Chapter 17 - Baby Teeth

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2 months later, 14 days left.

Time pased so quickly. We both had no idea that our time together was almost ending. The 2 months that we had spent together will be the best I have ever lived, and hopefully they won't be the last with Gerard. Being with someone that you love, and know that they loved you back is the best feeling; I've never felt anything better. The kisses that we have shared will be something I will never forget; the kisses that had started out simple and soft, and moved on to passionate, longing ones. He was my first love, but I knew that we were meant to be; we both knew.

The actual Summer Course has been fun too. I actually did make a few friends, I will never be as close to them as I am with Gerard; but they were still friends. I was almost done with the painting I had done for him, my thank you gift. I hope he loves it, because it's going to be hard for me to give it away; I want to keep it myself. I added a few things to it too, just things that only Gerard and I could understand; the course teacher didn't like it, he had said that it ruined such a beautiful realistic painting. For me, this painting was me summing up everything that had happened this summer; the main thing, the birds. It was Gerard and I the first time we met, the Crow and the Jay; our nicknames. All around the canvas were little parts of our friendships, the things that had brought us together. I loved it.

It was a Saturday afternoon, we were both in our rooms. The Summer Course had advised us to start packing up our things and so we did, and it was sad seeing everything go. This to me, was my real home; this was where I had finally found myself. I had packed most of my stuff, clothes and a few art supplies were the only things that I kept out. The walls were empty, well almost empty. I brought my Poloroid with me and had bought more film, and through the course of 2 months we have taken as many pictures as possible and they were still all on my wall. On each of them, they had either my name or Gerard's name scribbled on it; those were the ones that we wanted to keep. There was only one picture that had no name on it, the one that we both wanted; the kiss. Even though we had tried to replicate that photo, it never worked; the one that we had taken would be the best one. I love staring at it, just admiring how we both looked; our eyes were closed, the flash had made our skin so pale that it seems that we were connected, my red hair stood out, it was vibrant and it made Gerard's hair seem even darker. There was something I loved about that photo, the purity of it. It wasn't staged, it was in the moment.

Someone knocked on my door, it was Gerard.

"Come in!" I called out.

I turn and I see Gerard, with a box of pizza; it had become an unspoken tradition that every Saturday became pizza night. We would order pizza, and stay in my room. It was fun, but we were getting sick of the cheap pizza.

"Pizza!" he runs to the bed, throwing the pizza box onto it first, "I'm hungry, let's eat."

I laugh at his childish remark, and join him on the bed. We each take a slice and start eating.

Gerard looked around my room. "Wow, it's really empty."

'Yeah, it sure is. Gonna miss it here, a lot." I say, swallowing a bite of pizza.

"Mhmmm." I look to see Gerard, his mouth is full of pizza. He still looked so cute, like a little kid. We both acted like it. I gave him a big smile, and as always he returned with a bigger one; this time, his mouth was full of pizza.

"Aw, I've never noticed your teeth," I say, Gerard instantly starts to blush, "they look like baby teeth."

He quickly drops the pizza in his hand and covers his mouth. I feel bad right away, he must not like it when people say that. They were cute though, it added to the childish aspect to him. He was still perfect.

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