
By prisoncells

4.5K 361 185

What they thought was a casual romance, turns out to be a much bigger scheme? Can the bands handle the outcom... More

Sorry Sixty
The End


60 5 1
By prisoncells

"I take it you are my partner in this?"

Alexa's POV

The award show was going fantastic. The hosts were hilarious. The stars were winning big, and the crowd was having a blast. I was too, aside from the fact that a camera was plastered to my face the whole night. Even though we had nothing to do with movies, they still were stuck glued to us, broadcasting our reactions. So with they in mind, a smile accompanied me the whole night.

Currently, I was waiting backstage to go on the stage to announce the next award, "Best Kissing Scene." Of course, I get the sexual one that everyone pays attention to.

I still did not who was also announcing with me because Melinda likes everything to be a big surprise. Even when we rehearsed this, she made sure I wouldn't meet the other person. She is literally insane.

As I await my entrance, I feel a slight tap on my shoulder.

"Alexa?" an accented voice asks me.

I turn around to meet a pair of deep blue eyes, swishy blonde hair, and a chiseled jawline.

"Cody Simpson!" I jump at the teen pop star.

I know exactly who he is. He constantly shares the music boards with us, and Melinda is constantly talking about him.

"I am! I take it you are my partner in this?" he laughs.

"Yep, it looks that way. Too bad we are just meeting each other now." I laugh and shake his hand.

We talk about each other's new touring addenda and the life we undergo. He is a pretty nice kid, and I like him.

"Hey, Cody. We always have a little gig opening on our tour for a show or two if you want to perform. I mean you could always talk to Melinda, but we really need a guy to perform a few times." I offer him.

"Yeah! That sounds fantastic. I will let you know!"

"OKAY ALEXA AND CODY. MAKE YOUR WAY TO THE STAGE." the speaker above us demands.

"Looks like it is show time." I tell Cody.

"Let's do this."

Ela's POV

The last award is given to the cast of the Hunger Games. Only if I was with the girls right now to gush about Liam Hemsworth.

"Well, ladies and guys, that's a wrap on this award show! Stay sexually safe, and remember alcohol is bad for you, unless you're me. Peace out." The stupid host wraps up the cheesy award show.

Once the lights fade on the stage and come up in the audience, we all know it is time to go.

"After party?" Harry sticks out his arm in a gesturing way.

I grab his arm and intertwine us together. I inhaled his scent as I leaned further into his solid arm. We merge through the crowds of stars all getting into their limos. We finally find ours in the line and slide in.

"Cheesy. But definitely the best award show I've ever been to." Harry exclaims.

I raise my eyebrows. The best? How many award shows have we both been to where we were actually nominated for things? Where we actually got awards?

"The best because I got to take the best date ever." He winked.

My mouth broke out to an uncontrollable grin within seconds.

"I couldn't agree more."

We ride in the limo for a few minutes when we pull up to the after party. Even outside the party there are cameras everywhere.

Harry and I step out of the limo, and I instantly grab for his hand due to the blinding lights all around me. The fact that I find comfort in him after this short amount of time relaxes me to no end.

We smile for a few quick pictures, and then we run inside. There is only so much smiling and posing we can do.

Inside the building, there was music playing and food everywhere. I didn't even realize how hungry I was until I spotted the chocolate fountain.

"Ela, I am going to go grab some good for us. You alright here?"

"Yeah! Go ahead. I'm starving."

Once he left, I sat down at a small table and pulled out my phone. It's unbelievable how much I miss in a matter of six hours. My phone is going off like crazy. Before I can read any of it though I'm disturbed.

"Well look at Miss Popular." a familiar voice says behind me.

Alexa's sits down across from me. She has a deep scowl on, and I know I'm in for it.

"Let me have it, Alexa."

"First, you don't come to award show with us, which we agreed was ok and talked it out. But then you sit completely apart from us all the way up front! We all wait for you outside the award show so we can all come to the after party together as a band, but I find you here with Harry." she huffs and crosses her arms.

"Look. The seats and separation was none of my choosing. It was completely out of my hands. Also, I didn't know if we were going together to here! No one told me that part, but I'm sorry for making you guys wait!" I apologized and attempted to end the feud.

"Alright.. Alright.. I understand. It is just really weird without you there!" She told me, sounding kind of sad.

"Awhhhhh! You guys missed me."

"Of course we did! But at least we get to hang out here." she smiled, and I suddenly became guilty.

"I'm sorry, Alexa. Harry's getting some food for us, and then I'm heading back to his house.." I trailed off.

"Wait, you're going back to Harry's house?" Her jaw was dropped completely open.

"He invited me. We are both so tired anyway! We will probably just fall asleep." I tried to explain to her, but she knew I was lying.

"Yeah, okay. I hope you guys 'sleep' well together." she pushed with a winky face.

"Alexa!" I was appalled and amused at her comment.

"Sorry! It needed to be said! I have to go meet up with Niall, but have fun tonight. Use protection!" Alexa skipped away leaving me embarrassed.

As soon as Alexa was gone I spotted Harry's cricket head making his way over.

"I just grabbed some stuff."

I smiled at his sweet smile.

Hesitantly I picked up an odd looking d'oeuvre.

"Try it." Harry beamed over at me.

I did as he told and popped the food into my mouth. Immediately burst of flavor pervaded my mouth.

I looked back over to Harry to see him grinning at me. He shook his head silently, grin still in play.

I've never felt so relaxed at an event like this before. I realize quickly the reason too.


"Would you like to dance Miss. Cunningham?" He asks me.

The corners of his mouth turn up into a smirk.

"Or, we skip the dancing and go party on our own?" I suggests as his leg and hands moves closer to mine.

"Well if you're sure?" he told him with a seductive smile.

"Yes, really sure." I nudged on. Slowly his leg presses against mine. I leaned over, resting my hand on his thigh.

"Ela? Are you making a move on me in public?" He asked me slightly shocked.

"Well, the tables covered. No one is around, and you're too damn stubborn to go yet." I purred into his ear as my hand wrapped around his knee.

"Wow, Ela! You are making the first move! I am starting like this." he teased next to my ear.

Before I could do anything, his hand reached over and grabbed my leg. His fingers started to slightly rub my kneecap, and soon started to move up. He was inching his way up my thigh leaving a trail of goosebumps behind. He kept advancing until he reached the trim of my dress sitting on my upper thigh. He slid just his finger tips under.

"So are you two breaking away from your bands?" A voice startled both of us.

I jumped, whacking my knee off of the table. The random voice looked startled at my outburst but stayed silent waiting for our answer.

"Course not." Harry snapped clearly irritated at the interruption.

"Oh, well I just assumed." The random person trailed off. As Harry and I made no move to talk to him any further, he took the hint and slunk away.

"You want to dance yet?" He joked.

"No way. Let's get the hell out here." I pulled his arm and up and out of his seat.

We practically ran through the back door to our hidden limo waiting for us.

As I climbed in, Harry practically climbed right in on top of me.

"Let the fun begin." he shouted.

Immediately, he pushed me up against the seat and started to hungrily kiss me. His kisses were so strong I could barely handle it as his toned arms encased around me.

I had my legs straddled around him as he pushed me up against his body begging for more of me.

I pulled away from his lips and grazed my tongue just along his jawline. I started to leave kisses all along his neck as he tried to keep his mouth shut. I came above his collar bone and left a slight peck.

From his muffled moans, I concluded that I had hit Harry's sensitive spot.

I twirled my tongue around the area as my fingers grinned at his arms.

"You're home!" The driver whipped open the car door and beamed as he held the door open for us, only to grow beat red as he took in Harry and mine's position.

"Thank you, sir." Harry smirked at the man.

The driver nodded and looked the opposite direction immediately.

Embarrassed, I climbed off Harry and stepped out of the limo. As soon as Harry exited my hand was taken in his.

Quickly he tipped the driver before we made our way inside.

We got inside the elevator, and Harry slid his key for his penthouse.

His arm was currently wrapped completely around me. He started to hold me tighter as we went up each floor. I could tell her was trying to hold all his excitement inside, just as I was. If we didn't get up there soon, this elevator would become very passionate.

We finally reached the front door, and Harry pulled me inside. He slammed me up against the wooden frame and stared right into my eyes.

"My beautiful Ela."

With that, our night really just begun.

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