Crazily Married (Sequel to Cr...

By NoNotCarey_17

194K 8.9K 737

Genesis and Logan are married;Fast forward three years later, they are both their own bosses of very successf... More

Chapter#6- Genesis
Chapter#7- Logan
Genesis- Chapter #11
Chapter 12-Logan
Chapter 13-Genesis
Chapter#15-Genesis (Part One Of The Pregnancy)
Chapter 16-Logan
Chapter 17-Genesis
Chapter 18-Logan
Chapter #19-Genesis
Chapter 20-Logan
Chapter #21-Genesis ( Part 2 of the P
Genesis Chapter#23
Logan- Chapter #24
Chapter #25-Genesis
I Need Suggestions!!!
Sneak Peek of Four Senses
Sneak Peek In-Love With my In-Laws
Sneak Peek Decision Time!!
Chapter #26-Logan
Its Published!!!!
Chapter #27-Genesis
Chapter #28-The Meeting
Note From The Author

Logan Chapter #22

4.5K 263 16
By NoNotCarey_17

When I walk back into the hospital room and see Genesis sitting in bed: Sweaty, chest heaving, eyes bloodshot, but with the biggest smile, holding our baby, my chest tightens.
"It's a girl." She says as I come closer. I peer over her shoulder to get a look inside the blanket that she holds.
She pulls the blanket back and my heart stops as my very own pair of blue eyes locks  with mine.
Everyone else was leaning over the bed as well.
"Well she has your eyes, Logan." Dani says and everyone nods in agreement.
"You want to hold her?" Genesis ask me, and I nod. Genesis leans over and places my beautiful baby girl in my arms.
And I know at that moment that there wasn't anything in the world that this little girl could ask for, and I wouldn't support it. That everything else would always come second to her.
"Wow," I try to fight the tears back. Looking at Genesis, I ask. "We made this?"
The room laughs, and Genesis smiles. "Yeah we did."
"Ok, ok, don't be selfish Logan let me hold my grand baby." Ebony holds out her arms and I sit the baby gently inside of them.
"Awwwe, look at those little hands." She coos. My mother peeks over her shoulder and smiles.
"Oh, Ebony she's beautiful."
"So what are you guys going to name her?" Dani asks.
I look at Genesis, and she shrugs.
"We haven't really discussed it." I say.
Harold clears his throat, just as Ebony passes the baby onto him. "Well now would be a good time as any, wouldn't you say?" He asks as he gently rocks the baby in his arms, before passing her to my parents.
She shrugs again. "I don't know let me hold her again."
"Awe man," Elliott says just as he is about to take the baby from Dani.
Genesis rolls her eyes, "I'll give her back, I promise."
He hands the baby to Genesis and I sit next to her as we both study our baby thinking of a name.
"What about Susan?" My mother calls out.
"Or maybe, Elizabeth. That was my second choice for you, Genesis." Ebony chimes in.
Suddenly everyone in the room starts to come up with names.
"No, not Rebecca, what about Anastasia?"
"Maybe Marian?" Elliott suggest.
"Marian? She's a baby not a 70 year old woman." I respond.
"Well eventually, she will be a 70 year old woman, right?" Elliott shoots back.
"Your grandmother is named Marian." My mom points out.
I point to her for emphasis. "My point exactly."
"Well I don't see you coming up with any names," Elliott says again.
And we immediately began to argue, raising our voices to be heard over the other family members also defending why their names for my baby girl was the best.
"What about Raelynn?"
Genesis's quiet voice breaks through the verbal catastrophe in the room.
"What did you say, honey?" Ebony asks her.
Genesis looks up from the baby. "I said what about Raelynn. You know, for her name."
The room gets quiet, and I break it.
"Raelynn." I say the name again, allowing it to roll back and forth on my tongue. "I like that, and we can call her Rae, for short."
Genesis nods. "Yeah that's what I was thinking."
I turn to the room. "Everyone hear that?" Her name is Raelynn."
Everyone nods and the room is filled with murmurs of approval.
"Pretty name."
"Absolutely love it."
"Awwe, little baby, Rae."
"It's a great name."
"Yeah it's nice, but so is Marian. Just saying."
I shoot Elliott a look.
He shrugs, but doesn't say anything else.
"She needs a middle name," Genesis says.
Elliott goes to open his mouth, but Genesis shakes her head. "To be honest, I'm not too crazy about Marian, either El." He clamps his mouth shut.
"What about Marie?" I say turning to Genesis.
"It's not Marian, but I like the shortened version."
Genesis smiles. "Raelynn Marie Bennett." She says, getting the feel of the name. "I think that's a winner."
Everyone nods in agreement.
We all smile.
"Ok let me take pictures," Dani says and goes to the front of the room motioning for everyone to squeeze in.
"Can I hold her again?" I ask, Genesis after Dani and the rest of the family is satisfied with their photos. Genesis places our daughter gently in my arms.
"Raelynn Marie Bennett." I say her entire name back to her again.
"Welcome to the family."

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