Chapter Nine

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**Rosalie's POV**

Back at the apartment.....

After the fun I had back at Ben's house, I was tired and desperately wanted to get some sleep.

Unfortunately, that couldn't happen, now could it? Damn it!

My phone rung, and I answered to Jess on the other end.

"Why aren't you and Zac talking to each other?" She demanded.

"Does it matter?" I replied.

"Yes! You guys are best friends, can't you work this out?"

"Wait. Did he tell you?"

"Of course he did! We're all best friends here. He's crushed about what went down at my party, and he's really sorry. Can't you have a make-up dinner, or something?"

"Why do you want us to make-up so badly?"

"Because he's crazy about you, Rose! Are you really that blind? Open your eyes!" She shouted.

"Okay, okay. I'll see what I can do." I told her.

"You have to go out with him, Rose. You two would look so cute together! Plus he's way better than that ass, Josh you went out with when Ben left."

"You think so?"

"Hell yeah! My head cheerleader-slash-matchmaker senses feel pretty good about this one."

"That's what you say about every match you come up with."

"Because I'm usually right about these things! Just please go out with him, Rose." She said to me.

"Whatever, I'll figure it out tomorrow." I responded.

"Good! See you soon!"

"Right back at 'cha."

Hanging up, I didn't bother changing and just went straight to sleep.

The next day.....

I texted Zac this morning after breakfast so we could catch up for dinner tonight. He didn't reply as quickly as he usually did, though, as it took him roughly half an hour to respond. And all he said was, 'Sure, pick you up at 7'. I waited half an hour for that. Just one sentence. Are you kidding me?

After that, I checked my feed on Facebook to find an unexpected post from Jess.

Party at my place this Friday night at 8! Be there!!!

She does know that a whole lot of people can see your status, right? She better have checked those privacy settings of hers before hundreds of people show up at her front door. But then again, she was the head cheerleader, and they were always supposed to have raging parties like this, so...yeah,whatever.

While watching TV, I got a text from Ben, which resulted in a conversation.

Ben: Wanna come over?

Me: You're not gonna attack me by tickling me again, are you?

Ben: We'll see...

Me: Fine. Be over in ten.

Ben: Great!!!

To be honest, I'm pretty sure that this time around, we wouldn't be watching a Channing Tatum movie. We might be playing Hide and Seek again, though, but that was fine by me.

**Ben's POV**

Sure enough, after a few minutes of texting, I heard the sound of Rose's BMW pulling up outside our house.

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