The Song Left Unstarted (Gera...

By dmlitionkilljoy

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I promised her that I would do what makes me happy, and I did. And though she might be a secret to others, th... More

The Song Left Unstarted (Gerard Way)
Chapter 1 - The Starting
Chapter 3 - The First Night
Chapter 4 - The Weekend
Chapter 5 - Let's Start This Shit
Chapter 6 - I'm Okay, Trust Me
Chapter 7 - Tinnitus
Chapter 8 - Singing in the Shower
Chapter 9 - Funeral Blues
Chapter 10 - Mama
Chapter 11 - Mama (Cont.)
Chapter 12 - Home
Chapter 13 - Flushed
Chapter 14 - Nightmares
Chapter 15 - Doubt
Chapter 16 - Back To Our Runaway Island
Chapter 17 - Baby Teeth
Chapter 18 - The Last Night
Chapter 19 - Colliding Cars (Part 1)
Chapter 20 - Colliding Cars (Part 2)
Chapter 21 - Goodbye
Chapter 22 - "This World is Dark."
Chapter 23 - Helena
Chapter 24 - Frank.
Chapter 25 - I Lost My Fear of Falling
Chapter 26 - Summertime
Chapter 27 - Eulogy.

Chapter 2 - The Crow and the Jay

874 31 12
By dmlitionkilljoy

The plane ride was fucking shit, I had to fight the urge not to scream. I had to sit next to a kid, and he kept on asking about my hair, and if I was emo. Kids these fucking days, I swear they make me want to punch the living shit out of them. Anyway the plane was about 3 hours, but atleast I had my music.

I cried a few times, realizing that I had ied about how I forgot about highschool. I couldn't, I remember every fucking day. I remember how alone I was, I kept saying I was fine with that but I wasn't. I needed someone really badly. I wanted to talk to someone, I wanted to tell them what I was thinking every second of the day. I wanted just their presence, I wanted to feel like I was someone. No, I didn't want it, I craved it. I never had a boyfriend, I never had anyone to sit with during lunch, and I never had anyone invite me to their parties.

Even though I am super excited for this camp, I am terrified. I don't want to be alone, and how am I supposed to make friends if I never had one before. And what's worse is that we get our own rooms, and so it's going to be exactly like highschool, and exactly how I didn't want it to be like.

When I arrived in Jersey, I am greeted by a huge guy with sunglasses. He held up a board with my name on it. I was embarrassed at first, I didn't like having that much attention. Everyone kept on looking at me, it was probably the hair; a girl with firey red hair walking with a guy who looks like a body guard. You would definitely think that I was somebody.

I was led up to a huge black car, and taken straight away to the camp. No questions, no one said anything; and in return I didn't say anything either. I didn't want to, I was so scared.

When we arrived at the camp, well it wasn't really like a camp. It was a huge building. And a ton of people were walking inside. I still couldn't believe that I was accepted. I grab my bags, and thanked the guy who brought me here,

"Registrations are inside, you have to get your room key, and your courses. They will help you through anything, and if you need help bringing your bags up to your room I will be waiting here. Good luck, and I hope you enjoy your stay here. 3 months, its a long time. "

I nod at him and give him a quick smile. I walk into the building, and line up for registrations. It took about 30 minutes, as there were so many people. So many talented people, so many people that were exactly like me.

People still stared at my hair though. No one had dyed hair, I guess that made me special. I didn't feel specia thoughl. Then after the person infront of me leaves the line, I am greeted with a lady. She looks tired, and she must be. There most be hundreds of people here.

"Hello, welcome to New Jersey's Art Summer Course. You will be here for 3 months, please give me your name, age, birthday, and the courses that you have been selected to take part in." She recites, without looking up from her computer.

"Uh, Jade Lee Anderson, 18 years old, March 22 1977, and Painting, drawing and photography."As I said that the lady entered my information, and printed out a few papers.

"Okay Ms.Anderson, welcome to New Jersey! You start your courses on Monday, so you have the whole weekend off; you can decorate your room or hang out with your roommate. It doesn't really matter. Here is your schedule and your room key. You are in the building right next to this one, enjoy your stay!"

"Wait, I have a roommate? I thought everyone gets their own individual room?" I ask abruptly, my eye brows furrowing.

"Yes they do, but we have too many people enrolled this summer, and some of the rooms are closed. You are one of the few people who have to share, but your room is bigger than everyone else's and has more rooms. I hope it doesn't bother you. You can change if you would like, just let us know."

"Oh, um. Do you know who my roommate is?" I hope its someone cool, I can't stand sharing a room with someone I hate. And I don't want to seem rude so I don't want to change rooms.

"Im sorry, but your roommate hasn't registered yet, they will have the key to the room, so you can have it locked."

After that I left, took my bags and walked to the building next to the registration one.

Just like the lady said. My room was on the top floor, and it was huge. Bigger than I thought it was. All of my stuff had been sent from my house. So I picked a room and started to unpack. I played some Nirvana to get my mind off things. I wasn't really stoked on having a roommate, but the room was amazing so I guess I have to live with it. I hung up my posters, and my drawings; put all my clothes in the clothes and got settled in.

It was about 6 pm and I was getting hungry. So I walk to the kitchen. And there sitting on the counter was a guy. Pale, black hair, with hazel eyes.

He was stunning.

He was my roommate.

When he noticed me he stood up.

"Hi, I'm Gerard. Gerard Way. I guess I'm your roommate." He stook out his hand, he was pretty awkward. I guess I could live with that.

"Um hi, I'm Jade Lee Anderson, I'm sorry I didn't hear you come in. I was playing some music"

"Its fine, I love Nirvana," he said, and winked at me, "your hair is pretty cool, Jay. Can I call you Jay?"

"Um....okay? Only if I can call you... Crow, your hair reminds of the bird." I say, already weirded out by the fact that he was already on the nickname base. I never had a nickname.

He giggles, "Crow, never had someone call me that. Its cooln anyway I'm going to go unpack. Let's do something later Jay." And then he walked out of the kitchen and into his room.

"I swear Jade, if you fall for him I will slap you silly." I mutter to myself. 

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