Becoming Beautiful

By divya210

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Remember that one girl that always does her homework, gets good grades, is in all honors classes, wears sweat... More

Becoming Beautiful
Chapter 1 He's back Daimon
Chapter 2 Was I just a tool to you?
Chapter 3 A little change never hurt anyone
Chapter 4 That's it I've had enough
Chapter 5 It hurts to be without him
Chapter 6 I need you
Chapter 7 Secrets Revealed
Chapter 8 I don't want to see him
Chapter 9 I'm the Tonelli Lawyer
Chapter 10 Sorry I'm late your honor
Chapter 11 What the Hell Ky!
Chapter 13 You're going to a party
Chapter 14 You have no Idea how much...
Chapter 15 I-I love you
Chapter 16 Will you be mine?
Chapter 17 I'm Sorry
Chapter 18 It was all a bet
Chapter 19 It's My Life!
Chapter 20 Please Don't tell
Chapter 21 I'm Broken
Chapter 22 Please Don't leave
Chapter 23 I can't do this
Chapter 24 Is Everything Okay?
Chapter 25 I'm a Freaking Bawse!!!!
Chapter 26 Stay Away From Her
Chapter 27 I'm a lifeless doll
Chapter 28 We'll be there Soon
Chapter 29 Too Much
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 It's me.. Your...Mom
Chapter 32 Should have let me pound him!
Chapter 33 I don't even know my own heart
Chapter 34 Babygirl.. I'll always be here
Chapter 35 Will you.....?

Chapter 12 Nice Joke Sissy

484 18 3
By divya210

*Chapter 12 Nice Joke Sissy*

*Allie's P.O.V*

"We taking your car or mine," I asked.

"Are you going to stay after for the Game?" He asked.

"Well... Yea. I guess I could. I'll just text my brothers and let them know about everything," I said.

"Okay then. We'll just take my car," He said. I nodded. I got into the passenger's seat. He got in. We put our backpacks in the back.

"Did you lock the door," I asked.

"Yup," He smiled.

"Do you have the home keys," He asked. I pulled the keys out from my pocket and showed him. He smiled. I looked at the time. It's 8:15 am.

"WE'RE LATE AGAIN," We shouted. He pulled out and we raced to school. A few minutes later he pulled up to school and parked the car. We grabbed my laptop, phone and keys. We got out of the car and he locked it. We walked to the front office. We argued all the way to the office.

"How are you two always late," The secretary laughed.

"It's His/Her Fault," We said at the same time. The principal and vice principal walked out of their office and to us.

"We have something to tell you two. Regarding Christoforo Tonelli," The principal said.

"What is it," I asked.

"He will still be teaching here as the algebra 1 & 2. He will also be supervising Detention and the Lunch A, B, and C. Him calling you out and the whole court situation isn't a good enough reason to fire him. So he will be staying. I'm really sorry," she said.

"That'll be all. You two can go to the garden, library, or detention. It's up to you two. You really don't need to attend any of your classes considering you did everything for all the classes," the vice principal said. We nodded. We walked to the detention room. We walked inside and I saw him sitting at the desk typing on his laptop. We sat down in the back.

"Long time no see," Tristan laughed. I rolled my eyes.

"Want to tell your brothers now?" Kyle asked.

"Yeah. I'll text them now," I said. I put Daimon and Luca in a group chat. I texted them.

A: Hey... I need to talk to you guys about something really important. I don't know if you'll say yes or not, but I just want you to hear me out... okay.

L: Okay...

D: Okay.... Also Taylor wants to be added to the chat. He claims to feel left out.

I added Taylor to the group chat.

T: THANK YOU! I'm not left out anymore. Also. What do you need to tell us.

A: Can Kyle Move in with us?

L: Sure I don't mind but Why?

D: Of course he can but Why

T: Exactly what Luca and Daimon said. Sure but why

I looked at Kyle.

"Want me to tell them why since their asking," I said looking at him.

"I guess. Yeah, you can but tell them in person," He whispered. I nodded.

A: Can I tell you why in person. It's not exactly something to be said over text. I'll Skype you Luca when Taylor and Daimon get home. Then we'll tell you why.

D: You're not preggo are you?

L: Wait! WHAT?


A: Calm down. I'm not pregnant!


A: Also, can I stay after for the Football game?

D:yeah. I don't care.

L:Yes but be back at 9.

T: Why not? Don't drink and Drive!

A: Thank you and I'm going to a football game not a party Tay.

T: Hey You never know!

A: lol Okay. I need to go. See you at home.

D: Have a good day.

T: Don't get into too much trouble.

L: Stay Out of trouble! Have a good day.

I put my phone away.

"Wanna go to the garden," I asked. He nodded. We got up and grabbed our stuff. We walked out and to the garden. I opened the door. We walked over to the tree and sat down. I rested my head on his shoulder.


Why didn't he tell me?

Am I bad friend?

Does anyone else know?

Do the boys know?

Does Jax know?

Well Allie you did keep secrets from him too. You only told him a while ago.

Shut up brain!

Don't yell at me because I'm right!

Sometimes I wish you were wrong.

Not going to happen. Sorry.


"ALLIE," Kyle shouted while shaking me.

"I'm sorry. What'd you say," I said.

"I said. Tonelli is walking over here," He said. I looked over. He opened the door. He walked in.

"What's wrong. Mr.Tonelli," I said.

"Please. Call me Christoforo. It was weird when you called me Mr. Matthews and It's still weird," He shivered.

"Alright. Then. What's wrong Christoforo?" I asked.

"It's C-Lunch. The principal would like you to attend lunch. Then go to the auditorium. She has an announcement to make," He said. We got up. I got on Kyle's back.

"TO THE LUNCHROOM," I cheered.

"Cruel women," He groaned. He started walking.

"Stop for a minute," I whispered. He stopped.

"It makes you think doesn't it? On how a girl without parents could be so happy. On how a person with parents is never happy enough and they always want more but how a person without parents never asks for anything and is always happy. It makes you think," I said.

"Okay," I whispered. He walked out carrying me. He walked to the lunchroom door. I jumped off. We walked in and walked to our table and sat down.

"Where have you two been all morning?!" Maxie huffed. I ruffled his hair.

"This one made us late," I said pointing to Kyle.

"Don't blame it all on me you cruel women! You're the one that woke up late!," he said.

"You're the one that was supposed to wake me up!," I argued. We started arguing.

"OKAY! STOP," Elijah laughed. We pouted. We got up

"Done," I asked.

"Yup," Nicolo said. They put their trays up. We walked to the auditorium. We took a seat in the front corner. Soon everyone started piling in. I have a bad feeling about this. Why do I get the feeling that something bad's about to happen?

"Allie? You okay," Kyle asked. He looked at me with a concerned expression.

"Yes. I um. I'm fine," I smiled. He looked at me.

"You can tell me you know," He said. I nodded.

"I just have a bad feeling. I feel like something's about to go wrong," I said. Jax and Max groan.

"Whenever you say that, something does go wrong," Max whines. Skyler, Bella, walked in.

"Well. Mr. Bad Boy. I thought this kinda stuff wasn't your scene," Skyler smirked. She was looking at Jax. We turned and looked at him.

"Yeah. Well. They were coming here. So I came. These doofuses don't usually come to these kinda things. So I don't know why they're here," Jax says. We laugh.

"Awe but Jaxie you love us!!!," Kyle smiles.

"Yeah that's doubtful," Jax smiles. Skyler and Bella laugh. Bella looks at Maxie. Maxie Looks at Bella.

"Hey Bells. Maxie has to tell you something important," I smiled.

"Huh.. What?" Maxie said. We laughed.

"Finally I got your attention," I laughed.

"Well, We better go sit down," Skyler laughed. I grabbed Bella's hand.

"What's this assembly about?" I asked.

"No clue. All I know is that Elizabeth Tonelli is running it with her cheer squad," She said.

"GOOD EVENING! Thank you for all of you taking the time off your busy schedules to come to this assembly. Especially Alessandra and her friends. Oh wait. You guys don't even go to class," She said.

"That's because they did all the homework, took all the tests, and projects for this whole year," Mr. Biggs said.

"They also have the highest ranking in the country for ACT and SAT and the highest ranking in this school," Ms. Ellie said.

"That's why we give them the option of attending class or just hanging out," Mr. Biggs said. Elizabeth rolled her eyes. Only 3 teachers were here. Where are the principals?

"Anyway. Yesterday, Mr. Biggs, the principal, Allie, her friends, and myself. We weren't here. You must be wondering why. Let me tell you why?" She smirked.

"What happened Allie? Cat got your tongue? You won't tell them" She smirked.

"We were at court yesterday," She said. Everyone started talking and whispering.

"WHY?" a person shouted.

"Her mom walked out on her and then died. Her dad walked out because she wasn't worth the time and money. Then her dad remarried my mom. So now MY dad wants her back only for revenge," She said. I looked at her.

"Don't you think she would be a lovely sissy? We could talk about anything and be the best of friends. Psch, yeah right. More like a maid. You could do my homework for me since you already have yours done," she laughed. The teachers looked shocked, but let it go on. Kyle was angry. Nope, that was an understatement. I got up and walked down the aisle. I walked up the stairs and across the stage.

"Did I make little miss perfect mad? You know I feel bad for you. I mean you don't have any parents an no one loves you," She laughed. I walked to her and stopped. I slapped her and took the mic.

"Nice Joke Sissy," I smirked. I shoved the mic back in her hands and walked off the stage and out of the auditorium. I walked down to the garden. I sat down by the tree, plugged in my headphones, and turned on my music. I closed my eyes as the tears started to fall.

*Kyle's P.O.V*

I got up and looked at Elizabeth.

"Take my advice. Leave Allie alone and stay away from her or you're not going to like what happens. It won't look too good for you," I said. I walked out of the auditorium. I ran to the garden and opened the door. Allie was sitting there with her headphones in crying. I walked over to her, sat down, and hugged her. She hugged me back and cried into my chest. I rubbed her back.

"It's all lies. Nothing more. We love you for who you are. We care about you. You're never alone," I said. She just cried. I let her cry it all out.

"It's okay. I'm here. Let it all out," I whispered.

*3:40 p.m*

I took my phone out. It was 3:40. Wow. Time flies.

"Let's go to the car. I have practice. You can either sleep in the car or watch practice. The guys will be watching," I said.

"I'll watch. I can always take a nap when we get home," She muttered.

"Okay then. Let's get going," I said. We got up. She grabbed her stuff. We walked out of the school and to my car. I unlocked the car. She put her stuff inside her backpack and grabbed her phone. She closed the door and I locked the car. We walked to the bleachers. I hugged Allie.

"SMMMMIIILEEE Allie Bear," I smiled. She faked a smile.

"Don't fake it!" I laughed. I started tickling her. She started to laugh.

"Stop please, I'm really not in the mood," she said looking at me. I wish she would just smile. 


I really hope you liked it! Lauren and I worked hard writing it!

You know the drill.






Love ya all ;) 

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