Shadow Demon- Shadowhunters

By ladyoliviarb

543K 13.2K 1.2K

Echo Fairchild, older sister to Clary Fray, knows about the Shadow World. The day that Clary turns 18, is a d... More

Cold Fire
Disappearing Ruin
Plan of Action
First Secret
Alec's Arrows
First Change
Downworld Rave
Greater Demon Ruin
Mama Lightwood
Family Picture
Maryse and Echo
Second Change
Shocking Cup
Valentine's Experiment
Idris Past
City of Dark
Book of the White
Total Transformation
Season 2! Season 2!

Glowing Green

14.1K 380 20
By ladyoliviarb

Echo stood in the hallway as Alec and Isabelle talked with their parents. Echo stood a few doors down to ensure that she didn't hear anything. The conversation had already gone on for fifteen minutes and she was slightly worried. But her worry was distracted by a small boy coming around the corner.

Max smiled at Echo, "You're Echo."

Echo nodded, "and you're Max."

Max smiled, "Have you seen Alec?"

Echo nodded, "He's in there with Isabelle and your parents, but they are talking about private things.

Max flapped his arms, "I never get to hear the good stuff."

Echo knelt down to Max's level, "Don't worry, I don't get to either."

Max pointed to Echo's hair, "Your hair changed."

Echo glanced down for a moment, "Yeah, it's been doing that."

Max smiled, "It's cool."

Echo was going to respond, but the door opened and Alec and Isabelle stepped out. They both went opposite directions. Alec walked up to Echo and Max as Echo stood up.

"How was it?"

Alec just shook his head, "Informative."

Echo gave Alec a gentle smile and her and Max followed Alec into the controls room.

"Hey, Alec. Do you think you can get my Stele back?"

They descended the steps, "They took it away because you nearly burned down the Mumbai Institute."

Max looked down, "How many times do I have to say it was an accident?"

Alec suddenly stopped and knelt down in front of Max, Echo stood behind them.

"Look Max. Someone very important is coming to visit. Do you think you could stay out of trouble for a couple days? If you do, I promise I'll get your Stele back."

As soon as Alec finished giving Max a sincere look, all of their attentions were focused on the sudden presence of the last person any of them wanted to see.

Echo's breath was stuck in her throat as Alec pushed Max back and suddenly had a drawn bow in his hands. Echo put her hands around Max's shoulders. Alec let the arrow fly at Valentine and he caught it. Echo watched the arrow drop and Valentine pulled out his Stele. As quickly as Valentine appeared, he was replaced with a blonde woman. The woman stood with confidence.

The woman took a few steps forward with a smirk on her face, "I'm Lydia Branwell; Envoy from the Clave."

Echo's eyes went wide and she involuntarily tightened her grip on Max. The woman noticed somebody behind Echo and brushed past Alec.
"Maryse, the Clave has ordered me temporary control over this institute."

Maryse and Isabelle, both looking sharp, descended the steps, "Nobody informed--"

Lydia cut Maryse off, "They didn't need too. To repeat myself, it's only temporary. Nothing's been decided yet, but I do need full clearance in order to assess how this institute is running."

Lydia finally looked over at Echo.

"Echo Fairchild, pleasure to meet you. Where is your sister? I would like to speak with both of you."

Echo gave a sideways glance at Alec before he spoke for her.

"She's in the field, training."

Lydia took a step forward, "You're telling me she is just out and about in the streets of New York? Valentine's daughter?"

"Isn't she also your cousin?"

Echo was startled at what Isabelle had said.

"Distant cousin."

"She's with Jace."

Lydia turned back to face Alec, "Same Jace Wayland who decided to lead an unsanctioned raid against the vampires?"

Maryse walked toward Lydia and Echo pulled Max away slightly.

"Jace might be unconventional, but he is our best soldier. If he is with Clary she is in good hands."

"I hope so, and for your sake. All of New York."

Lydia turned back to look at Echo, "I'm surprised to see you here. I would have thought you would be with your sister. Training."

Echo could feel the authority dripping off of the Envoy.

"I was told I needed to stay here, protected."

Lydia gave a smile, "And you stayed." It wasn't a question, "Clary should take a lesson from you."

Echo swallowed, "You're my cousin?"

Lydia's smile went slightly wider, "A few times removed, but yes."

"I didn't think we had any family left."

Lydia's eyes sparkled, "Feel's good to find family, doesn't it?"

Echo gave the smallest smile, "Yeah, it does."

Echo couldn't help but feel slightly scared of Lydia. She wasn't sure if it was because the only emotion that was coming from her was authority, or if it was the fact that Lydia could find out what Valentine did to her. Echo took a step back and bumped into Alec's chest. She sucked in a breath and she watched Lydia walk away. Echo let go of Max and pushed away from Alec. Something wasn't right with the way she was feeling.

Alec noticed her sudden changed in behavior and went to follow her. Echo walked down the winding hallways, but for the strangest reason, she couldn't seem to find her room. It was like the emotions she was feeling was clouding her direction. Echo gave a slight growl and hit the wall.

Alec, who was following her, heard Echo growl and his body went ridged as it usually did when he was about to fight. Alec told himself that it was just Echo, but he approached her with caution.

"Hey, you're fine."

Echo raised her head and Alec sucked in a breath. Echo's eyes were glowing a dark green and she looked in pain.

Alec held his hands up, "Okay, I'm sorry. Just tell me what's wrong."

Echo blinked and the glow defused. She shook her head and leaned both of her hands on the wall, "Something's wrong. Emotions are pouring into me, but I don't think they are mine."

Alec dropped his hands, "Okay, what kind of emotions?"

Echo set her forehead against the wall, "Some form of love, but it isn't as strong as love."

Alec took a step forward, "That's...odd."

Echo didn't want to admit to Alec that it was only present when he was near. Alec's phone went off and he was suddenly walking down the hall. Echo pushed herself off of the wall and followed him. They both trudged into the control room.

"I have something you need to see." Alec was talking to Maryse and Lydia.

"Somebody attacked the Jade Wolf."

Alec pulled up the picture he had received via text and showed it to the Shadowhunters.

"The Werewolves headquarters--" Maryse started but Lydia cut her off, again.

"Where did you get these?"

Alec glanced at Echo, "Leader of the New York wolf pack."

"You are friends with Lucian Graymark? An ex Circle member?"

Echo's foul mood was suddenly tarnished, "Wait, what?" Echo held up a hand for the conversation to stop, "Luke was a Circle member?"

Lydia looked at Echo with sudden embarrassment, "Do you know him?"

Echo folded her arms, "He basically raised me."

Lydia swallowed, "I'm sorry, I didn't know."

The silence that Echo emitted was defining.

Maryse gave a sudden intake of air, "How about we send Isabelle and Alec to investigate, I'm sure this is linked to--"

"Valentine," Lydia was keeping her word about being in charge, "I need to see it for myself." Lydia walked away, but nobody followed her.

"Are you coming, or what?" Alec glanced at Echo and his mother and followed Lydia.

"Wait, can I come?"

Lydia turned at the sound of Echo's voice. The Envoy eyed her distant cousin.

"Stay here. If this is an act of Valentine, you will not be safe."

Echo swallowed but nodded, "I understand."

Lydia gave a small smile and left with Alec, leaving three Shadowhunters wondering how in the hell they are going to make it with a new person in charge. Echo pulled in a breath and eyed Maryse.

"Maryse, can I ask you something?"

Maryse's features changed, "Yes, of course."

Maryse gestured for Echo to follow her down the hall toward the elevators, "What is it, Echo?"

Echo folded her arms, "I don't know if they told you this, but Clary got the cup. Alec hid it, but that's not the point. When I went to touch the cup it shocked me. I was wondering if you knew if the cup could control me," Echo swallowed, "Seeing as it can control demons."

Maryse let a smile play on her face, "I wouldn't know, dear. But my thinking is that perhaps it can only control a fully operating demon. I don't think it would be able to control you."

Echo gave a sigh, "That's what Alec said."

"And you don't agree?"

Echo gave a shudder, "The way I felt when I touched it. I felt like the cup was suddenly a superior being."

"Did you feel connected to it?"

Echo shook her head, "No, it wasn't connection I felt, more like suggestion."

Maryse took a second to think, then gave a somber sigh, "Perhaps the more you change, the more we will know about you and the cup."

Echo sighed, "Thank you, Maryse."

Maryse gave Echo a nod and Echo pulled away from her and blindly made her way into her room. Echo's room was much like the rest of the rooms in the institute. The silk bedspread was a beautiful burgundy and the mauve colour accents pulled together the dark mahogany settings.

Echo pulled open her drawer and took out an outfit. Black pants, grey top and a black outer jacket and she found high top shoes that matched the grey top. Echo dressed in the tight fabric and looked at herself in her full-length mirror. Her pale skin jumped out from the dark fabric and her eye colour made her features look sunken in. Her glowing red hair was the major source of colour. The red made everything around her look dull and pallid.

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