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It had been five days since the official break up of the band.

We lasted for a year though, we tried making an album; but in the end, I was right. It didn't work out, we had no message. 

I woke up, still dreaming, or not fully aware of myself just yet. The sun poked through the windows, touching my face. Sadness overcame me as I realized that My Chemical Romance had ended.

Being the only one awake, I stepped outside, leaving the door open behind me. I looked around and began to breathe. Things looked the same, it was a beautiful day. 

As I turned to step back into the house I heard sound from within the house. A chirp and a rustle. And I noticed a small blue bird, with vibrant red feathers had flown into the library.

A jay.

I stood in awe, catching the true beauty of the bird. And soon, I found myself smiling, as it had brought back memories, good memories that is.

Naturally, I panicked. I knew I had to see the bird to safety and I knew I had to retain the order of things in our home, and the bird very well couldn’t take up residency with us. I chased it into my office, where I have these very large windows.

Just then, and luckily, I heard Lindsey’s footsteps coming down the stairs, and naturally being composed as she is, she grabbed a blanket and stepped into the office. We smiled at the sight of the bird, as she knew who it had reminded me off.

The jay was impossible to catch, and I began to open the windows, via Lindsey’s direction, only to find out they were screened. The bird began to fly into the glass, over and over and in all different directions. The noise of the bird smacking onto the glass filled the room. 

I heard another set of footsteps, Bandit’s, running down the stairs in anticipation of the new day. Her entrance into the situation caused just the right amount of chaos (she was very excited to meet the bird) and we found ourselves chasing the bird into the living room. Knowing that this where it could potentially get sticky, being the high ceilings and the beams to perch on, I opened the front door as Lindsey did her best to encourage my friend out the door. After some coaxing, flying, chirping, a wrong turn back into the library and a short goodbye to Bandit, she simply hopped out the front door- taking off on the fifth leap. 

We cheered. 

I then, walked to the door, coffee in hand. I took a sip, as I watched the little blue bird fly out. It flew around in circles, and I watched how it's red feathers were bright in the sunlight.

Go on my little Jay.I'll be with you soon, I promise.

The bird took it's cue, and flew into the sky. I smiled, as I closed the door. 

I was no longer sad.

The Song Left Unstarted (Gerard Way)Where stories live. Discover now