You're the One for Me

By vickye1999

4K 65 10

Rosalie Stryder got dumped a year ago and so far, she thinks she's doing pretty well. But what happens if the... More

You're the One for Me
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Eight

64 2 0
By vickye1999

**Still Ben's POV**

I ran a hand through my hair. "Umm....."

"What's all this about Ben? Why were you betting on me?" She scrolled a little higher un my messages. "You bet three hundred dollars to see if you could make me fall "head over heels" for you?"

"I can explain, Rose. Just hear me out, please."

"Did you love me back?"

"Of course I did!"

"Then why were you betting on me?"

"I won the money a few days before I left. Probably another reason why I left in the first place." I told her.

"I don't understand." She mumbled.

"And you don't have to. You just have to know that I'm in love with you, and nothing's ever going to change the way I feel about you."

"It doesn't make any sense. Your friend obviously didn't believe that you could make me fall in love with you, so you bet three hundred dollars that you could. Doesn't that only mean that you didn't care enough about me to realise that the bet was stupid? You couldn't have loved me if you just wanted to see if I was in love with you."

"Slow down there, Rose. For your information, I did in fact realise how stupid the bet was. Yes, I probably realised it after I won the money, but still. I fell in love with you though, Rose. The whole time I was away, you were on my mind. I couldn't get you out of my head. I'm sorry you had to find out this way, Rosie. Please forgive me."

"Were you going to end up telling me about this?"

"I don't know." I said.

"So you would've just lied to me about it? Well that's just great." She replied.

"Please forgive me, Rose. I love you so, so much, and I'd hate to lose you again."

"I love you too, but you bet on me and I just feel used."

"I know, I'm sorry. Will you forgive me?"

"I might."

"What do you want me to do? Name it and I'll do it." I told her.

"I want you to pay your friend back the three hundred dollars from the bet." She ordered me.

"All of it?"

"Down to the very last cent."

"Fine. I'll do it. Could you just send him that text now? I only wanted to catch up with him tomorrow."


The rest of the drive to the dance was very, very quiet. Not one word was spoken, nothing. She didn't even steal a glance at me.

"You know, you almost ran the red just then because you were looking at me." She said.

"Channeling your inner Taylor Swift now, are we? If so, I've got heaps of material Sara told me." I replied, smiling.

"I'm the one that listened to her non-stop while you were gone."

"And I listened to Ed Sheeran in honour of you."


"Yep. He actually isn't that bad."

"What's your favourite song of his then?" She questioned me.

"I don't really have a favourite." I told her.

"If you had to pick one, though, which one would it be?"

"Umm...Lego House, I guess. A Team would be a close second though."

Rose didn't ask any more questions or make any other comments for the rest of the ride to the dance. And I didn't say anything further either.

I did however, hear her singing faintly to herself. Not that I knew what it was called or who was singing it.

"I'm gonna be your one only one wild child,

You need to give in into the riptide,

Let me take you on an endless ride,

Gonna be your one only one only one only wild child."

Okay, maybe I said something, but we'd arrived at the dance now, so it was all good. I just had to break the silence, it was killing me.

"You should really take up singing professionally." I told her.

"Urgh. I was singing again, wasn't I?" She responded. "Stupid." She muttered.

"I don't see why you put yourself down like that. You're a great singer, Rose."

"No I'm not. I'm just me. No biggie there."

Just then, as we got out of my car, John pulled up next to us and him and Jess got out.

"Hey!" Jess greeted us excitedly as she walked over to Rose. "This is going to be so much fun!"

"That's what you say about every dance, Jess." Rose replied.

"Don't go raining on my parade now, Rose. Now let's get inside. It's getting a bit breezy out here."

"I'm right behind you."

They started walking off to the dance, leaving me with John. I just couldn't take my eyes off Rose, she was that stunning.

John placed a hand on my shoulder, snapping me back to reality. "Man, you're so whipped."

"Like you're any better." I smiled as I shrugged his hand off of me.

"I don't see my girlfriend every day like you do."

"Yeah, so?"

"You do. Therefore, you my dear cousin, are whipped."

"And you, my dear cousin, are a douche bag."

"Why thank you." He joked as we walked into the dance.

Rose was easy to find in this place. Her and Jess were already out on the dance floor with what looked like the rest of the cheerleading team, and a sports team or two. In other words, majority of the year level had already arrived.

My eyes followed Rose as she left the dance floor. I watched as she walked over to where Zac was sitting and somehow persuaded him to join her and Jess in dancing.

Obviously she hadn't noticed I was in here yet. She probably thought I was still outside or something.

That was when Jess came and grabbed John, bring him to the dance floor as well.

I wonder how long it will take for Rose to realise that I was here waiting for her to drag me into the dancing too. Either way, at least I got to watch her have some fun. I loved that smile on her face.

My phone rang, interrupting my thoughts. Turns out, it was my friend trying to get back to me about plans to catch up for tomorrow.

I stepped outside to answer it. "Hey, Carter."

"Hey Ben. What's up?" He greeted me.

"Nothing much. You?"

"Nothing. So what did you want to do tomorrow?"

"Just a catch up. I haven't caught up with you since I left last year."

"That's what happens when you go to another school. So how's the chick doing?"

"The chick has a name, Carter. Rose, remember?" I told him.

"Oh yeah, that's right. The one we made the bet on, right?" He replied.

"Yeah, about that bet...she found out about it, and wants me to give you your money back."

"Don't sweat it. Keep the money."

"I really like her, Carter. I'm not gonna lie to her again."

"Who says she's gotta know about it? Just keep the damn money, Ben. I couldn't care less about it. There's plenty more where that came from."

"I'm going to give you your money back, okay? I don't want to put what I have with Rose in jeopardy again. I can't do that to her." I said firmly.

"Whatever. Do what you want. I'll meet you at your place tomorrow just after lunch." He responded.

"That's fine. I'll see you then."

"Hell yeah you will!"

Disconnecting, I went to go back inside to the dance when someone different pulled up out front.

He swung his left leg over the motorbike to stand up properly then took off his helmet to place it on the seat. What the hell was up with this guy, and why was he at our school dance? He had tattoos! What's up with that? He had to be a year older than us, at least.

I watched as he entered the gym and immediately greeted Rose on the dance floor. They hugged briefly, and I'm standing here trying to figure out who the hell he is.

They exited the dance floor and sat at one of the many tables set up around the gym. They talked, and talked, and talked. That's it. I don't need to just stand here and take this. Maybe I'll just go hang out with John. Maybe he's got some info on the guy.

"Hey, John?" I asked as I caught up to him.

"Yeah? What's up?" He acknowledged me.

"Who's that guy talking to Rose?"

"Oh that's just Josh. Didn't she tell you about him once? Yeah, he was the guy she went out with while you were gone. Jess was telling me that they all work in the same shopping complex. He gives her a ride home sometimes. He probably just showed up now because there's a dance going on here, and he likes to party."

"So that was his motorbike outside then, right?"

"Yeah. He loves his bikes. I think Rose was saying that she loved it too. She didn't mind his tattoos either."

"Okay. Yeah, I think I remember Rose telling me something brief about him. Should I cut in?" I said.

"Nah. He should be going soon. Another place, another party. Just let them be for the time being, then she's all yours." He replied.

"Alrighty then. Let's go grab something to eat." I said.

"I second that." John agreed as we made our way to the food table.

Fifteen minutes later.....

"Is he still there?" I asked John for the third time.

" actually. She's all yours now." He told me.

"Okay. I'll talk to you some other time."

"Go get 'em, tiger."

"Shut up."

"Like you expected anything different of me."

I finally had some time alone with Rose. Frick yeah! I made my way over to her and sat down in the now empty chair.

"Hey. Enjoying yourself so far?" I asked her.

"Yeah, it's been good, I guess." She answered.

"Did you want to dance?"

"I'm still taking a break."

"Come on, Rosie. Dance with me?"

"Later. When they put on a slow song, then I'll take you up on your offer."

"Why a slow song?" I questioned her.

"Because I find it cute that you can't slow dance." She told me.

"You find me cute because I can't slow dance?"

"That amongst other things."

"Oh yeah? Like what?"

"I think it's pretty obvious."

"No, no. Tell me. What do you like about me?" I asked.

"You're cute, tall, have gorgeous eyes, and a stunning smile." She replied, smiling.

"I could say the same about you, except for being tall."

"Hey! What's wrong with 5'8?"

"It's still shorter than me."

"Well obviously, you're the guy here."

"Really? I hadn't noticed." I said sarcastically.

"You're such a douche." She teased me.

"Yeah, I get that a lot."

"Of course you do."

Within the next few minutes, the DJ had put on a slow song. Rose almost jumped out of her seat.

"Ooh! They're playing a slow song, let's go!" She said excitedly.

"I know, I'm right behind you." I replied as we walked onto the dance floor.

We stopped, and Rose put her arms around my neck as I rested my hands on her waist. I was not ready for this.

I knew the song they were playing, though. It'd been played all over the radio stations. And just as expected, Rose knew it too, as she was singing to herself again. It was faint, because the music was really loud, but I could hear her, and that was all that mattered to me.

"'Cause all of me,

Loves all of you,

Love your curves and all your edges,

All your perfect imperfections,

Give your all to me,

I'll give my all to you,

You're my end and my beginning,

Even when I lose I'm winning,

'Cause I give you all, all of me,

And you give me all, all of you, oh."

"Yep, it's official. You need to start singing professionally." I told her.

"I'll get around to it. Eventually." She said to me.

"You better."

"And you better start paying attention to your footwork."

"Am I really that bad?"

"Not bad, just...yeah, no this isn't your thing."

"You think I don't know that?" I questioned her, smiling.

"Just don't look at your feet. That'll make it even worse." She advised me.

"Will do." I said.

She brought one of her hands to my face and stroked my cheek. Her fingers leaving a tingly feeling wherever they touched.

I'm starting to think that John was right before. Maybe I am whipped.

Our lips met within seconds and I'm standing here thinking two things: One, I'm so in love with this gorgeous girl, and two, I'm definitely whipped. No doubt about it.

Rose pulled away slowly. "So...where to after this?"

"We could go back to my place." I suggested. "Then tomorrow we can teach Sara how to ride her bike."

"You want me to stay overnight?"

"Of course I do."

"What am I going to wear tomorrow then? I can't just wear one of your shirts all day."

"So what did you wanna do?"

"Do you mind if we stop at my place first to pick up some things?" She asked.

"Sure." I agreed as I brushed some hair behind her ear. "Anything for you."

She looked down and even in this lighting I could see that cute blush of hers.

Whipped I am.

Later that night (Ben's place).....

Rose and I had changed into more comfortable clothing, and were now lying on my bed watching a movie (which may or may not have been a horror). Either way, Rose was clinging onto me like her life depended on it.

"Close your eyes." I instructed her.

"Why?" She questioned me.

And what do you know, another bloody murder.

Rose tightened her grip on me. "Oh God!"

"I told you to close your eyes." I said to her.

"Like I was going to listen to you."

"Well you should...sometimes."

"Can't we just watch something that isn't scary?"

"This actually isn't that scary."

"Yeah, to you." She said to me. "I'm never going to get any sleep now."

"Don't be such a baby." I teased her.

"I'm not." She said.

I gave her a look that said, You've got to be kidding me, and she smiled.

"Okay...maybe I am being a bit of a baby, but this movie is actually pretty scary." She confessed.

I let out a small laugh. "So if you are a baby, does that mean that-"

"No, Ben. You can't baby me."

"Aw...and I was so looking forward to doing this to you."

I leaned over her and started tickling her. She practically burst with that gorgeous laughter of hers that I loved.

"Stop, Ben!" She shouted. "Please!"

She couldn't stop laughing, and neither could I. There was only one thing that could top this moment.

I stopped tickling her and our laughter soon died down. Our eyes met and I leaned in to kiss her. I was hovering over her, resting on my elbows as she snaked her arms up my chest and around my neck.

I think somewhere during this time we knocked something off the end of my bed, as there was a loud thud.

We didn't mind this slight interruption though, and just kept doing our own thing.

That was, before there was a knock at my door. Rose and I broke apart abruptly and I paused the movie just as Sara walked in, holding her teddy bear.

"Hey, kiddo. What are you doing up?" I asked her as Rose and I sat up properly.

"I heard a noise, and it woke me up." She told me.

"Sorry, kiddo. It was just us. You can go back to sleep now."

"But I can't. You woke me up, and now I can't go back to sleep."

"Seriously, Sara?"

She nodded as she neared the bed.

"It's alright, sweetie. I'll make sure you get some sleep." Rose said as she got up off my bed. "Come on."

She picked up Sara and left my room, leaving me to my horror movie.

Half an hour later.....

I'd pretty much finished the horror movie now and Rose still wasn't back from Sara's room yet. What could have taken her so long to do?

I put the movie and stuff away, then made my way down the hall to Sara's room. I opened the door to Sara back to sleeping soundly, but Rose was lying next to her, sleeping as well.

I would've let Rose sleep in here, but Sara only had a king single-size bed. I know that they could both fit on it now, but one of them would surely fall off in the middle of the night.

Being extremely careful around my two favourite girls, I lifted Rose up from the bed and brought her back to my room where she could sleep better in my bed.

I was just about to put her down when she started squirming in my arms. Her eyes flickered open as she took in her surroundings, finally her eyes landed on me.

"What happened?" She asked me.

"You just fell asleep in Sara's room, but you're back with me now, so you can sleep properly." I told her.

"Oh, okay." She replied sleepily.

I tucked her in and went around to the other side of the bed where I would get in (so if you were lookimg at the bed front on, I would've gotten in on the right side).

As soon as I was under the covers, Rose moved towards me and rested her head on my chest as we both fell asleep.

The next day.....

I woke up this morning with an odd feeling. Something was wrong...almost missing, really.

I looked to the spot next to me where Rose was sleeping, but then reality hit. She wasn't there.

Maybe she went down for breakfast, so it's all good. I got dressed and headed downstairs. But then I had a problem: Rose wasn't here.

I turned to Sara who was eating her toast at the kitchen bench.

"Hey, kiddo. Where's Rose?" I asked her.

"Didn't she tell you, Benny?" She replied.

"Tell me what?"

"She had to leave."

"Did someone come to pick her up or something?"

"Yeah. Some guy came and she got in the car with him. I think they were friends."

"I'll be back later, okay?" I told her as I grabbed my car keys and phone from the bench.

"Okay." She said as I neared the front door. "See you later, Benny!"

"See ya, kiddo." I responded as I darted out of the house.

It took no time at all to reach Jess' place. I launched myself out of my car and bolted to the front door. I knocked and after a few seconds, Jess answered.

"I guess I should've seen this coming." She sighed as she let me in and closed the door behind us.

"Have you seen her?" I asked her urgently.

"Yeah. She stopped by with Zac at like six this morning. Then her and Alex filled a couple bags and headed out the door." She informed me.

"What? Where are they going? She didn't tell me anything."

"That's because the news just came in."

"What news? Jess, what's going on?"

"Ben...I'm sorry she couldn't tell you herself-"

"Just tell me already. Where's Rose?"

She sighed again. "She left on the first flight to London they could get. Her dad's just had a heart attack."

I punched the wall. "Are you kidding me?"

~~  Hello my fellow peoples!!! Yeah. I meant to say peoples, I'm weird like that.

Anywho, what'd you guys think of this chapter? And released as a little Christmas prezzie too. Aren't you a lucky bunch?

I hope you all have a great Christmas and a prosperous New Year. Yeah. I used a fancy word just then. Look at me...I'm so literal...or whatever. It's 12:35 in the morning here, don't judge me!!! I'm getting nutty here!

Chapter 29 of this book should be out later this week or next week, we'll see. Until then, though, Merry Christmas and I wish you people all the best for the New Year if I don't update this by then.

Comment what you think and murder that vote button for me, will ya? Thanks!!! ~~

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