By PurpleHoundour

110K 2.4K 446

Almost all her life the only thing Loxy Monroe ever felt was the needles being injected into her skin. Her po... More

Author's Note


5K 102 15
By PurpleHoundour

Loxy stumbled into the open night, gazing at the stars as she continuously rubbed her fingers against the bandage on her arms. Bellamy had walked off, probably back to his tent, leaving her to wander back to her favorite spot in camp. Only now it technically wasn't in camp because of the walls, just a few meters from the barrier.

Before she could make it however, a large screeching sound pierced the air, grabbing everyone's attention. Some had even woken up from it, creeping into the clearing to see what it was. Loxy managed her way to the front, tilting her head back to observe the sky.

"Bellamy, get out here!" Octavia called for her brother as she passed his tent. She stopped at Loxy's side, eyeing her before glancing at the sky as well. A strange object was plummeting through the sky, and Loxy knew it was an escape pod from the Ark before anyone else.

Footsteps sounded behind her, catching her eye. Bellamy joined them, except he was topless and showing off his toned upper body. Loxy bit on the insides of her cheeks as an unexpected pain passed through her. She knew exactly what it meant, for Bellamy to be shirtless. And her gut feelings were confirmed when Octavia gave her the same knowing look.

The worst part was watching as two girls draped in blankets staggered behind him. They held onto the cloth tightly, making sure it covered their half naked bodies.

She discarded it soon enough, as Octavia began to point at the escape pod which had just released a parachute.

"They're coming to help us!" A boy yelled. "Now we can kick some grounder ass." His string of words were followed by an enthusiastic cheer from the growing audience.

"Please tell me they brought down some shampoo," the dark haired girl that had followed Bellamy muttered.

Loxy felt a sudden wave of distaste at the girl. How could she be concerned about shampoo, when what they really needed was weapons?

Her eyes floated over to Bellamy, as they always did. All she could find was panic. Fear. She knew what he was thinking. If the Ark had sent backup, this could possibly be his last night on Earth.

Her stormy gaze didn't leave him as he plunged into his tent. She knew he wouldn't return after that. He would collect his gear and take off after the pod, which most likely had a radio.

But she didn't stop him. Not because she didn't want Octavia to lose her brother, but because she didn't want herself to lose the only thing she cared about now.

"C'mon!" Octavia's voice snapped her from her shaky thoughts, grabbing wrist carefully so that she wouldn't touch the wounds afflicted by Murphy. She began dragging her towards a tent, confusing her.

When they entered, Loxy's eyes widened in realization to see Bellamy discussing plans with someone. Of course. He couldn't leave until he made sure no one else was planning to.

"We should get moving. Everyone's ready," Octavia eyed her brother, clenching her jaw. She had matured slightly, that much was clear.

"No one's going anywhere. Not while it's dark, it's not safe," Bellamy decided, glancing at Loxy before moving his eyes to his sister. "We leave at first light, spread the word." His words sent his boys scrambling out the tent obediently.

"Everyone miles around here saw this thing coming. What if the Grounders get to it first?" Octavia stressed. "Bell, we should go now."

"I said we wait until sunrise," he growled sternly before leaving the tent, Octavia trailing after him.

Loxy lingered for a bit longer, losing herself to her pointless thoughts. Eventually she pushed herself outside again, making a beeline for Clarke and Finn who had just entered camp. "Did you guys see the pod? I wonder what's in it."

Clarke adjusted her grip on her bag, giving her a delicate smile. "Grab your stuff, let's go find out," she spoke with courage.

Loxy's heart sank, disappointed that it had to be her to deliver the news. "Bellamy said we wouldn't leave till dawn," she murmured, digging the toe of her boot into the soil.

"Where is he?" Clarke asked, her eyebrows touching in disbelief. She didn't wait for an answer and shrugged past Loxy, storming into his tent.

The dark haired girl complaining about shampoo earlier was back inside, putting her clothes back on. She snapped up when Clarke and Loxy ducked in. "Ever hear of knocking, bitch?" Her eyes were mainly focused on Loxy.

"You can't really knock on a tent," she pointed at, smirking in satisfaction when she saw the annoyance spread on her face.

Finn joined them shortly after, his eyes averting away from the two girls. "Oh great, it's a free show."

"Where's Bellamy?" Clarke demanded, getting straight to the point. The impatience in her voice was clear as she shifted her weight onto her leg.

"He took off a while ago. Why?" She responded, but her attitude showed she clearly didn't care.

"Gear's gone," Finn grumbled.

"He told everyone to stay. Whatever's in that thing he wants it. We've gotta get there first," Clarke spat, not waiting a minute longer to chat before leaving the tent.

Loxy didn't follow them, instead deciding to search for Octavia. She had also been displeased when Bellamy made the announcement that they would wait. If she knew her brother by just a sliver, she would know to go after him.

Just as she predicted, Octavia was grabbing a knife from the weapons table before storming towards a sideways exit of camp. It could've been the same one Bellamy used minutes ago to escape.

Loxy sprinted after her, feeling a surge of devotion to Bellamy's sister. "I'm coming with you," she confirmed, wrapping her hand around Octavia's bony arm. "I know Bellamy's gone. It'll be only a matter of time before he makes it to that escape pod."

Octavia looked her up and down for a uncomfortably long moment before giving her a curt nod. "Just make sure you can keep up," she uttered before squeezing through the exit.

Loxy followed with a roll of her eyes. If anything, Octavia would need to keep up with her. But she knew her rough exterior was only there to hide the worry she was feeling for her older brother right now.

They trekked through the forest in silence, doing their best to stay on his trail. Loxy could barely see the footprints marked in the earth, knowing they would be much more noticeable in daylight. The pace was picked up as dawn approached them, small beams of sunlight illuminating the undergrowth.

Loxy finally reached him just as the sky had turned a baby blue, one that reminded her of her eyes. He was jogging at a light speed, his heavy breathing showing that he had been running all night.

"Bellamy!" Octavia called out, her voice instantly making him halt.

His eyes, normally rough and folded around the edges, softened when they laid on her. Especially when he realized Loxy was next to her. "Go back to camp. It isn't safe," he attempted to dismiss them, looking back over his broad shoulder.

"You lied to everyone. You lied to me," Octavia breathed, a small portion of hurt in her voice. "You just want whatever's in that pod—"

"Just go home!" Bellamy rose his voice, placing his hand on her chest and firmly shoving her back and nearly into Loxy. His brown eyes were avoiding her however, his motive for doing so unknown.

"Always wanna play big brother huh?" Octavia spat, taking a few steps forward. "Well guess what? Jokes on me you're just a selfish dick," she hissed.

"I did this for you," Bellamy was quick to defend himself. "To protect you. If the Ark finds out we're alive they'll come down and then...I'm dead."

His two words sent bullets piercing Loxy's chest. She pursed her lips together, keeping quiet as the two siblings fought. It eventually led to Bellamy admitting that he shot Jaha, and Octavia running off in reaction to the news.

Loxy took a deep breath, focusing on the fresh air entering her system. She folded her arms and stepped towards him, eyeing the ground at their feet as she thought of what to say.

"I get it, Red. You're disappointed in me too," Bellamy snapped, his sharp edge making Loxy look at him.

"No, Bellamy. I think I'm one of the few people that actually understands. The pain of losing your brother, and not having him around to protect you anymore," Loxy shook her head slowly, watching as his eyes slowly fell in realization. "That would be torture to Octavia. Just go, and be quick. Because Clarke and Finn are coming."

Bellamy nodded quickly. "You sure you'll be okay getting back to camp?" He asked, a new hint of some unfamiliar emotion in his voice.

Suddenly, Loxy's mind jumped back to a few hours ago. When she watched Bellamy leave his tent without a shirt, sweat evident on his upper body and in his dark curls. Someone like that, someone who could sleep with two girls so carelessly, couldn't care about anyone. Not in the way she cared for him.

"You don't have to worry about me, Amy," she hissed, profound anger in her voice as she whirled around and stormed away. She retraced her steps, focusing on the vague footprints that belonged to her and Octavia.

It all happened too fast.

A hand clamped around her mouth, muffling her screams as two bulky arms wrapped around her abdomen and lifted her off the ground. She quickly flung him off her with her powers, sending him flying against a tree trunk.

The Grounder hit his head before sinking to the ground, revealing a pool of scarlet blood at the back of head. A voice suddenly barked orders in an unfamiliar language, and countless arms clawed at her limbs as they carried her. She screamed as she used her powers once more, sending a wave of energy strong enough to knock all five Grounders away from her.

A sharp prick in her neck made her yelp before her muscles immediately relaxed, and she felt herself swaying on her feet. She spun around to see a Grounder wearing tons of dark makeup glowering at her, a needle in his hand. "Son of a bitch," she snarled before feeling herself fall forward and into his arms, her entire world drifting to blackness.


When she woke up, the first thing Loxy felt was rope digging into her skin and the wood of the post she was tied to. She moved only to let out a whimper when it rubbed her raw skin, as well as the bandage that covered her wounds.

"She's injured. Leave her to me," a powerful feminine voice growled, making Loxy's head snap up. A female Grounder slowly approached her, the darkness in her eyes sending Loxy shrinking away. She began questioning if she should use her powers or not.

"I know all about you, Loxy," she snarled, tilting her head as she studied her more closely. "I know about your capabilities. The injection you were given prevents you from using them, so don't even think about it."

Loxy's breathing began to quicken, and she met the reckless gaze of the Grounder. "Who are you?" She asked, taken aback by how unsteady her voice was. "Where have you taken me?"

"I'm Anya. And you're at our camp, of course. Now I'm going to do something to you," she spoke in a low voice as she reached into her belt to pull out a large knife. "Something that will give your friends the message they need."

"Give me all you've got. The pain will mean nothing to me," Loxy spat, her spit flying into the woman's black hair.

At that, she completely unsheathed the knife. Using her other hand, she tore off her shirt to reveal her slender figure. Without hesitation, Anya began cutting deep into her skin, blood gushing out of each fresh wound and trailing down to her legs.

Loxy felt tears burn her vision as they spilled down her cheeks, but she held back her cries. Lifting her head up, Loxy closed her eyes and began to think about what could distract her. A certain pair of syrup colored eyes and a freckled face appeared.

When she looked back down, she couldn't even recognize herself. Her body was redder than her jacket, and she felt as though her limbs had been set on fire. Seeing that the pain was clearly not damaging her enough, Anya looked to her guards. "Unite her hands," she ordered.

Obediently, the two men cut the rope around her hands, but they only fell limply at her side. Anya grabbed her left one first, using the tip of the knife to pluck out each individual stitch, allowing blood to erupt from the reopened wound.

Loxy screamed harder than she ever had before, tears rushed down her face as she felt the pain completely consume her. Anya grabbed her chin and pulled her head down to look her in the eye. "Go. Home."

After hearing those two words, Loxy began to drift away from reality. Not before she could hear the arrows flying through the air, and the feeling of two arms freeing her and lifting her into the air. The last thing Loxy saw before she lost it was a Grounder carrying her through a long set of tunnels, an obvious message portrayed in his eyes.

He was saving her.

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