Chapter 4 - The Weekend

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The next day the ringing of my phone wakes me. I rub my eyes, and stretch; my hands hit somthing soft, like a cheek. I get up and look around. I feel asleep on the couch, I feel asleep on Gerard.

 Oh my god, what kind of person falls asleep on someone you just met.

I get off the couch, quietly. I didn't want to wake him up. I walk to my room and get my phone, its 12pm. Damn, we must have stayed up late. I answer the phone to see that it's my mom calling.

"Hi mom, what's up?"

The voice of my mom almost instantly responds. "Hi honey! Your dad and I just wanted to check-up on you, just to see if you're okay or not..."

"Mom, its been a day. I'm not 10 you know, but thanks anyway. We're having fun here in Jersey-"

"We? Are you staying with someone? I thought you get your own individual rooms?" 

"Yea, they didn't have enough space; so a few of us have to share rooms. It's fine really, the place is great."

"Okay I guess thats good, introduce me to her sometime. Anyway have fun, I have to go grocery shopping now. Call me okay? Bye honey!" Then followed a beep.

"My roommate's a guy, mom" I say, even though the call ended. 

This isn't going to end well.

 My mom has always been protective over me with guys. "You'll just end up getting hurt, and I don't think you want that" she would say. I never had a boyfriend, or even a friend that was a guy. She just wouldn't allow it. She was going to freak out when she finds out my roommate is a guy. She'll make me move out, change rooms. I don't want to do that, Gerard and I are just starting to become friends. But I don't want to hide Gerard from her...

"Good morning Jay, you woke up before me, huh?" a voice says behind me. When I turn, leaning against the door frame is a messy haired Gerard. 

"Hi Gee, my mom called to check up on me. Sorry if I woke you, didn't mean to."

"Nah, its fine. It's already noon, and I'm starving. Let's go out for some lunch, later." 

I nod, and he leaves to his room. I get up off my bed and walk to my bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror.

I look like shit.

My eyeliner was smudged from last night, it looks like I have terrible bags. My hair is everywhere, tangled too. The sight of me was truly unacceptable

 God you're ugly. 

I step away from the mirror, take off my clothes and hop into the shower. I turn the heat up, and sit down in the tub. I think about last night, and what I told Gerard. I think most of the thing he said to me, "It's okay to not be okay Jay." What did that mean? Of course its not okay. I rub my eyes, and get up. I wash myself quickly and get out of the shower. I was really hungry. I blow dry my hair, and brush my teeth; I spend about 10 minutes to get my hair untangled. It hurt like hell. I get changed into a shirt that says "I'm a Pepper", it was my dads, and my favorite shirt. It was red, it went well with my hair. I put on some black jeans, and my converse. I then put on some eyeliner and I'm done. 

When I walk into the living room, Gerard is already there. 

"Oh woops, did I take a long time? I'm sorry," I say. Gerard turns his head, gets up off the couch and walks toward me,

"Nah its fine, I was only waiting for a few minutes. Anyways, where do you wanna go to eat?" He asks, wrapping his arms around my waist. It was weird at first, but I guess it was okay. I mean I did cry my heart out in front of him, so I guess we were kind of close. 

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