with my girlfriend who moved away." Haruki admitted without a second thought. As he finished he gave Momoi the pencil. As everyone continued with the game Sayuri glanced to Haruki with a worried expression. What did that mean? Sayuri's mind came up with a variety of stories and explanation for that quick explanation of a sad love life. 

No one else seemed to be as worried and moved on, Aomine seemed to be determined to get Sayuri to confess. She pulled out a pencil and looked at the tip. She was king. "I'm king." She said giving out a look around the room wondering what she should do. She wished she could just call out specific people instead of random numbers. She decided to play it safe. "Two has to beat three with a pillow." She instantly put down her pencil ready for the next round. Momoi quickly stood up bring a pillow with her. " Alright, which one of you boys is three?" Momoi said with a smirk. 

Maybe her order was better then she thought. both boys looked up at her for a second with silence. Haruki lifted his finger with an innocent smile to point at Aomine. Momoi didn't need to be told twice and started beating him with the pillow. Aomine put up a defense and was ready to steal her pillow from her to fight back. "The king didn't say you fight back." Sayuri warned with a laugh.

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