Crazily Married (Sequel to Cr...

By NoNotCarey_17

194K 8.9K 737

Genesis and Logan are married;Fast forward three years later, they are both their own bosses of very successf... More

Chapter#6- Genesis
Chapter#7- Logan
Genesis- Chapter #11
Chapter 12-Logan
Chapter 13-Genesis
Chapter#15-Genesis (Part One Of The Pregnancy)
Chapter 16-Logan
Chapter 17-Genesis
Chapter 18-Logan
Chapter #19-Genesis
Chapter 20-Logan
Chapter #21-Genesis ( Part 2 of the P
Logan Chapter #22
Genesis Chapter#23
Logan- Chapter #24
Chapter #25-Genesis
I Need Suggestions!!!
Sneak Peek In-Love With my In-Laws
Sneak Peek Decision Time!!
Chapter #26-Logan
Its Published!!!!
Chapter #27-Genesis
Chapter #28-The Meeting
Note From The Author

Sneak Peek of Four Senses

3.3K 202 11
By NoNotCarey_17

NOTE: So it's not confusing, whenever Raelynn's uses sign language it will be in bold.

"I'll see you, tomorrow Raelynn." Audrey smiles at me and drives away.
I lean against the front door of my porch and smile. Trying to desperately hold back the speeding up of my heart.
Before I unlock my door, I take off my hearing aides and drop them in my pocket.
I let the porch door close behind me and walk into the kitchen with a big smile on my face. I freeze when I see my father sitting there, talking on the phone.
I can see that he is angry; he was talking so fast I could barely read his lips.
"Lisa, these numbers don't make any fucking sense. Do you have Jamie's number? I swear she's a smart kid but she acts like a fucking ditz sometimes." He listens in the phone for a second.
"Yes, I talked to Genesis. Why would you think I haven't talked to Genesis? I live with her." One more brief pause, and he is speaking again:
"I don't care how you do it, Lisa. Fix it. You and Jamie, fix it."
He hangs up the phone, and looks up and sees me standing in the doorway. He smiles, his eyes crinkling on the sides. My dad, was my best friend.
Many people used to tell me as a kid, that I looked like him: With our identical blue eyes and dimpled smiles.
"Hey Rae-Rae," he says.
What are you doing home? I ask. He shrugs. Unlike mom, he didn't care whether Or not I used my words. As long as I was communicating was fine with him.
"I got sick of being at the office." He looks at something on his phone, before sliding it across the table, and meeting my eyes again.
"Everyone there was getting on my fucking nerves. It seems like no one knows how to do their job."
I smile. That's why you're the boss.
He smiles back. "I guess so." Then pointing to me, he adds: "Don't be a business owner. Do something creative, go into the arts."
I laugh, and nod. Will do, dad.
I go to the fridge and pour myself a cup of juice. Looking at my dad, as he sat at the table typing on his phone it was so unusual. So random for anyone to be home at normal hours. Maybe this was a sign. Maybe this was my chance to talk to him. In my head the ideal conversation would've been with both mom and dad, but if one of them was here now...
I put the juice away and take a sip from my cup before joining him at the table.
I tap his hand to make him look up from his phone.
"Wassup, honey?" He asked.
I wanna talk to you about something.
He grabs my cup of juice and takes a sip.
"Ok, about what?"
How do you know when someone likes you?
My dad shrugs. "That's easy. They'll tell you."
The simplicity of his words comforts  and frustrates me at the same.
Well what if they don't know how to tell you?
My dad shakes his head. "Nope, if someone likes you, they're going to tell you."
Never mind.
I get up from the table. I should've kept it to myself. So much for asking for advice.
"Hey," Dad looks up at me, his face wrinkled with concern. He points to the chair. "Sit down."
I hesitate.
He motions to the chair again.
I sit.
"What's this about?"
I decide to come clean.
I think I might like someone. And I think that someone might like me back.
My dad nods. "So what's the problem?"
Im not sure.
He smiles. "I could ask him for you."
I shake my head. He points at me.
"Do we need to have the birds and the bees talk? Because if so I think your mom should be here."
I shake my head really fast. No, Dad please none of that.
"Don't get pregnant. Sex is bad." He shrugs and point to me. "Not all bad.., obviously."
I laugh. Dad, please stop.
He laughs. "Ok. If you really want to know if someone like you do something, like draw them a picture, or write them a note and see how they feel."
I shake my head.
No she wouldn't like that.
My dad raises an eyebrow.
I freeze. My hands still raised to sign my next sentence. I swallow hard.
I meant he.
My dad nods and looks at me. "You know it wouldn't matter if it was a she right?"
I choke. I can't hide the way I feel on my face. I can't help the tears that run down my cheek.
"Awe, Raelynn." My dad says.
And that's when I knew it was serious when I saw my dad's lips mouth my whole name instead of the usual quick, "Rae."
He gets up, and pulls me into his arms. I cry in his chest, and he kisses me on the forehead. Pulling me back so that I could look at him, he asks.
"Does your mom know?"
I shake my head.
"I just want you to know, that there is nothing wrong with you. Not a thing. Do you understand?"
I nod.
He hugs me again and sighs. He looks at me again, and for a minute I think that he is going to say something meaningful but he just asks.
"What do you want for dinner?"
I sniffle. It's mom turn to cook.
We both make a face at each other, before laughing. It was a joke between us-my mom was a terrible cook.
He nods. "Yeah, go upstairs and relax and I'll start the noodles. I'll call you when it's done."
He turns and peers into the fridge.
I take a deep breath and go upstairs.
Feeling relieved.

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