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Hello! It's me, I just wanted to make an "Extras" chapter thing. I'm just going to be talking/writing about some ideas that didn't make it on to the story, how I got the idea, and random facts and shit because I'm very bored and I have loose papers everywhere. I have about 3 sheets of paper full of ideas, and before I throw them away, I'd like to share them. You don't have to read this, I just wanted to make a fun little chapter.

1. How I got the story/came up with it.

I was basically just singing in the shower, and I was like "Hey, it'd be pretty cool if I wrote a story about a song that was never finished." It was really never going to be a fanfic actually, but I loved the song "Helena" so you know, boom, there it is. I was also very interested with Gerard's depression because he never really talked about it a lot, you know, like why he felt like it; so I thought it'd be pretty cool if I made a story about it. I kinda call this story a prequel. Anyways, I got kind off the main idea, and some different points, and I just rolled with it. I winged the first couple of chapters, and while I was writing them, a lot of ideas came with it.

2. Ideas that never made it

- Jade's parents were going to be divorced

- Jade was going to take Gerard to her old high school, and that would be the origin of the song "Teenagers

- Gerard was going to introduce Jade to his family 

- Frank was going to be the only one who knew about Jade

- Gerard never told Lindsey

- Frank was going to ask Gerard if they ever had sex (immature Frankie tsk tsk)

- Jade was going to dye her hair back to a normal brown during the week of him ignoring her

3. Facts

- Jade's name was going to be "Hailey", but later got changed after the bird idea (which came from Gerard's twitlonger)

- The song that Jade was singing in the shower was originally "Welcome to the Black Parade."

- Instead of being hit by a car, Jade was originally going to be on the World Trade Center during 9/11 (Changed because I thought it'd be pretty funny because the lyrics in Helena are, "When both our cars collide) 

- The voice that Gerard heard before he tried to kill himself could be Jade (You can choose, just note that he was drunk and drugged up)

- Instead of 'engaging' to Jade in the hospital, the original idea was that Gerard was going to put a ring on her finger during the funeral (open casket)

- The last chapter, and the epilogue are mainly written by Gerard (twitlonger) I edited it up a bit to fit the story better.

I've got more but I don't think you care about them.

Anyways goodbye! I have homework to do, and stories to write. This was my first fic, and I'm pretty proud how it turned out, (Not the beginning though, the end). Surprised that this has 1K reads though..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2014 ⏰

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