Christmas Miracle

By katroxy76

52.1K 1.4K 791

Being the younger sister of the ever-so-famous Markiplier has its perks: living in a nice house, staying with... More

Quick Question
I Got Tagged!
Meeting Ethan??😍
Should I do a Q and A?


1K 29 26
By katroxy76

Skylar's Pov:

Ethan and I were driving home from the Botanical Gardens. Now engaged and ready to start planning. "So babe, how long have you been planning this out?" I asked.

"Umm," he did a small laugh, "about a month now I think. I had to find a way to get everyone here on the same day and had to make sure you didn't find out."

"Also how'd you get Tyler Oakley and Melody's numbers?"

"Oh easy. You were sleeping so I got on your phone and got their numbers. Don't worry though I didn't go through you phone." He said in a child's voice.

"I know you didn't." 


"Because you hardly ever close out your apps when your done with them. So I looked and the only opened app was my contacts which I didn't open." I said matter-of-factly.

"Smart. I totally forgot to close it out." Ethan stated.

"Oh and how did Mark call me at the exact time that I looked at the note. I'm pretty sure Tyler texted him."

"Nope! Catherine was at the Starbucks too. It was so crowded you may not have seen her, but she texted Mark when you looked at it."

"Wow!! I didn't even know. There were sooooo many people. The only reason I found Tyler Oakley was because of his vibrant purple hair!" I giggled.

"I figured it'd be crowded so I put Tyler there because I knew he'd be easily spotted. Told ya I really had this planned out." Ethan placed his hand on my thigh while he drove.

"I'm turning on the radio!" I said jumping up which made Ethan jump. I hit the radio and Ashes Remain came on the radio.

"Who's this?" Ethan asked.

"Ashes Remain. I love them!!" I squealed. Ethan turned at looked at me for a second. We stopped at a stop sign when my vision was blurred and all I heard was a CRASH. We'd been hit.

I looked over at Ethan. We'd been hit from the front.

Ethan was still awake. As was I. I grabbed his hand in search of his heart beat in his wrist. With my other hand I grabbed my phone and dialed 911.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"Hello. We've been hit by a car. My fiancé and I. I'm Skylar Fischbach. I don't know what street we're at."

"Okay Skylar stay calm we will have someone there as soon as possible." The voice operator hung up.

"Ethan!! Ethan!"

"Baby I.....I love you.."

"I love you too, but don't be like that we're gonna make it. Please stay with me!! Ethan!!" His heart beat started to slow. His eyes fluttering closed.

"Skylar.....I love you...."

"Ethan I love you too, but please stop!! Their here it's okay!! We're gonna be okay!!" His eyes closed and his heart got even slower until it stopped. "Nooooo!!!! Ethan!!!!" I could feel the tears running down my face.

"Skylar!!! Skylar!!" I heard Mark's voice and I knew he heard my sobs.

I continued crying even as Mark pulled me from the car. I was forced to leave Ethan.

As soon as I got out, Mark pulled me into a hug and I cried and cried until the paramedics told me I had to go to the hospital. They led me to an ambulance and Mark followed. I couldn't stop thinking about what just happened. I couldn't believe that just happened.

Hey guys...this chapter was honestly extremely hard to write and I did cry while writing this. Thanks for reading. Comment. Vote. Follow. Thanks again. Bye.

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