Water Goddess

By Skylinger

345K 7.1K 866

When Kailani turns 16 she is quickly thrust into the world of gods, goddesses, demi-gods, and guardians. Kail... More

A dept paid
Awake and Angry
Anger and Understanding
Demigods and Demigoddesses
An interesting Day
Rivals will Fight
An Unexpected Visit
The Race
Her Team
A Big Brother and a Warning
Deals, Skills, and Realizations
Troubling Visions
Visions of Pain
Caught by Poseidon
Getting Closer
Prelude to War
It Begins
No Longer in Charge
I know where to go
Clearly underestimated
Prisoners taken
This could be bad
The gods wonder
A Chance Taken
Unexpected Help
What to think
New Places, New Allies
We Need Both
Loch Ness
Jewel of Loch Ness 30
Change is in the Air 31
Stay Together Part 32

What is to Come? Part 33

2.3K 110 52
By Skylinger

Apollo could barely contain his relief at seeing his daughter at Kailani's side. He sensed her mood change dramatically and felt a sense of peace at seeing her calm and smiling again. The God of the Sun did not understand how his daughter had suddenly ended up finding Poseidon's daughter but he didn't care. As long as they were together he was sure the girl's would be fine.

"You seem rather pleased," Athena said approaching the viewing pool and gazing into it. "I see your daughter has found her way to Kailani." Apollo nodded not hiding his approval. "She's not exactly making way in trying to find the skeptrum for you," Athena commented.

Apollo looked up from the pool to look at his half-sister. "Solana matters far more to me than that Skeptrum," He told her.

Athena was surprised by his words but did not doubt them. As she watched him turn his eyes back toward the sight in the pool her mind began to consider things she had not before. Apollo had not forced his offspring to go looking for the skeptrum. She has even heard the god before her had forbidden the daughter he now watched of even considering trying to obtain it for him. The goddess watched the pleased but concerned look on the god's face. Turning she stepped away from her sibling and began walking in their confined area.

A glance to her left revealed Poseidon and Amphitrite with Hestia. They each looked concerned but hopeful. Seeing her uncle look so vulnerable at times was nearly unnerving. Poseidon was powerful and had pushed to get his way more than once. Yet when it came to Kailani his sole concern was her wellbeing. Even when the girl had been angry and lashed out at him he'd not tried to harm Kailani. There was a time when she knew The God of the Sea had been somewhat ruthless and heartless during his time preparing his offspring to search for the skeptrum. She had not allowed herself to consider a change in her uncle until now.

Athena glanced around and good see many frustrated gods. Many angry and even at times yelling into the viewing pools at their offspring. This was somewhat amusing to The Goddess of Wisdom because their offspring couldn't hear them. While they were gods they were currently powerless to do anything but watch their offspring. She herself was frustrated at times. Watching it was clear that her offspring had not paid nearly as much attention as she had assumed they had. She was very disappointed in Skyler. He'd been one of her most astute sons and yet he seemed to be matching a lot of small clues. Then again he was not Solomon.

Athena had loved Solomon above all of her sons. The tall Sandy blonde haired boy had made his mother proud time and time again. Solomon had been very intellectual at a very young age. Strategy had come to him as if His mother was telling him step by step what to do in his mind. It just appeared to have magically be there. Athena had been sure that he would be the one to find the skeptrum and give her the ultimate power of the gods. Unfortunately others had realized this as well.

Ramiero along with a few others had ambushed her son during a nighttime gathering and killed him. Athena could still remember the site of her son lying face up on a boulder covered in blood. No one had been able to help Solomon. His attackers had been swift and stealthy and the attack had been over as quickly as it started before anyone knew anything. It was hours before anyone even realized he was missing. He was found the next morning. Athena had not known who'd killed her son until recently. After the war had begun and he'd boasted about it to Ciro after they'd joined forces. Now she knew who was responsible and how they'd accomplished their task. Yet there was nothing she could do about it now. If Ramiero won she'd never be able to do anything about it.

Suddenly sad she sat down at a small viewing pool away from everyone else. Her thoughts began to consider what might happen depending on whom obtained the skeptrum and gave the power to one of them. Especially now that they realized their own offspring could give it to anyone they wished; not just their parent. As Athena thought of Raiden she had no doubt that Zeus' son would give him the power. She did not doubt Ramiero giving power to Ares. She had not doubted that Willem would give the power to Hades but Willem was now essentially out of the running Ciro would give the power to his father. There was a time she would say the same of Marius. However now she was not so certain. Then there was Poseidon's daughter that didn't want any part of the challenge.

"It's somewhat difficult to comprehend isn't it?" Hades said coming up behind his niece. Athena looked back and watched as The God of the Dead walked up the two steps to the viewing pool and sat down next to her. "Each of us thought we had it figured out. We each knew which of our children was our best chance and of all of them the most likely." As he gazed into the pool he got a somewhat amused look on his face and then said, "And then Kailani came."

Athena couldn't stop a smile from crossing her face. "She doesn't want the power."

Hades gave a nod of agreement. "Strange really. I thought her words to be part of a ploy in the beginning."

"Most of us did," Athena replied. "She is so different from many of the others. Kailani is not the first to be angry about the deception in her life but she is certainly holding on to it longer."

"Indeed," Hades replied. "My brother's daughter certainly has quite a temper on her. Lucky for them she was not raised to look for weaknesses and strike." The pool's view changed and they were soon looking at Marius. "I never thought the day would come when a son of Ares began to consider more than just what he wanted." Glancing up at Athena he added, "He could have hurt her."

"He could have, but he didn't want to," Athena replied. "I do not want Ares to have the power but it might be better than Zeus. If it is one of Ares' I want it to be Marius."

"Of course you do," Hades replied. "If Ramiero wins there will be no justice for your son. If Marius wins there is a chance." Athena didn't reply but the god knew she agreed with him. Hades watched as Marius began to make plans for another excursion. "It seems he's deciphered the next clue."

"Actually it was Solana," Athena informed her uncle. "She seems to be doing better now that she's with Kailani. For whatever reason she seems to know how to refocus and calm Solana. Though the girl seems to have a natural ability with people."

"There are some that think she should go for the skeptrum," Hades commented.

"Are you one of them?" Athena challenged.

"Actually, yes," he admitted. "Though, with her, nothing is guaranteed." Athena nodded understanding what he meant. "She could give the power to anyone."

"Yes but not out of spite or blind loyalty. I believe Kailani will consider many things should she decide to break out on her own and work to obtain the skeptrum," Athena told him. "Of course the worst outcome would be Ciro or the offspring of anyone that is not an Olympian." Athena looked at Hades with concern and said, "If an Olympian does not gain the power we are finished."

"Agreed," Hades stated. "I do think Ramiero is the worst case scenario of our offspring."

"Kailani is our best option as of now," Athena stated. Hades nodded in agreement. They like the others had watched as things progressed. It seemed even Ares did not want Ramiero to win. Ramiero had once been a favorite of Ares but he'd lost his place with his father. Athena wasn't so sure the demigod could win back his place if he won. Ares was not pleased with him. For whatever reason the God of War was still furious with his son over his behavior toward Kailani. Athena was somewhat surprised by her brother's anger but then the challenge was changing and affecting both the gods and their offspring.


Ares watched as his son interacted with Kailani and the others. He was amazed by the amount of thought his son had begun to take into consideration as he made plans now. It seemed Marius was beginning to truly understand the art of strategy in a way none of his offspring had ever possessed. Even Athena's offspring had not been as capable of strategy as she was. Though Ares had to admit her son Solomon had been quite capable. Even now he was surprised his sister's son had ended up dead.

Zeus however had managed to produce several children with the ability of strategy. Unfortunately the King of the God's offspring had also turned against each other in the past trying to outdo one another. Zeus' offspring had effectively dwindled their own numbers out of ambition and jealousy. A trait Ares would have expected his own offspring to possess. Some of which did possess such a hunger for power.

Ramiero was very ambitious when it came to battle. Ares would even say his son thirsted for battle and the sight of bloodshed. Ramiero was a warrior in every aspect. He wouldn't say a noble warrior but a warrior none the less. Ares had not been surprised when he and Marius had not teamed up. They were both very capable and the competition between them for his attention was fierce. Ares had considered the separation to only be beneficial. Even now he thought it best they did not work together. But not for the same reasons as he had in the beginning.

The war god's son was making a lot of enemies amongst the god's and he didn't even know it. Ramiero had killed and was killing recklessly and without provocation. He'd even killed those surrendering to him. It was causing Ares to feel the tension and anger where he was. He figured it was only a matter of time before one of them actually lashed out at him. They might not be able to use their powers but they could still get physical with one another. Ares sighed as the pool shifted to Ramiero and the sight of him killing a daughter of Aphrodite.

"Perhaps teaching him such cruelty wasn't in your best interest after all," Artemis remarked looking from him to the pool. "He's making you enemies."

"I am fully aware of that Artemis," Ares said not bothering to hide his anger as he looked into the pool. "Reckless fool!"

"At least Marius isn't." Artemis watched as Ares looked up at her. "He's the reason you haven't already been attacked." Ares gave a sideways nod as he glanced down and away. He too was fairly certain it was Marius current actions that were keeping the others at bay. "What are you going to do if Ramiero wins?" Ares eyes were on her in an instant. "Are you going to give him anything he wants?"

"Not Kailani." It was out of his mouth before he could even consider if he wanted to answer. He saw the instant surprise on Artemis' face. "He's not smart enough to make his demands before he gives me the power. He'll expect me to just give him anything."

Artemis was silent for a moment and then something suddenly occurred to her. "She's earned your respect. This isn't just about not wanting to end up in a bad situation if one of your sons lose. Kailani has earned respect in your eyes. Why? How?" The Goddess of the Hunt was somewhat awestruck by the very idea. Ares was not easy to please and certainly did not respect others easily. It didn't mean he respected her as he might a more powerful god or goddess. No this was different. Artemis wasn't even sure if a mortal had ever one his respect and perhaps even admiration. Ares gave an unconcerned half shrug. Artemis raised an eyebrow at him.

"She was so fierce the first time I saw her I thought she might be one of mine," Ares reluctantly admitted. A half smiled formed on his face as he remembered the fear she'd struck into some around her. "The girl can strike fear in others."

"Kailani is kind," Artemis told him.

"Yes but she could be a fierce warrior," Ares informed her. "You have seen her shocked and upset. Perhaps you have even seen her practice with her weaponry. I doubt you have seen her angry."

Artemis lowered her head. "No I have not." Artemis had heard the girl had caused Poseidon problems and even caused the earth to rumble. She hadn't however put any real thought into it because whenever she'd seen the girl it had been kindness and sadness she'd seen. Not anger, jealousy or hate. "Do you fear her?" Artemis asked looking back up at him. "Do you fear she could win?"

"Only a fool wouldn't," He replied. "Kailani is kind as you've stated. However she is rather skilled, is quite capable of strategy and I'm beginning she understand that scroll better than Athena's son," Ares replied. "Yes, Kailani is a threat to everyone," he added suddenly becoming upset.

"Only if Marius betrays her or her trust," Artemis' replied.

"Unless something separates them. Then she just might go after it herself!" Ares replied not pleased with the idea. "If she gets it there's no telling what she'll do with it." Artemis didn't reply and watched as her brother abruptly walked away.

Silently Artemis wondered what Kailani would do if she got it. Would she give it to her father? The goddess was fairly certain the girl wouldn't give it to Zeus, Poseidon, or Ares. Beyond that however it was anyone's guess.

Author's note: The next chapter will bring another obstacle and something they must obtain. Breakdowns within groups will also begin.

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