Mature Harry Imagines

By harrystyaf

698K 4.4K 411

VERY mature Harry one shots that will send you on a feelstrip. These are going to be very graphic. Advised f... More

"Kitten Wants To Play"
"Doctor [Y/N]"
"The Billionare"
"Daddys gonna take care of you now."
"Miami Heat"
"Are you actually going to suck me?"
Daddy Harry
I think i wanna marry you
Keep quiet
21 years of harry
Wet Dreams Do Cum True
The Pact
Johannesburg Thirst
Going for the gold
The Tease
The tease: part 2
The Tease (Part 3)
The tease (part 4)
Don't Tell Nobody
long time
Stay With Me
"I wanna make love to you."
pregnant sex

"Punishments arent forgotten."

24.9K 147 1
By harrystyaf

Warnings: Mild language, sexual content, daddy kink (If you are uncomfortable with any of the following topics, I urge you to not read. Thank you.)

It should have been a crime to be awake this early and working as hard as you were. You were strictly running on caffeine and the music blasting in your ears to keep you from falling back asleep. Your hands shaking from all of the coffee and your body moving along to the beat of the song playing.

The art gala was empty and you were the only one there. The stark white walls were lightly glowing as you had candles illuminating them as you worked to finish the piece you had worked so hard on.

Coming in at 4 in the morning to have things finished up before tonight were not on your list of things to do, especially when you could have been in your nice bed. You craved to be snuggled under the covers and sleeping peacefully, but you knew that this project was going to be everything for you. Everything rested on tonight, you needed things to work out.

Your desperation only added to your mounting stress for this painting and for tonight. Being an art student was hard, it was even harder living in the heart of London and working at one of the most prestigious art galleries. With a paying internship that your school had graciously presented you, you needed to be on your best at all times.

You had only been working here for a few months and this would be the first show you would be attending. Your boss had thrown you a bone and said one of your pieces could be displayed and you jumped at the opportunity. This is all you had ever wanted, all you ever wished for yourself.

The good news was shared with your various friends and you had even told the barista that had sent you away with four steamy cups of black coffee this morning.

You would be here all day, only given a few hours to run home and get ready. You would either working on your project or helping set up and directing where certain pieces should be placed for maximum effect. At some point this afternoon your boss would arrive to help oversee the process and bark orders as he usually did.

The food service would arrive and the waiters would pour in a few hours before the event. The music would be set up in the back room and it would pour through the various speakers placed all over the gala.

Your dress hung in the small closet in your tiny flat, untouched and incased in a black cover. A gift it had been for this very night. When presented to you in a gold gilded bag you had to refrain from squealing in delight as you opened the box to see such a treasure.

Harry had made sure to get a dress who's colors matched that of your paintings. The Ellie Saab rested peacefully in its bag and as soon as you pulled it out of its protective sheath you gasped. The material was soft to the touch and its deep color was mesmerizing as it slowly blended into its pastel tones.

The dress itself reflected your painting, the contrast of darks blending into lights. Playing with cool and warm. The dress was as sensual as your art and you could feel as though you would be art as you wore it.

Getting your thoughts off the dress you thought of the man who had sent it to you. Just thinking of him made your heart beat harder and your breathing more shallow. You could still hear his voice as the way it caressed your skin as you thanked him for sending you something you yourself could have never bought.

You could still feel his hands gripping at your waist as your lips trailed up and down his neck as he sat on your couch in your tiny flat. His tongue sliding down your neck as he pressed you down to the cushions. Him prying your legs open and burying his face between them, his tongue coming out to taste you...

You had been told to call him this morning but there had been no time to do so and also it was very early for him. You knew this wouldn't be good but some part of you wanted what he could bring to the table for this act.

Shaking yourself from thoughts that would soon turn very naughty as you replayed the scene that had taken place very vividly you through yourself back into your work. Having the large canvas taking up a small portion of the area you sat in. Every stroke of your brush was carefully planned as you painted the picture in your mind.

It was midday when you finished, clouds covering the sky and casting gala in a grey light. Its windows hungrily accepting the light that was attempting to break through the cloud cover. By now the candles had been blown out and the first of the crew were arriving.

You brought your piece to the back where it would rest until later on tonight. The event was to begin promptly at 6 o'clock this evening, you knew you would have to be back by 5. That ave you just the right amount of time to catch a cab, get ready, catch another cab, and get back here.

You rushed out of the building just as your boss walked in; he waved his hand in your direction and you bound outside to catch a cab. You prayed you had enough money on you to pay the fair and luckily you caught one quickly. With the gallery being in the center of the city that was rather hard to do.

The ride to your flat was quick and you were able to pay the fair. You got into your place quickly and set about fixing a quick bite to eat before diving into the grueling process of getting ready.

When you were finished you stripped quickly out of your clothes and padded naked over to your shower. Turning it on full blast you waited for the water to run warm, steam already billowing up and about.

You stepped in and began to lather up your hair after you were soaked. After washing the sweet smelling soap from your hair you touched the tiled wall next to you and blushed as you thought about your back being pressed up against those same tiles.

Harry had been insatiable that night as you had been and he couldn't overpower the temptation to press your back right against the cold tiles and fuck you until your legs were shaking and your arms slack from holding him so tightly. You on your knees for him and him thrusting into your warm and welcoming mouth was the scene that played everything you looked to the floor.

He had kissed your roughly, his hands running all over your body and caressing you softly as the water ran cold behind the both of you. Both of you in your own world as he took over and protected you as he gave you pleasure.

You had had a taste of him, something that would forever be imprinted in your thoughts and that would make every taste after him (if there ever were to be that is) less. He had shown opened up every desire that had been building up in your body over time and there was no way that those desires were going to close.

The two of you were different in the most obvious ways as well. You worked pay check to pay check from the gallery to meet ends meet and keep up with the things you wanted to do. You didn't have a problem with this since it had been what you had always known, but Harry on the other hand was a completely different story.

With his company at the peak of its time, the aristocratic businessman had it all. From his car collection, to his fancy suits, to the cold manners in which he acted, he screamed business. From the moment he had saw you though it was dark drawn to light.

Having seen you at the coffee shop which you were a regular at, it surprised you that he bought his own coffee.

His persona was dominating and intimidating as you peered up at him as he barked orders to everyone around him. You had only see him be cruel to those around him but never to you, he had a soft spot for you as cliché it sounded.

They say that is light that consoles the dark and you were there to console him through it all. Through his business ventures, through the firing of complete divisions of his company due to none of them doing their jobs, to him traveling and needing you.

You were night and day, one of you working to get by and the other flying high. For reasons you mixed well and tasted even sweeter together.

You finished up your shower quickly and got out, setting up your hair and makeup area with all that would be needed. Doing your hair and other prepping tasks would take up the bulk of the time and there was not any time to waste.

The curling iron was heated to the max as you finished up your makeup. Setting on your hair it was curled and placed in an up-do, tendrils of hair framing your face as Harry liked them too.

You took a glance at the clock and noticed you had 45 minutes left to be at the gallery, time was flying fast as you pulled the Saab dress from your closet and from its holding bag. You took a breath as you stepped into it, placing your heels on afterwards.

It took all you had in you to not have your mouth drop open as you took in your form from the mirror. All clocked in the tight black material that flared out with its pastel colors, you looked like a piece of art yourself. The dress fit like a glove and felt empowered in it.

Putting together the finishing pieces of your look you were out the door and hailing another cab. As you waited you glanced up and saw that the clouds were darkening quickly and that rain would begin to pour freely soon. You just hoped you were inside the gala before the happened.

You hailed to another cab and this time it stopped for you. As you got in you took one last glance towards you flat and gave the driver directions. Let the night begin.


Music was already being tested as you came through the doors and a few people gave you side glances.

Art pieces were being placed in various places and your boss came out with his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose. He glanced up at you and had to do a double take.

"You clean up nice kiddo." Being an older man of sorts your nickname was always something with 'kid' in it.

"Thank you sir, it is coming together pleasantly."

"Yes, yes." He waved his hands and leaned closer to you for a moment. "We are expecting a large benefactor of the program to be here tonight. It is a risk for me to place your work on display. Own tonight kid, understand? You look the part now act it." He looked at you sternly so you nodded your head in a jerky manor before he walked away.

The hour flew by and suddenly guests on the attendance list were flooding the glass doors and the room light up with the colored lights. The art littering the expanse of the space glittered and music seemed to make them come alive as people roamed about.

You took another deep breath before stepping into the sea of attendees. A few people stopped you to compliment your gown and asked who you were. You had said that you were an intern and spoke little about yourself but more about the event.

Whenever you were able to break away from speaking to the various people who stopped you, you would glance in the area of your painting to see a few people looking at it with curious gazes which made you only feel proud.

You were in the middle of another conversation when the clicking of a glass could be heard over the light chatter. You boss stood on the risen step to call the crowd together. Every head looked in his direction and the people fell silent as he began to speak.

"Tonight I wish to introduce you all to the benefactor of this gala. This man has helped bring this place to its peak and tonight we celebrate the art as well as him. Please give it up for Mr. Harry Styles."

Your eyes widened as Harry walked up to the podium, smirk on display as one hand rested loosely at his side and the other placed in his dress pants pocket. His eyes scanned the room until they latched onto yours. He looked you up and down, nodding his head at you.

He looked utterly standing there, tall and domineering looking. His suit clung to his body and the top buttons of his shirt was open. His hair, as long as it has ever been, looked to have his hand running through the locks before he had stepped up to speak. His smirk never waning as he addressed the people but kept his eyes on yours.

"I thank you all for attending the event. I am glad I can help artists and help galas such as this one survive. Such talent is displayed here tonight and I must say I myself am surprised. The artists present tonight give yourself a round of applause. The stakes are high to obtain the best piece tonight," he joked and the crowd melted at the sound oh his short chuckle. He gave one last nod before stepping down from the step and into the crowd of people.

You took a deep breath and moved towards him but he was being pulled in different directions as people went to go speak to him in regards of business. You sighed and moved over to stand by your painting and look at it once more.

"Interesting concept this painting." A man spoke next to you and you turned to look at him. Dressed in a fancy suit and holding a drink in his hand, the man too stared at you.

"The artist, or should I say you, liked to play with contrast." He smiled at you and gave you a look of approval.

"Thank you. It was something that took time to develop." He raised his eyebrows and took a step closer to the painting before tilting his head to the side.

"Such a piece. I'll think I'll purchase it, especially since I am talking to the artist herself." His grin turned more wolfish and your mouth curled in distaste but you kept a professional aura about you. Before you could say anything more an arm came around your waist and pulled you into Harry's side.

"It's already been purchased." Harry spoke coldly and the man froze for a moment and regained his poise.

"Right, should have known such a good piece would be taken." You had a feeling that he wasn't just speaking of the piece but also yourself. He gave one last wolfy grin before walking away.

"I can't ever leave you alone," Harry murmured as he dipped his lips to meet your neck. He pressed them there before straightening up again and keeping you pressed up against his chest.

"You look so fucking beautiful," he spoke quietly to you as more people came to look at the paintings around yours.

"You look very nice yourself mister." You grinned as you turned around in his arms and placed your hands on his suit covered chest. You looked up at him innocently as you ran your hands up and down, biting your bottom lip. He groaned and shifted, taking your hands in his.

"How much longer do you have to stay?" He asked you and you shrugged.

"It's up to my boss." Harry hugged you in his direction.

"Go ask if you can go, we have lots to talk about." You were confused but you did as he said and walked over to your boss who was laughing loudly and patting some man on the shoulder.

"Excuse me sir, is it alright if I head out? I'm not feeling too well," you lied through your teeth but he waved his hands at you.

"Go kid, you've done excellent tonight. It was a good investment to have you as my intern. Very well done kiddo." You beamed at his praise as it was hard to come by but nonetheless you accepted it and walked back over to Harry.

"Well?" He asked as he leaned against the frame of the wall. His eyes trained on your lazily as you said you could leave. His long hair was placed to one side and you could feel your body heat up as you imagined yourself pulling on it.

"I'm fine to leave."

"Good, let's go." He grasped your hand and pulled you out of the building quickly. Barking orders at the valet to get his car quickly. They brought out his Porsche as fast as possible and he opened your door for you to get in.

After he got in he wasted no time pulling on to the street, cutting off the other cars. He drove quickly in the direction of his place and you leaned back to watch him as he drove. He was going well over the speed limit and his hair was tousled.

He looked utterly fuckable and you could feel your panties dampening as your thoughts turned more and more naughty. The fast driving, wind whipping his hair from the now open window, and his fingers drumming on the steering wheel all had your attention as well.

You closed your eyes and didn't open them until the car stopped. Harry stepped out of the drivers side and came over to yours to get your door. You grabbed his offered hand and bit your lip as you walked into his flat.

Before you could take anymore steps in your back was already pressed against the door and his mouth was attacking yours.

His hands ran of your chest, stopping to feel up your covered breasts before moving down to grasp your hips tightly.

You whimpered as his lips left yours but he picked you up and brought you upstairs with him. He placed you down and turned you around, his hand finding the hidden zipper of the dress.

He was quick to rid you from the delicate fabric, sliding it down your body. When he got it off all you stood in was a pair of barely there black panties and your heels, the dress didn't require you wear a bra so you had gone without.

The cold air of his room hardened your nipples as you stood there in front of him. His hands toyed with the hem of you panties before his other hand came to touch them as well. A sharp tearing sound hit the air as he tore them from your body, leaving you only in your heels.

"Leave them on." He said as he slowly backed you up to the edge of his large bed. Your hands came up to push his jacket off. You unbuttoned his shirt quickly, ridding his torso clean of fabric. Next to go was his pants and shoes. The only thing separating him and you were his black briefs that clung to him like a second skin.

Your hand traced the hem of them before you dipped in and grasped his semi hard member. Your thumb swiped the top of the head, gathering the precum that oozed from the tip. Using that as a lubricant you slid your hand up and down his shaft slowly.

He groaned and pulled your hand out of his underwear. He pulled them off quickly and now the both of you were naked.

He narrowed his gaze at you and his arms came around you, restricting any movement. His lips pressed harshly against your ear as he spoke to you.

"You've been naughty kitten." He licked the area of skin behind your ear and one of his hands came up to massage your chest. You moaned and arched your back.

"Naughty?" You moaned as he roughly felt up you chest.

"You never did say goodbye to me this morning and you didn't call." He hissed and you smiled a small smile. The hand that was feeling your chest up delivered a swift smack to your arse before coming to cup your chin.

"I was thinking of punishing you but you did very good tonight so I think I'll punish you tomorrow morning. Give you a nice little punishment when you wake up, make you too sore to walk tomorrow. Yeah I like the sound of that." He trailed off and his hand slid down your stomach and swiped up your entrance.

He tutted as he felt how wet you were for him, you could practically feel yourself dripping with need for him. You wanted him and you wanted him now.

"Please." You cried wantonly as you gripped his shoulders, his finger lightly touching you.

"What do you want kitten? Do you want to cum all over my fingers or all over my cock? Hm?" His words only adding to your building need for him.

You didn't say anything but just brought your hand down and grasped him.

"I want you in me." You whispered and that was enough for him to push you down on the bed and grasp both of your legs, wrapping themselves around his was it tightly as he waisted no time pushing into you.

You were wet enough that it didn't hurt too much as he stayed still. He was in to the max and you could swear you felt him in your stomach. He pulled out for a moment before going right back in.

Your hands went up to his hair and tugged harshly as he thrusted in and out of you, the scent of sex intermingling with the air in the room. His mouth dropped down your breast as he took one in his mouth.

His hot mouth and tongue suckling and toying with your pert nipple. Your eyes rolled back as his tongue flicked the bud back and forth. His lips trailed from your breast up to your neck as he sucked harshly at the skin there.

"Harry," you moaned as he picked up his pace.

"Call me daddy." He hissed and you had no problem with that.

"Oh daddy, you're so good." You moaned louder as he hit your pleasure spot over and over, slowing his pace and picking it right back up. He brought his lips to yours as your cries for release became louder and louder. He pulled away and looked at your flustered form.

"Come on kitten, cum for daddy." You were nearing your high and Harry seemed to realize that, bring dirty talk to the table.

"You like that baby girl? You like when I fuck you like this, with your heels on and daddy fully in you? Do you like when I suck on your skin and kiss every inch of you? Come on baby cum for me." He practically moaned the last part of his sentence as he neared his peek as well.

With one particularly hard thrust sent you over the edge, your walls clung to his dick as your orgasm hit hard. He continued to thrust quickly in and out of you as he rode you through your orgasm.

His own came as you finished up, his hot seed pooling deep inside you, filling you up. He pressed his sweaty forehead against yours as he whispered to you.

"I love you." He kissed your nose as you repeated the words to him. You were trying to catch your breath as was he. As the both of you calmed down he kept his forehead pressed to yours.

"Tonight we made love, tomorrow we fuck. Punishments aren't forgotten, especially when my kitten is naughty."

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