Awkward (Narry)

By Bab3yBlu3Eyes

1.5M 44.1K 18K

Harry Styles is the 'Ladies man' of the world famous boy band One Direction, except nobody knows that it's no... More

Awkward (Narry)
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48.
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65- Epilogue

Chapter 37

19.4K 661 129
By Bab3yBlu3Eyes

[Harry POV]

An hour after Liam left Zayn and Louis left too leaving me to have some well needed alone time with Niall. He had a small nap while the others were still here but then woke up again about 15 minutes ago. That's the shitty thing about these meds that he's on is the fact that about half an hour after he takes them they knock him out for a bit so they're not exactly helping the pain they're just making him sleep so he forgets about it. We'd been sitting quietly for a few minutes when a doctor walked in unexpectedly.

"Hello Mr. Horan, how are you feeling today?" he asked and Niall sat up straight

"Yeah I feel alright apart from the meds knocking me out all the time." Niall admitted and I'm glad he said something otherwise I was going to.

"Ahh I see well I'm here to have a look at your burns and if they're not too bad you'll be able to go home as long as you have someone to help clean and dress them and I'm sure I can sort out with the pharmacy to get you some different meds that don't make you so sleepy." the doctor explained and walked over to Niall.

Niall turned around and lifted his shirt so the doctor could inspect his burns I couldn't help but look and see for myself how bad they were. As the doctor stepped out the way I saw some sore looking skin with a bit of skin peeling but it did not look nowhere near as bad as I thought it was going to look.

"Right well everything already looks like it's healing well. As long as you have someone to help apply ointment twice a day then you are free to leave Mr. Horan." the doctor smiled and Niall turned around pulling his shirt back down looking over at me.

"I'll help you; you're going to be staying with me for a while until you're better anyway." I spoke up and the doctor smiled.

"Ok boys well if you go to the desk when you're ready to leave then the nurse will give you your prescription and you can be on your way." the doctor explained and shook both our hands before leaving the room.

"I'm so glad I can go home, I hate hospitals!" Niall let out a sigh of relief and stood from the bed. "Let's get my things together and then we can get out of here."

I helped Niall gather his things together and helped him pull on his jeans as he'd been in just a T-shirt while he'd been lying in bed. Once he was dressed I carried all his things in my pockets as I guided him out the room and to the reception desk.

"Hello signing Niall Horan out we need to pick up his prescription." I explained and the nurse behind the desk typed something away on her computer.

 A couple seconds later she'd printed out a piece of paper and handed it over to me, I placed it in my back pocket and wrapped an arm around Niall's waist to help guide him out the hospital. When we got outside I helped Niall into a cab and then told the driver my address. It didn't take us long to get there so once we arrived I paid the cabbie and helped Niall back out the car and into my house.

I sat Niall on the couch and headed into the kitchen and grabbed us both a bottle of water before returning to the living room and handing Niall his bottle. He thanked me with a small kiss the carefully leant back into the couch.

"Ni I need to go back out and get your prescription, are you going to be ok here on your own for like 10 minutes?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah of course, besides I need my meds and the doctor said they won't knock me out so that's good."

"Ok I won't be long, I promise."

I quickly gave Niall another kiss and handed him the TV remote before grabbing my keys off the side and leaving the house. I jumped into my car and pulled off the drive heading down the street to the nearest pharmacy. As promised I was in and out of the pharmacy in minutes then back out the house just under 10 minutes later. I walked straight into the living room and handed over Niall's bag of pills. I knew he was about due to take some more very soon anyway.

"That was quick!"

"I promised I wouldn't be long." I smiled and took a seat next to Niall.

I wrapped my arm over the top of the couch so Niall could make himself comfortable in my arms. He leant into me and snuggled under my arm so I carefully placed my hand around his waist and cuddled him back.

We'd been sitting in front of the TV for about half an hour and Niall had taken some meds which thankfully weren't making him sleepy and were still doing the job in keeping the pain away. The next thing we had to do was clean his wounds which I wasn't exactly looking forward to as I'm terrified I may hurt him.

"You ready to clean these burns?" I asked him and he went a little shy. "Ni its ok I promise I'll be gentle."

"It's not that Haz, I just um. I don't want you to think I'm disgusting after you see them."

"I could never think you're disgusting, trust me babe it's ok. Just take your shirt off and let me clean them up and put on new dressings." I told him as I got up and headed into the kitchen to get the dressing and cleaning solution for his burns.

When I got in the kitchen I poured out some of the cleaning solution into a small cup and then got the cotton wool as well as the clean dressing stuff and carried it all into the living room. I set it all on the coffee table to see Niall still sitting there nervously with his shirt on.

"Ni babe please don't be like this, you're gorgeous with or without burns and we're going to get them all healed and cleaned up for you ok." I said and he nodded sheepishly.

Instead of asking him to take his shirt off again I walked over and lifted the bottom of his shirt slowly over his head and set his top on the side of the couch. Niall didn't even look at me as I looked over his bandages already on his back. I gently peeled away the old dressing and set them on the table. I looked at his back and honestly it's nowhere near as bad as what it was when I first saw it in the hospital the other day, it's healing very well.

"I'm hideous aren't I?" Niall whispered and I heard his voice brake.

"Niall baby listen to me." I said as I walked around and knelt down in front of him. "The burns are healing very well, they look so much better then when I first saw them and in a couple weeks time I bet they're going to be barely noticeable. But if they stay like this and never heal then I am still going to think you are as gorgeous as the first day I met you."

Niall's eye lit up and he quickly grabbed my face in his hands and planted a soft wet lingering kiss on my lips. I passionately kissed back obviously wanting to take things further but I daren't do anything that may hurt his back at the moment.

"Thank you Harry."

"It's my pleasure babe, now let me get these all clean and bandaged up." I said and Niall nodded so I moved back around the other side and grabbed some cotton wool.

I dipped the cotton wool in the solution and gave Niall a warning before wiping it along his back, I cleaned all down the wounds like the doctor had told me then placed the dirty cotton wool on the side before dressing everything back up with the clean bandages. Once that was all done I told Niall to put his shirt back on and I cleaned up all the dirty dressings and carried everything out to the kitchen.

Now Niall was all cleaned up I wouldn't have to do that again until tomorrow so I re-entered the living room and sat back on the sofa. I leant my back against the arm of the chair and placed my legs up on the sofa opening my arms for Niall to come lay down. He did exactly that and we lay comfortable in each other's arms for the rest of the evening. 

Seeing as you're all so obsessed with this story how about we see if we can get 55votes and 30 comments this time. The challenge is yours :) Love y'all

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