Awkward (Narry)

By Bab3yBlu3Eyes

1.5M 44.1K 18K

Harry Styles is the 'Ladies man' of the world famous boy band One Direction, except nobody knows that it's no... More

Awkward (Narry)
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48.
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65- Epilogue

Chapter 12.

31.7K 915 448
By Bab3yBlu3Eyes

I'd arranged for the boys to come over mine today as I hadn't seen either Zayn or Liam since I got back and Louis and Niall were bugging me to have people over for dinner. They all loved my cooking for some reason so I guess I had no choice in the matter.

Climbing into the driver's seat of my car I phoned security and told them I would be going to the supermarket and if I needed them I would give them a call. People around London are usually cool with seeing celebrities but you get the odd fan-girl that will scream in your face, which isn't that nice if I'm honest.

On to better subjects though I have had a few days to think over everything to do with Niall and I've come to the conclusion that the way to his heart is through food. It is obvious but id been so wrapped up in my own little I love Niall bubble that I hadn't noticed. After speaking to Louis over the phone and through text the past couple days he and I had come up with a plan to get Niall to notice me better. I'm over the whole kiss thing and I'm guessing Niall still doesn't remember so I am using this as a fresh start.

Pulling up into the supermarket I parked the car and hopped out locking it behind me. Luckily it didn't seem to busy and I am thankful for that. I stepped into the store and grabbed a basket. After walking around for half an hour I'd managed to get all the ingredients needed and signed a couple of autographs for some polite young fans.

By the time I got home it was already 4pm. I'd told the guys to be round by 6 so I had enough time to sit down for an hour-ish before I had to prepare and cook dinner. I dumped the ingredients on the kitchen side and made my way back into the living room. I just sat down on the comfy sofa when the doorbell rang; being too lazy to get back up again I called out to tell them it was open and stayed seated on the comfy cushions.

"Hello" A thick Irish accent called into the flat.

"In here" I called back

Seconds later in walked a cheerful Niall wearing black sweats, a white tank top and a green snap back. He looked gorgeous even in lazy-day clothes. I looked him up and down trying my best to keep my composure. Louis had told me over the past few days that the best thing to do is to keep my cool and try to be confident, so that's exactly what I planned to do!

"What are you doing here? I told you lot six" I questioned

"Thought I'd come round early, maybe help you with the cooking if you like" Niall smiled and took a seat next to me on the couch.

"Fair enough" I smiled back and focused my eyes back on the TV.

I flicked through the channels until I found something half decent to watch. After deciding on Simpsons I set the remote down on the coffee table and rested my back into the sofa. For some reason Niall had scooted closer to me and was leaning his head slightly in my direction, it was almost as if he was trying to lean his head on my shoulder but wasn't sure if he should do it or not.

I smiled happily to myself that we were sitting so close and I hadn't embarrassed myself yet. If I can keep this up then maybe I might be able to convince Niall to turn Gay for me. A guy can hope right?

"OK we better start preparing the food" I announced after 40 odd minutes of sitting in front of the TV chatting about nothing.

"Let's go" Niall jumped up enthusiastically.              

I followed Niall as he skipped happily into the kitchen. I had brought the ingredients to make pizza from scratch so this should be interesting. I don't think I've ever seen Niall make anything apart from a sandwich.

"So what are we making?" Niall asked

"Pizza, from scratch" I replied and Niall hopped on the spot excitedly.

I had Niall mix the yeast and sugar into a bowl of warm water while I measured out the other ingredients. I had to measure up 250g of Flour and 15ml of olive oil. While I was doing that Niall had successfully mixed the sugar and yeast until it foamed on the water. I then added the oil and half a table spoon of salt. Niall continued to mix this while I made us both a drink of juice.

I pulled two glasses out of the cupboard filled them with water from the fridge, I then walked back over to where Niall was standing mixing the ingredients. I set the two glasses down on the table but as I put the second one down it knocked the bowl of flour sending some of it flying out the top and over Niall's shoes.

"Dude these are my new shoes" He yelped

"Sorry, was an accident" I apologised pouting

"Oh no a apology is not good enough, this is war" Niall smirked evilly

I didn't have second to react as Niall lifted the mixture he was stirring and dumped it in my curls. I let out a sharp gasp and dropped my head so the thick liquid could run out of my hair. Niall laughed from his spot next to me but soon enough realised he should ran.

Just as he took off running out the kitchen I chased him picking up the bowl of flour on my way. He spun around the corner and darted around in a circle in the kitchen. We both laughed as I chased him around carrying the bowl of flour occasionally throwing some in his direction.

Niall stopped at the sink and grabbed a cup of the side scoping up some water from the bowl. I took this as my opportunity to throw the whole bowl of flour over him. With a big puff of cloud Niall breathed out blowing flour everywhere. He looked at me smirking knowing he started this. But he wasn't finished yet.

I'd completely forgotten about the glass of water in his hands until I found my face soaking wet and water was dripping off my chin. It was cold and of course wet. Niall stood before me laughing his head off so much that he had fallen to his knees clutching his stomach. That's it I'd had enough. I jumped from my position opposite him and tackled him to the ground. I rubbed my face up against his making the water and flour turn all sticky on not only his face but mine as well, I didn't really care though.

"Harry get off me, that's disgusting" Niall shouted through laughter.

"Nope" I laughed in replied and continued to rub my wet body against his floured one.

I continued to do this until a different voice snapped me out my actions. I turned around to see Liam, Louis and Zayn all standing in the kitchen doorway. Liam had his arms crossed, Louis was wearing a very wide smirk and Zayn was tapping away on his phone not really paying attention.

"What are you doing?" Liam asked a little shocked by what was going on.

"It was Niall's fault" I announced quickly.

"Was not, you threw water at me!"

"It was an accident, I didn't mean to. And then you threw mixture at me"

"Ok enough arguing, fact is dinner isn't ready and you two are a mess. Which means takeaway" Liam smirked at our appearances.

I looked down at myself and then at Niall who I was still currently sitting on top of. He gave me a sly grin and I knew we were cool and it was all just a playful joke. Only problem now was that we were both covered in flour, water and god knows what else.

"Guess we should shower then?" Niall suggested and I nodded in agreement.

"I'll order takeaway" Louis announced and headed for the draws where I kept the menus.

I lead the way upstairs with Niall following me. We both entered my room and I pulled out some clothes for the both of us and set them on the bed.

"You shower in there and then you can change into these. I'm going to the guest bathroom; see you downstairs in a bit"

I left Niall to use the master bathroom as I made my way down the hall and into the guest bathroom. Once inside I shut and locked the door behind me; stripped out my messy clothes and stepped into the shower. The water was cold at first and sent a shiver down my spine but then it adjusted and warmed up. I lathered my hair with a large amount of shampoo in attempt to get out all of the flour possible.

After at least half an hour in the shower I was finally satisfied I was clean and hopped out drying myself off with a towel. I then pulled on my fresh clean clothes and left the bathroom re-joining the other boys downstairs.

"Better now?" Louis asked

"Much" I smiled.

I noticed Niall still hadn't come back down and guessed he was probably still trying to get the flour out his hair. I must admit it was rather hard seeing as the more water you add to it the stickier and more disgusting it becomes.

"So what food did you order?"

"Chinese" Zayn added joining in with the conversation.

"Ohh yum, can't wait" I smiled

"What exactly where you guys trying to cook anyway?" Liam asked curiously

"Pizza dough" I pouted remembering our failed attempt.

Our conversation flittered between how Niall and I fucked up pizza dough and what the rest of the boys had been up to on their holidays until Niall finally joined as and the food arrived. We all sat nicely around the living room with our own plates of food and spoke amongst ourselves for the majority of the night. Nothing to intimate was brought up and I was so thankful I was able to keep my cool and even have a good old fashion food fight with Niall without anything getting weird between us. Maybe things would work out after all! 

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