Chapter 20 - Colliding Cars (Part 2)

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Gerard's POV 

Due to my plan's with Jade, I wake up fairly early. Being that today is in fact a Sunday, I should be sleeping in, but here I am making breakfast at 9 am in the morning. We didn't have any set plans, but we were going to meetup as soon as we both had woken up. Because of that, I had my phone with me wherever I went.

Jade coming here, is a dream come true, for both of us; over the course of six years her ever leaving Jersey was becoming less capable. All of out jobs got in the way, and soon we stopped trying. And I felt bad for her, I know how much she wants to be here and I know much she deserves it. It killed me seeing her give up. Because seeing her again made me remember how much fun being young was, having a job really crushes the light in your life. Deadlines, bosses, bills, you can't have a lot of fun. There's no time for fun. 

When the microwave dings, I take my leftover chicken and walk to my living room. I sit down on the small couch, and turn on the television. Jade would be calling soon, so I start eating. Because it is this early in the morning, it plays the local news, having nothing else to do, I don't switch channels. I eat my breakfast as I watch a lady tell me about a robbery, and a person getting mugged. In New York, these things are pretty common, so I'm not surprised; and the lady isn't too, with a monotone voice she reads out each bad thing on her sheet of paper. 

Soon, the phone in my pocket starts ringing. Filled with excitement, I take it out and answer right away, already knowing that it's Jade.

"Hey, Jade! You ready for today?" I beamed into my phone.

The voice on the other end was not understandable at first. It was a lady, she was saying something, but her sobs and heavy breathing made it hard to make out. I check the caller I.D, and it reads, Jade. I am soon filled with confusion, and nervousness. 

"Gerard, it's not Jade," a sob escaped the lady's mouth, "it's her mom, Violet, I'm so sorry Gerard, something happe-"

My mouth drops open, hearing her mother's sobs, something bad happened, something happened to Jade. I put one hand on my head, gripping my hair, and look around the room. The headline on the TV screen caught my eye.

Young Women, Early Twenties, Severely Injured by Alleged Drunk Driver.

My eyes go wide, and I stop breathing. I stop listening to her mom, dropping my arm from my ear, and take interest into the news reporter, 

"Last night, around 8 pm, an alleged drunk cab driver, ran into an young girl, in her early twenties. She suffers severe head damage, and has been rushed to the local, Lower Manhattan hospital. She has now been identified, and family is with her. The cab driver also has some injuries due to the crash, but not as severe as the victim. He is n-"

I can't speak, I am in loss for words.

I can't feel anything too, all the emotions inside have mixed into a big ball of unsurity. I can feel my heart beating loud, and fingers starting to shake. I take a deep breath, and close my eyes.

God dammit Jay, I should have walked you home. 

She'll be fine, she always gets better. I think.

"I'm. On. My. Way." I stutter, when I bring the phone back to my ear.

I quickly run to my room, to get my bag; and I get the fuck out of my apartment.


When I arrive at the hospital, her mom is waiting for me in the lobby. She wipes off her tears, and waves at me, and wraps me in a hug.

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