Chapter 26 - Summertime

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"You sure you want to use this song?"

I nod, "Yes."

Ray, and Frank look at each other; and back to the CD in their hands. Their faces both show unsurity, the song that was held between them was unlike any song that we had released before; it was because it wasn't them that wrote the song, it was Jade and I. In their hands was the song that we had written together in Summer Camp, it was the song that we used to write the lyrics on our arms, it was the song that had been stored away in a little cardboard box for 15 years.

Ray takes the CD and puts it back into the player, soon the room is filled with lyrics that had been written by Jade and I. It was mellow, and sweet, unlike the rough and hard songs that we were used to writing. The instruments were played softly and out of tune, and my voice sounded terrible.

"Uh, it'll sound better when we record it. It's pretty old this song." I say, scratching my head. The two guitarist nod and continue listening to the song. When it comes to an end, Frank gets up and grabs the acoustic guitar that had been leaning on the wall.

"It's pretty different to our normal stuff, but I think it'll sound nice. I've got an idea of what I could play." He says, sitting back down and positioning his fingers on the fret board. He starts strumming a melody, and humming while figuring out his part.

"When did you write this song anyway?" Ray asks, "you sound really young in this." He says, pointing at the CD player.

"Around 15 years ago? I recorded it during art school, and I wrote it during the Summer Course. I had a couple of people play the instrumental. "

Frank stops playing, and his eyebrows furrow. " The art summer course?" He asks, raising his eye brow, I nod at him. "Yeah, I wrote it with Jade."

"Oh, that makes more sense. The songs too...soft for you." He says jokingly, Ray starts laughing, nodding his head in agreement. They start talking about chords, and tabs that I didn't understand; I start looking at the sheet of lyrics that was on the table, and start fixing it up a bit.

"What's the song called?" Ray asks, after a while.

"Um..." I pause, it didn't have a name. We never thought of a good one...

I quickly say the first thing that comes to mind.


Frank nods, and scribbles what seems to be the title on the piece of paper in front of him. He then, with the help of Ray, continue to work on the guitar part.

I smile at myself, happy with the title of the song. It was perfect, it was simple, but it wraps up what the song is about; our summer. It was about us, planning to get away, us trying to escape. It was a big "Fuck you" to the future, from us. A simple love song, but with a big story behind it.

It had been a long road since 2004.

First of all, I finally got clean and sober; and surprisingly the band stuck with me through the whole time. And with that, even Lindsey stuck with me; we got married, and believe it or not, started a family. A little beautiful girl called, Bandit Lee Way. Lindsey agreed to the name that Jade and I thought of, and I couldn't be happier. Though this is our child, I try to incorporate Jade in to my life as much as possible. I've accepted her death, but now I'm trying to live life for her. Jade will never get to raise a child, but she sure as hell can watch me; from up above she can watch me raise the beautiful child that we always had dreamed of having.

The band was now in the midst of making a new album. The album that we had made after 'Three Cheers of Sweet Revenge', had been a big hit. It was the first album that wasn't entirely about Jade, but more about death, loss and regret. It was me accepting her death, some of the songs were about her but they were in a good way. I was letting her go, I finally understood that it wasn't my fault that she had died. Soon after that, we tried to make a new album. It was hard, I couldn't write any songs. Unlike the last one where I had accepted her death, and had written about it; this time, I had merely made the songs about me trying to forget her. I ignored every song that became about Jade. I thought that it would be easier if I finally get over her, and continue writing about things that people could relate more too; not some 24 year old girl's death, no one would care.

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