Chapter 18 - The Last Night

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0 Days Left, 12 Hours Before

We promised each other that we wouldn't cry.

It was our last night together in the Summer Course. We both know that this wouldn't be our last night, because it won't. We will see each other again. Even though that this would be our last day together for a long time, we didn't do anything special. For us, we spent it like a normal Saturday. We woke up, ate breakfast, did our final packing, watched TV, drew, and slept. It was around 6 pm, and we were both cuddled up in the couch. Gerard was still sleeping, and I had just woken up from my nap.

I didn't want to wake him, but I didn't want to get up, so I unwrap myself from his arms and face him. He looks so peaceful, so calm. I run my fingers through his messy and tangled hair, pushing out the strands that were on his face. I touch his cheeks, and feel the softness of his crooked lips, the ones that I have kissed so many times before. I move to his shoulders, and down his arm. Smiling when seeing the faded words on his forearm, remembering the first time we did that, and how we rewrote it everyday. I softly touched his hands, working my way up and down his fingers; soon lacing them with mine. When I did, I hear him breathe heavily and I look up, his eyes flicker open. I squeeze his hand, and he squeezes mine.

"How long have you been watching me?" He asks, voice groggy.

"I just woke up." I answer, quietly.

He smiles, and I return it with a quick kiss on his lips. In the back of my mind, I realize that this could be one of the last times I get to kiss him.

"So what do you want to do?"

" you want to order some pizza?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

He nods, "Could be one of our last times, right?" I nod back, with a pained smile.

We get up from the couch, and stretch.

"Hey! That's my shirt you're wearing." I say pointing at the red 'I'm a Pepper' shirt, that had once been my dads.

Gerard looks down at what he's wearing, "Oh I didn't realize, must of took it when doing the laundry," he says with a stifled laugh, "do you want it back?"

I shake my head, "Nah, it looks cuter on you anyway.' I answer back, messing up his hair.

He laughs, and walks to the phone. I walk back to my empty room, and go to my closet. In it, is the painting that I had finished. Giving this to him had been on my mind the whole day, and now I can finally do it. I smile looking at it, it's the best thing that I have ever painted and I am happy that I would be giving it away. I couldn't express how much he meant to me in words, and so I did it with paint. I run my fingers through the canvas, touching the dry paint. I hear footprints coming closer to my door, and I quickly put it back into my closet. When the footprints stop, Gerard knocks on the door and enters my room.

"Pizza should be here soon." He says.

I nod, and we both get on the bed. There was nothing to do in my room now that it was empty, but we did this every Saturday; and we were going to do this for our last. He wraps his arms around me, and I get closer.

"I still can't believe it's the end." He whispers.

I look up, and shake my head. "Not the end of us, but the summer."

He sighs, and nods in agreement. We knew that it would be hard for us when we went to college. But it wasn't impossible. We both know that this was something we couldn't give up. It was meant to be, it seems stupid saying it, I know; but it is, even people at the Summer Course agree. I remember all the times people would come up to us, and tell us that we were perfect together. We were like two kids in love, but this love would last.

"You'll tell me right?" I ask, after a period of silence.

Gerard looks at me, confused. "Tell you what?"

"If you meet another girl."

He looked at me with furrowed brows. "No," he says shaking his head, "because I never will."

I smile at him, wishing that it was true. Doubt was overcoming me, and it was eliminating every thought of us being together in the future.

I look at the spot where all the Poloroid pictures were, and remembered the day we took them down. I still remember each one. It was sad taking them off the wall, it seemed like they were meant to be there; it was there home, it was our home. I didn't want to leave, but it was too late. Our time was up.

The doorbell rang, the pizza had arrived. We both untangle ourselves, and Gerard walks out of the room. I decide to take out the painting again. I was going to give it to him now, I was running out of time. I hold the big canvas behind me, the painted side facing the other way. I wait until he returns. Soon, Gerard comes in with a box of pizza in his hand; when he sees the canvas, a look of confusion spread on his face.

"What's that?" He asks, pointing to what's behind me; he puts the pizza down on the bed.

I give him a small smile. "A thank you present." I answer, bringing the painting out from behind my back.

Gerard's mouth drops open, and he slowly takes the painting from my hands. I watch him look at every part of my, his, painting. He stares at it for awhile, and I start to see tears escape from his hazel eyes. I've never seen him cry.

"We promised each other that we wouldn't cry." I joke.

Gerard looks up at me. " I know," he says, wiping of his tears, " I'm sorry."

I smile at him, and he smiles back. He puts down my painting, and walks over to hug me.

"Thank you, Jade. It's perfect. I love it." He whispers into my ear.

I nod, "Thank you Gerard. Thank you for being my friend." I whisper back.

"Thank you for letting me be your friend."

Gerard then walks out the room, and quickly returns with a canvas. I smile at the fact that we both painted each other something. He hands me the canvas, and like him, my mouth drops open. It's so beautiful, it's us. I remember this. Painted on the large canvas was us sitting on the floor, leaning on the door that was separating us, our hand held under the small spacing.It was the first time we had told each other that we loved each other. It was when my Grandma died, and it was the week Gerard had been ignoring me. I stared at it for a long time. The way he painted himself was different, he was crying. I didn't know how he looked like at the time, the door was separating us; but I never thought he would be crying. I was crying too, but he did it in a way that it made me look like I was trying not to.

I felt a hand touch my cheek, and wipe away the tear that had escaped my eye.

"It's amazing.' I say, smiling at him.

He nods, and he leans closer to kiss me. This kiss would be one I could never forget. We were both crying, but quietly. I felt his tears drop onto my cheeks, and run down my face. My eyes were closed, but the tears would not stop. When we pulled back from the kiss, our faces were wet from each other's tears.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

I look back to our first night. How I had cried onto his shoulder. Back then, I wouldn't think I would ever say those words to anyone ever. And now, I can't imagine not saying them. Those words were only meant for one person, Gerard.

We put our paintings aside, and jumped on the bed. We tangled ourselves together, and ate our pizza. We talked about all the memories. We laughed, and sometimes we did end up crying; but it was okay, we were crying because we were happy. Our last night together consisted of pizza, laughing, taking and kissing. We kissed a lot, they were mostly quick kisses, but we snuck a few long kisses in.

It was around 1 am when we finally slept.

Wrapped around Gerard's arms and warmth, I slept well.

I was safe.

I was loved.

And I didn't cry.


It's not over yet, obviously. I think the story will have around 20-30 chapters.

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