Christmas Miracle

By katroxy76

52.1K 1.4K 791

Being the younger sister of the ever-so-famous Markiplier has its perks: living in a nice house, staying with... More

Quick Question
I Got Tagged!
Meeting Ethan??😍
Should I do a Q and A?


1.2K 42 18
By katroxy76

Ethan's Pov:

"It-it's gorgeous!" Skylar squealed. She turned around and I saw tears in her eyes despite the smile plastered on her face.

"I thought you'd like it." I said wrapping my arms around her waist and placed a kiss in her forehead.

I looked over her heard at the "masterpiece" I created. I strung silver lights on the trees in the back yard. I set up a table and chairs beside the pool for us to eat at. Mark volunteered to cook a meal earlier so I didn't object due to the fact that I can't cook. It was sitting in the table. Tonight was a starry night without a single cloud. It was amazing and the fact that I have the most amazing girl by my side made everything better.

"What's all this for?" She asked looking up at me. She was happy. It was very visible on her face.

"Since we didn't get to celebrate our anniversary because of what happened with your ankle, I decided to make it up to you." I looked down so she couldn't see me blush.

"I love it!!" She wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped mine around her waist.

"I tried to make it as gorgeous as you, but you're too beautiful so it wasn't possible." I placed a kiss on her lips.

"Thank you. So much Ethan." She said.

"Come on. Let's eat before it gets cold." I led her over to the table and pulled out her chair for her since I'm such a gentlemen.

After she was seated I walked around and sat down in my chair. "When did you do all this?" She asked still smiling.

"Well once we got home, oh we're so caught up with seeing Jack and Nate that it gave me just enough time to slip away and set this up. Mark cooked the food because I can't cook." She giggled.

'God she's so gorgeous. What did I do to deserve this perfect little human.' I thought.

"This is really good!" Skylar said after she took her first bite.

"It is right! Mark makes the best chicken and dumplings. He told me it was an old family recipe."

"Well wherever he learned to do this I will never know. Even though I'm his sister I've never ate this meal before." She giggled again. Which was adorable every time she did it.

"Oh babe. You never got your birthday present from me." I reached in my pocket and pulled on a small box. "Happy birthday!" I said handing her the box.

She opened it and her eyes lit up, "oh my god it's amazing!" She pulled out a bracelet. It had many different charms on it. Each individual charm represented a different one of her friends. Everyone from Felix to Nate.

"What's this on suppose to be?" She asked referring to the heart. It was a bit bigger than the rest.

"Turn it over." I said and she did.

On the back I had inscribed 'E+S=🖤' i felt like a school kid again but she seemed to live it.

"Ethan. It's amazing. I love it so much." She slipped it on her wrist and then got up and hugged me.

We kept talking for hours and hours. Finally around 10 at night we decided to call it a night. "I'm tired." Skylar whined like a 5 year old.

"Me too babe. Me too." We started to bring everything inside and properly dispose of it to avoid mice getting in. I then picked her up bridal style and.m headed off to our room. I placed her on the bed and grabbed some shorts to change into.

"I'll change in the bathroom, you can take in here." I said exiting the room.

After I was done I quietly knocked and saw her getting into bed. I pulled my shirt off then crawled in bed next to her.

"Thanks for the best birthday ever." She said.

"Thanks for being the best girlfriend ever."

"I can only be the best girlfriend since I have the best boyfriend."

"Night beautiful. Love you."

"Night blue boy. Love you too."

Hey guys!!! This story is full of feels!! It's honestly adorable. Lol. So thanks for reading. Comment. Vote. Follow. Thanks again!! Bye!! :)

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