Por PurpleHoundour

110K 2.4K 446

Almost all her life the only thing Loxy Monroe ever felt was the needles being injected into her skin. Her po... Más

Author's Note


3.4K 84 7
Por PurpleHoundour

Trying to keep everything in her stomach from coming back up was the most difficult thing Loxy had to do while Murphy spit out blood endlessly. "I don't understand," she rasped. "How..."

Clarke stormed into the drop ship, the areas under her eyes tinted red. "Loxy, Murphy," she croaked in a scratchy voice.

"You're sick too?" Loxy asked, concern bubbling up in her chest. "I think I know what this is."

"What the hell is going on here?" Bellamy demanded, stomping onto the drop ship with a gun cradled in his arms. His eyes widened when he looked at Loxy sitting next to Murphy. Fresh blood had begun to pour out of her eyes.

"Did he do something to you? Because I swear to God—"

"Bellamy, no!" Loxy protested, holding up a shaky hand. "He didn't do anything. But you can't come near me."

Bellamy and Clarke's faces lit up with confusion together, waiting for answers.

"When Murphy and I were escaping, it was easier than finding our way back to camp," Loxy began, before stopping to bend over and cough up more blood.

"Loxy—" Bellamy's hand extended out to her, but she jerked away quickly.

"I don't want you getting sick!" She shouted, raising her voice. "It was easy to escape because they let us go. They let me take Murphy because they knew I would take him here."

"Biological warfare," Clarke muttered, her daunting voice almost inaudible. "This is the Grounders' retaliation for the bridge."

"And Murphy's the weapon," Loxy whispered, meeting the doe-eyed boy's gaze. "Whatever this thing is, it spreads through contact. Get all the people who are sick onto the drop ship." Loxy's ordered as she struggled to her feet. With the bullet wound and her sickness, it wasn't an easy task.

"Fuck it," Bellamy wheezed before marching over to her, his hand nearly brushing against her arm before she stopped him. He groaned as she placed an invisible barrier between the two of them. "Let me help you."

"I'm sorry, Amy," Loxy murmured, wishing she could plant a chaste kiss on his cheek. "The best thing you can do for me right now is make sure you stay healthy."

"Only for you, Red," he uttered in response, his voice gentle as he spoke. Then he disappeared out of the drop ship, though she could tell it was difficult for him to walk away.

"Clarke!" Finn called, ducking under the drop ship curtain and approaching the two of them. "You're sick," he pointed out, his brown eyes flickering with sadness.

Loxy parted her lips to speak, but instead found blood trickling out. She began coughing ruthlessly, blood spattering out everywhere. Hands were on her back and trying to coax her, but she was too weak to move. All she could do was shrivel up and cough up all the blood.

Her strength quickly faded, and sleep came to before she could even properly lay down.


"Clarke," Loxy gently whispered, wrapping an arm around her weak friend. "You've been helping these people all day and you're the most sick. Let me take over for a few hours," she offered.

"Do you know what to do?" Clarke questioned, relaxing against the drop ship wall.

"Of course. Your mother was good for something," she lowered her voice as she felt Clarke slowly collapse against her arms. "Clarke," she whispered, feeling a smile spread across her lips. "It'll be okay. I'm sure that whatever this is, it'll pass."

Her best friend's ocean blue eyes lit up with several mixed emotions before they closed into the darkness of slumber. Resting her carefully on the floor, Loxy hopped onto both of her feet. She ignored the pain radiating off her leg.

"Alright," Bellamy called, watching as his men carried away Derek's dead body. "Show's over. Get back to your post." His brown eyes settled on her, warmth spreading through his lips in a smile. "You alright in there? Got enough food and water?"

"Yeah," she grunted, walking to stand a few inches away from his embrace. "Some medicine would be nice." Her shoulders rose in a shrug.

"I'll see what I can do," Bellamy answered with a weak smile. His face suddenly grew serious, his puppy eyes boring into her. "A-Are you okay? Can I touch you?"

On any other occasion she would've laughed at what he had just said, but she just simply hit her bottom lip. "I don't want you to get sick," she whispered, fighting back the urge to wrap her arms around him.

"Do you think I care?" Bellamy murmured back, his hand twitching but he kept it by his side. "Octavia, you okay?" He called into the dropship.

"I'm sorry, Bellamy. She's not here. Clarke sent her to Lincoln. To find a cure." Loxy spoke feebly.

"If anything happens to her," his eyes grew dark, "I'm gonna have problems with your friend."

"Bellamy—" she was interrupted by the sound of cries crackling through the camp. A few people were pointing at one boy, who had blood cascading down his cheeks.

After that, it became a domino effect. Three  more delinquents followed him, all of the sick patients getting beckoned to the drop ship.

"Put that gun down!" Finn shouted at one of the shooters, who aimed their gun at one sick girl. "Put it down!"

Loxy sighed hastily, scooping a gun off the gritty soil and pointing it into the sky. Her gunshots rang in her ears as she grabbed the camp's attention. "This is what the Grounders want. For us to kill each other first."

"Get back in the damn drop ship!" A random delinquent yelled, pointing the front of a gun at her. It didn't last long, seeing as Bellamy immediately grabbed the gun and used the butt to knock him out.

"Sorry," Bellamy cut in. "But your quarantine isn't working."

Loxy wanted to speak but could feel the world around her beginning to spin.

"Loxy!" Bellamy exclaimed, running up to her.

Before she could hit the ground she collapsed into a strong pair of arms. "I'm fine," she immediately persisted. "Let me go," but her head lolled into his chest.

"You're not fine." His voice tickled her ear.

"Octavia will find the cure," she uttered weakly, feeling nausea pass over her.

"This is no cure," Octavia announced, pushing her way to the front of the crowd. "The Grounders don't use the sickness to kill."

"Really?" Bellamy gave his sister an incredulous look. "Tell that to them," he muttered, gesturing with his head to the drop ship. "I warned you about seeing that Grounder again."

"Yeah?" Octavia cocked her head with narrowed eyes. "Well I have a warning for you too. The Grounders are coming," she declared, turning to the entire audience lining up to watch. "They attack at first light."

Loxy clenched her teeth as she felt Bellamy's grasp on her tighten. She could sense his muscles stiffening with unease as he looked to Raven.

"Make as many bullets as you can by first light," Bellamy commanded her before making a sharp turn and strolling into the drop ship.

The stench of sickness was so strong it filled her clogged nose. "What am I gonna have to do to stop you from coming in here, Amy?" She groaned, feeling her eyes flutter helplessly.

"Get better," he answered, his brown eyes glimmering with a hint of sadness. Even with her in his arms he felt as though the real her was ages away from his reach.

"Here," Murphy grimaced as he pulled himself off his hammock. "She can take mine."

"Wow," Loxy grunted as Bellamy set her down in the hammock. "John Murphy being nice to me? I must be hallucinating," she gave him a wry smile.

He just scoffed and shook his head. "Loxy Monroe. Even on the verge of dying, you never fail to be a complete bit—"

"Hey, shut up!" Bellamy yelled, a vein instantly popping out of his neck. "Octavia," he acknowledged his sister with a nod. "What else did that Grounder tell you?"

"His name is Lincoln," Loxy spoke feebly, looking into his eyes with a will for him to understand. "And he's done nothing but help us."

"The virus doesn't last long," Octavia murmured, folding her arms.

"It's true," Murphy rasped as he rest against the wall. "I feel better."

Loxy began to push herself up with her elbows, straining to get out of the hammock. They all need to stay hydrated," she winced, desperate to help the others.

Bellamy placed his hand on her chest and delicately pushed her back down. "You need to stay hydrated," he accepted a cup of water from Octavia, slowly pouring the liquid through her lips.

"Don't worry, Loxy," Octavia nodded. "I'll take care of the others."

"I'll help," Murphy was quick on his feet, lagging across the lower deck.

Loxy had to bite back a sharp retort about him suddenly becoming nice again. But just as always, she solved the mystery before anyone else could. Murphy wanted something from the hundred. And knowing him: revenge.

"You should go, Bellamy," her voice grew serious. "Take anyone capable of fighting, and leave. It's better than stay and get yourselves killed."

"No," he replied firmly. "I am not leaving you. After all these years, I'm not letting myself lose another person I care about. And I'm not letting you lose me."

The corners of her lips twitched as he placed his warm hands on her cheeks. "We need each other. You need me to remind you just that you're not a monster and really care about other people. And I need you to keep me on my feet."

"Well if we're staying," she uttered, "we need a plan. Go. Get those who are able to fight ready. I'll be okay."

His eyes showed his hesitation, but he nodded. His footsteps were the last thing she listened to before falling into ill slumber.


Lincoln was right. Murphy was right. Just a few hours later and Loxy was feeling normal again. Knowing more about the virus was good for everyone too. After surviving it once, you have a great chance of becoming immune.

Loxy used that to her advantage, staying in the drop ship and helping everyone as much as she could. Clarke was still ill, but judging by the color returning to her face with each hour, it wouldn't be long.

Two men entered the drop ship, sluggishly helping someone inside. Something inside her burst with pain when she realized it was Bellamy they were helping.

"Bellamy," she whispered to herself, racing up to him. "Clear some space! Help him get down!" She barked orders, feeling anger simmer inside her.

I let him catch me. It's my fault he's sick.

"It's okay," she coaxed him feebly, helping him on his side as he spewed out blood. His eyes finally landed on her, lighting up with desperation. "Hey, it's me."

He took huge breaths, looking deeply into her sky blue gaze. "I'm scared," he murmured under his breath, allowing only her to hear him.

"I won't let anything happen to you," she leaned in and whispered into his ear, stroking his feverish head. "Even if I have to kill a thousand Grounders, Bellamy Blake, I'm not letting anyone take you from me. And I certainly won't let you die from a sickness."

Tears had begun to form around the edges of his eyes. His hand wrapped around hers, pulling it onto his chest. "I know what you're thinking," he breathed, forcing out the words. "It was my choice to catch you earlier. As long as you were okay, I would let this virus take over me for a hundred lifetimes."

Loxy parted her lips before closing them again. She used her free hand to brush back the dark curls from his sweaty face. "Just get some rest for me, okay?"

His words still rang in her ears as he slowly shut his eyes, tears spilling out from them as they closed.

Hours later he was awake again, his eyes darting around the drop ship in wild fear. He had forgotten that he was sick, trapped inside with the others.

"Here," Murphy grunted, offering him a full cup of water.

"Get the hell away from me," he stubbornly shoved the drink away, water splashing onto Murphy's torso.

"You're sick, Bellamy," Murphy wasn't hesitant to grab a rag as blood began to run down his nostrils.

Still, he wiped it with his sleeve, refusing to accept his help. Similar to most of the hundred, his suspicions ran deep for Murphy. "When I get better...if you're still here..."

"Hey," Loxy patted Murphy's back, taking the cup from his shaky hands. "I got him. You go help the others." She waited for him to obediently drag himself away before sitting down next to her boyfriend. "You're not one to accept help very easily, huh, Amy?"

He smiled as he put his lips to the cup, letting water pour into his dry mouth. The taste of it filled him with relief. "Are you feeling better?"

She nodded with a content smile. "Although I should be asking you that."

"That's good," he murmured, snaking his arm around her. "Everything I told you earlier I meant it."

"As did I," she responded and leaned her head against the crook of his neck. "Clarke is going to start getting people inside. Sick's better than dead and if they Grounders think we're not home, they might leave."

Bellamy's blood stained lips cracked into a smirk. "You don't think Jasper and Finn will pull it off?"

"Do you, Amy?"

"Good point."

She wanted to lay there with him for ages, just in his arms where it was safe and felt like home. But dawn had finally reached, and people were gathering outside to witness either a huge explosion or their terrible fate.

Just as the two of them had started to load people inside, their heads snapped up towards the sky. A billowing cloud of dark grey filled the unending blue.

"They did it," Bellamy gawked.

"I am become death. Destroyer of two worlds," she whispered the famous quote. "I hope you know who Oppenheimer is, Blake."

"Of course," he said with furrowed eyebrows. "You're not the only one who appreciates a bit of literature."

"See that?" She pointed at the cloud of smoke with her thumb before turning to meet his gaze. Loxy couldn't hide her own toothy smile.

"That's a sign that there will always be hope."

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