Fyodor One Shots

By fyodors

273K 6K 3.7K

There's a severe lack of Fyodor one shots so I plan on helping to change that. You may request scenarios and... More

Retribution (1800s Russia au + a surprise)
Chemistry (High School au)
Roommate [non-x reader]
Small Comfort [prompt request]
Embrace [prompt request]
Memento [non-x reader]
Alley [non-x reader]
The Swan [nsfw]
Mission [prompt request]
Black, White, and Various Greys
Onsen Visit
Conditioning: Classical and Operant
The First and Final Time [nsfw]
A Necessary Fault [prompt request]
Temporary Disorder & The Wind
For the Departed
Thank You [nsfw]
Life on Paper
Computer Trouble, Among Other Things [nsfw]
Take These Dreams Away
Society's Cure for Loneliness (AU)
A Mutual Understanding
Angel [nsfw]
A Rarity Post-Adversity
Late [nsfw]
Time as a Tormentor
A Consequence [nsfw]
To Protect: Yourself and Others
By Design

Lowered Inhibition (University AU)

4K 121 14
By fyodors

Anon said: "If it doesn't bother much, I would like to ask a 7 minutes in the heaven with Fyodor. I haven't seen any of them so I there it is!"

I decided to set this in a realistic world AU where you're both in University. It just made more sense to me that way.

However, this might be kinda inaccurate because I'm not yet in University and I've never even been to a High School party. I don't know exactly what goes on at parties, so I'm just going off of what I've seen in movies. Hopefully it's alright though.


You were taken aback when your friend led you upstairs and unceremoniously threw open the door to a sizeable hall closet.

"I volunteered you for seven minutes in heaven." your friend said.

You could tell that your friend was pretty drunk already.

"Did you ever consider that I might not want to participate!?" you asked, however you assumed they hadn't.

"Wwhat? You're single remember? Why wouldn't you want to?" your friend slurred slightly, "now come on — get in there."

They shoved you into the closet lightly, "you don't have to kiss him y'know."

"You owe me one." you smiled sweetly before shutting the door on yourself.

You weren't sure you could deal with the drunkenness downstairs much longer anyways. It was certainly tough being the designated driver, as the only time that you weren't unimpressed by the antics of drunk students is when you were one yourself. Your friend knew at least half of the party, you perhaps had seen a few in passing. For this reason you figured that there wouldn't be much fun in it for you, but since your friend had plead desperately you ended up caving.

So now here you were, standing in a closet and contemplating your questionable decision making skills.

Though you realized soon enough that the major issue with all this was the situation at hand. What would you do when the guy they're sending shows up?

You decided that kissing said person would be fine if you both felt comfortable with the idea. You'd probably start with small talk, it would all be easier that way. In the circumstance that the other wanted to kiss you but you didn't want to kiss them, you could perhaps deal with one small kiss. If they got too touchy you would just leave, as this was a clear possibility due to all the alcohol consumption happening downstairs.

Satisfied with your plan, you began to find the closet comforting. It was a nice respite from the yelling and music downstairs, though you could still hear it coming up slightly through the floor.

When you finally heard someone coming up the steps your anxiety returned. You took a deep breath to find some calm and leaned against the closet wall.

After a few moments the closet door opened and shut. In had stepped a young man who was slightly familiar to you.

You had seen the dark haired boy around campus. Usually he resided in what you figured was his favourite spot: in one of the courtyards under a large tree. The tree was located near the back where most people didn't venture. He was obviously looking to avoid others but still enjoy the fresh air momentarily. You never took him for someone who went to parties.

"Hey," he said.

"Um, hi. I'm (y/n)." you said.

"Fyodor," he replied.

The was silence for a few moments.

You had never seen him up close, but he was undoubtedly attractive. He had a sense of intensity to him as well, and perhaps something else that you couldn't pin.

He simply continued to stare at you. It was impossibly to read his thoughts, but you had no doubt that his mind was always whirring.

You quickly decided to launch into small talk to divert from the awkwardness. "I think I've seen you around before. By that big tree, right?"

Fyodor only hummed in response. You wondered if he was dissecting your features.

"So... what's your major?" you asked.

"We'll have time for that later." he said with some sharpness.

"What?" you squeaked.

"Be quiet for a moment." Fyodor was close to you in a second. Still leaning against the wall, you gasped slightly in surprise.

"Are you fine with this?" Fyodor asked. You knew what he was alluding to.

"I-I am now," you said timidly.

It wasn't long before his breath fanned against your face and his lips were on your's. It was a simple kiss, one to test the waters. His lips were like ice, yet you still pressed back against them softly.

Fyodor pulled away, gaging your reaction. You stared back at him, playing with the hem of your shirt. There was a tension building in the air, one both of you could read.

Fyodor smiled and went in again, his fingers finding your chin first to push it up.

He kissed with more force this time. You felt lightheaded.

The kiss shifted at a steady rate, pressure building until you felt his teeth on your lips nibbling at them lightly.

You gasped as Fyodor bit your bottom lip especially hard, and his tongue finally entered your mouth. His hands pressed you further into the wall before moving into your hair.

You noted the distinct taste of vodka he had.

His lips now kissed your's with some kind of fervency. Fyodor's tongue mapped each bit of you it could find. You had to dig your nails into the wall as he finished by dragging it slowly along the roof of your mouth.

As you pulled away you were both panting. Fyodor had a slight smirk on his face. Still surprised by the whole situation, you looked at him with slight awe.

"Are you drunk?" you asked suddenly. "You didn't give off that impression earlier."

"Slightly. I was practically forced to come. I can't deal with all the crappy people here without taking the edge off." Fyodor said nonchalantly.

"Am I one of those people?"

"No," he pulled a flask out from his pocket, "would you like some?"

"Can't. I'm the driver tonight." you said. "Maybe some other time?"

Fyodor grinned at your response, and then rummaged through his pockets once more. His hand returned with an item familiar to you.

"Is that my phone?" you asked, staring wide-eyed at the device in his hands.

"Yes, I took it while we were kissing," he said, "I wondered if you would notice or not. I just want to text myself from your's."

"It's got a passcode, just let me do it." you replied, grabbing for it.

You unlocked it and had him type in his number, and you sent a simple hello.

You both jumped as the door was flung open suddenly. "SURPRISE!" your friend shouted, obviously thoroughly wasted.

"Didyoutwogettomakeloveorsomething?" your friend slurred.

"What?" you asked.


"Need to get home," you finished for them, sighing. "Sorry, I should take my friend back. As you can see their tolerance is bad. I'll text you? We could have coffee maybe?"

"Yes," Fyodor replied, "I'd like that."

You said your goodbyes, smiling at him before draping your friend's arm over your shoulder to help them walk down the stairs.

Despite your friend's faults, their schemes seemed to have a great rate of success. You would thank them in the morning.  

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