All That Matters

Por angelofmusic36

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This is the sequel to Through It All. If you haven't read that yet, I suggest you do. It's one hell of a ride... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
RIH Rosey
I'm So Sorry!
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 12

662 29 25
Por angelofmusic36

These past couple of weeks have been the craziest. So let's start with the good. My anniversary was absolutely amazing. We went to dinner at a beautiful restaurant on the 6th and had some fun time... wink, wink... and then the next day, since we had the concert over the weekend, was also Dean's birthday. And since a FFDP concert isn't the best environment we gave Dean the best birthday gift.

December 7, 2016

Houston, TX

"Hola Dean." I say as Joe and I stand in front of Dean and Renee's hotel room.

"Happy birthday bro." Joe says.

"What are you three doing here?" Dean asks as he sleepily rubs his eyes.

"We wanted to say happy birthday." Joe says.

"A simple phone call would have sufficed."

"And we wanted to give you your birthday gift." I say.

"You couldn't mail it?" he asks.

"That would be considered child abuse and we would get arrested." I say. He furrows his eyebrows. I hand him the baby carrier. "Happy birthday."

"Wait what?"

"We need you to keep her for a couple days." Joe says. "We have tickets to a Five Finger Death Punch concert for Saturday."

"And it's your birthday so we're killing two birds with one stone." His eyes well up.

"Really?" we nod. "Best birthday ever."

Next is my sister. We were able to post bail... It was a lot of money but between my parents, my brother, my husband and myself, we were able to pull the money together. It mostly came from Joe and myself and I know my sister won't be able to pay me back, but that's just something I have to deal with. She was released until her court date and sentencing 2 weeks later....

December 16, 2016

I didn't want Anjali to come so she's staying with Galina while my parents, Joe and myself go to the courtroom. Besides my brother's wedding, I've never been to the courthouse for anything serious. I haven't slept or eaten much since we bailed her out. Which in my line of work isn't the best thing in the world, but since I don't have a storyline that involves any action but it's still not a good idea.

"Babe." Joe says breaking me out of my thoughts. "Your leg is shaking like crazy." I look down at my leg, stop its movements and sigh. My mom has been absolutely silent. She hasn't said more than a few words in days. They bring my sister in and start the questioning. After about an hour and a half of that, the jury leaves to talk. Waiting for them was so tense. They finally came out and handed their decision to the judge.

"I can't do this." I say running out of the courtroom. I sit on a bench a few feet away from the room she's in. I put my head in my hands and take a deep breath. My sister is going away and I'm not in there to say goodbye. Just get up, go in there and say goodbye. But I can't, I can't get up it's like my ass is stuck on this bench. The door opens and Joe comes out, looking around for me. He spots me and walks over, taking a seat on the bench.

"8 years." He says. "Parole after 4."

So yeah, my sister is away for 4 years. Hopefully she doesn't do anything stupid so she stays longer. Christmas felt weird without her, but we made the best of it. I did make up for Joe's anniversary and Christmas gift in one. I got him that one-wheeled electric skateboard that he road around at Survivor Series. He was so happy and surprised to see it, he took it right outside and rode as soon as he opened it. The girls got clothes and toys and things like that. And Joe and I put our money together to get the four of us Space Jam 11s and Adidas Superstars. Of course the girls are going to grow up so we got an extra pair of shoes for both girls for later down the road. And of course Joe gave me my gift later that night...

December 25, 2016
Tampa, FL
Anoa'i House

"I think today was a very successful Christmas." I say as I climb into bed.

"It was. The girls are very happy." He climbs in next to me. "Now it's time for your gift." I sit up in bed in anticipation. He hands me a gift box wrapped in ribbon and I open it to see a small velvet box.

"Joseph... what's this?"

"Open it babe." I open the box to see a beautiful diamond ring.

"What's this for?" he sighs.

"When I first proposed to you, I gave you that ring and I haven't been proud of that ring. It was a nice ring, but I still wasn't proud of it. And when we got married, there was so much going on, I didn't have a chance to really sit down and think about what kind of ring to get you."

"Joe you really didn't have to get this for me. I love the ring you gave me."

"I know you do but we have been through so much with my injury, your injury, Anjali, Joelle, Galina... and through all of that, you're still here and this is how I'm saying thank you." he takes my wedding band off and places it on the nightstand and takes off my old engagement ring,

and takes the new ring out of the box. "This new engagement ring symbolizes my undying love for you. It's my way of showing you that the past is in the past and that I'm looking forward to our future. You are the only woman that has my heart, my soul and my body. So Malaika, will you accept this ring?" I smile and nod.

"Of course baby." He returns the smile and puts the new ring on my finger. "I love you."

"I love you."

On New Years I was finally able to have a conversation with Galina. It's just something that I knew had to be done.

January 1, 2017

"Happy New Year!" Joelle yelled when the ball dropped. We all embraced each other to start off the new year. It wasn't long after that Joelle knocked out and her sister followed not too long after.

"Before you take Joelle home, can I talk to you Galina?" I ask.

"Sure." She says. She follows me into a different room. "Is everything alright?"

"These couple of months have been really difficult. There are so many times that I've looked at you and I wanted to run you over with my car, light you on fire and dance on the ashes with a party hat on my head and throwing confetti in the air. But this is a new year, and I thank you for everything you've done with my daughter. I refuse to forget about it but I'm willing to put it in the past for the sake of our girls."

"I am really sorry Malaika. I never meant to hurt you intentionally."

"I know you didn't. We can put it in the past but we can't change it." I put out my hand. "To new beginnings." She shakes it.


Well now that that's all settled, fast forward a few weeks to the triple threat match with Joe, Chris and Kevin. I was hurt that he did lose it, but I'm ok that Chris has it. The two of them having Championships are pretty cute.

January 9, 2017
Monday Night Raw
New Orleans, LA

Joe comes backstage and I immediately hug him.

"You had a good run Mr. President." He furrows his eyebrows.

"Mr. President?" I nod.

"Yep. That's what they called you on Tumblr. President Reigns."

"Only if you're my first lady." He says as he pulls me close.

"Of course." When Chris and Kevin come backstage, I do congratulate them.

"You're not going to kill me aren't you?" Chris asks.

"No. Congrats."

"You could say that with a smile." Kevin says. I give them a half hearted smile. "That's better." I roll my eyes.

"You two are dirty little hamsters."

"Did she just call us hamsters?" Chris asks.

"Why yes Chris." Kevin said. "She did."

"Hamsters are cute and fluffy." Chris says. "She's calling us cute and fluffy."

"Wait—What? N—No. No I'm not. I said dirty little hamsters."

"But they're still cute and fluffy." Kevin says. "You gave us a compliment. That deserves a hug." He walks towards me with his arms open.

"No. No it doesn't."

"I think it does." Chris says as he mimics his partner's movements. The two of them engulf me in the biggest hug.

"Get off me! You're sweaty and gross." I complain.

"Are you two hugging or suffocating my wife?" Joe asks.

"She gave us a compliment so we're hugging her." Kevin answers. Joe shrugs and joins in the hug.

"Joe don't encourage this!" I complain with a half hearted laugh.

"A group hug? I love group hugs!" Bayley comes over and wraps her arms around.

"Did someone say group hug?"

"New Day! Don't you dare. Don't you—And they joined as well."

"Doesn't this feel nice?" Joe asks me.

"I'm going to murder you all."

Back to the present, we are getting close to the Royal Rumble, which means we are on our way to Wrestlemania. Last night on Raw, I had the pleasure of watching my husband not only get F5ed in the middle of the ring, but also slammed through a table. But Little Rock was very supportive. They allowed me to pick him up after Raw went off the air and they did cheer him while he was leaving.

On Wednesday, we have a few days off until the next house show, so we decided to take Joelle and Anjali to a family photo shoot. We did one with Anjali, but now we have Joelle and it wouldn't have been fair to leave her out. From what we saw on the screen where all the pictures were uploaded, they came out really nice. We are a very photogenic family. Since we had a live event, the day of the inauguration of He Who Should Not Be Named, a bunch of us live streamed it so we can watch it. I think the videos and the memes were the best part. It was so depressing to see Barack and Michelle leave, but God knows I was praying my ass off when they took off in the helicopter and the plane.


January 23, 2017
Cleveland, OH
Monday Night Raw

"Let's run through it again." Joe says.

"Babe, we've run through it already." I groan.

"And if you want to do it right, we're going to do it again." I roll my eyes.

"And if I blow myself out, and I won't be able to do it tonight, that's on you." He chuckles.

"Do it right, and you won't." he walks up to me. "And when you do it right tonight, it'll be extremely sexy."

"Down sir. We're at work." As I walk over to the corner of the ring, he smacks my butt. "Dirty dog."

"But you still love me." I get to the corner of the ring and turn around as Joe stands in the middle. "Come on babe." I take a deep breath and charge at my husband and spear him to the mat. I stand up and tower over Joe.

"How was that?" he coughs lightly and groans as he gets up.

"That was good. Damn you have some power. No wonder Trinity was in pain at Survivor Series."

"Well you've made me spear you since I was in FCW. That's a lot of buildup years."

"And it's paying off."

"Looking good Malaika." Mark says at ringside. The two of us walk to the ropes.

"Thanks Carrano. I've had a lot of practice."

"I'm going to pretend that meant in ring practice." I giggle.

"Yes Mark. It wasn't a sexual reference." He raises a thumbs up and heads backstage. I sigh. "Are we done now Professor?"

"Yes my obedient student." We leave the ring and go backstage, hand in hand.

"That spear looked like it hurt Joe." Jericho says walking towards us.

"She's good. What can I say?" he replies.

"You ready to get your ass kicked?" I ask.

"I'm mentally preparing myself." He says with a laugh.


After the match

After the bell, Owens continues to pound on Reigns. Jericho recovers and stomps on Reigns as Owens calls for the shark cage to be lowered into the ring. Jericho puts Reigns in the cage as Owens locks the door. Jericho has the key. Reigns pulls Owens' face into the cage and he goes down. Indira runs down the ramp, slides in the ring and does the same to Jericho. Reigns breaks out and puts Owens in the cage. Reigns locks the cage and it's raised with Owens inside. Jericho grabs it and hangs on. Reigns knocks him off with a Superman punch. Owens yells as Reigns waits for Jericho to get up. Indira hands Reigns her jacket, telling him that she's got this and she nails a spear for a pop. Reigns' music hits as he and Indira taunt Owens and we go to replays.

During the commercial break, Joe and I quickly sign ringside autographs and take pictures with fans. Joe and I turn around and switch sides and as we run by each other, we hit each other with hi-fives. We work our way up the ramp and go backstage.

"That spear was lit!" Charlotte says, congratulating me after I shower and change.

"That means a lot coming from the Queen of Spear."

"It felt amazing. I'm glad they let me do it."

"Damn that spear hurt girl." Jericho approaches me.

"Did it really?" he nods. "I'm glad."

"I'm very proud of my student." My husband says.

"I have a good teacher."

"Alright, I'm leaving now." Charlotte announces.

"I need to find you someone to ogle over." I suggest.

"No thank you. I'm good. I have this." She holds up the belt. "So you two are off next weekend?"

"Yep. I'm so stoked."

"What are you guys planning?"

"Nothing really. We're just staying home, spending time with Anjali. We were thinking about Disney but the weather isn't good enough for that."

"How's it going with you and Galina?"

"Eh. It's going. We talked on New Years and I told her that it's in the past but we can move forward for the sake of our girls."

"That's reasonable. As long as you don't want to kill her anymore."

"Oh I do." she laughs. "But the feeling has died down."

"I don't know if Joe told you, but he told me about your sister."

"Yeah. He did. Besides Trin and the twins, you're the only one who knows."

"You're not mad that he told me are you?" I shake my head.

"No. I'm glad he did. I need someone besides him to talk to about this stuff." She pulls me close.

"Don't worry. I got your girl."

"Thanks. Love you."

"Love you too."


January 29, 2016
San Antonio, TX
Royal Rumble

Tonight is the Royal freaking Rumble and I am so excited. Not only do I get to see my Smackdown family, but Joe is both in his match with Owens and he's in the Royal Rumble match itself. He doesn't win either one, but it's still nice.

I'm sitting on the barricade watching Joe and Kevin run through their fight.

"That ramp is long as hell." Braun says when he reaches me.

"Hell yeah. I'm glad I don't have to go down it."

"You're not at ringside?"

"Hell no. You're creating carnage. I do not want to be on the sidelines for that." He chuckles.

"Alright! Let's test the cage!" one of the set guys says.

"Oo! Can I get in it?" I yell. My husband looks at me.

"You're scared of heights babe."

"And what better way to conquer your fears than to face them." I jump off the barricade and climb into the ring.

"Are you sure about this?"

"Yes! Stop asking." Joe opens the door and I get inside. They shut the door and lock it and give the signal to raise it. The cage slowly rises and I look down at Joe.

"How ya doin up there?" he asks.

"Great! It's really not that bad." I say back. They leave me up there for about a minute or so, giving me the chance to take a picture of my view before they bring me back down. I get out of the cage.

"How was it?" Joe asks me.

"It was nice. You should try it."

"Nah, I'm good."


Joe just got backstage from the Rumble and Randy is posing in the ring after winning the Rumble. I sent a congrats text to Kim and Carrano comes walking over to us.

"Great job tonight Joe."

"Thanks Mark."

"Can I talk to the two of you?"

"Oh great." I say. "What did we do this time?"

"It's nothing bad."

"65% of the things you say are bad."

"Let the man finish Laika." Joe says.

"Thank you Joe. So there's been some talk about you versus Taker." My eyes widen and Joe raises his eyebrows. "Since you eliminated him tonight that could spark the feud. But Taker has some health issues so that depends on the feud." He turns to me. "If he's cleared for the feud, we're going to break you two up, give you some time to go solo for a little bit and then eventually bring you back together." I sigh. "How does that sound?"

"It sounds good." Joe says. "Thanks." He looks at me.

"We'll see when we get there. Thanks Carrano." He smiles at us and walks away.

"Seriously babe, how do you feel about it?"

"I'm happy for you. You against Taker is a big move. They're boo you to hell but it's a big move."

"And you going solo?"

"I don't mind. I did it for Survivor Series and it wasn't bad. It's not like we'll have different travel schedules so we will be together and that's all I care about."

"You sure?" I nod. "Ok." He pulls me close and presses a kiss to my head. "As long as we're together."


Monday Night Raw
Laredo, TX
January 30, 2017

My phone makes a noise signifying that someone just tweeted.

Im a Seahorse tweeted:
I'm hungry

I roll my eyes and tweet her back

Mama Malaika @WWEIndira
@SashaBanksWWE Go to catering.

Im a Seahorse @SashaBanksWWE
@WWEIndira Too tired. Carry me?

I groan and sigh.

Mama Malaika @WWEIndira
@SashaBanksWWE Fine. I'm coming.

I get off the crate I was sitting on.

"Where are you off too?" Joe asks me.

"Check your phone." He looks at his phone and sees my tweets.

"Oh. Have fun." I plaster a fake smile and go looking for Sasha. I see her standing 5 feet away from catering.

"Seriously? You're right there." I say.

"I know." She says proudly. "I still want you to carry me."

"Don't think this is gonna be a regular thing because it isn't."

"Only on special occasions?"

"Fine. Special occasions only."

"So how are we doing this?"

"Piggy back?" I nod.

"That I can agree on." I bend my knees slightly as she walks behind me. "Ready?"

"Ready. 3, 2, 1." She jumps on my back and I catch her. Bayley takes a picture with Sasha's phone and hands it back to her and we walk into catering.

"Do I need to do this while you get your food?"

"If you don't mind." She grabs her plate and puts her food on it and I carry her to a table and sit her in a seat.

"There. Now you can eat."

"Thank you." She says happily.

"I'm always here to help." I go to leave catering but I stop. "I'm hungry." I turn around and go back towards the buffet.

Mama Malaika @WWEIndira
@WWERomanReigns Doth thou wanteth food from catering?

Roman Reigns @WWERomanReigns
@WWEIndira Only if you come back and carry me fair maiden.

Mama Malaika @WWEIndira
@WWERomanReigns No.

Roman Reigns @WWERomanReigns
@WWEIndira Please?

Mama Malaika @WWEIndira

Roman Reigns @WWERomanReigns
@WWEIndira How about I carry you to catering?

Mama Malaika @WWEIndira
@WWERomanReigns How about you use the legs God gave you and get here yourself? Can You Stand the Rain Mr. Reigns?

Roman Reigns @WWERomanReigns
@WWEIndira I'll be right there Candy Girl. 😏🍭🍬

Im a Seahorse @SashaBanksWWE
@WWERomanReigns @WWEIndira You guys are the best.

Mama Malaika @WWEIndira
@WWERomanReigns @SashaBanksWWE We know. ☺️😊

As I eat my food and Joe is trying to figure out what he's eating, Cesaro comes over and sits down next to me.

"Hey Cesaro."

"Hey Malaika. How are you?"

"I'm good. How are you...?"

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because you're being weird." I say. "What's wrong?"

"I was uh... I was wondering how Lativa is doing." My eyebrows raise.

"M—My sister Lativa?" He nods. "Why?"

"Um, I was just wondering if I could have her number or something."

"You like my sister?" I say with a smile.

"I think she's attractive. But if she's not single, please forget I had this conversation."

"She's not." I say with a chuckle. My smile slowly diminishes when I think about where my sister is.

"What's wrong?" I clear my throat and finger through my hair.

"My sister... she um... listen you can't tell anyone about this, I don't want a lot of people knowing."

"What happened?"

"My sister is in jail." His eyebrows furrow. "She got arrested and she's sitting on an 8 year sentence. She gets parole after 4."


"Yeah. So um unless you can wait 4 years for her, I think it would be best to find someone else in the meantime."

"I'm really sorry about your sister. But I would still like to see her, if that's ok with you." I shrug.

"I guess she won't mind. "

"I would just like to be her friend since I'm guessing she doesn't have many right now."

"No. No she doesn't. She would really appreciate it."

"When was the next time you were planning on going?"


"I'll see you then. Text me the info alright?"

"Will do." he smiles and gets up and Joe takes his seat.

"What was that about?" Joe asks as he stuffs his face with food like he didn't eat before we got here.

"Cesaro has a crush on Lativa." I say as I eat my pasta.

"Really?" I nod. "Did you tell him about...?"

"Yep and he wants to see her. They may not be able to be romantically involved but he wants to at least be her friend."

"He's not gonna cave later down the road is he?"

"He better not. I'll kill him. Cesaro is a good guy. He wouldn't do that." Joe continues to eat. "Stop eating." He stops and looks at me.

"What's wrong?"

"You're fucking shit up tonight. You can't eat a lot." He deadpans.

"But I'm hungry." He whines.

"Ok don't complain to me when you get nauseous because you did a lot of work on a full stomach." he sighs and gives me a look causing me to laugh.

"What's so funny?"

"You looked just like Anjali when you made that face."

"Well she is my daughter... at least I hope she is..." I smack him.

"Not funny." He laughs.

"Don't be so sensitive. I know she's mine. I'm the only dick that you want."

"Can you not talk like that out loud?" I complain. "We're at work." He smirks.

"But you know it's true." I roll my eyes.

"Whatever Anoa'i."


"What do you mean he hurt his knee?!" I screech.

"Malaika, calm down." Joe says.

"Don't tell me to calm down Leati." I snap. I sigh and run my fingers through my hair. I lean up against the wall outside the doctor's room, waiting for the door to open and an update.

"He'll be fine." Joe says taking my hands.

"I hope so. I really do." the door opens and Colby comes out on crutches. "What's going on?" Colby shakes his head and continues to walk. "Carrano!" I catch up with him. "What's going on?" he sighs.

"There's nothing definite. He's going to the doctor to find out what's going on." He sighs. "I know you two are off this weekend, but if he's out, Joe you may have to replace him on the tour."

"Damn it." I curse under my breath.

"I get it." Joe says. "Thanks Carrano." He smiles and catches up with Colby. Joe sighs. "Now we have to call Joelle and tell her."

"No, you mean you have to call Joelle." He looks at me. "I'm not listening to her sad voice. Nope. Not gonna do it." I pat him on the shoulder. "Good luck babe." He furrows his eyebrows.

"What if we bring her with us?"


"We told them that we would be spending the weekend with them so why don't we do that? Why don't we bring them with us this weekend?"

"Joseph, what about school?"

"We can bring the work with us and teach her on the road." I sigh. "Come on. She's not going to miss school again until Mania. We'll get her and Anjali when we go home on Thursday and then you can bring her home on Sunday." I sigh again.

"Alright, alright. Just clear it with her mother first. Another phone call you have the pleasure of making. Have fun and good luck."

"I don't need luck babe." He winks.



February 2, 2017
Tampa, FL

I get out of my car outside the prison and wait for Cesaro. I really hope he comes. A car pulls up next to mine and Cesaro gets out.

"Hey." He says. "Sorry if I'm late, I wasn't sure what to get her." he holds up a gift bag. I smile.

"It's fine. I'm just glad you're here."

"Of course. I wouldn't miss this. Let's go inside." The two of us go inside, sign in and take a seat at the table.

"It uh never gets easier being here."

"Yeah." He sighs looking around. "I've never been in a place like this before. It's kinda scary."

"Yeah. It is." The door opens and the inmates come through. My sister sees me and sits down at the table. "Hey Tiva."

(A/N: Ok so Lativa and Malaika are going to have a conversation in Hindi. I'm using Google translate so if anything is wrong please don't crucify me.)

"Vah yahaan kyon hai?" (Why is he here?) She snaps. I look at Cesaro and smile slightly.

"Excuse us." he turns around on the chair and pulls out his phone. "Kyon tum itanee asabhy kiya ja raha hai?" (Why are you being so rude?)

"Tum use kyon le aae?" (Why did you bring him?)

"Unhonne kaha ki aap dekhana chaahata tha." (He wanted to see you).

"Kyo?" (Why?)

"Yah tumhen pasand karata hai." (He likes you). "Aur vah apane dost banana chaahata hai." (And he wants to be your friend.) She looks over at him. "Krpaya achchhe banen." (Please be nice). She sighs.

"Hey Cesaro." He puts his phone away and turns back around.

"Hey Lativa."

"I'm sorry about earlier. This isn't exactly my proudest moment."

"I understand." I think I should leave them alone.

"Ok, well I am going to leave the two of you alone." I say. I go in my purse and pull out some pictures. "Joe, the girls and myself did a photo shoot." I hand her the pictures. She smiles as she flips through them.

"Thanks. They're beautiful." I stand up.

"Have fun you two. Do you have enough money?" she nods.

"I'm good. Thanks." I smile at my sister and leave her with Cesaro. I get back to the house and I don't hear any noise. So that means either something is wrong or they're both asleep. I go upstairs and open my bedroom door.

"Joseph... what are you doing?"

"I'm playing the guitar..."


"It's my house. I can do what I want."

"You can't even play the guitar..."

"I can learn."

"Where's Anjali?"

"Napping." I sigh.

"Ok. I'm gonna leave the room and come back and hopefully you will put my guitar back where you found it."

"Why..." he whines.

"Fine. Mr. Lead Guitarist... show me your chord." He smirks.

"Yes ma'am."



"Yes Anjali?"

"Colby?" she's learning names. She has Colby, Dean and Braun and we're teaching her Samoan, Hindi and Spanish. She's getting it. She's really smart.

"I'll call him right now." I grab my phone and start a FaceTime call.

"Hey Laika."

"Hey Colby."

"COLBY!" Anjali yells. We laugh.

"Hi Anjali. I just got off the phone with Joelle."

"Yeah, she's been devastated the past couple of days. So how ya feeling?"

"Meh. It just sucks."

"I know." I sigh. "Is your girlfriend there?"

"Not right now. Why?"

"I checked her Twitter..."


"Ok, ok. It's none of my business... But seriously, she quit her job and she's moving?"

"Malaika..." Joe says a few feet away from me.

"Fine. Fine. Plead the fifth Colbs."

"Thank you." He says. I roll my eyes. "So who's taking my spot this weekend?"

"We don't know yet. It may be Joe but Carrano will let us know later today."

"But you guys were already taking time off."

"I know. Which is exactly why I hope they find a replacement so we can keep our butts home."

"Colby?" someone calls out on the other end, forcing me to control myself from rolling my eyes.

"I'll text ya later Colby. Say bye Anjali."

"Bye." She says waving.

"Bye you guys." He hangs up.

"Malaika." Joe says.


"Don't 'what' me. What was that?"

"Nothing." He raises his eyebrow. I huff.

"I just think it's weird. That's all. I am entitled to my opinion."

"She just wants to be there for him."

"I get moving in but to quit her job? He's only gonna be out for a few weeks."

"It's not your business."

"I know."

"You weren't even this skeptic with Zarha."

"No I hated her. There's a difference. I don't hate this new one."


"Sarah. I don't hate her, I just... I want Colby to be happy. After what happened with Leighla and then me, I don't want him to get hurt again." He sits down next to me.

"Colby is a big boy. He can handle himself."

"I know but he's still my friend."

"I get that, but don't meddle too much ok?"


"Ok." Anjali repeats. "Ok. Ok. Ok." Her father and I chuckle and I kiss her on her head. "Mama."

"Yes baby?"


"Yes baby girl?" she opens her arms and we both engulf her in a hug. She whines and we pull away. I sigh and look at my daughter. "Let's go to the park."

"I like the sound of that." Joe says. "How does that sound Buttercup? You want to go to the park?" she nods.

"Park!" she says.


I'm leaning against the metal post as Joe pushes Anjali in the swing after about an hour and a half of playing.

"What?" Joe says.


"You're staring."

"I can't stare at my husband while he interacts with our daughter?" he shrugs.

"You can stare."

"Good, because even if you were going to say no, I would continue to stare. "



"How did it go with your sister and Cesaro?"

"My sister was harsh at first, as usual but she came around and I left the two of them alone."

"So it went well then?"

"I'll find out next time I see them." I look over at Anjali slowly falling asleep in the swing. "I want another one."

"Baby?" he asks a little shocked.

"Maybe not a baby, but another kid. Since Joelle isn't living with us permanently, Anjali could use some company." I look over at her. "She's so beautiful. How could we have created such a beautiful human being?"

"Princess?" Joe asks.

"Hm?" she says sleepily.

"How are you so beautiful?" Joe asks his daughter.

"Hm." She says as she closes her eyes. I grab a seat on the swing next to Anjali and begin to swing.

"You never realize how much you miss these things until you actually get on one." I say. I lean back, looking at the sky as I kick my legs back and forth.

"You seem relaxed."

"I am."

"There's a certain someone that's relaxed too." we look over at Anjali and she is knocked out. "We should take her home now."

"But I'm finally getting relaxed." I whine.

"How about we go home, watch a movie and drink some wine just the two of us?"

"That sounds very relaxing." I get off the swing and take my daughter out of her swing and we head home.


"This feels very nice." The two of us are cuddled up on the couch watching Captain America: Civil War.

"I know." Joe sighs. He kisses my head and I snuggle further into his embrace. "Were you serious about wanting another kid? You weren't just caught in the moment?"

"No I do want another kid, I just don't want to get pregnant right now."

"So adoption?"

"Yes. But I don't want to go searching, I want the child to fall in our laps. I want God to send him or her at the right time." I say.

"I understand. I'm glad you want to make the family bigger."

"Why wouldn't I?" he shrugs.

"I mean some women just want one or none." He says.

"I've always wanted kids. Being a mom is one of my dreams." He kisses me.

"I'm glad because if you didn't want kids, we would have ended this a long time ago."

"Really?" I ask with raised eyebrows.

"Probably. If your mind was set on not having kids, I know I wouldn't be able to persuade you otherwise. So I'm glad that this is what you want."

"Me too. I love you."

"I love you too baby." We kiss.

"And now that we have had that conversation, we must rewind the movie to where we left off."


February 3, 2017
Tampa, FL
Anoa'i House

Well they made it work with Big Show, so we didn't have to disrupt our plans, which I am very happy about.

Joe, Joelle and myself are sitting on the couch watching TV when we see a little head walking past the TV.

"Oh Joe! She's walking!" I yell. Joe scrambles to get the video camera ready as I try to open my phone camera. "Come to mama sweetie." She turns around and walks towards me.

"Mama. Mama." She gets to my feet and plops on the floor.

"AH! I missed it!" Joe exclaims as he flops back on the couch and Joelle and I laugh.

"See if you can get her to do it again." he says as he turns on the camera.

"Joelle go sit over there." She gets off the couch and sits on the floor a few feet away from us. "Anjali, go to Joelle."

"Come here Anjali." Joelle says. Anjali looks at me.

"Come on sweetie. Go to your sister." I beg.

"Do it for daddy." Joe says. She just sits there and looks at us. "I know you know what we want." She just looks at us. "Anjali...." He whines. "Please..." She sighs and she pushes herself onto her feet. She looks over at her sister.

"Come here Anjali." She smiles and starts to walk towards her sister. I can't help but smile. Joe records on the camera his baby girl walking as we cheer her on. She falls into her sister's arms and Joelle engulfs her in a celebratory hug. We all cheer and clap as Anjali laughs.

"This calls for a celebration. Let's go get ice cream." Joe suggests.

"Ice cream!" Joelle yells.

"I think that's a great idea." Joelle grabs Anjali and I grab Boo and we get in the car and go to Cold Stone. We sit outside in the chairs and eat our ice cream.

"My girls are growing up." Joe says. "I couldn't be more proud." I smile.

"They're growing into beautiful girls." I look at my Instagram. "Guess who just hit 1 million followers? That's right, this girl."

"Congrats babe." Joe kisses me.

"Congratulations Malaika." I take a selfie with all of us and our ice cream to post on Instagram.

Today I hit two big milestones, the first, my baby Anjali finally walked on her own. I am very proud of my daughter and I am overjoyed that it happened while both my husband and myself were home. The other milestone is today I hit 1 million followers on Instagram. Thank you so much for all of your love and support towards me all these years. I couldn't have hit 1 million without you all so thank you. I love each and every one of you.


Royal Rumble was really good. Cena vs AJ was a work of art. But I have to give it to Jericho. His strategy during the Rumble... I kept my eye on him the whole time. His strategy is why he's the GOAT. If you didn't notice, go back and watch it. It was really funny.

I am happy that Roman was in the Rumble, but part of me was hoping that it would be someone else. The entrants weren't much of a surprise. But Randy winning was a surprise and I am happy for him.


I am going to change Malaika's entrance music. Cut the Cord references self-harm and I don't think that's the best idea. But I'm stuck on what song I should pick. I have America's Suiteheart by Fall Out Boy and Supermassive Black Hole by Muse so far in mind. I wanted Warriors by Imagine Dragons, but they used it for Survivor Series and I love their new song, Believer but it didn't come out around the time of her comeback.

Question of the Chapter #1: So what should Malaika's entrance music be? It has to be something badass, something that came out before April 4, 2016 since that's the day Malaika and Carrano talked about her comeback, and it has to be a song she can keep for the rest of the story. Please drop some ideas!!

Question of the Chapter #2: Who would have you liked to see win the Rumble?

Question of the Chapter #3: Who would have you liked to see participate in the Rumble?

Question of the Chapter #4: Fave New Edition Song? Can You Stand The Rain gives me chills.

Question of the Chapter #5: The Teen Wolf winter finale premiered and Stiles is back! Favorite Stiles moment from that episode? I can't choose so I loved all of them, but when Stydia kissed I screamed and when Mama McCall and Daddy Argent kissed, I straight up howled.

Coming soon: Elimination Chamber (NAOMI 4 CHAMP)

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