More than words

By Teekalin

17.5K 524 380

In the middle of rebooting the universe, the Doctor gets a brilliant idea. A mad but brilliant idea. He has f... More

Broken parts
Bed of Roses
Addicted to you
The Dance
Never Alone Always Alone
Boulevard of broken Dreams
Love don't roam
Beat It
Fire in the rain
Total eclipse of the heart
You don't have to say you love me
Live tomorrow
Goodbye my lover
Hope and Glory
Say Something
Kiss From a Rose
The Night We Met
If We Hold On Together
Thinking Out Loud
It Is You (I Have Loved)
As Long as You Love Me

Can you feel the love tonight

699 22 20
By Teekalin


Okay, so this one is a fluffy filler chapter that is more about exploring the Doctor's and Rose's relationship than actual plot but I hope that won't disappoint. We all need some fluff now and then.

Beta:ed by Sam


Chapter 7 Can you feel the love tonight


I can see what's happening

And they don't have a clue

They'll fall in love and here's the bottom line

Our trio's down to two.


So many things to tell her

But how to make her see

The truth about my past, impossible

She'd turn away from me

~The Lion King


"Anything new?" Rose asked the Doctor. He once again stood by the scanner, a frown on his forehead as he took in the readings.

"Maybe." He answered, his tone dejected. "It's like something is controlling her, sending me the wrong signals." He hit the scanner. "Why won't it work?" He clenched his teeth. Rose walked up to him and placed a hand on his arm while she rested her head on his shoulder.

"You'll figure it out soon, yeah." She rubbed her free hand up and down his back. "You always do."

"Rose Tyler," He said softly and she lifted her head so she could see his face, a soft smile gracing his lips. "How do you do that?"

"Do what?" She frowned.

"Calm me down." He lifted his hand up to tuck a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "You look beautiful."

"You think?" She took a step back and swirled around, her blue dress rising a little from the breeze. "Took me ages to find the right one." She looked down on the sleeveless cocktail dress, the skirt just short enough to allow dancing, missing how the Doctor's eyes roamed her body before returning to her face.

"Just perfect." His smile almost made her breath hitch; it was so raw and emotional, the hidden façade nowhere to be seen.

"For a human?" She teased, taking his hand.

"For a human." He chuckled and entwined their fingers.

"You look quite dapper yourself," She used her free hand to trace the lapels of his white jacket; the white shirt and black bowtie a wonderful contrast with his black trousers. "For a Time Lord." She grinned up at him.

"Oi, I'll have you know that there's not a single species out there that can rival my dapperness." He pouted.

"Oh, I don't know." She leaned back, pretending to take him in while she pondered. "Mickey always looked good in a suit."

"Mickey the idiot?" He exclaimed, looking highly offended. "Mickey the idiot looking better than me in a suit?" He huffed. "I don't know if I should be offended of appalled by your apparent lack of taste."

"Well," She moved her hand to his bowtie. "I only know one person who can pull off a bowtie." Her smile widened when she saw understanding dawn on his face, his lips spreading into a matching smile.

"Bowties are cool." He waggled his eyebrows, making her laugh out loud.

"Yeah," She nodded, never taking her eyes off of him. "They are."

"Oi, you two!" The Doctor closed his eyes in annoyance, recognising the voice without having to turn around. Rose however, had clear view of Amy standing on the landing and had to force herself to keep a neutral expression and to not show her anger at being disrupted. "Why are you dressed for a party?" She walked down the stairs as the Doctor turned around, releasing her hand in the process which made Rose almost groan with disappointment.

"Me and Rose are going to a cocktail party and you are not invited." He started pushing a few buttons on the console, taking them out of the vortex.

"Rude." Rose coughed behind his back and he looked over his shoulder at her and gave her a cheeky grin.

"You were just going to leave without telling us?" Amy crossed her arms over her chest, levelling the Doctor with her sternest glare.

"Well," He scratched his cheek before resuming his work on the console. "You were asleep."

"We were not." Amy exclaimed.

"No?" The Doctor looked between her and Amy with a confused expression.

"We were watching a movie in the media room." She sounded exasperated.

"Same difference." The Doctor shrugged it off and moved to the other side of the console.

"It is not! It's..." She trailed off, closing her eyes as she rubbed at her forehead. "Never mind." She sighed. "It's like talking to a child." She muttered as she turned around to walk back up the stairs.

"Since he won't say it," Rose decided to speak up. "I'm sorry."

"I know." Amy stopped and looked down at her. "I have spent months trying to teach him some manners but it just won't stick."

"Try two years and three different versions of him." Rose grinned up at her. "It's a lost cause."

"Oi, I can hear you." The Doctor poked his head out from around the console.

"We know!" They said in chorus and then burst out laughing.

"Good night, Rose." Amy waved at her as she shook her head with a grin. "Have fun."

"You too, Amy." Rose waved back and then sent a look to the Doctor, indicating with her head towards Amy.

"Yeah, ehm," He cleared his throat, not taking his eyes of the console. "Good night, Amy."

"Yeah," Amy shook her head as she disappeared down the corridor. Rose sighed as the Doctor pulled one last lever, landing the TARDIS with a soft thud.

"What?" He looked at her with a frown.

"Nothing." She shook her head and held out her hand towards him, wiggling her fingers. He took it without hesitation, even though he still frowned at her. "Come on," She tugged him towards the door. "We don't wanna be late for the opening performance."

"Yes," He dragged the word out before snapping out of his thoughts. He bounced down the remaining distance to the door, snapping his fingers so the doors could open with a flourish.

He lead her out into a beautiful garden filled with multicoloured lights in the trees, and white delicate tables and chairs positioned along the hedge that surrounded them, leaving the middle section open for dancing.

At the very end of the large garden was a stage, currently occupied by a slow playing jazz band. At the opposite end, a bar had been mounted, the bartender preparing cocktail after cocktail to the awaiting guests.

Waiters and waitresses walked around the people with practised moves, carrying plates filled with nibbles. The Doctor looked longingly at them but he stayed still, letting her take it all in first.

It was like they had stepped into a scene from a 1940s movie, except that it was actually the 43rd century and they weren't on Earth. They were on a planet that had been settled by humans a few centuries earlier and one of the families had a fascination with Earth history so every year they arranged a party dedicated to a certain period. This year it was the 40s.

"It's beautiful." Rose beamed at him and the returning smile he gave her was so bright and happy it almost made her heart stop for a second. She couldn't remember ever seeing him quite so happy before. At least not with that face.

"May I?" He gestured out towards the dance floor and after nodding once, he pulled her out there and into a slow dance, his hand tentatively resting on her waist as if he wasn't sure he was allowed, and the other kept a firm grip on her hand.

She had never been more content in her life.


"I can't believe him." Amy grumbled.

Rory watched her as she paced back and forth in front of the sofa. She had left to get some refreshments but had returned empty handed with a temper to boast.

"What exactly did he do?" He asked tentatively, not wanting her to get angry at him as well.

"He and Rose are apparently, and I quote 'going to a cocktail party and I am not invited'." She shook her head as she let out an emotionless laugh.

"Oh," It all made sense now.

"I know." Amy lifted her arms in frustration. "Can you believe him?"

"Well..." Yes, he could believe him. It was quite clear to anyone who had been around the Doctor lately that he had been itching to get some alone time with Rose. Not that he could say that to Amy of course.

He had actually noticed them sneaking off twice before since they'd been back. He had asked Rose about it when they came back the second time just in time for breakfast and asked her if she wasn't tired after being out all night. She had just shrugged it off saying she rarely slept anymore.

He hadn't wanted to push, but clearly it wasn't normal. That and her sometimes too fast reflexes were starting to unnerve him slightly. He should probably talk to the Doctor about it. He didn't know half the stuff he had given her after she was shot, maybe some of it had affected her and changed her.

"He could have at least told me before I found them all dressed up and... and... all flirty." She grimaced. "You know, it was one thing seeing him flirt with River because it was all harmless and fun, but seeing him do it with Rose..." She trailed off with a shudder. "I like Rose, but it's just so weird seeing him like that."

"Yeah," He nodded. He didn't think it was weird because the two were clearly in love with each other, but one didn't disagree with Amy if one didn't want to sleep on the top bunk that night.

"He's my best friend and all, but I've always pictured him as above all that, you know." She flopped down on the sofa beside him, one leg tucked underneath her. "He still hasn't told me what happened to her, I mean... she told me she didn't leave of her own will and that he clearly had planned on picking her up again, but he refuses to tell me why."

"Wait," He frowned, holding up a hand. "I'm not following."

"She's his former companion, yeah." She shifted so she her face was directed towards him.

"Yes." He knew that much.

"Well, so when I talked to her in the sick bay I asked her why she left him, and she told me she didn't. Apparently she never left on her own."

"You think he made her leave?"

"I don't know." She leaned back on the sofa with a groan. "He's clearly happy to have her back so I don't think so. But..." She shrugged. "Why did he wait so long before getting her? We've been with him for months and not once did he mention her."

"Have you tried asking him?" He could see on her expression that it had been a stupid question.

"Yes," She rolled her eyes with an exasperated groan. "She just says that I should ask him, while he says that's it's none of my business."

"Well," He tilted his head. He did have a point.

"I know," She sighed in frustration, apparently reading his reaction differently. "It's just so frustrating."

"They will tell you when they're ready." He placed a hand on her arm, rubbing soothing circles.

"I know." She sighed again, but this time with resignation. "Let's just watch the movie, okay?" She picked up the remote.

"Ehm," He raised his eyebrows.

"What?" She raised hers back.

"The refreshments." He tried to smile sweetly, but really, he's a guy. It probably came out more as a constipated grimace.

"You get them, stupid." She bumped shoulders with him, and he got up with a very annoyed sigh. "Don't forget the Jammy Dodgers!" She called after him as he exited the room. "I think he's hid some under the sink."


For the first time in a long time, the Doctor didn't feel like running.

He was holding Rose in his arms as they swayed to the soft music, occasionally they would talk about old memories or future adventures, but for the most part they stayed silent, relishing in each other's comfort.

It had been a long time since he had been so content.

"Do you know why River's in prison?" Rose asked, her voice a bit muffled by his shirt where she rested her head on his chest.

"She killed a man." He answered, his voice surprisingly even, even though it was a topic he'd rather not discuss. He liked her, and he trusted her enough, but their supposed future together still made him uneasy and sometimes a bit angry.

"Who did she kill?" She didn't sound entirely surprised by his answer, and not for the first time did he wonder what they had endured together during their three month excursion.

He had wanted to ask her every day the last week since they came had left River back at Stormcage, but he had always stopped himself. He felt that it was too personal and that she would tell him if she wanted to.

He was quite proud of himself about that. His last two bodies would have nagged her until she relented and gave in.

Even when they had went to see Alexander the Great two nights before and they had been temporarily imprisoned for several hours did he ask her. Instead they had talked about anything but.

Maybe he had finally learnt to be patient. Or perhaps it was just because he wanted to show her he could be trusted. Either way, he wasn't planning on stopping a working concept.

"I don't know." The music picked up in speed so with practised moves he twirled her around before catching her again in a more distant embrace that was part of the dance. He missed the closeness already. "I have my suspicions though."

"Are you gonna share them with me?" She looked up at him through her lashes, a move she often did when she wanted him to comply with her.

"Not yet." He looked away, knowing it was the only way for him to break free from her spell.

"Why?" He could hear it on her voice that she was confused, and sure enough, looking back he instantly recognised the frown on her brow and as on instinct, brought a hand up to rub it away.

"Because," He began, choosing his words carefully. "If I'm right, I don't want you to carry that burden for longer than necessary."

"So you will tell me?" She raised her eyebrows.

"When the time's right, yes." He nodded, spinning her a second time before dipping her slightly. He wanted to be honest with her. He wanted to tell her everything, but... He couldn't tell her this. Not yet.

"Why don't we move on to more," He pulled her back up and whispered in her ear. "Pleasant subjects?"

"What do you have in mind?" He could hear the strain in her voice, something he knew was created by his proximity and he almost shivered in pleasure that he had been able to evoke that in her.

"I have a few ideas." He leaned back and gave her a, what he thought was, seductive smile and watched as her eyes flickered to his mouth for a fraction of a second. Too fast for a human to pick up, but not fast enough for a Time Lord with superior biology.

It was like time slowed down to almost a complete stop, his brained worked in overdrive as he took in all the little details on her face; from the slightly blown pupils to her red-tinged cheeks.

He needed to step back, slow things down. It was all happening too fast and with the completely wrong end-game.

It was all fun and games to flirt when the others were around; it always stayed at a friendly level then as they kept them grounded.

Doing it now when they were alone in what he would admit was a romantic environment; that was bad. He couldn't blame her for jumping to the wrong conclusions, he could only blame himself. He was teasing her, leading her on, and it had to stop immediately.

It was not that he didn't want to; it was more that he shouldn't want to.

Time Lords had always held themselves above such things, viewing love and affection as something to be looked down upon. It was fine and dandy for the regular Gallifreyans, but Time Lords and Time Ladies needed to be above it. They were to be held as examples and only bond when it was convenient for an alliance.

He rarely stuck to their rules, even less so since the time war, preferring to implement his own, but this was one rule he had followed strictly since he graduated the Academy.

Not because of the reasons the other Time Lords and Ladies did though, no, it was because he didn't want to put himself in a position where he would outlive whoever he entered a relationship with by lifetimes. He had already pushed it enough by bringing companions on time after time, he would not step over the line more than that. Not even for her.

She deserved better.

He had stepped over the line way too far when he brought her back. It had been selfish and highly irresponsible, so he owed it to her to just be her friend. Her best friend, but nothing more.

It wasn't fair on her to bring her even closer to the mess he called a life. She deserved so much more.

He knew she loved him, at least the old pinstriped him, even though she hadn't said it in this timeline. She was growing more and more comfortable with his new face, probably still loved him even though he couldn't fathom why, and of course he... But it didn't matter.

Nothing could happen between them.

He had already lost her twice, three times if he counted the shooting. The only reason he had been able to move on after Canary Wharf and then later give her over to his duplicate, was because they had never bonded beyond friendship.

Getting into a relationship now and then lose her, he wasn't sure he would survive it.

Not wanting to upset her by acting all awkward and running away deep into the TARDIS until it had all settled, he decided to just slowly ease them into a more friend based atmosphere.

He spun her around for the third time and relished in the way she laughed as her hair flew around her head and her dress flourished in the wind created.

When the song ended, he dragged her over to one of the tables, leaving her alone so he could talk to the band real quick before heading over to the bar to get them some drinks; two banana daiquiris. He had been very happy when he found out, shortly after his regeneration, that his new taste buds still liked the taste of them.

"Drink up, Rose Tyler," He handed her one of the drinks. "You're going to need the energy."

The band started playing a more upbeat song and soon couple after couple started dancing enthusiastically in a swing worthy of any 40s party back on Earth.


The laughter could be heard all the way from the console room.

Amy groaned into her mug of coffee as the obviously pissed voice of the Doctor reached her ears. She knew he could get drunk if he held back on his body's natural response to metabolise anything that could slow him down immediately, but the fact that he had decided to do it now was driving her mad.

She was so not in the mood for interacting with a drunken Doctor; he always managed to either insult her even more than usual, or blow something up. He always claimed to never remember it afterwards, but she knew he did. He always did. She had caught sight of his smirks more than once.

"Rory, come on." She muttered, tapping her foot impatiently. Her Roman had gone for the restroom only minutes before the voices had appeared and she silently pleaded for him to come back before they reached the galley.

Apparently not.

"Amy Pond!" The Doctor exclaimed happily as he strode into the galley. "Pond, Pond, Pond." He tapped his hands on the counter in pace with his words. "Amelia Pond." He stopped in front of her, the table the only thing separating them.

"What?" She bit out, a scowl on her face.

"Look, Rose," He ignored her as Rose finally made it into the galley after him, clearly more unstable on her feet than he was, as evident by the way she clutched at the door-frame. "Coffee!" He clapped his hands as an exciting kid.

"There's more in the..." But it was useless. He snatched her mug from her and emptied it in one big chug.

"I'm sorry." Rose groaned out, still standing in the doorway. "He's still quite pissed." Amy guessed she was trying to give her an apologetic smile but it came out more as a grimace.

"Hungover?" She lifted her eyebrows.

"Yeah," She nodded and rubbed at her forehead, her eyes not looking at her but still focused on the Doctor who had now moved on to the stove and was trying to get it to start but it wouldn't work.

Rory arrived just as the Doctor pulled out his screwdriver, pointing it at the stove and gave out a happy shout as it lit up.

"Doctor...?" Rory gaped at the sight and Amy jumped out of her chair with a yelp as the flames rose higher than they should, singeing the roof in the process. Rose just lowered her hand over her eyes and shook her head with an exasperated sigh.

"It's supposed to do that!" The Doctor exclaimed, flailing his hands in a vain attempt to put out the fire before quickly diving into a nearby cupboard and pulling out a fire extinguisher.

Amy didn't know if she should be happy or glad that this time he had decided to blow something up instead of insulting her. Before she had time to make up her mind a blaring alarm resounded around them

"A distress signal!" The Doctor, now apparently sober; damn that superior biology; grinned giddily. "How exciting." Without an explanation, he rushed out of the galley and towards the console.

"We should probably follow, yeah?" Rory gestured with his head out into the corridor.

"Yeah," Amy took one last look at the still smoking stove and abandoned extinguisher before turning with a sigh to the corridor. "The TARDIS can probably take care of that."

"Great," She heard Rose mutter as she passed the blond woman. "Guess the shower will have to wait."



I hope you liked it and that it wasn't too fluffy.

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