The Heir's Pretend Girlfriend

By simplicity432

333K 7.9K 884

Shannon Richelieu just lived a normal teenage life with her mother at their Los Angeles apartment until her m... More

1 ✮ Wrong Restroom
2 ✮ Gem Girl
4 ✮ Fancy Champagne
5 ✮ You're a Handful [W i l l]
6 ✮ Bench Sleepover
7 ✮ Lock the Door
8 ✮ Taffy
9 ✮ Bloody Knuckle [W i l l]
10 ✮ Chicken Suits
11 ✮ Watered Soup
12 ✮ Kidnapping is Illegal
13 ✮ The Confession
14 ✮ Beach House Blues PART ONE [W i l l]
15 ✮ Beach House Blues PART TWO
16 ✮ Drunk in Love
17 ✮ Door Opening Classes
18 ✮ Snowshoe Bunnies
19 ✮ Outdoor Movies
12 ✮ Only the Butt of the Airforce One is Allowed [W i l l]
21 ✮ Is this Gouda Enough for you
22 ✮ Hijacking Cheesecakes
23 ✮ Home Sweet Apartment
24 ✮ The Greenhouse
25 ✮ Pancakes for the Growls
26 ✮ The Heir [W i l l]
27 ✮ Miss Worthington
28 ✮ Polo Tournament
29 ✮ Bathtubs are for Sleeping
30 ✮ The Shocking Reveal
31 ✮ The Scott Chandler Enlightenment

3 ✮ I Can Be Tough Too

11.9K 265 20
By simplicity432

After a few days, William Prescott had managed to either skip the Politics class entirely or show up really late just to turn in stuff. Mister Jennings seemed to give no care since it was Will's own fault if he failed the class. But of course, it was a great disadvantage to me because I didn't have a partner to work with. Especially since the dreadful day finally came when Mister Jennings assigned us our first partner paper and because of his almost impossible grading policy, I had to get an A on all my papers to get an A in this class. But first, to get an A on my paper, I needed Will. Which meant, whether I like it or not, I had to work with him for the sake of my grade.

I needed this A badly.

I yawned and stretched my arms as I crowded with the rest of the students to exit the Fine Arts building. I was so stressed about this whole Politics dilemma that I actually couldn't sleep last night. And also since I ate a huge pack of Red Vines, but hey, that's not the point.

"Well, that contemporary dance class was absolutely dreadful," Soph walked beside me, taking her blonde hair out of the high bun she had on for dance class.

"Really, I didn't think it was too bad."

"Yeah, probably because you were actually amazing at it," She argued, "I can't believe your last time dancing was in sixth grade and you can still perfectly do a barrel turn."

"Well, I never really stopped dancing, until like sophomore year when I started wasting my money on food instead of classes," I laughed. We were on our way to the parking lot when I realized that my backpack felt lighter.

"Your dancing reminds me of Aunt-"

"Crap," I interrupted Soph, when I didn't see my Statistic book in my backpack "I forgot my Stat book in the Dance room," I called out to her, already walking back to the school, "I'll see you tomorrow!" I waved good-bye to her and rushed back towards the Fine Arts building.

I walked back into the empty halls and rushed to the Dance room so I wouldn't keep my chauffeur waiting for me. I was almost to the room when I heard some people talking in one of the Dance rooms. Thinking it was just some dance teachers, I didn't really acknowledge it until I heard a familiar voice.

"You have got to stop visiting me here." A female voice echoed loudly from the dance room to the slightly opened door. And because of my stupid curiosity, I thought it would be absolutely okay to peek through the windows of the room.

"Charlotte." Will's voice came up. My eyes widened when I saw him standing there! I knew I heard a familiar voice.

"No, I'm serious, we're done Will, it's been three weeks already since we broke up" She pushed him away from her and sat down in front of the mirror, "I have to start practicing."

It was silent for a moment until Will started shouting, "So, that one year of being together means absolutely nothing to you?!" He tossed some dance books, aligned neatly on a shelf, down with a swift of his hand, "You won't even tell me the real reason for leaving me?"

"I'm sorry," Charlotte sighed, "I just don't love you anymore, so please leave me alone." And with that she grabbed all her stuff in a hurry and rushed out the door.

I was so shocked at the conversation that I didn't realize her leaving the door so quick. Luckily, she passed through the other way without seeing me and I wiped away my nervous sweat from my forehead. Why did I have to be such a curious little cat? But I couldn't help glancing over at Will. If I didn't despise this conceited jerk, I would actually feel bad for him. Opaline and Soph did mention him breaking up with Charlotte so I guess he's just not over her yet.

Ugh, the look on his face was just so terrible though. He looked like that girl just ripped out his whole heart with every step she took away from him.

'I guess it's my turn to leave now before I get caught.'

Too bad I didn't see the stack of CD's in front of me until it was too late. As each CD tumbled to the floor with a loud crash, my heart beat started rising with panic. In a few minutes, Will would probably come outside to see what was going on! OH CRAP, OH CRAP, OH CRAP! My heart started beating faster and I quickly ran outside the Fine Arts building as fast as I could.

OH CRAP, OH CRAP. I ran all the way to my car and tried to calm myself down from my almost heart attack once I entered! This would happen to me, why am I not even surprised?! I wiped my forehead with a mini towel and took a water bottle from the mini cooler in the car. I chugged down the water so I could breathe normally again. Man, I should really stop snooping and maybe I should start exercising more.

"Miss Richelieu, welcome back," Joey the chauffeur looked back at my flushed face, "Splendid day at school, I hope?"

"Oh yes," I exhaled a deep sigh, "Splendid." I put my towel around my neck and slouched down in my seat as Joey started driving back to Christopher's house. At least, I can just go home, relax, and finish my homework.

And then I thumped my head with my hand when I realized I forgot something. I guess I won't be doing any Statistics tonight.


"Earth to Shan Shan."

Startled, I looked back at Opaline and Soph and realized I was shopping with them. I was so dazed about what happened yesterday, I dozed off while they were talking. I looked down at their hands and saw that they had tons of bags already. Didn't we start shopping 30 minutes ago?

"S-sorry," I apologized, "What we're we talking about?"

"We were talking about the major party that's going to be happening this Saturday!" Opaline shook her bags at the sky motioning why we were at the mall in the first place.

"Yeah, Derick's throwing one of the biggest birthday parties this Saturday," Soph explains, "and since you're the new gem, he asked me to invite you." She playfully sang.

"Are you sure I can come?" I seriously contemplated whether I should stay home instead. So many people knew me already for being the "new gem" that I was starting to get really creeped out. And I haven't had one whole day to myself since moving here. How am I going to finish my Buffy the Vampire Slayer marathon at this rate?!

"Yes! You have to!" Opaline glared at me, "Come on Shan, it's your first ever socialite party." I sighed pondering if it was too late to tell her that I'd rather stay home instead of go to a "rich people" party. I never really went out partying unless my best friend Heather, from back home, made me go with her to some football or birthday parties. But now that Heather wasn't here to force me to go with her, I don't really feel the need to go to these parties. I should start thinking of better excuses so I could stay home next time.

"Oh my gosh, that dress is so cute!" Opaline screamed all of a sudden and pointed to a gold backless dress in the windowsill of a cute shop.

"Op, you have to try it on!" Soph suggested and I nodded with agreement. While they made their way inside, I stopped them.

"Hey guys, go on without me," I said, "I'm just going to sit over there at the bench for a while, my feet are killing me from dance class." I pointed at the bench and slowly started walking backwards, towards it.

"Are you sure?" Opaline asked even though they were half way through the door already and then Soph just waved.

"We'll be quick!" Soph yelled back and then they rushed in towards the dress.

Finally I can sit! I stretched and plopped myself down on the wooden bench. All this walking was seriously giving me major foot pains and it made me seriously question how Opaline and Soph can wear heels every single day. I was wearing converse and my feet already hurt. It's probably cause Atriele Academy is five times the size of my old school and I sadly had all my classes at different sections around the school.

I grabbed my cell-phone from my bag to check my text messages when I froze because I heard a voice in front of me.

The same voice that I heard in the Dance room with Charlotte.

The same voice I did not want, at all, to approach me.

"Yeah, I just got here. Don't worry, I'll pick up your suit for you."

I looked up from my phone and almost choked when I saw Will standing a few feet away from me. OH CRAP. Are you serious?! Why now, why here!?

I grabbed a newspaper from the stand beside me and quickly covered my face from his view. He totally did not see me. Okay, I just have to plan my escape. Maybe I can just slowly get up and walk away real quick-

"What a coincidence seeing you here again."

Oh, crap.

I pulled down the newspaper slightly and tried my best to smile at the boy in front of me. Damn, this is so awkward. I totally saw the confrontation he had with his ex-girlfriend. I don't know how to act in front of him anymore.

"Well, hello ... there."

"Funny," He took my newspaper, flipped it around, and gave it back to me, "I believe this is how you're supposed to be reading a newspaper. Unless you like reading words upside down." I quickly put the newspaper down and looked away embarrassed. Damn, he totally knew I was hiding from him, "So, are you stalking me now?"

"W-what!" I argued and stood up to face him. I can't believe this conceited jerk actually thinks I was stalking him. Just because, I saw him talking to his girlfriend through the dance window and stayed the whole conversation is not stalking. I think.

"You should really stop spying on me," He raised one eyebrow, "And you should put back all those CD's you dropped on the floor." Dammit. He knew.

"I was not spying." I tried fighting back.

"Says the CD's you tossed on the ground from running out so quick," He took a step closer and threatened me, "Next time, butt out and worry about your own life instead of mine." He started walking away and loudly whispered, "It's like you're my pretend girlfriend or something. Always trying to get into my business."

I stood at my spot for a good 20 seconds and could feel my skin boiling up from how rude he was being. This guy was unbelievable. I couldn't believe I actually felt pity for this stupid guy, but no! I won't take it anymore.

I swiftly ran up to him, blocked his path, and when he was about to speak, I spoke, "Look Mr. Bad Attitude, I didn't intentionally go to the Dance room just to hear you and your ex-girlfriend fighting about how you wont leave her alone, I was getting my Stats book from my Dance room. And second, since you don't attend Politics class anymore, we have a partner paper due next week, and I don't know about you, but I actually want an A in this class." I breathed from talking so fast with anger. I could feel my whole face turning as red as a tomato and all he did was just push me aside and start walking away again.

"She isn't in love with you!" I yelled at him, which made him stop and slightly turn his head. I know I'm going to regret this to the max, but I needed him. I was running out of options. If I didn't get an A in politics, I would break my 4.0 record. Politics was one of my weak subjects and even though Christopher was totally against me paying for my own college (because he wanted to pay), I wanted to earn this grade and my college all by myself. I didn't want any special privelages just because I was the "new gem." I needed to prove myself independent, because I was always dependent on my dad and then he left us. These grades are the only way I can prove to him that I can become successful on my own.

"And you said she broke up with you for no real reason," I took a few steps towards him, "So wouldn't you want to find out the truth for yourself, make her jealous, and have her wishing you back. Aren't you curious what the reason is?" I was seriously taking shots here. I didn't know if he was going to be happy that he was getting a woman's point of view or more annoyed that I really was listening to their conversation yesterday.

His eyes became interested in what I was trying to say and I finally got his attention. "You said it yourself, I seem like a pretend girlfriend," I tried composing a plan with him, "So I'll pretend to be your fake girlfriend and I'll help you get her back."

He looked at me for a long while, put his left hand on the rail, and leaned in closer to me. "And why on Earth, would you expect me, to choose you as my fake girlfriend?"

"Because," I leaned in closer to him to show him that he wasn't the only tough one here, "I'm new here. Nobody really knows much about me, except for me being the "new gem." Plus, she doesn't even know me. So it would be harder for her to get details about our relationship since she has no clue who to get it from. And it's not like people could tell her who I was because they are all in the same position. It's perfect and believable."

He smirked when he saw me trying to imitate him and looked at me deeply again, probably wondering why in the world someone like me would even ask him a question like this.

I could feel myself breaking down from my toughness and could feel the blush rushing though my cheeks as he got even closer to me. "I-in return," I looked away, "You need to be my committed partner in Politics class. You may not understand, but I need a good grade in this class." I looked back at him and stared at him, "Face it, I need you and you need me."


I quickly jumped away from Will and faced my two friends Soph and Opaline. They glared back at me with their arms, filled with bags, crossed across their chest.

"Did we miss something?" Soph's mouth curled into a smirk. For a second, nobody said anything and I could feel Will walking. I was so stupid for asking him if I could be his fake girlfriend. What was I thinking? We absolutely hated each other; he was never going to go with this plan. Well, goodbye A in Politics.

My thoughts were interrupted when I felt an arm go around my shoulders, "Yeah, you did." Will smiled mischievously, "I just asked your friend here to be my girlfriend."

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