Chapter 5 - Let's Start This Shit

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I woke up at 6 in the morning. I push my hair back, and get up. It's the first day of the Art Summer Course, and I am very nervous. I hear some rattling in the kitchen,

Gerard must have woken up early.

 I walk into the bathroom and do my reguar morning shit, nothing special. I change into white blouse, and a black vest over it, and with it my black jeans. I tie my hair back into a messy low bun, I was going for the messy artist look. I don't think I pull it off well. I put on some makeup, pack my bags with sketchbooks, pencils, my camera, and some money. Its around 6;30 when I walk out of my room.

I approach Gerard, he's in a more casual outfit, just a black t-shirt and jeans. He had a bowl of cereal in front of him, and was reading a comic book. He looked up once her heard me walk out of my room.

He looks at me and a little smile forms onto his lips, 

"Why hellloo Jade, you look beautiful today."

I feel my cheeks turn pink, "Oh shut up Gee, I just want to make a good impression today." I say, as I sit across from him on the kitchen counter. He chuckles, and continues to read his comic.

"So what subject course do you have first, Jay?

"Painting," I say I had memorized my schedule yesturday, "what about you Crow?"


"Oh" I mumble. I was really nervous because I don't have my courses with Gerard. I don't think I could do it all by myself. I hope I make friends, but I know I won't. I don't even know if Gerard likes me, I mean we're roommates so I guess we have to be friends. But I don't know if we actually are. I bet he thinks I'm weird. After finishing our breakfast, Gerard and I head to the main building. We then go off to our seperate classes. It kind of felt like school.

 I don't know if I like that or not.

My Painting class was cool, I guess.

Everyone is so talented, everyone but me. I don't think anyone liked me though, everyone stared at my hair. Which was weird. I mean we are in an art school, a school full of creative and unique people. I don't see how my hair was weird at all. Even the teachers thought it was weird. The painting class was about 4 hours long, and we kind of jumped into our project as soon as we finished introducing ourselves. We bascially just got to paint whatever we wanted, and we would just get tips from the teacher. It wasn't really fun, no one talked. But I guess that was normal. At first I didn't know what to draw, but then I just drew what I had drawn the other day. I drew the Crow and the Jay. It took awhile to perfect since it was on a very big canvas, but it turned out well. I spent the rest of the time painting. I didn't get a lot of stuff done, even though it was 4 hours of working time. I wanted it to be perfect. It was going to be for Gerard.

When it was lunch break, I ate alone. I figured Gerard had made some friends in his Cartooning class, so I didn't look for him or anything.

When I looked around the cafeteria, I noticed a lot of people were sitting alone too. I guess a lot of people don't have a lot of friends here. I got out my sandwich that I had made myself yesturday, and ate that while I drew in my sketch book.

I started to draw a man and a woman, on the brink of kissing. Their eyes closed shut. When I looked at it, I felt like there was something missing. My sketches always have some sort of story, this one didn't. Soon, I pulled out my colored pencils, and used a crimson red colour. Blood, some sort of story was begining to form.

"Hey Jay, whatcha drawin'?" said a familiar voice.

I look up to see Gerard putting his bags down and sitting next to me. I was surprised, I thought he would forget about me. 

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