If only it was an Illusion!

By Aafrynn

1M 41.4K 5.2K

"you're no one to me", his words echoed in my ears but what was it all when he kissed me; merely an illusion... More

If Only It was an Illusion !
Chapter 1 : Start
Chapter 2: Comforting the discomfort
Chapter 3 : Personal or Professional?
Chapter 4 : Everything Good
Chapter 5 : Fate and Co incidence.
Chapter 6 : Loosening the knots
Chapter 7 : Seduction Game Strong !
Chapter 8 : Pallapora town
Chapter 9 : Party Party Party!
Chapter 10 : Not the girlfriend!
Chapter 11 : Picture cross
Chapter 12 : Shoot!
Chapter 13 : Drama at the devil's house
Chapter 14 : garage?
Chapter 15 :someone help !
Chapter 16 : Bungle in the jungle
Chapter 17 : Developing affection.
Chapter 18 : Can the jungle end ?
Chapter 19 : Stop chasing us.
Chapter 20 : Don't give up eh
Chapter 22 : A part of the jigsaw
Chapter 23 : Back to office .
Chapter 24 : The presentation.
Chapter 25 : The hotel mess
Chapter 26 : Happy and GAY?
Chapter 27 : Losing control
Chapter 28 : the note ?
Chapter 29 : Oh no no !
Chapter 30 : Out and About
Chapter 31 : What the eff
Chapter 32 : Ouch
Chapter 33 : Garden
Chapter 34 : Masquerade ball.
Chapter 35 : race till terrace
Chapter 36 :The real truth is...
Chapter 37 : Stop dominating.
Chapter 38 : His mansion , my tension.
Chapter 39 : Meet and greet.
Chapter 40 : In the bathroom.
Chapter 41 : No way out.
Chapter 42 : uh oh uh
Chapter 43 : The digger, not the gold one.
Chapter 44 : Birthday surprises.
Chapter 45 : Another dance or maybe chance?
Chapter 46 : Knowing everything.
Chapter 47 : The confession
Chapter 48 : An official 'date'
Chapter 49 : Keeping her on HOLD
Chapter 50 : Big Bang Party
Chapter 51 : With love, from James.
Chapter 52 : James plays Games.
Chapter 53 : Trick or Treat?
Chapter 54 : Found or Lost?
Chapter 55 : A beginning to an end.
Epilogue Part 1
Epilogue part 2
Whoring around Mr. Politician.

Chapter 21 : Safe and sound?

14.4K 693 46
By Aafrynn


I pulled over the car at the nearest corner, I saw vehicles around which clearly meant that we were now in some city. I could make that out from the hustle and bustle of people. I went closer to Mr. Reynolds to examine his breathes, Thank God they were normal! A bit slow from usual but was satisfactory enough.

"Hey ! can you instruct me the directions to the nearest hospital ?", I opened the door and asked the local vendor who had a small stall of first copy bags.

"Take a right turn and then keep moving straight. You'll see a big board there, that's your destination. "

"Thanks, Have a good day ",  I greeted him and rushed towards the car. Mr. Reynolds did no move, he rested his head on the seat carelessly. I turned the keys in its hole and started the car. I went as per directions given to me by the man, I took turns carefully avoiding any minor accidents which could cause any mishaps.

Just as my vehicle was coming to a stop, I eased the pressure off my brakes while maintaining the pressure on the clutch to avoid a sudden jerky stop, but to my disturbance, my car didn't stop. I tried pressuring hard on the clutch but there was no result.  I was agitated by the situation as I didn't have Mr. Reynolds by my side.

I kept adjusting the steering as per the vacancy of the road. Within moments we reached the hospital, my car broke through the gate and paved its way by self as people started to run away out of fear. The front glass shattered into pieces, some even rested on my skin which caused small bruises all over the exposed areas of my body including my face. I took a firm grip of the steering ensuring to prevent the car from traveling into some indistinct place.

On twirling my eyeballs I realized that I now came close to the enormously large hospital's gate, there was a huge tree ahead next to it so  I pushed the wheel towards it and as a result, bumped ourselves into it. My head got stuck with the steering, I cornered my eyes to look at Mr. Reynolds,  he was unaffected by the firm grip of the seat belt. I looked at him for a while until my vision blurred and I was surrounded by darkness. 


"Ouch! It's hurting me ", I slowly opened my eyes and realized that there was a big syringe connected to my arm, acquainted by a pipe which supplied me blood through it. "Oh My God, do I lack blood ?", I questioned myself suddenly gaining consciousness about what happened previously. 

I felt the pressure of the bandages over my skin, almost every place across my forehead and hands. I tried to free myself but the syringe kept me glued on the bed so I decided to deject them from my body at once.

"Where is the man  I was stuck with ?", I realized after gaining consciousness about Mr. Reynolds. I tried plucking out the injection which was fitted deep within my skin but I failed miserably. Various negative thoughts rotated across my mind regarding Mr. Reynolds, the only three words I was interested in hearing at this very moment was 'he is fine'

"How is he  ?", I questioned the nurse who looked away "Goddamn, tell me where the fuck he is?", I loathed re-questioning.

"H-he i-is "

"Stop stammering and clear your tone at this very moment ", I shrieked 

"He's in the ICU, fighting his battle against death ", her tone was slow and low. Her gaze didn't meet mine, she looked around whilst keeping up the conversation "So sorry, I was warned not to speak out your husband's condition to you "

"Can I pay him a visit ", I completely ignored the fact that she just paired us into a couple. All I wanted to do was see him, my mind was completely redirected towards him. A tear rolled through my cheek which made me realize that I was sobbing. 

She removed my medicines from the drawer close by ignoring my desire to meet him ."Guess what?  I'm gonna pay him a visit anyway ", I yanked the tube from my hand avoiding the pain which it caused me. 

"Please stay calm, you're supposed to rest ", I grabbed the knife which was placed on the table so as to threaten the nurse to maintain a safe distance away from me.

"Nothing and no one will stop me or I'll cut my veins. Stay away, don't call the doctor. I am fine, I'll certainly be ", I buttoned the hospital's loose shirt which I was wearing.

"I'll come along, please don't go alone. Let me be your guide please ", she wasn't angry at me but instead served me her help.

I nodded and marched out of the room crookedly, she held my hands providing me moral and physical support as my vision was blurred due to the formation of tears under my waterline. "That room is the emergency room ", she pointed towards the ICU which was situated on the corner of the floor. The hospital was massive, clean, and well built.

There was a small glass on the door which allowed us to see through the room, I fastened up my walking position because of which my leg twisted resulting me to fall, I sheltered myself through my palms by resting them on the ICU'S door.

Abandoning my pain I looked through the glass, Mr. Reynolds was on the bed surrounded by 3-doctors. He laid there effortlessly with his eyes closed. I could see the doctors cleaning up his wounds and inserting various machines in his body to speed up the recovery process, science was out of my comfort zone so I didn't really understand what they were doing. 

"It's been an hour madam ", I felt a pat on my shoulder. The nurse tried to alarm me so that I  could now move away and rest for myself.  "It's my fault, do you see his condition ", I wailed loudly whilst hugging her. 

"Shush, it's fate. It's all destined. He'll be fine if it's in his destiny, no sobbing only praying ", she hugged me back as she patted my back softly.

"I want him back ", I cried even harder this time cursing myself because if he wouldn't have come safeguarding me, something like this wouldn't ever happen to him ."I should've been in his place "

"Everything happens for a reason, love ", the nurse sure was quite optimistic.  She dragged me towards the closest seat which bypassed the room. I looked straight towards the ground lost in my thoughts hoping for positive news. I clenched my fists and rested my cheeks over them waiting for the arrival of the doctors.

As soon as the doctor opened the door I ran towards him " How is he, tell me ?" 

"He, umm " he paused for a while and then continued after clearing his throat " We've got 24 hours to diagnose that, follow me to my cabin ", he wanted to talk in private because revealing anything regarding his disease and condition was confidential and against the rules of the hospital.

I followed him to his cabin as he took the lead, I avoided making any sound of my footsteps. The word 'disease' echoed around my ears over and over again. I kept sane and positive just like the nurse suggested to me. 

"Take a seat, Mrs Reynolds, do you want some beverage or plain water ?", he was gentle enough to understand my condition.

"I'm fine, thanks ", my mind revolved around the word 'Mrs' but I didn't really clear his misunderstanding as he'd tell me every minute detail of his condition if he considered me his spouse and if he happened to know our relation he wouldn't spill out any beans.

"So how long will it take for him to recover ", I took a seat whilst furrowing my brows. 

"Mrs. Reynolds, he is currently in an extremely critical situation. We have 24 hours to figure out that whether his body will respond to our treatment or " I swallowed deep out of stress " Or I think you're smart enough to figure out the consequences, keep him in your prayers as he is in need of them ", I quickly wiped the tears which were enrolling through my eyes. "Call all of your family members, the ones which are precisely close to him ".

"Can I pay him a visit?" I asked hesitantly.

"One more thing, you can examine his pulse through the electrocardiogram. Its currently moving slowly, there's a small check of the beats down. The moment you see any movement, whether a rise or fall, press the bell on the right-hand corner of the patient's bed. It's not that we don't have nurses for taking up this responsibility but since you're his wife I'll assume that you may want to spend the remaining hours of his life with him ."

"Remaining ?", I questioned startled no matter how much I wanted to punch him on his face for uttering that word out of his mouth.

"I'm so sorry, there's yet a 20% chance for his recovery. So sorry ", he stated the obvious.

I scowled at him and left his cabin. I took longer steps than usual and halted straight in the emergency room. " I'll take up from this ", I signaled the nurse to leave the room and she did as per instructed.

I took the closest seat from the bed and sat next to him looking at his pale face and body. I took his hand in mine carefully so that I couldn't misplace the syringe which was connected to his upper arm. "Are you going to stay like this forever ", my waterline was already moist by now. 

I never knew that this man would affect me to this extent. I've always wanted to put a full stop on his cruel sarcastic mouth but when it was happening actually, I was losing my senses. All I wanted at this moment was to hear negative comments on every dialogue of mine, to hear sarcasm, and to be judged.

"hey, wake up. You've got more than 5 months to torture me. I am looking forward to tolerating them as I've signed those contract papers and successfully completed a month from that day .", a tear traveled through my chin and took its place on the hand I was holding. I wiped it with my bare hands and kissed it softly.

I gazed at him and the electrocardiogram turn by turn for a while expecting a movement, there was none. With every passing moment I lost my hope to have him back but I had faith in the almighty as he wouldn't let me regret this for the rest of my life. 

"What do you want from me God ?', I looked up knowing my behavior was childish but I practiced it anyway. "I'm not going to answer him back rudely, arrogantly, harshly, and wickedly. Just make him fine and I'll never speak badly to him till he recovers ", I thought for a while "Okay for a whole month. I tried bribing God whilst making an agreement with him.

I was drowsy as I myself didn't recover perfectly, my head hurt and every joint in my body felt weak but I'd almost forgotten every pain of mine after looking at his condition. 

I placed my head close to his hand without shifting my sitting position. My head started to feel heavy, maybe because of stress and crying so I kept my eyes closed.

Suddenly, I felt a little movement in my hair. I raised my head once to check out on him. His fingers moved a bit, I quickly turned my direction towards the machine and to my surprise, there was an increase in its movement too. I pressed the warning bell innumerable times until the doctor and his staff arrived. 

"Woah ! not less than a miracle ", the doctor remarked focusing his attention on the electrocardiogram. "Wait for us outside Miss Reynolds, we'll inform you once we're done. ", the doctor then gave clear instructions to his team about the surgery. I made my way towards the exit.

"So you now have to believe that destiny has a plan which included you two together ", the senior nurse once again came and sat next to me.

"I don't even know what do we have ", I rested my chin on my fist. 

"Well I can make out things from your part at least ", she looked in my eyes and smiled.

"It's like one moment we're having a happy time and the other moment we're fighting. He puts me in trouble all the time and is the first one to help me escape the troubles of my life too. He shouts at me all the time but can't resist when I'm being shouted by a hooligan. I don't understand him and I guess, I never will ", yes I was blabbering out these things to a complete stranger, though she felt familiar.

"Leave it on time and fate and let things happen as they're destined to be ", she suggested.

"Thanks for listening to me ", I felt relief.

"But certainly don't ever lose up an opportunity just because you think there is zero possibility for it to arise. Fight for the things and people you like regardless of their thoughts. I've had real bad memories, I don't want you to experience the same ", I heard every word which escaped her mouth carefully.

I side hugged her for comforting me and advising me, it felt like I was acquainted with her and I had no idea how.

I sat there still looking at the red light over the door of the emergency room. It was almost 2 hours but there was no sign of the doctors. As soon as the light dimmed, the senior doctor marched out and came towards me. I stood up at once showing him respect.

"He's out of danger, will be conscious anytime now ", I hopped out of excitement and hugged the doctor. My hugging reflexes are yet to be trained so as to stop pouncing on any unknown person. 

"Congratulations Mrs. Reynolds, your prayers paid well. I suggest you yourself should take some rest now but first eat something ", he smiled gently.

"Yes, I will, thank you so much ", I shook his hands and turned towards my ward.

I sipped tea after eating biscuits. I didn't really feel like eating anything heavy no matter how much the doctor suggested me to. I took my medicines with water without making any excuse.

"Is he awake ?", I questioned the nurse to which she nodded which clearly meant a no "Can you please have a look and notify me? ", I asked for a favor. 

"Yes, of course ", she turned around and left the room. After a couple of moments, she was back "the nurse there said to me that he gained consciousness some minutes ago, he's resting again now "

"I'll go look over ", I skipped the sweet lime juice she bought for me and paved my way towards him. I peeped through the door, his eyes were closed so I took slow and soft footsteps than usual. I took my old place and sat there observing him for a while.

I stood up and went closer to him, there were pipes connected through his nose. I pushed away from the tiny hair from his forehead, his face was now clean and properly bandaged from all the wounds. I gave a small peck on his forehead continued by his nose and later on his lips. I just felt the desire to do this, I didn't intend to.

I then heard footsteps so I regained my original position. The doctor showed up again as he examined the condition of Mr. Reynolds. He gave me a quick smile to which I smiled back. In a while, I saw Mr. Reynolds opening his eyes slowly.

"Welcome back Aaron ", the doctor greeted him. 

"Oh My God Finally! ", I sighed.

"I must say, you've won the biggest battle of your life ", the doctor encouraged.

"I never lose ", he stated, now I could feel him back.

"You've got a wonderful woman, never let go off her. She's been here and prayed for you until you were out of danger ", the doctor now was making my situation critical as I didn't really want him to know that I cared.

"MM-hmm ?", he looked at the doctor with surprise in his eyes, he later focused his attention towards me and raised a brow. I didn't understand what it clearly meant but it really felt awkward now. 

"I'll now give the husband and his wife some space ", the doctor gave a sly smile and left making the situation more worse as I now definitely owed him an explanation.

"Look, Mr Reynolds, it's not how it seems.  Only family members were allowed to know your well-being and condition. They assumed me your wife so I just added up to that assumption by keeping up with Mrs. Reynolds. Sorry ", I said all the lines in one breath.

"I never asked you for an explanation. You've played my wife earlier eh ", he surprisingly didn't mind. I was astonished at his reaction.

"Did you take your medicines ?", I asked, cutting the topic.

"I did . how about you ?", he questioned. A part of me was shocked because the bad-ass boss was inquiring upon my well being.

"I did ", I answered with a pleasant smile.

"Maybe you should rest, you don't look well yourself ", I nodded and left his room.

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