Christmas Miracle

By katroxy76

52.1K 1.4K 791

Being the younger sister of the ever-so-famous Markiplier has its perks: living in a nice house, staying with... More

Quick Question
I Got Tagged!
Meeting Ethan??😍
Should I do a Q and A?


2.7K 68 67
By katroxy76

Skylars Pov:
I woke a car. Uuummm...I didn't fall asleep in a car. I thought to myself. How did I get here? And what time is it? And who's shoulder am I resting my head on? My head was literally about to explode with questions.

I shifted a bit to get comfortable then felt an arm around my waist. Ethan looked down at me, his face a bright shade of pink. "Oh-uh-sorry Sky-I mean Skylar." His face was the shade of a tomato now and I'm sure mine was too. He moved his arm away from my waist and turned towards the window to avoid looking at anyone in the car.

Mark was driving, Tyler was passenger and Ethan and I had the back seat. "Hey Ethan," he turned his head so I could see his slightly pink face, "how did I-um-you know...get in the car?" God I sound so stupid. Why is it so hard to talk to him?!? Tyler turned around to watch both of us look stupid.

"Well we were all leaving and I-well I saw you asleep on the couch. I knew you w-were tired, so I-uh-carried you out here..." I could literally see the nervousness in his eyes. I gave him a reassuring smile.

"Thanks. It's nice to have such a nice, loud blue boy as a best friend." Which I wish I could say boyfriend instead, but what can I do? I thought. I awkwardly, playfully punched his arm and instantly regretted it. Tyler and Mark were struggling to keep from laughing.

Ethan nodded then turned back to the window. Mark always rode without music because he needs his "thinking" time. I believe he just hates music and everyone that makes it. It's my joke towards him, so I pulled out my headphones and plugged them into my phone. I hit shuffle and the first song that came on was Jet Black Heart by my all time favorite band, 5 Seconds of Summer.

Cause I've got a jet black heart
And there's a hurricane underneath it Trying to keep us apart
I write with a poison pen
But these chemicals moving between us, are the reason to start again

Without even realizing it I had started singing out loud. I'm not a good singer. I can't sing. I don't sing. Ethan and Tyler were starring at me and I have a feeling if Mark hadn't been driving he would be too. "Wow.." said Tyler.

"I didn't know you could sing!" exclaimed Ethan.

"You guys didn't know that?!" Mark said. "She's like the best singer I know!" Okay Mark you can stop now. I'm not that good. I thought. Jeez this is embarrassing.

"I'm really not that good. I just sing for fun.....not normally in front of people..." I could tell I was blushing. Thank gosh the car wasn't very bright.

"I think your good Skylar...." Ethan said facing his lap but looking up at me with his adorable, blue puppy dog eyes.

"Thanks Ethan." I leaned over a quickly pecked his cheek. I don't know why I did. I had a lot of confidence at that moment. He was blushing furiously again. So bad I could see it through the dimly light car.

I turned away and put my headphones back on. This time careful not to sing aloud.

Hey y'all! This chapter is adorable and basically how I was when I talked to my boyfriend before we started dating and early in our relationship. I was awkward ask my best friend😂. Now I just find it funny. Thanks so much for reading. Hope y'all enjoy this story. Comment, vote, follow.

Love you all stay cranky bye! (I had to it's a part Ethan's outro on YouTube😍)


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