Moonlight and the Madness of...

By slythbabe13

2.9M 61.1K 60.9K

Annabelle Blackburn had accepted the fact her parents would never allow her to attend Hogwarts School of Wiza... More

Moonlight and the Madness of Loving You- A Draco Malfoy Love Story
A Pretty Good Start- Chapter 1
Sorting Hats and Bad Dreams- Chapter 2
You Want Me to do What!?- Chapter 3
Do You Believe in Love at First Sight?- Chapter 4
Something Hidden- Chapter 5
Sparks- Chapter 6
Sweet Dreams- Chapter 7
Really Close Friends- Chapter 8
It is Over- Chapter 9
I'm Here for You- Chapter 10
Meeting Mr. Black- Chapter 11
I Didn't Want to Hurt You- Chapter 12
A Shocking Revelation- Chapter 13
Truths and Forgiveness- Chapter 14
Monsters- Chapter 15
Tainted Blood and Prejudice- Chapter 16
Heartbreak- Chapter 17
Jealousy- Chapter 18
Terror and Love- Chapter 19
Empty and Numb- Chapter 20
Christmas at the Weasleys'- Chapter 21
Captured- Chapter 22
Safe in Your Arms- Chapter 23
Let Me Take Care of You- Chapter 24
Wishing I Could Touch You- Chapter 25
One Passionate Night- Chapter 26
A Happy Reunion- Chapter 27
Hurt and Cruelty- Chapter 28
Fighting and More Pain- Chapter 29
Getting Over Him......or Not- Chapter 30
In Love with a Death Eater- Chapter 31
Choosing Draco Malfoy- Chapter 32
Promises and Terror- Chapter 33
Joining the Order and Never Going Back- Chapter 34
In His Arms Again- Chapter 35
An Unexpected, But Happy Surprise- Chapter 36
The Beginning of a Nightmare- Chapter 37
No Choice But to Take the Dark Mark- Chapter 38
Anything to Save You- Chapter 39
A Night in the Dungeon- Chapter 40
The Dark Mark- Chapter 41
Need You More than Air- Chapter 42
Returning to Hogwarts- Chapter 43
No Place I Belong- Chapter 44
A Very Harsh Reunion- Chapter 45
Never the Right Time- Chapter 46
The Battle Begins- Chapter 47
Tragedy- Chapter 48
Trying to Start Over- Chapter 49
Finding Anna- Chapter 50
I Would Have Searched Forever- Chapter 52
Together Always (The Madness is Over)- Chapter 53 (FINAL CHAPTER)

Missing Draco- Chapter 51

33K 711 485
By slythbabe13

Missing Draco

Chapter 51

                Anna made her way down the wet, windy street, heading to the townhouse that she and Dora now called home. Her job at the bookstore, The Turning Page, and it wasn’t that far from home so she didn’t have to take the Subway or her muggle car. It was a cool, wet October night and all the homes were decorated with the typical jack-o-lantern and Halloween decorations. Thoughts of Hogwarts came rushing to her mind and with them came her memories of all that had happened in her life since she had started at the school as a 5th year. Along with the memories a certain platinum-haired, blue-eyed Slytherin was never far from her thoughts. Draco seemed to be all she thought about since she had settled down in London after Dora’s birth.  She missed him terribly. Every time Anna looked into Dora’s beautiful light blue-gray eyes she was reminded of him and wondered what he might be doing or if he’d found someone else.

                Anna knew that what she’d done by leaving the wizarding world was somewhat childish and cowardly. She had tried to disappear, but she had been hurting. Anna also felt that if Draco truly loved her he might have found her by now. She was still hurt and heart broken, but now it was for a different reason. Now it was because she realized she would never be able to get over Draco. And hiding away from her world wasn’t helping; it only made her feel numb and hopeless. If it wasn’t for the joy of her and Draco’s daughter, she would probably just give up. Draco was probably married to some pureblood heiress by now, Anna thought, doing what his family wanted him to as always.

                Anna walked up the steps to her cute little Brownstone, unlocking the door. She was greeted by her nanny, Miss O’Donnel. Andromeda had recommended the lady to care for Dora when Anna had started to work at The Turning Page. Miss O’Donnel was a sweet and kind older lady who had never had children of her own, even though she had been married to a wizard, she was a Squib, so she was aware of Anna and Dora’s ability to do magic.

                “The little angel is asleep,” she said as Anna hung her coat up in the foyer.

                “Thank you,” Anna smiled at her and was about to go up the stairs to her bedroom to check on Dora when there was a knock on the door.

                Anna couldn’t stop the catch of her breath or her heart from beating faster as she thought who it might be. What if it was Draco? But it couldn’t be, Annabelle had changed her name from Blackburn to Lupin and Draco probably wouldn’t think to look under that name if he was seeking her at all.

                Anna looked through the peep hole and then let out a cry of delight as she flung open the door, “Rafe!” she cried out with joy and threw herself into her friends arms.

                Rafe laughed and swung her around, “How have you been?” he asked, laughing at her enthusiasm, looking at her with those smoky green eyes.

                “I’ve been good, how about you?” she asked, holding his hands and looking him over. He hadn’t changed. It had been over six months since she had last seen him, but it seemed like so much longer. Anna was so happy to see him.

                Anna invited him in and they sat down in the living room. Rafe told her about what he’d been up to in America since he’d left England.

                “So, you are living here in London on your own?” he asked.


                “Where is that beautiful baby girl?”

                “She’s sleeping right now,” Anna beamed, “Would you like to see her?”

                Anna led her up the stairs to her bedroom. Dora slept in her baby bed in Anna’s room. When they walked in you could hear Dora awake in her bed, babbling baby talk, playing with a little stuffed bear that Anna had bought for her. Dora saw Anna walking across the room and started grinning, rolling over onto her stomach and crawling to the bars on her bed to try and pull up to stand. Dora was excited to see her mommy, waving her little arms in the air.

                “How is mommy’s little angel?” Anna picked her little girl up in her arms and she kicked her legs happily. Anna kissed her on her chubby little cheek and Dora giggled. Then she noticed Rafe, and got quiet for a minute. Dora studied him for a minute, her fingers in her mouth.

                “She is so beautiful, Anna,” Rafe said, looking at Dora, “Oh my goodness, how she has grown,” Rafe couldn’t believe it.

                “Well, it has been over six months since we last saw you,” Anna laughed.

                Rafe started talking to Dora and at first she was shy, but it didn’t take long for Dora to warm up to him, smiling and laughing.

                “Can I hold her?”

                “Sure,” Anna said, handing Dora to Rafe.

                At first Dora just studied his face, but then she let out a little giggle and reached up, pulling on Rafe’s shoulder length brown hair, pulling it gently and then trying to pull it to her mouth.

                They both played with Dora in the living room for a long time, until Dora started yawning and fell asleep on the blankets that were spread out on the floor, Anna rubbing her back softly.

                “She is such a sweet baby, Anna,” Rafe whispered.

                “She is a very good baby and very smart. She is already trying to walk and pulling up in her baby bed,” Anna said proudly.

                “Let me ask you something,” Rafe said hesitantly, “Do you think Miss O’Donnel would mind watching Dora if you went out with me tonight?”

                “I don’t know,” Anna answered, unsure.

                “You need to get out and have a good time. You deserve that. And it is just as friends,” Rafe added.

                Anna was about to turn Rafe down when Miss O’Donnel spoke-up, coming into the room, “I would love to watch the little sweetie, and Anna does need to get out for a while. All she does is work and take care of Dora.”

                “Okay, well that settles it,” Rafe smiled, “You go get ready and we are going out for a little while. I have a friend of mine who owns a pub not far from here and I would like to go visit him so you can go with me.”

                Anna had no choice; she went and got ready, putting on a cute little black dress and heels. She really wanted to go out, but she didn’t want to give Rafe the wrong idea about their relationship and think this was a date. She really liked Rafe, but it was still Draco Malfoy who held her heart despite all that had happened.

                Anna and Rafe arrived at his friends club. They had food and live music playing and after Rafe introduced Anna, they talked to his friend Paul. It wasn’t long before Rafe was begging Anna to get up on the stage and perform with him like they had at Hogwarts. Anna had a couple of drinks or she probably never would have done it, but she did. The song was heart felt as she sang, soulful and full of thoughts of Draco. Rafe played acoustic and other than that it was Anna’s sweet, soulful voice. When the song was done they were greeted by a thunderous applause and people whistling.

                When they left the stage, Rafe grabbed her hand, “I told you that you could become a singer if you chose to.”

                “I don’t know about that, the only singing I’ve done was at Hogwarts.”

                “Well, most of these people here are muggles and they loved your voice.”

                Anna blushed, all the attention embarrassing her a little; she had never been one to want the spotlight. Rafe’s friend Paul begged her to come sing at his club, but Anna had to decline, but promised him he would be the first she would come to if she changed her mind.

                It was late when they got to Anna’s and she thanked Rafe for taking her out. She knew he probably wanted to come in, but Anna told him goodnight and promised to see him again after work tomorrow.

                As he was walking down the stairs, Rafe turned and asked Anna a dreaded question, “Does Draco know about Dora yet?” Rafe asked seriously.

                “No,” Anna said softly, not able to look at him.

                Then Rafe surprised her, “You are not doing him right, Anna. Draco deserves to know that he has a daughter. He should be able to see her and you shouldn’t be hiding from him or anyone else.”

                Anna didn’t know what to say to that as Rafe continued, “I know you have suffered a lot, loosing Lupin and Tonks, your mother and step father too. But it’s not right for you to take it out on Malfoy, no matter how much I can’t stand the git, he should be treated better than this.”

                “Maybe your right,” Anna whispered, tears coming to her eyes as she realized just how wrong she was treating Draco by hiding away from him.

                “I know I’m right,” Rafe said, taking her chin gently, “You don’t know how much I wish you would get over him. And I’m not trying to hurt your feelings, but think about what I said.  Because I know you are miserable without him.”

                And with that said he hugged her tightly and then walked down the steps, leaving Anna standing there with her thoughts.

                That night Anna cried herself to sleep like she usually did, missing Draco and wishing things were different. If she hadn’t turned her back on him and fled their world, she might be spending her night in his arms right now instead of being lonely and miserable without him. 

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