Crazily Married (Sequel to Cr...

By NoNotCarey_17

194K 8.9K 737

Genesis and Logan are married;Fast forward three years later, they are both their own bosses of very successf... More

Chapter#6- Genesis
Chapter#7- Logan
Genesis- Chapter #11
Chapter 12-Logan
Chapter 13-Genesis
Chapter#15-Genesis (Part One Of The Pregnancy)
Chapter 16-Logan
Chapter 17-Genesis
Chapter 18-Logan
Chapter #19-Genesis
Chapter 20-Logan
Chapter #21-Genesis ( Part 2 of the P
Logan Chapter #22
Genesis Chapter#23
Logan- Chapter #24
I Need Suggestions!!!
Sneak Peek of Four Senses
Sneak Peek In-Love With my In-Laws
Sneak Peek Decision Time!!
Chapter #26-Logan
Its Published!!!!
Chapter #27-Genesis
Chapter #28-The Meeting
Note From The Author

Chapter #25-Genesis

4.3K 272 24
By NoNotCarey_17

"Well, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett , it appears that Raelynn is deaf." Our new pediatrician sits across from us looking at his clipboard. A name tag that read Dr. Dean hangs around his neck. "She failed even the basic of hearing tests on both ears, she doesn't respond to any noise."

"How could this have happened?" I ask, holding Raelynn tight to my chest while Logan sits quietly beside me. "How is it that none of the doctors picked up on this?"

"The doctor that helped you guys through the first stages of Raelynn's birth was Dr. Woodson, right?" He looks up at me. "Sorta a creepy Santa Clause looking guy?"
I nod. "Yes, I'm sorry what does this have to do with Raelynn and her hearing?"
"Well, the thing is Dr. Woodson is under investigation for making these kind of mistakes. In the last year and a half he is responsible for many misread tests that has to do with newborn babies. You guys are the fourth family to come in because with him misreading important tests, he gave the parents a false sense of security so they weren't able to provide proper treatment to the child early on. To prevent things like-" he points to Raelynn-"well official deafness."
"Let me get this straight," Logan's voice makes me jump. He had been silent since we arrived at the hospital . "You're saying that our daughter is deaf, because one of you guys doctors misread tests?"
"Well, no." Dr. Dean, adjusts his collar nervously. "Raelynn isn't deaf because of the mistakes that Dr. Woodson made. She's deaf because of the problems that were had during birth." He looks at me. "I am to understand that Raelynn was a breached baby, correct?"
I nod.
"However, if the proper tests were taken early on when Raelynn was an infant, we could've seen that she showed signs of deafness and would've been able to take preemptive steps to avoid it from worsening in the future. Usually, in small children, there's what is temporary deafness. The child may have trouble hearing in younger years, but there is a small window of opportunity, between the ages of 3 months-and a year old, where they can grow out of it as they get older, under a series of tests." He points to a chart on his clipboard with a graph. "Being as though Raelynn is 2 years old, the window for her to grow out of her deafness is passed. So she is, permanently deaf."
"So we can sue you guys, right?" Logan says. "You know, for fucking up the tests."
"W-well, yes, technically you guys can." The doctor fix his collar again. "But of course that's the last thing the hospital wants. Dr. Woodson had tenure at the hospital, and seemed to be battling alcoholism at the time when he made the mistakes on the tests. He's in rehab now and has had his license removed." He looks at us with  genuine concern. "I am truly sorry about the inconvenience. And want you to know that even though there is nothing that we can do to cure Raelynn's deafness, we will work with you guys both personally and financially to get Raelynn the help that she needs."
Logan sits back, and crosses his arms, before looking at me. I nod. "Well alright, we appreciate that, Doc."
"So what are our next steps, Doctor?" I ask.
"The next steps are to enroll yourselves and Raelynn into speech classes and American Sign Language classes." He hands both of us brochures. "Of course, due to the mistakes that has happened here they will be financed by the hospital."
"How could she be deaf?" I ask. "When I speak to her, she seems to respond."
"Toddlers have an inept ability to read their parents emotions, and Raelynn isn't any different. Though she may not hear what you are saying, she analyzes the situation based on your facial expressions. I.e, if your smiling at her, she'll act happy. If you are making silly faces, she's going to laugh."
He smiles at Raelynn, and as if to prove his point, Raelynn grins back.
"The best thing for you guys to do for Raelynn right now, is to treat her as normal. Take her to the speech classes so she can learn to read lips and speak, so these things won't be harder for her as she get along in her teen years. The sign language is essential as well, but make sure Raelynn is encouraged to use her words." He continues, then turns around and picks up a little box.
"There's one more thing." He opens it to reveal hearing aids. Handing it to me, he begins to explain. "These are going to become an essential part of Raelynn's learning. The transition to her being able to hear and understand the sounds that she is hearing, may be a rocky one. But it will be worth it and get easier as Raelynn gets older."
"When can we put them in?" I ask, examining the tiny earplugs.
"I don't see why we can't do it right now," the doctor says, and smiles. "You ready to see your daughter hear for the first time?"
I look at Logan and he smiles at me.
I hand him my phone. "This needs to be recorded." I say before turning back to the doctor. "Do I just put it in...Or?"
"Yup," he leans over and points out the shape of the hearing aide. "It's going to go in the way is shaped, it's cushioned so it should fit comfortably in her ear. You guys will have to come every two months to replace them or to make sure that they are still working properly." He shrugs. "Other than that you are good to go." He motions me towards Raelynn.
"Mom, would you like to do the honors?"
I nod and walk over to Raelynn. She looks up at me, her blue eyes such a sharp contrast to her honey skin, stares up at me inquisitively. Her dark curly hair already stopped at her shoulders. I lean forward and brush a curl out of her face. She grins.
Very carefully, I tilt her head and place one of the hearing aides in her ear.
Raelynn squirms, and reach to touch it, then shakes her head again. I wait until she stops and put the other aide in her ear.
She stops moving,immediately
Her little face wrinkles up. She knew there was something different.
I turn to Logan, and he grins at me from behind the phone. I then look at my doctor, and he motions for me to speak. I get up and stand behind her.
Before the sound is out of my mouth all the way, Raelynn turns and looks at me. Her eyes wide, her face in surprise.
"She heard you," the doctor says, and she turns to his voice as well, looking in between me and the doctor.
"Baby girl," Logan says behind the camera, and when Raelynn hears his voice she grins and starts laughing. Then stops, startled at the sound she is making, then threw her head back and laughed harder.
We all laugh as well, and I get on my knees and open my arms towards her so that she could run into them.
"Hey mamas," I smile loving the way she turns to me when I spoke. Logan stops recording and comes over to join us.
"Rae-Rae," he says and squeezes her cheeks and she giggles again.
Awwe, my baby. My beautiful baby.
It isn't until I feel the tear roll down my cheek that I realize I'm crying. I look at Logan, and see that his eyes have gotten watery as well, even the doctor was sniffling.
"Thank you, Doctor." I say.
He nods, dabbing his eyes. "Just make sure to follow up with Raelynn in two months. We'll set a date." Raelynn suddenly, yells. We all turned to her. She smiles and began to babble happily, excitedly at the new world that has been open  for her. Logan pulls me into his arms, as Raelynn let's out another happy scream.
"She's got two years of making noise to make up for." He says.
I nod and we sit in silence again. "We're never getting any sleep again."
He laughs.
"Cmon Raelynn," I say and she comes running over. I wave my hand, "Say, bye to the Doctor." I wave until she copies me and point to the Doctor. Excitedly, Raelynn waves at him and says something in baby language, which I'm assuming was "Bye."
The doctor waves back, and we walk back out into the waiting room with a very loud and very 'wavy' Raelynn.

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