Being Arthit & Kongpop. from...

By Kramdrof

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Arthit had always been successful at everything he put his mind to. A good student, successful head hazer... More

Chapter 2. Table for Two and "Vibes"
Chapter 3. Coffee Shop and Advice
Chapter 4. Sweet Dreams and Wilted Flowers
Chapter 5, White Sheets and Strawberry Love
Chapter 6, Poets and Pink Cheeks
Chapter 7, United
Chapter 8, Bus Rides and Bonfires
Chapter 9, Facebook and Fairies
Chapter 10, Beers and Tears
Chapter, 11. Post Scripts and Toast
Chapter, 12 Envelopes and Hopes
Chapter, 13, Pointed Toes and Bedhead
Chapter, 14, Bikes and Better Days
Chapter, 15, Decisions and Mud
Chapter, 16, Americana Black and Senses Blind
Chapter, 17, Guard Dogs and New Suits
Chapter 18, Cracking Knuckles and Honey
Chapter 19, Dinner Guests and Sneezes
Chapter 20, Sponge Baths and Presidents
Chapter 21, Motorcycles and Muscle Men
Chapter 22, Pretty Pink and Hearts with Wings
Chapter 23, Taxi Advice and King Size Beds
Chapter 24, Biggest Tip and Sportsmanship
Chapter 25, Guitars and Moons
Chapter 26, Friends and Lovers

Chapter 1. Hot Tuesdays and Black Shorts

28.3K 531 158
By Kramdrof



They were sitting at the little dining table in the dorm room,  Kong told Arthit that they had met before, and then he explained where. 

As he started telling the story,  it all came back to Arthit.   He remembered sitting with him in the warm sun and the future students' smile.
Thinking back,  Arthit could still hear his voice and the way he smelled.
Kongpop smelled like strawberries.  How could he forget that? 

It must have been a soap or a shampoo but it was definite.  Arthit loved strawberries and remembered at the time the scent made him salivate.

"Oh,"  his lips pursed,  "Arthit,  why didn't you ever tell me?"

Arthit used Kong's favourite reply.  "You never asked me."

Arthit put his elbows on the small table and his palms under his chin.
"Well,  for your information, I do remember, exactly."  
Arthit was turning pink.  "I thought you were very handsome."

Kong wrinkled his eyebrows.  "You say that now P',  but look how hard you made me work to get you."

Arthit reached over and placed his hand on Kong's cheek,  giving it a little pat,  teasing.  
"Hasn't it been worth it?"

"So you do remember me,  really, P'?"

"Yes, of course,   It was a Tuesday and bloody hot." 

Kong had a doubting look on his face.  "You don't remember that P'."

"Shh, just listen."  Arthit was sitting across from him and he looked serious.

"I remember,  I grabbed a drink from the vending machine.  I saw you across the courtyard,  there were lots of you guys there for orientation and interviews that day." 

"You were in the centre of the covered walkway,  I thought you were tall and lean, fair-skinned,  you were wearing your school black shorts and a pure white shirt. 

"Arthit?  How could you?..."  


"You were talking on the phone and when you finished you slid the phone in the front pocket of your shorts. I remember your handsome face looked frustrated."  Arthit grinned.

"I noticed your full lips and deep brown eyes too, your hair was flawless, and you glowed with inner confidence."

"Inner confidence?  Oh my God P' don't talk like this,  do you know what you're doing to me?"

"Shh..."  Arthit was leaning in and looking into Kong's eyes.

He was using a mysterious kind of voice and teasing Kong.  "So I decided it might not be so bad outside. You moved towards the table and sat with a large manila envelope in front of you.  I saw you were in deep thought."

"Then I strolled over like I owned the place and sat right down beside you.  I could see that you were even more handsome up close."

"Aww, P',  You're just teasing me now,  you didn't really think that."

"Yes, I did."  Arthit was nodding and looking even more serious.  "Oh yes I did."

"You said you were up soon for your interview and were uneasy.  I completely understood your nervousness. I had been there myself, back during my own interview."

"I don't remember what I said to you, but I watched your shoulders straighten up and you gave me a big smile.  I looked straight into your eyes,  don't you remember Kongpop?"

"My phone rang and interrupted our moment.  I stood and apologized for having to run off, but before I did,  I put my hand on your shoulder and gave you my drink. 
Do you at least remember that?"

Kong was finding the shoe on the other foot.  He was the one blushing now, and Arthit was doing it on purpose.  He was enjoying watching Kong turn pink.  "I don't P'."

Arthit faked his disappointment.  "Jeez Kongpop,  you don't even remember the first time I touched you."  Arthit stuck out his bottom lip in a perfect pout.

"I remember because your shoulder was hot from the sun, and it was noticeable when I took my hand away,  I was heading back toward the walkway.  Once I stepped under the cover of it and was shaded, I looked back over and you were holding the drink and had a big smile."

"Aww."  Kong got up from his side of the table and went behind Arthit.  He wrapped his arms tightly around his neck.  
"Why did you tell me all this, P'Arthit?  Are you saying you were sweet on me?"

"I just thought you should know I remembered everything Kongpop."  

"You see,  maybe you didn't have to put me through all that.  Maybe if you would have just been sweet to me all along I might have fallen for you anyway."

Kong was still holding him and kissed him on one cheek then the other.

"Kongpop!"   Arthit's voice returned to its more recognizable gruff tone.  "Sit down,  eat your food before it gets cold."  His ears now matched the pink in his clear plastic cup.

Before letting go Kong bit his earlobe lightly.  "You are so going to get it."

Arthit squished his face up and blew a kiss to him as he took his seat.

"We haven't even made the bed yet from this mornings..."   

He didn't finish his sentence but instead,  Arthit reached over and took the wooden mannequin and placed the hands over the face of the little man.  
"You see what you did?  You embarrassed him."

Arthit put it back on the bedside table. The pair finished their lunch quietly. Kong was occasionally looking over and smirking,  he was teasing Arthit with a raised eyebrow.

Before they walked out the door,  Arthit let go of the handle already in his hand.  He wrapped his arms around Kong's middle,  lacing his fingers in the back.  He pulled Kong in close and kissed him sweetly.  Three or four little pecks,  followed by a deep kiss.  Once he was released,  Kong's eyes were wide open as they looked into Arthit's.  

"What was that for?"

In a softer voice,  almost a whisper,  Kongpop put his mouth close to Arthit's ear.  "I'm glad you remembered me P'Arthit. Thank you."


There were many big adjustments Arthit would have to make.  His new job was better than he'd imagined.  It could be better pay,  but for now, he could happily live knowing that the company's owner was a good friend of Prem and Prem's boss too.

They'd promised excellent chances for promotion and all he had to do was sit tight and do his job the best he could.  

There were some excellent benefits with this company.  They were multi-national and had guidelines and rules that crossed borders.  One interesting policy was that employees weren't allowed to take their work home.  No connection to the business server was allowed outside office hours.  

This meant that if your assignment wasn't finished you couldn't just sit on the bed at home and do it for the next day.  Of course, there was good and bad in this idea.  Great though that when you went home,  in many ways you could shut your mind off from it,  there was nothing you could do anyway.  Arthit knew how different this was from most companies in Thailand.  

Another big perk,  he could,  at a greatly reduced rental rate,  have the option of taking one of the company apartments.  They owned the entire building across the street from their main offices in Thailand.  It was pretty fancy,  a concierge and everything.  A gym on the ground floor,  there was a roof-top party room and pool.  It was much nicer than what he'd been living in for the past four years.  

He talked it over with Kongpop,  but it didn't take long to decide that he'd be crazy not to take advantage of it.  It would make for an opportunity to save thousands over the course of a year.  

Kongpop looked at Arthit like a proud father.  His eyes were filled with hope and pride for the man he had fallen in love with.  

Arthit could see it,  he'd come to know Kong's every thought.  He knew when he was being teased,  but when he saw this look on Kong's face,  he knew he was being loved.

"Agreed!  P,' go ahead and sign the papers.  I'll make sure I schedule some time and I'll help on moving day."  

Arthit wrinkled his nose and kissed Kong's cheek quickly before glancing down again at the papers he was holding.


Moving wasn't as bad as he thought it would be.  

It took a week to get all the cardboard boxes he needed.  Arthit was packing four or five every night,  depending on how many he brought home to the dorm.  He paid an extended fee so that he could keep his room for a full two months.  The last thing he wanted to do when he finished school was to move everything to his parent's house,  only to move it again when he found an apartment.

Three of the five nights of the week,  he slept alone.  Arthit didn't like it.  

He didn't care who's bed they chose,  but a bed without Kong was cold,  empty and lonely.  Arthit was getting better at facing these kinds of things too,  now when he missed Kong he was able to admit it to himself.  Arthit was feeling kind of proud of himself for this,  he kept encouraging himself...  "It was me that found the balls to tell all our friends.  I was the one who bought the bracelet and put it on Kong in front of everyone."

Arthit was dazzled by the goodness of his friends.  Everyone showed on time,  no cancellations or lame excuses.  Knott,  Wad,  Fat and Kong's friend Aim, jumped right in and the van he'd borrowed was full and ready to be driven to the new building.

Kong offered to stay behind and clean the room for Arthit.  He would wash the floors and the bathroom,  take out the trash and anything else Arthit needed.  They agreed that as soon as he was done he'd take a cab to the new apartment.

The new place was so convenient,  there was a special loading area in the underground.  You just parked there and put your stuff in the designated moving elevator,  and voilà,  your in.  

Coming through the door of the new place,  the boys were all excited to see the view from the balcony.  It was getting later in the afternoon.  The breeze at that level is warm and the late sun seems to heat it further.  Arthit stood beside them as they scanned the city from their vantage point.  Arthit was feeling the heat,  he stepped back inside and slid the wall of glass that opened up to the balcony.  

They ran in and around from room to room checking the place out.  

Wad could hardly contain himself as he ran down the hall.  "Two bedrooms?  What the hell,  and that bathroom Arthit,   It's four times the size of the ones in the dorms. Can I move in?" 

Reverting back to his hazer voice,  he locked his arm around Knot.  "No Wad,  your getting married remember?"  

Wad made his goofiest face,  Knot couldn't resist saying it.  "You've been hanging around Prem too long your getting good at that."

Getting back to work,  the small gang had everything inside and piled in the rooms it was meant for.  

"Ok guys, follow me."  Arthit lead the merry band to the galley kitchen,  beautifully outfitted and shining spotless.  Opening the fridge he used his hand to gesture and highlight the display of stacked,  chilled beer that he put there the day before.  

In a free-for-all of reaching arms,  everyone had a cold one in hand and clinked them together.  

Arthit handed out towels. They were all sweating and needed to wipe down.  He offered anyone a shower if they wanted.  

Far too engaged with the chilled beer,  everyone found a spot to sit in Arthit's new spacious living room with a view.  Knot stuck close to Wad.  They'd become really close since his fiance Prem left for Canada again.  Knot was going out of his way to comfort and keep company, his lonely friend.  It was clear that Wad appreciated it.  Arthit watched with a smile as the pair sat arm in arm clinking their bottles together with every sip.

Arthit checked his phone,  Kongpop loves to clean and his old dorm room is probably gleaming by now.  Arthit was sure of it.  Setting the phone back down he sipped again from his beer and raised it to the resting boys.  

Aim had the best seat in the house.  Arthit's one and only comfortable chair.  Aim was splayed on it,  his usual smile was all over his face.  Arthit walked behind him and rubbed his shoulders.  He leant down,  looking at Aim upside-down. "Thanks Aim for your help, it was really nice of you."

Aim reached up and petted the top of Arthit's head.  "Do you know how much trouble I'd be in if I didn't?'  

Arthit made his scrunchy face and the sound: "OH!"  

"Nobody knows better than me."  Arthit was referring to Kong's cold shoulder.

All five phones went off at once.  Everyone reached to see who was messaging.  Now they were really excited,  Kong was there and bringing up the food.  There was so much that he wanted someone to meet him downstairs and help carry it.  

Rubbing his hands together Fat offered to go, and he flexed his arm muscle as he went out the door.  "I love your husband Arthit."

As always he turned cherry red.  The boys were thoroughly entertained as his shy and bashful face was something they all looked forward to.  They spent a great deal of time finding ways to make it happen.

Kong came through the door.  Only two seconds had passed and Knot and Wad gave each other a big high five.  Their hands made a loud slapping noise and they were smiling and laughing.  "I told you so."  

Kong evil-eyed them and questioned them.  "Told you so? What was that all about?"

Wad spoke up.  

Knot reached quickly and put his hand over his mouth trying to quell his voice.  "Knot said that the moment you came through the door,  you and Arthit would give each other a lovey-dovey smile,  and you did.  Ha!"

Blushing again,  but it a firm voice Arthit said:  "You guys are just having too much fun with this,  If you don't watch out I'll sick Kongpop on you."  

All four palms were held up and shaken as the pair made fun of Arthit's threat.  "Oooooh!"

Arthit went to the fridge and returned with a beer for Kong.  Opening it and placing it in his hand he nudged Kong towards the balcony.  The other guys were tearing into the boxes and bags Kong brought. "Ums,  and yums were heard from them as the pair step outside.  

They were both leaning on the railing when Arthit touched his bottle to Kong's.  He slowly turned his eyes from the view, he looked at Kong. Arhit smiled a beautiful smile.  "Welcome home Kongpop." 

Kongpop was now, ignoring the beautiful landscape at his disposal.  He had only one thing in his eyes,  Arthit.  "Thank you, P'Arthit."

Arthit's words made his face curve into the smile,  the Arthit he'd had come to love.  They turned back to the view.  Arthit leant his head and rested it on Kong's shoulder.  Everyone inside witnessed this moment between them.

Knot tilted his head as he watched the lovers on the balcony.  "I'm jealous."  

Fat moand.  "Me too."  

Wad's face softened,   Knot could tell that Wad was missing the person he loves,  his Prem.  

Knot already had his arm around Wad,  he pulled him in closer and shook him a few times.  

Aim was smiling too.  His own new relationship with May was going good and he was really happy for his friend Kong.  

Knot held up his chicken skewers and shook them.  "Hey you two,  Aim's going to eat it all if you don't get in here."

Arthit and Kong looked back through the window at their nutty bunch of friends, he took Kong by the hand and pulled him inside.


Kongpop was the last one to start eating and the first one to finish.  Already on his feet he headed to the bedroom and started to put together Arthit's bed, getting it assembled and made.  

This couldn't be done without a wise-crack from Knot.  "So what's the hurry with the bed,  are we in the way?"  Arthit slapped his head and gave him a look.  With that,  Knot returned to the job at hand and unpacked stuff in the kitchen.  

The beer kept flowing and the work continued.  As dark set in,  the apartment was starting to look like someone actually lived there,  only a few things were undone.  Arthit would put his clothes away later and anything left.  

Tired and half-drunk the posse of boys made their goodnights to the happy couple,  teasing them every second until the door was finally shoved shut in their faces. 

 Arthit leant against it,  exhaling as he did.  

He was looking straight at Kong.  Arthit's eyes were soft and dreamy.  Kong stood still in the dead centre of the room.  

From Arthit came the most sincere voice Kong had ever heard from him...  

"Can you stay Kongpop?"

to be continued  ..

FanFic by Kramdrof,  All Rights Reserved,  Jan 2017

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