Queen Of Paradox (Unedited)

By NaughtyPlease

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(BEING EDITED/REWRITTEN) Every decade a Tournament is held in Paradox to decide who will become the next Ero... More

Prelude to Desire
Sweet Deceit
The Devil's in the Details
An Incubi's Seduction
A Queen Manipulated
The Benefit of a Friend
A Secret for One
No Man Left Behind
Switching Places
More Than Meets The Eye
Sixty Days
I Am Oueen
Between A Rock and A Hard Place
No Place Like Home
Sister Knows Best
Welcome to Paradise
Something Witchy This Way Comes
Crossing Lines
When One Door Closes...
Poor little Succubus, Ain't that a Witch
Back, Meet Knife.
Mr. Blue Eyes
Memory Lane
Magic Touch
Old Wounds
Fallen Rook
Past, Meet Present
Storming the Castle
Back to the Start
Wake Up Call
Authors Note
The Best Laid Plans...
Rude Awakening
Best Kept Secrets
Succubus Diaries
The Calm Before
Aftermath - Part 1
Aftermath - Part 2
Authors Note
Sneak Peek: Sweetest Torment

Memories: Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

117 10 0
By NaughtyPlease

Their swords clashed. Steel striking steel. The sound sharp and agressive, making her ears twitch. They jumped apart at the same time, creating distance to examine each other, both trying to guess the others next move. Smirking, she raised her sword and lunged forward once again, spinning just before contact to take a position on her left. Her sword swung low, aiming for his leg. She could tell he hadn't been expecting that but he countered her move perfectly despite the sudden change in attack. His sword smoothly deflected hers and she staggered back slightly from the force of his block.

Her blue eyes flashed with irritation and she swiped the back of her hand over her sweaty forehead. The sun was unforgiving today. Beating down on them with the ferocity of a scorned lover, unrelenting in its hateful glare. She couldn't let that distract her though, or weaken her resolve. There was no place for weakness here. He returned her smirk with one of his own and beckon her to him with a quick flick of his finger, encouraging her to launch another attack.

Rolling her shoulders to loosen the stiff muscles she slowly advanced, never breaking eye contact. The wind caught her long brunette locks at that moment and dragged invisible fingers through them, pulling them to the side. For the span of a second, his eyes tracked it. But a second was all she needed. She flung a dagger she had hidden, pressed against the inside of her wrist, towards his arm and he turned in time to avoid it finding a home in his flesh. Instead, it nicked his bicep as it sailed past him and found a tree. The distraction allowed her to close the distance and press her sword against his neck, drawing the smallest amount of blood.

She was breathing hard, a victorious glint in her eyes. His green eyes meet hers and warmed, a look of approval there. "You've gotten good...for a kid" he half praised, half taunted, stepping back. Her cocky grin slipped into a frown at his words and her eyes snapped fire at him. "I'm not a kid!" She all but yelled, barely stopping herself from stomping her feet in anger. He looked up from sliding his sword back into the sheath at his side and raised a blond eyebrow. "Then why do you look like you're about to throw a tantrum? Should I run and grab your pacifier?" Anger boiled inside her and she stomped forward, putting them nose to nose. Her expression melted into a deceptively sweet smile. "Trust me when I say, that's not what I'm thinking about sucking on right now." He inhaled sharply, his eyes darkening into dark green pools. His gaze dropped to her lips and stayed there for a few moments before growing angry. "Training starts at eight a.m tomorrow. Leave your sword, we'll be working in hand to hand combat." She canted her head to the side, and shot him a bright smile, pleased she had succeeded in affecting him. "Yes sir!" She chirped. He visibly bristled at that before turning on his heels and walking away towards the palace.

She sighed dreamily after him and nearly jumped out of her skin when someone tugged on her hair, almost sending her to her ass. She hissed and spun around, her hand flying to her hair to rub at the abused spot. She glared at the culprit, not at all surprised. "What the hell Jacqueline?" She demanded, staring down at the petite brunette that was currently smiling at her. Jacqueline was a walking contradiction. Her appearance was the definition of innocence with her short petite stature, large round eyes the color of warm honey, doll-like face, and shiny brunette ringlets. Until she opened her mouth.

Jacqueline glanced at the retreating back of her sparing partner and moaned. "I bet he has a big cock" she said dreamily. And there was that infamous foul mouth. The little brunette was the most crass, brutal, violent, loud mouthed spit-fire she had ever come across and she loved her to bits. Choking back a laugh she shoved the brunette. "Don't even think about it. He's mine." She stated. Jacqueline rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Whatever Rose, you've had plenty of time to make a move and you haven't."

Rose frowned but really couldn't deny that fact. She had been at the palace for over two weeks now. She had woken up with no memories of who she was or her life before and had instantly panicked. Anyone that tried to subdue her or calm her down was attacked viciously, she wouldn't let anyone approach her, except him. Randolph. When the palace guards had finally cornered her and it was clear they intended to harm her, her freak out had turned into fear at the prospect of dying. Randolph had been her saviour that day. Ordering the guards to stand down and when they had, and finally retreated, he stayed with her as she broke down. Feeling lost and confused. He had cradled her against his chest, gently stroking her hair and whispering comforting words to her.

She had eventually passed out and when she awoke the second time just as confused. He helped her down from the edge of insanity. He was her anchor in the sea of confusion and emptiness. Three days after she awoke with her memories still gone, the Queen of Paradox summoned her to the throne room. The Queen was not what she had expected. She had expected a haughty women with cold eyes and a dismissive disposition but Vera was quite the opposite. She had the demeanour of a Queen, yes. After all, Vera Isles was fourth generation royalty, her mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother having all ruled the throne before her. So she had probably been treated like royalty all her life, but she didn't wear the title of Queen like an identity. Her personality shone through and it was humorous, mischievous and warm.

She had sat down with Rose and explained to her that a few days ago on one of her private outings she had found her unconscious in the forest,by a rosebush -the origin of her new name- , beyond the Palace walls. She explained that Rose had been badly injured and near death. Using her gift of healing, Vera had brought her back from the brink of death and taken her into the palace where she'd be able to finish healing. Vera couldn't tell her anything more than that which brought a fresh wave of grief over her, but she was thankful none the less. Vera had saved her life and for that, the Queen had her undying loyalty.

She had also learned that a tournament for Queen was currently in progress and set to take place a month from now. Rose had no idea whether or not she had been a candidate or whether her clan qualified her to participate. While the tournament was open to most clans to allow a fair reign and unbiased or corrupt monarchy, it was also closed to those that came from a weak or young clan. A clan had to he older than four hundred and have notable worth. Whether that be strength, skill, money, or a history of service to Paradox. And that's just naming a few. The politics of Paradox was a long and detailed one.

When she approached Vera about participating, even though she had missed the Q&A that would have introduced her as a contestant and was probably far behind in training than the others, the Queen had approved it. On one condition. That if she couldn't regain her memory by the end of the month, when the tournament started, she would enter under Vera's clan name and with Vera as her consort. Rose had to admit that the request startled her. For many reasons. But what stood out the most was Vera as her consort? She hadn't even known that, that was allowed. She didn't even think that had ever been done. But Vera assured her it would be alright, that she was not to worry. Rose was given a day to mull it over and in the end agreed. She owed Vera her life and to even be allowed to enter the tournament at this stage was already miraculous. She'd take it any way she could.

Vera had been very pleased and ordered her to begin training immediately. And that's when she'd met Randolph again. He was personally in charge of her training and Rose couldn't be more elated. Except he seemed to feel quite the opposite. The warm, gentle man who had rocked her and wiped her tears was suddenly this serious, brooding brute. Who treated her like a child and was distant, cold even. What the hell was that about? Two weeks later of constantly training and he had barely loosened up.

Rose sighed and glanced back at Jacqueline. Jackie was the only friend she'd made in the palace. She was a handmaid to Vera but they had taken an instant liking to each other after her first few days here. Jackie was the only one that didn't treat her like she broken because of her amnesia or danced around the subject. In fact, her first words to Rose had been, " I bet it's awesome being screwed up in the head!" Rose had frowned, not really sure if she should be offended or...flattered? She settled for confused. "Um excuse me?" Jackie's eyes sparkled and she moved closer, crowding Rose's personal space. "I'm serious! Like, you get to start over. A chance at a second life." she sounded wistful. And Rose had to wonder if there was something the petite brunette was running away from. Rose hadn't considered it like that but she supposed Jacqueline was right. How good could her life have been if she was left for dead in the forest? Maybe this was for the best. She was living in the palace and had a chance to enter the tournament. She really couldn't complain with how things were turning out. Yet the thought of never knowing what or even who she was leaving behind...a pang started in her chest, so intense she lifted a hand to rub the offending area.

"Well if you're finished feeling yourself up let's go grab a bite to eat and head into town." Jackie's voice snapped Rose out of her thoughts and back to the present. She furrowed her brow and eyed her friend with suspicion. "And why are we heading to town?" Jackie rolled her hazel eyes as if Rose should already know the answer. "Because we are gonna find something sexy to wear and then check out the club everyone's talking about." Before she could refuse, Jackie grabbed her hand and dragged her towards the castle.

* * *

Rose didn't feel good about this at all. Normally whenever she ventured out of the palace and especially out of the capital, Vera sent guards with her and made her wear a hoodie or something equally as unassuming. She assured her that it was for her safety since she had yet to find out why Rose was left in that state. But now, she was out and about in a simple pair of jeans, flats and crop top. With not a single guard in sight, only a beaming Jackie by her side. She felt uneasy, her gaze darting left and right, scanning every face they passed. Did any of these people know her? What if someone really had been trying to kill her and would attempt to finish the job once they realized she had survived after all? A sharp elbow to her ribs made her nearly jump out of her skin. She cast a heated glare to the culprit who was laughing to the point of tears.

"Oh my god! You should have seen your face!" Jackie exclaimed, clutching her sides. "Man, you either need a Xanax or a stiff fucking. You are strung way to tight" Rose huffed angrily and followed her friend into a store. "Well excuse me for being concerned about my impending death." All she got for that was an eye roll. The next few hours went by in a blur. They must have browsed through at least twenty stores before Jackie was satisfied. By the end of it all, Rose was beyond exhausted and carrying more bags than she thought two girls should really have from one shopping trip. She herself had eight and Jackie had twelve. Like she said. Overkill.

They were finally seated in the outside patio area of a café sipping iced lattes and munching on a platter of assorted pastries. Each one more tastier than the next. "You know...you still haven't told me exactly where we're heading to tonight" Rose commented. Jackie shrugged. "Because I know you. You'll back out if I tell you, but you need this. You've been holed up in the palace ever since you arrived. The only times you've ventured out have been to buy clothes. And not even fun clothes. Just crap to train in and everyday wear." Rose really couldn't deny that. She hadn't wanted to do anything but train and sleep and possible get Randolph to finally make a move. But mainly train. And it had more to do than just wanting to win the tournament.She didn't want to be weak, she didn't want to give anyone the chance to hurt her again or to end up in a situation that she couldn't defend herself in.

"So? What's wrong with that?" She muttered defensively. "What's wrong is that you're a succubus! Our lives are about more than just fighting. We strive off power, violence, sex!" Her eyes flared mischievously. "And you've been only focusing on the violent aspect of it all." She sipped her coffee and then glanced over with a raised brow at Rose's silence. "Maybe that's why you're having trouble getting Randolph's dick hard. You honestly lack sexuality for a succubus that's in her prime." She stated in a matter-of-fact tone. Rose sputtered, her cheeks heating in embarrassment and anger. "that's not true! I am so...sexy" she defended unconvincingly. Jackie gave her an incredulous look. "I'm sure you are honey" she said patronizingly.

"Whatever, we'll go to your stupid club tonight but I'm telling you I'm dripping in sexiness"


"Mhmm, I'm so sexy it should be illegal"

"Right right"

"I am!" She hissed angrily smacking her hand down on the table.

"Damn! Calm down bitch, I believe you. It's probably why that guy has been staring at you for the past five minutes." Jackie said airily, pointing over Roses shoulder. What?! Rose couldn't turn around fast enough. She didn't have to search long before her eyes connected with intense blue eyes that almost seemed to glow. A shiver stole over her as she examined the male that seemed ready to jump out of his chair. His brown hair fell messily over his forehead, the sides shaved low. His cerulean blue eyes were set in a face that was sculpted to perfection and all sharp angles. His square jaw sported a five o'clock shadow and wide plump lips were set in a harsh line below a Persian nose. The only delicate thing about his features.

Hot damn. It took her a moment to realize she was staring with her mouth hanging open in awe. She snapped it shut and quickly turned around, taking a much needed gulp of her ice latte. How embarrassing! She had literally been gawking! Jackie however seemed truly entertained. "Should we go say hi? She asked eagerly, already coming to a stand. Rose jumped to her feet so fast she nearly spilled her drink. "Don't you fucking dare!" She hissed threateningly. Hurriedly grabbing her bags she forced Jackie to do the same and beat a speedy path for the exit. She refused to embarrass herself anymore than she already had.

Her hand was on the door when she felt someone grab her arm. She turned around in irritation, expecting it to be Jackie. "What now-" her eyes widen as cerulean blue eyes stared down at her. Now that he was standing it was clear he was at least six feet and ripped. Her five-six height, which normally felt tall, felt tiny next to him. "U-um" she managed to stutter out but in the next instant he had her engulfed in his arms. Her body seemed familiar with the action and instantly melted against him but her mind was conflicted. Trying to figure out if she should push him away or let, whatever this was, happen.

Before she could decide, he said something that had her frozen in shock. "Lana".

- - - -

Hello my lovelies! I hope you guys enjoyed this update and weren't to confused. How many of you guessed that Rose was our little lost succubus? ;)

I made sure to make this update twice as long to make up for the perviously short update.

I haven't decided on an update schedule yet but I'm working on it and trying to get those updates out as frequently as I can. >.<

Don't forget to show me love and comment


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