Chained In Red (BoyXBoy, Vamp...

By Aramyst87

90.1K 4.2K 590

"Alvin! Kenny!" I called out, hearing more footsteps move from one place to another. Some idiot was moving ar... More

1| Emergency
3| Capture
4| Cadell
5| Blood
6| Deal
7| Midnight Chills
8| Jealous Hunger
9| Defend Me
10| Keep Me Warm
11| Clean
12| Bedtime
13| You Hurt Him
14| I Will Kill You
15| You're to Blame
16| My Heartbreaker
17| Killing Me
18| Kiss me?
19| Just Like You
20| Sleep With Me
21| Just a Taste
22| Liar-Liar
23| I Hate You
24| I'll Defend You
25| Fear of Him
26| White Fanged Monster
27| Don't Tattle On Me
28| He's Coming For Me
29| Bleeding Out For You
30| Where Are You?
31| Captured By The Past
32| Runaway From Home
33| Deadly Like a Loaded Gun
34| Smile for Me, and I'll Go
35| Welcome to the Team
36| Play Time
A/N 2

2| Attack

4.5K 221 17
By Aramyst87

"What? What are you talking about Damien!?" Adam asked, his voice seemed panicked just as well as mine, he sounded like he was searching through folders and drawers frantically. I felt unnerved...

"I-I said-" I was suddenly cut off by the PA system cutting off, I was so confused and panicked at the same time. What was going on!? Where did I have to be?! I gulped, about to leave the room when the PA system came on and Adam's voice became echoing up and down the nearby hallways all around me.

"Attention all VEP, this is not a drill. I repeat- THIS IS NOT A DRILL. Get to your stations immediately." Adam ordered, quickly after he said that, I heard heavy footsteps making their way down the hallways. I couldn't tell how many pairs there were, it sounded all rushed.

I have to get to my station...

I took off running down the hallway, my feet hitting the hard floor quickly, the echoes boy bounced off the walls about a hundred times as I spun around the corner, jumping up the stairs to the roof. Where my station was.

I was panting, my eyes wide as I sped past the small weapon room that we had. It had weapons practically everywhere mostly because nobody had enough thought to pick up after themselves. You could find just about any type of weapon in there, axes, knives, daggers, guns, missile launchers, bombs, ect.

We would do anything to get rid of them. To eradicate them from our world.

I grabbed my sniper rifle from my back, it was latched on with a small special type of clip, it was strongly attached but easy to take off. I held it in front of me as I looked down, my four different types of daggers dangling from my VEP belt.

We needed to be prepared after all.

I stood on my spot- which was on the roof. A small spray painted DM in red was on the ground, marking where I was supposed to be. I was aiming with my gun, glancing around at what was below me, I was panting softly.

...Holy fuck I never realized how many flights of stairs I sprinted up...

After looking around for a few minutes, I felt confused, raising an eyebrow a little as I moved the gun down. If there was supposed to be a wave of them coming, where were they? We would be able to see and hear them...

Unless they got sneaky...

Suddenly, something sounded like an explosion, I looked over at the horizon- where the sun was slowly setting. I had seen smoke slowly rise from above, what the hell was going on over there?

The Earth suddenly shook, the ground moving aggressively. I lost my footing and fell to my ass, looking up at the massive tidal wave of vampires approaching fast from the smokey horizon.

Fuck... there's so many of them...

I quickly grabbed my gun, my hands were shaking. I wasn't given any orders to shoot... what the hell was I supposed to do... Adam, please come on the PA and give me an order to shoot... I don't want to mess up... I don't want to die...

I watched as the wave got bigger and bigger- closer and closer each second, each moment, each minute. Adam... just... one sign...

The wave had hit the city now, the vampires flooded the streets, starting to try to climb up the buildings. Not many succeeding and others were.

Just then, the PA came on. Adam's voice echoed through the entire VEP building as he yelled.


I then reloaded my gun, aiming and firing a few times. I shot many in the heart just by lucky chance, the other bullets I had shot missed, and bounced off the ground, disappearing. I don't think they hit anything.

I could care less, as long as it didn't hit any of my teammates. Fuck... I need to find Kenny and Alvin...

The wave of vampires only seemed to be growing higher and higher, this never happened before. The waves had never been so big before, usually they were just small groups, but I guess they've gotten smarter over the long years, eh?

"Alvin! Kenny!"

I called out, hearing more footsteps move from one place to another. Some idiot was moving around... I couldn't see them...

"Alvin?" I asked, my eyebrow raised a little in confusion. I was looking in the direction of the footsteps, hoping they'd move again. "Alvin come here! What do we do now!? ALVIN!" I yelled, I glanced back at the wave of vampires still approaching. We were getting most of them, but they all were still coming closer each second.

When I looked back in Alvin's direction, it felt like a blur. Someone was standing in front of me, I hadn't even heard them move towards me.

"Alv-" I couldn't even finish my sentence, everything started to blur, then turn black.

And just like that, I fell unconscious.

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