Chapter 1 - The Starting

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[Hi this is future me, my writing is very sucky for the first couple of chapters, but it gets better.
- Hi, this is future-future me, and I must warn you that this is terrible and I suggest that you should put this down right away, I don't know how this got reads, or votes but I'm not very proud of this-]

"Jade dear, wake up. You have to leave soon, it's camp day."

I open my eyes immediately, and look around. My mom is sitting on my bed, and packed bags are spread around my very small room.

I close my eyes, and groan. "Thanks mom, I'll be ready in 30 minutes"

My mom nods, and leaves the room. She's nervous, I could tell. I never really been alone somewhere my whole life. Apart from school, my parents have always been there. I guess you could say that they are the only people who could stand me. I don't have any friends at school, well, I never had any friends at school. School was a blur to me, and even though it had ended a few days ago I couldn't remember any of it. Besides, its not that I want to anyway. I was just the invisible girl no on had noticed, and if they did notice; it was because of my hair. I had dyed it a firey red, for attention, I was so sick of being unrecognized. I thought that people would think it was cool, and start talking to me. Turns out everyone thought it was weird, and made fun of it.

"It looks like she dyed it with her period blood!" The girls would say. I didn't mind really, I thought it looked awesome. Yeah, it did hurt awhile, but I grew used to being made fun off. My hair complimented my very pale skin, and contrasted my icy blue eyes. My parents never agreed with my hair style, but I kept my grades up high and they stopped caring.

During my school days I never went out of the house. I would stay in my room all day drawing and listening to music. Music was my favorite thing, it kept me going. Obviously no one really liked the music I listened too. They were all caught up with their stupid pop songs, while I was obesessing over Nirvana, Blink, and Iron Maiden. Anyways, I guess that was me during highschool, or school in general. Yea its pretty cliche, but whatever atleast it's over. And I can start being someone, I can start being me.

I get up and take quick shower.

The hot water felt so nice against my skin that I never wanted to get out. But because of my excitement I did. I brushed my teeth and blowdried my hair at the same time, and got dressed. I threw on a Nirvana t-shirt that I had made myself, and some black skinny jeans. I put on my black converse, and put som black eyeliner on the lower lashline.

I spent the rest of my time checking if I had all my stuff packed. I was so excited, I was going to a art camp in New Jersey. It was for people who are very skilled at the arts. I was so suprised when I had been accepted. I like to paint, but I also enjoy drawing and taking photos, but I never thought they were any good. This was my first time being away from my parents. I was an adult now, and I couldn't get over it.

When it was time for me to go, I picked up a black hoodie and left my room; and all the memories with it. I went downstairs grabbed the peanut butter sandwhich that my mom had mad me, said goodbye and took a taxi to the airport. And it a few short hours, I would arrive to New Jersery, and I would become the person I've always wanted to be.


I hope you guys enjoyed it! I had a lot of fun writing this first chapter. Gerard will be coming in the next one, I promise!!

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