Becoming Beautiful

By divya210

20.4K 687 104

Remember that one girl that always does her homework, gets good grades, is in all honors classes, wears sweat... More

Becoming Beautiful
Chapter 1 He's back Daimon
Chapter 2 Was I just a tool to you?
Chapter 3 A little change never hurt anyone
Chapter 4 That's it I've had enough
Chapter 5 It hurts to be without him
Chapter 6 I need you
Chapter 8 I don't want to see him
Chapter 9 I'm the Tonelli Lawyer
Chapter 10 Sorry I'm late your honor
Chapter 11 What the Hell Ky!
Chapter 12 Nice Joke Sissy
Chapter 13 You're going to a party
Chapter 14 You have no Idea how much...
Chapter 15 I-I love you
Chapter 16 Will you be mine?
Chapter 17 I'm Sorry
Chapter 18 It was all a bet
Chapter 19 It's My Life!
Chapter 20 Please Don't tell
Chapter 21 I'm Broken
Chapter 22 Please Don't leave
Chapter 23 I can't do this
Chapter 24 Is Everything Okay?
Chapter 25 I'm a Freaking Bawse!!!!
Chapter 26 Stay Away From Her
Chapter 27 I'm a lifeless doll
Chapter 28 We'll be there Soon
Chapter 29 Too Much
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 It's me.. Your...Mom
Chapter 32 Should have let me pound him!
Chapter 33 I don't even know my own heart
Chapter 34 Babygirl.. I'll always be here
Chapter 35 Will you.....?

Chapter 7 Secrets Revealed

619 23 2
By divya210

*Chapter 7 Secrets Revealed*

"What is wrong with that dude?" Max asked curiously.

"I have no idea, but I'm going to find out," I said.

"Hmmm, I guess we will see," he said.

"Well, I guess I'll talk to you guys later, I have stuff to do," I said and walked away.

I snuck down the hallway to Mr. Matthews' classroom and peeked in the window. It was still his prep period and he was talking on the phone.

*Phone call*

"Yeah, I think she's starting to figure it out. I don't know how to hide it. I mean, she's not as stupid as I thought," he said.

"Well, just try. Don't be everywhere she is and try not to be so open about it. Be secretive," the other voice said over speaker phone.

Mr. Matthews looked up and saw me through the glass. He got up from his chair and I ran. I ran outside and got into my car. Oh shit. Oh shit. Why did I just stand there? Ugh. I drove off.

When I got home, I went into my room and layed down on my bed. How am I even going to go to school tomorrow. He knows I know something is up. What could he be talking about though. What secret? So many questions. I hear my phone go off. It's a text from Kyle.

Hey, where you at? We are supposed to get lunch together today. ~Kyle

Something came up. I came home. When school is out, come over. We have to talk. ~Allie

Umm, I'm coming right now. And don't even say not to. I'm coming. Be there in a few:) ~Kyle

Ugh, fine :P ~Allie

I hear a knock on the door 10 minutes later. Kyle walks in. He looks at me with a concerning look.

"What's up? Are you okay?" He asked sitting down by me.

"Uhh, I guess so. I mean I really don't know. I'm lost. I went by Mr. Matthew's' room and I heard him talking on the phone. He said I'm starting to figure it out. I don't know what I'm starting to figure out though. I listened for a few more minutes and he saw me. I ran. He knows that I kinda know now," I said looking up at him.

"It will be okay. We will figure it out. I don't care if it takes a century. It must be important. I don't like how he's been following you around. He has something up his sleeve," he said.

"Ya know what's weird? The voice on the phone kind of sounded familiar," I said. It was quiet for a minute, I couldn't quite put my finger on it. That voice was a little too familiar, until it clicked and I let out a gasp. My dad. The voice was my dad's. I looked over at Kyle, who was looking at me intently.

"It was my dad's voice, but what would he have to do with anything?" I said with tears in my eyes. I never thought I would hear that voice again.

"You need to tell your brothers," He said.

"I-I can't," I said.

"You have to. It's the best and right thing to do. They can help. I promise you. I'll also be there for you the whole time! Max, Jax, Elijah, Nicolo and I are there for you. We'll get through this. Together," He said. I looked at him.

"Please. You need to tell him," He pleaded. I sighed.

"Fine. I'll tell them," I said. I got my phone and called Daimon.

"Hello? Allie? Where are you?" He asked.

"Daimon," I said.

"What happened?" He asked frantically.

"Dad," I said.

"Where are you?" He asked.

"At home with Kyle. Come home Please," I asked.

"I'm on my way," He said.

"I"M COMING TOO," Taylor shouted.

"I'll call Luca. We're on our way home," He said and hung up. I looked and Kyle. His eyes softened. He pulled me into a hug.

"Shh. It's okay. I'm here for you," He whispered patting my back. I cried into his shirt. I heard car door shut.

"Let's go downstairs," He said. I nodded. We walked downstairs. I looked through the peep hole. It was Daimon and Taylor. I opened the door and ran out. I hugged Daimon. He hugged me back and carried me inside.

"Shh. Calm down sweetheart," He said softly.

"T-That t-teacher k-knows d-dad! H-He l-looks e-exactly l-like d-dad," I cried. He rubbed my back. We sat down on the couch.

"Calm down. Take a deep breath and Tell me what happened," He said.

"I heard Mr. Matthews talking to Dad on the phone. Then the phone call was almost over. He saw me. So I ran and drove home. They look alike," I cried. He rubbed my back.

"Don't let them take me from you. Please. I don't want to go with them. I want to stay here with you and Luca," I sobbed. I heard the door closed. I looked up.

"What happened," Luca said running in.

"She just overheard Mr. Matthew's talking to dad. She also said they look alike," Daimon said.

"Don't let them take me from you," I cried. I felt myself getting picked up. I was sitting in Luca's lap now.

"They wouldn't be able to take you even if they tried. We have way too much evidence against dad. The court would never let him have custody or even see us," Luca said. I nodded. The doorbell rang.

"I'll get it," Kyle said. A few minutes later. He walked in with the detective.

"The Mr. Matthews guy is actually Christoforo Tonelli. He's 21. 3rd Youngest in the Tonelli household," He said. We nodded.

"Thank you," Luca said.

"That's all the info we will be needing. I'll show you out," Taylor said. Taylor walked the detective out.

"Mr. Matthews is actually. Christoforo Tonelli," Kyle said looking surprised.

"He's our step-brother," I said looking at Luca. He hugged me.

"Here's what you'll do," Luca said. I looked at him.

"You'll go to school tomorrow and start a conversation or wait for him to start one with you. Then say that you know that he is Christoforo," Luca said.

"Then try seeing if he'll tell you what he wants from you," Daimon said. I nodded.

"I don't want to see him again," I cried.

"I know, but if they take this to court. Then, you'll have to," Luca said.

"But Luca can defend you guys in court. He is the country's best lawyer," Kyle said.

"Of course I'm going to defend us," Luca said. I nodded.

"Now I have to get back to work. You can stay home for the rest of the day if you want. Okay," Luca said. I nodded.

"We have to get back to," Daimon said. Luca put me on the sofa. They kissed my cheek and left.

"I'll go close the door and tell the guys to come over," Kyle said walking them out. A few minutes later Kyle walks in with the guys. They sit down. Kyle and Jax sit next to me.

"Okay. Explain. Why you left early?" Jax said.

"Also. It's time to tell us about your past," Kyle said. Everyone looked at me intently. I took a deep breath.

"Get comfortable," I muttered. Where to start?

"When I was in 3rd grade my home life wasn't that great or amazing as it is right now. My school life wasn't that great either," I started.

~30 minutes later~

"So that's my past and what happened today," I said. Kyle and Jax hugged me. I cried. Everyone else got up and joined in on the hug.

"We're here for you," Max smiled.

"Now. Time to uncover Mr. Matthews true identity," Elijah smiled. I looked at him.

"All the teachers are supposed to stay after for the homecoming football game today. Which means he's going to be there," Nicolo clarified.

"Let's go," I smiled. We got up.

"I'll go freshen up a bit and then we can go," I smiled. I walked upstairs and to my room. I walked to my bathroom and washed my face. I redid my make up and walked downstairs.

"Let's go," I smiled. Kyle hands me my phone. I put it in my backpocket. We get into our cars. I lock the door and get into my BMW i8s. Kyle gets in with me. I smiled. We pulled out and drove to school. A few minutes later. We arrive at the school parking lot and we park our cars. Kyle grabs his Football equipment. I lock the car. He hugs me.

"I have practice now. So I'm going to get going," he smiled. We nodded. He ran to the Football locker room. We walked to the football field stands and sat down. We started talking about random topics.

*3 hours later*

I looked at the time. It was 7:40. The stands were full.

"ALLIE!," Bella said running up to me in her cheerleading outfit.

"Yea," I said.

"Coach is asking for you. It's urgent," Bella said. I got up.

"I'll be back," I said to the guys. They nodded. I followed Bella around the stand. We walked to the locker room that were behind the concession stands.

"He's in there," I asked. She nodded. I shrugged.

"Okay you can go back to your team. I'll see what he needs," I said. She nods and runs back. I open the door and walk in. Wow! It stinks. I walk inside. The boys freeze. Some of them are shirtless. Wow okay.

"Where's Coach," I asked. They pointed to his office.

"Allie. You were supposed to wait outside," Coach laughed.

"What? It's not like this is the first time a girl has walked into the boy's locker room," I laughed. The coach laughed. The boys smirked. Kyle looked amused.

"It actually is," Logan said.

"Oh. Well I feel pleasured," I smiled.

"Weirdo," Kyle laughed.

"Oh, but everyone loves this weirdo," I smiled.

"Cocky now are we," Kyle laughed.

"Very. So what did you need from me coach," I smirked.

"I need you to sing the national anthem. The Soloist is stuck in highway traffic," He said. I froze.

"Sorry. Coach but I can't sing," I lied.

"You can too!" Kyle said. I glared at him.

"Please," Coach said. Ugh!

"Fine, but you owe me coach," I said.

"Will do," Coach smiled.

"Now. I just have one question for you all," I said.

"What is it," Kalvin asked.

"It's 7:50. The game starts at 7:55. So why are you all shirtless," I laughed.

"SHIT!," They muttered. All of them started running. Kyle put his helmet on and walked to me.

"You are something else. You know that," He laughed.

"I know, but you love me so deal with it," I teased. He laughed.

"True," he laughed. I hugged him and walked out. I walked to the gate. The tech crew handed me a mic. The news crew and cameras were set up everywhere. I walked to the middle of the field. I was on the big screen. All the students, parents, teachers, cheerleading team, and football team looking my way. The guys looked at me confused.

"Now please rise for the National Anthem. Sung by Alessandra Elisabetta Valentini," The announcer said. I took a deep breath and started singing. 


I really hope you liked it! Lauren and I worked hard writing it!

You know the drill.






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